"Doton, Retsudo Tenshou

So…Um… This is my first Naruto fanfiction…

Hope ya like it –smiles-

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. If I did, this story would happen. And Tobi would be the coolest person ever –grins- because Tobi is a good boy.


Oh yeah…

Nii-san… I didn't get the chance to write to you today…

"Doton, Retsudo Tenshou! (Earth Release, Splitting Earth Force)"

Today was fun… I got my sharingan today…

"Rin! Hurry, grab on!"

And Kakashi… remember Kakashi? We're getting along now…

And we teamed up together perfectly to save Rin from some ninjas who kidnapped her…


What's going on…?


Oh, No.

Rin…Don't cry…

Oh…Wow… My body feels so numb…



Even though we finally became friends...

...I couldn't...

Finally admit it to Rin...

I wanted to be together with everyone longer...

"…Is that your dying will?"


"Is that your dying will…? To be with everyone longer…."

Yeah… I guess it is…

"…Open your eyes kid."

Slowly, eyes open to find themselves in the middle of a familiar room- a quite disorganized room that had posters and drawings taped crookedly onto the wall, clothes on the floor, and scrolls scattered on a bed. This room was defiantly familiar.

This is my room…

Am I alive…?

"No… you aren't alive kid, this is your subconscious."

My subconscious? If this is my subconscious then who are you? And why are you in my subconscious?

"I'm no one of great importance…"

Of course you aren't…

Everyone is important…

But if everyone is important, than no one is.

"…I like the way you think kid…heh…Listen…I want you to find me."

Find you?

"Yes. I'm in one of the many rooms that are in your mind…"

Don't worry mister…

I'll find you.

The room is exited, and the eyes see a familiar hallway.

Is my subconscious my house…?

"It may be… everyone's subconscious is based off where they want to be or where they want to go."

Heh that would makes sense…

Because I want to go home.

Pass by the kitchen to see dirty dishes in the sink. Eyes lighten to a memory of something to be forgotten.

(Flash back)

"Thanks for the food! I'm off!"

"Eh? Hey! xxxxx! It's your turn to clean the dishes!" A girl calls out.

"It is? Ah, I'd love to do the dishes, but I have to go on a mission…"

"Oh, whatever! But when you get back from that mission, you'll have to have your turn with the dishes twice!" The girl reaches out her pinky, hoping for a pinky swear.

"Heh heh, alright." A hand reaches out and agrees to the pinky swear.

(End Flash back)

There goes one promise out the window…

Pass by the living room to see an unfinished essay on a coffee table…

(Flash Back)

"I can't believe we have to write an essay on what we want to be when we grow up!" A young boy pouts.

"That's a pretty easy essay."

"Easy!? How can this be easy!?" The boy shouts.

"Well… don't you want to be Hokage someday?"

"Yeah! I'm defiantly gonna be Hokage someday! You know it! I'm gonna make this country a grea- "

"There you go. Save the monologue for your essay; don't waste your breath on someone who isn't gonna listen… and doesn't have a dream anymore…"

"xxxxx…?" The young boy whispers.



"Heh. No problem. That essay should be an ace for you! C'mon, let's go play outside!"

"Alright!" The boy smiles and follows the other out the door…

(End Flash back)

Heh…Did he even finish that essay…?

Peak into the parent's room to find everything the way it always has…

Thoughts of them run through the head and echo into the hallways…

"Thanks, xxxxx you are so helpful!"

"xxxxx… Make your father proud."

"xxxxx. We are Uchiha. We are the pride and power."

"Good luck on your mission xxxxx!"

"xxxxx…you know we love you…right?...xxxxx…?"

Eyes close and continue down the hall. Pass the familiar bedroom and pass through hallway memories.

"xxxxx! Watch your step!"

"Whoa! Sorry xxxxx!"

"Hey! Take your water gun fights outside! Xxxxx! Rin!"

Foot steps stop in front of a door.

Nii-san's room…

No one has been in this room ever since he got drafted into the war…

"xxxxx you're a real idiot…"

"Try to keep up xxxxx!"

"xxxxx… I'm going into the war… don't be mad at anyone… and don't be mad if I die… xxxxx… take care of mom and dad… and your cousins…. And everyone… for me…"

Eyes close…

Hands hesitate to open the door…

Knowing what's inside…

But not wanting to face it…

"Didn't you say that you would find me?"


I did…

And I will.

The door opens…

"xxxxx? Become strong like me, okay?"

Takes a step into the room…

"I promise I won't die in this war. I'll come back alive…alright xxxxx?"

Eyes open slowly…

"Looks like you found me…"

Eyes come face to face with a red eyed man…

"Uchiha, Obito…"

"Yeah… I'm defiantly coming back alive… It's a promise.


Obito lifts his head to look at the red eyed man. This mysterious man looked to be a Uchiha, due to the sharingan and the Uchiha symbol on his red armor.

The man was sitting on a bed that was at the far end of the room, and at the halfway line of the room were bars. The half of the room where the man was, looked to be a prison.

Yeah… I found you mister. Now what do you want?

"Why, dear Obito… I'm here to grant you your Dying Will…"


And that's it so far… Hope it wasn't too short; it's the prologue anyways…

So…ah…review…? Tell meh if you like it…?

I'm just getting started with this –smiles-

So…ah…yeah… -looks around-
