I don't own One Piece. Oda-sensei does.

It was dark, and all he noticed otherwise was that everything was heavy, like when he was in water, only he could breathe fine.

He felt the walls for a door or a light switch, but the entire room was sealed. He tried to call his nakama, only to find the act too difficult, his voice coming only as a weak whimper.

Then – there was a light! A figure, too, blurred but sure, approaching him. He tried to speak but once again, found it too hard, and then he succumbed to weakness and collapsed.

The figure drew nearer to the prone form, whose eyes were still open and trying to focus.

The boy's vision grew clearer… and saw the face of his grandfather. His eyes widened in panic as his grandfather grinned, a challenge in his eyes. He had to speak!

"Can' figh' cha," the boy forced out slowly, weakly attempting to lift his arms. The man leaning over him laughed cruelly, leaning out of the boy's line of vision.


Suddenly the boy felt cold, cold water surround him… he couldn't breathe, and it was so dark…


"Hey, wake up, bro!"

"Hold him still!"

"Baka, s-stop moving around!"


"Ouch! Can't you-"


The babbling crew fell silent at Usopp's proclamation, for once taking his advice seriously. They backed away to make room for the small bundle shaking on the floor. Luffy sat up, dazed, glancing around at his dishevelled nakama.

"What the hell happened to all you?" "IT WAS YOU, BAKA!" Luffy rubbed his head, glancing up at his bunk, and then down at his blanket. It was torn into shreds, and was even a little bloodied. Luffy tasted a metallic tang around his teeth, and wiped his mouth gingerly. He had bitten his tongue in his sleep.

"Luffy, what were you dreaming about?" The little reindeer inquired quietly. The surrounding boys shifted in around their captain. Luffy shook his head. "I can't remember." He flashed a huge grin at his nakama… but he couldn't stop his hands from shaking.