I guess most of you thought this story would never be updated and to be honest...I thought that too. My inspiration for this story seemed to completely leave me as well as my inspiration to write at all. It simply came back to me 2 days ago and this is what it gave me. I'm not sure if this was my planned ending when I began this little story oh so long ago, but ... what can I say. I hope my inspiration sticks around for a while and allows me to write the stories it has filled my brain with over the past couple of days. I considered breaking up this ending into more than one chapter (seeing that it is over 5,000 words), but I felt anyone who had any interest in this story at all deserved the entire cake. LOL I know many of you who were reading or following this story will have the reread the previous chapters and for that I GREATLY apologize and appreciate your effort. A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who has alerted, reviewed, or simply read the story. I hope this does not disappoint. I hope you enjoy!

Chapter 21

Booth flung the tie around his neck attempting to stay focused on the tasks at hand, but his heart simply wasn't in it. All he seemed able to focus on was the idea of how he would give anything to make this situation a daily occurrence. Perfect…yes that's exactly how he would describe this moment…perfect.

Booth couldn't seem to wipe the pronounced smile from his face as he finished the tasks before him. Looking at his reflection in the mirror, he heard the water abruptly stop its insistent pitter patter against the shower wall, and his smile widened out of its own accord. Leaning on the door frame, Booth lightly tapped on the paneled door leading into the master bath. He heard the sharp intake of air only moments before her response.

"Yes?" her voice shook slightly.

"Just wanted to let you know the bedroom's all yours. I'll close the door behind me," he stated.

"You're leaving?" she asked. Booth immediately picked up on the insecurity in her tone.

"Not till you're finished," he replied quickly.

Relieved she quietly answered, "Thanks Booth."

"Anytime," he said just loud enough for her to hear. "Anything," he whispered.

Laughter echoed throughout the apartment as Temperance emerged from the bedroom ready for the day. The quiet swoosh of the opening bedroom door had not gone unnoticed by Seeley Booth or the quiet padding of her feet as she crossed the room toward the couch. Booth angled his head in her direction; silently acknowledging her presence with a smile.

"Well, bub," Booth said with a pat to the youngster's leg, "I'd better go. Be good for Bones, okay?"

"Okay, dad," Parker responded automatically as he turned his attention back to the cartoons.

Ruffling the blonde mop of curls, Booth placed a kiss to Parker's forehead as he slipped from the couch.

"You're sure you don't mind?" Booth questioned as he approached Brennan who loomed in the background of the family scene before her.

"I offered, didn't I," she stated.

With a heartfelt smile, he nodded as he reached her; cradling her elbow in one hand while the other gently moved her jaw for a better inspection of her cheek.

"It's looking better," he stated as his eyes met hers.

"Feels better," her voice hushed.

"Good," he whispered; his gaze still locked with hers.

Booth's lips brushed a feather light kiss across the yellowed bruise and another over the white butterfly bandage before muttering his farewell.

"I'll call around lunch time just to check in, but if you need anything before then, just call, okay?" Booth's voice was soft and sincere; a perfect match to Brennan's features.

Brennan's reply was a gentle, understanding nod.

Brennan followed Booth to the door; a comforting silence surrounding them. As Booth pulled the door opened, he turned focusing his complete attention on her.

"I will, Booth," she interrupted.

He shook his head in surprise, "You don't know what I was going to ask, but you agree anyway? I like this side of you Temperance."

Giving him a playful smirk, she replied, "You were going to ask me to lock the door when you leave and not to answer it unless I could identify the one knocking. I will, Seeley. I would never put Parker in harms way…at least not intentionally. I promise."

"Parker wasn't the only one I was thinking of, Temperance," he whispered as his lips brushed across her forehead. And with that he stepped out the opened door hearing the series of clicks that let him know his family was safe.

Before Booth approached a judge, he wanted to make sure he had all the facts about Alexander Rush. Brennan had made substantial progress on this case, and he knew she did it for him. That was his drive in making sure this was an open and shut case. Every "i" would be dotted and every "t" would be crossed.

It was amazing how "off the record" and "unofficial" information seems to hang around; especially in the FBI. By the time noon had rolled around, Booth had pretty much the name of every guy who had work with or for Rush since the mid-nineties and lots of that "unofficial" information had magically (with the right amount of persuasion) had become incriminating evidence. He had enough to search Rush's 5 residences from top to bottom and back again. All that was needed was judge's signature and that was exactly where he was heading.

After Booth left, Brennan settled down next to Parker on the couch.

"How do you feel?" she asked as she gently stroked his arm.

"Ok, I guess," Parker shrugged.

"Is there something you feel like doing?" Brennan asked. "We could play a board game or something if you feel up to it."

"Me and Dad have lots of games in my bedroom closet!" some energy and excitement retuned to Parker's voice.

"A game it is," Temperance nodded as she lifted herself off the couch.

She couldn't help but smile at the excitement that seemed to spark in Parker's eyes. He might not be biologically hers, but there was a relief; a happiness in his recovery that she had never felt before.

"Well, Parker," she announced over the stack of games in her arms, "I wasn't sure which one you wanted so I brought them all. You weren't kidding when you said 'lots of games', huh?"

Parker giggled as he moved to a sitting position on the couch.

"Me and Dad like to play games when we can't go outside to play," he stated matter-of-factly.

"Well that must be why you're so smart," Temperance agreed; reminding herself that the simple fact would suffice without the scientific reasoning. "Which one would you like to play?"

"Mmmm…Guess Who," Parker decided after looking over the choices stacked on the coffee table. "You do know how to play, right?"

"Actually," Brennan began as she pulled the game from the stack, "no, but I'm a pretty fast learner if you don't mind to teach me."

Parker smiled, "I'll teach ya, no problem."

Parker explained the game and even gave a sample demonstration of what each player should be doing and what some of the best questions were to ask. Brennan listened to the thorough explanation making note of the serious tone and questioning glances that were so much like her partners.

"So ya ready to play?" he asked.

"I think so, Parker," she replied happily as she selected the character that Parker would be trying to guess. "Why don't you go first?"

"Is the person male or female?"

After 3 games of Guess Who? , 1 game of checkers, and countless games of Connect 4, Parker was officially worn out. His eyes began to droop as his head would nod forward or lull from side to side.

"Parker," Brennan's voice was barely above a whisper. "Why don't you rest for a little while so I can fix us some lunch?"

"M'kay," Parker mumbled. "Thanks for playin, Tempe."

Brennan placed the game boxes back into a neat stack on the coffee table before moving in front of the couch.

"Rest, Parker," she soothed as she settled a blanket over him. "Sleep well."

Brennan glanced at the clock as she made her way into the kitchen.

Already noon?, she thought, Not really enough time to prepare anything. And from the looks of Booth cabinets and fridge earlier there's not exactly a plethora of choices.

Deciding that a well placed call to Sid's would solve the lunch dilemma, Temperance picked up the phone; carrying it into the kitchen with her.

Task one, complete, she said to herself as she ended the phone call with Sid; who, as usual, promised a lunch that would make any kiddo feel better. After rummaging through various kitchen drawers, Brennan finally found a stray empty envelope and pencil which were needed for the completion of her next task. Nosing through Booth's cabinets and refrigerator, Brennan compiled a list of all the necessary items. She then called in her grocery order to a quant organic foods store that was just a block away from Booth's apartment. Task two, done.

Moments later, a soft knock drew Temperance from the kitchen. Taking all the precautions, Brennan opened the door to Sid's kind face.

"Hey doc," he quietly greeted. "Lil' man sleeping?"

"He is," she smiled warmly opening the door further for him to enter.

"Well I won't stay, then," he continued to whisper. "Just tell him Sid said to eat every bite and you too. Can't have the doc getting worn out."

"Thank you, Sid," Brennan voice softened further.

Reaching into her wallet, Sid's hand rested over hers.

"This one's on Ol' Sid," he stated patting her hand. "You just take care of lil' man and make sure G-man is taking care of this." Sid's hand brushed across the bandage on her hand as he titled his head to get a better look at her face.

"Will do, Sid," she stated, "and thank you."

Brennan shifted the bag of food into the crook of her elbow as she closed and locked the door behind Sid. She retreated into the kitchen and began setting out the various containers; each one already labeled for the appropriate person. Enough to feed an army, she thought.

Just past one and Booth was walking out of chamber with a signed warrant in hand. Booth had phoned Cullen who was currently setting up teams that would hit each house. Both wanted this to be to be the smoothest operation possible; therefore, planning was critical. Booth would lead the team that would search Rush's DC residence and Cullen had put some of his best agents with the other teams. Current time frame was to organize and group up to hit each residence at mid-night Eastern Standard Time. This would prevent Rush's ability of destroying evidence and give the FBI the element of surprise. He couldn't wait to tell Bones.

Flipping open his phone, he did just that.

"Hey, Bones!" his greeting enthusiastic.

"Hello, Booth," she answered amused at his excitement. "You seem in good spirits."

"Nothing can get me down today, Bones," he continued as he climbed in the SUV, "Parker seems to be on the mend, he's got the best person ever watching him, and I've got a warrant signed, sealed and just waiting to be delivered."

Brennan loved the moments when everything seemed right in Booth's world. He deserved those moments everyday.

"Well," she flushed at his 'best person ever', "it sounds like your day is going quite well."

"And you know what's going to make it even better?" he added as he maneuvered his way through DC traffic.

"What's that?" she asked.

His smile evident in his words, "I get to come home and spend a few quality hours with my two favorite people in the world."

"Good," Temperance added, "Then you can help eat some of this food Sid brought over. You'd think he was feeding an army."

"Aww, man," Booth groaned, "See what I mean! This day just keeps getting better!"

Once again a knock drew Temperance away from her tasks in the kitchen. Figuring it was the grocery delivery, she grabbed some cash, including a tip, from her wallet before answering the door. Before she could finish turning the various locks, an all too familiar voice drifted in from the hallway.

"Excuse me," Booth's tone lowering slightly. "Can I help you?"

"Umm, yes," answered the teenaged boy as he fumbled with the bags of groceries, "I was looking for Dr. Brennan."

Taking one of the bags from the boy, Booth asked, "Mind to tell me what's in the bags?"

"No sir…uhh..I mean yes sir…uhh…I mean," the teenager stumbled across his words, "I work for Original Organic. It's a grocery store just around the corner. Dr. Brennan placed a call in order and gave this address as the delivery address. Usually the address is her home address, but Dr. Brennan was specific in the change for today. I always deliver Dr. Brennan's groceries. Mainly on…"

The young man continued to ramble until Booth caught a glimpse of the beautiful doctor as she opened door. Raising his hand to silence the young man, Booth gestured toward Brennan. I believe this is the person you are looking for.

"Thank you, Caisson," she announced; reaching for one of the two remaining bags while handing him the cash. "Sorry about any confusion with the address change."

"No problem what so ever, Dr. Brennan," Caisson's voice cracked as he blushed. "Have a good day."

Caisson's gaze darted nervously as he extended the remaining bag to Booth's out stretched hand. Nodding once to the agent, he tripped and stumbled until finally gaining his balance and walking quickly down the hall.

"Nervous little guy, isn't he," Booth commented as he followed Temperance back into the apartment.

"You scared him, Booth," she answered; carrying the bag into the kitchen.

"I barely said 20 words to the kid," Booth retorted as his bags joined Brennan's on the counter.

"It's not the words," she reminded as she began putting the groceries away. "It's the look you gave him and the tone you used."

"What look," he asked as he watched her scurry about the kitchen, "and what tone?"

Brennan stopped in the center of the kitchen and turned her accusing eyes on her partner.

Booth shrugged, "Yeah, okay, maybe I was a tad bit intimidating, but can you blame me with all that's happened lately."

"Booth," she admonished, "did you see Caisson at all? I'm pretty sure I could have handled myself."

"He could have been hiding a gun in one of those bags for all I knew," Booth stated in his defense. "It's not like he's my weekly delivery boy."

"Caisson is not old enough to even have a permit for a gun," she supported her reasoning further, "and besides that, he gets so nervous talking to any adult that I'm quite sure couldn't hold a gun steady."

"He could still try, Bones," Booth muttered as he began poking around the take out containers Sid had brought by.

"Well after today, Booth, I find that very unlikely," she assured him as she gathered the utensils for their lunch.

Booth smiled, "Then I did my job, Bones."

"And what job is that might I ask," she questioned as she brushed by him.

"Oh, you know the usual," he added as he followed her to the dinning table. "Protecting society as a whole and making sure I get to enjoy lunch with my forensic anthropologist and son."

"We are going to work on your possessive pronouns, Booth," she chided as she finished setting the table.

"There's nothing wrong with my possessive pronouns," Booth mocked as he went to wake up Parker. "You are MY forensic anthropologist. I don't like to share, Bones. You know that."

Booth always enjoyed lunch. Either he ate lunch with Bones or he at least had pie, but most of the time he was fortunate to enjoy the company of both. Today…today was even better. Lunch was filled with the play-by-play of all the games Parker and Brennan had enjoyed earlier. Booth couldn't help but snicker at Temperance's blush when Parker announced that he had won all 3 games of Guess Who?. What Booth really heard was that Brennan went out of her way to help make his son feel better. Yes, today was exceptional. Booth got to have lunch with his family, and he had pie too.

Once take out containers were thrown away or stored away in the refrigerator, Booth, Parker, and Brennan settled down to play Life.

"I vaguely remember this from my own childhood," Brennan commented as she scooted herself closer to the coffee table as Booth set up the game.

"Really?" Booth mused. "I always took you for a Monopoly type of girl, Bones."

"Oh, I've played that too," she piped up completely missing Booth's nerdy suggestion.

Snickering, Booth continued, "Okay, Bub, which way: Career or College?"

"College," Parker responded immediately.

Booth looked to Temperance indicating the same question.

"Oh," Brennan stammered, "College."

"Had me worried for a second there, Bones," Booth teased. "I think I'll choose College, too."

Parker was the first to choose his career; a police officer with a salary of $100,000. Booth was next; a travel agent with a salary of $80,000. Brennan was last; a teacher with a salary of $10,000. Booth seemed to be the only one to find humor in Brennan's situation.

"You know, Booth," she lectured at his laugh, "teachers are some of the most highly qualified, over worked, and under paid employees in America. Granted they could have chosen a more lucrative profession, but many teach for the joys of passing on the love of learning. However, lately there seems to be several who are making teachers look more like predators than role models."

"Yeah, yeah, Bones. I hear ya," he joked. "You're just cranky you got stuck with a low salary."

"Hump," she retorted. "Parker it's your turn."

Booth was amused at Brennan's facial reaction to the marriage component of the game. He had fully expected her to argue her stance on the situation and refuse to take part in any form or fashion. Much to his surprise, she only curled her nose in distaste as she married the blue stick man of her dreams.

By the end of the game, Parker was the richest; having lived in a $200,000 Victorian mansion with no children and retiring at Millionaire Estates. Booth did well; lived in a $100,000 suburb home with 2 kids and retiring at Country Acres. Brennan however did not fair as well; having lived in a $40,000 shack with 6 kids and retiring at Country Acres.

"Well at least we can spend our final days together, Bones," Booth stated as they began packing away the game pieces. "I should be able to take care of you with my retirement fund."

"At least it'll be quite," she remarked with a grin. "I mean the upside to having 6 screaming kids in a car during my trek through life is that I should be deaf."

"Real funny, Bones," Seeley pouted as he closed the lid to the game.

"So what's next, Parks?" Booth waited for the next game choice.

Noticing how tired he looked, Brennan suggested, "If you want Parker, you can take a nap or watch some television with your dad while I start supper."

"That sounds good, Tempe," Parker yawned. "I'm kinda tired."

Both adults stood, stretching as they did. Booth glanced at the clock; a shadow of dread casting over his features as he realized just how much time had passed. Brennan caught his gaze mouthing the word "When?". Booth nodded toward the kitchen indicating for her to follow.

"Be right back, Bub," Booth stated as he flipped on the television.

Parker nodded with a whispered, "M'kay Dad."

After adjusting Parker's blanket and making sure he was comfortable, Brennan followed silently; wondering exactly what was to take place and when. Booth hadn't discussed the details since he'd gotten home and Brennan hadn't pried.

When Brennan entered the kitchen, Booth was leaning against the kitchen counter; head bowed and shoulders hunched. Brennan rested against the small work island directly in front of Booth. In a gesture of comfort, Brennan allowed her hand to brush across Booth's hand that was gripping the side of the counter. Unexpectedly, Booth caught her gentle caress; holding her hand in his.

"I need to be back at the Hoover by 9," he said; finally looking up. "We're set to hit the Rush residences at midnight."

"Midnight?" she questioned. "Seems like an odd time."

"Element of surprise," he answered. "Also needed time to get the other branches up to speed and organize their teams. This way we can hit simultaneously. Less chance of evidence being destroyed; better chance at actually catching Rush at one of the residences."

"Oh," was all she could say.

"I discussed with Cullen my concern about having you and Parker here alone," he squeezed her hand. "I don't like it, Bones."

"Parker and I will be fine," she soothed. "You need to focus on your mission."

He sighed; noting her concern for him over herself, "I can't compartmentalize you and Parker. So, I've set up a few precautions I want you to be aware of."

"Booth," she sighed.

"Bones," he countered. "You and Parker….you're mine and I don't intend on anyone harming my family. Not if I can prevent it. Understand?" He waited for her nod of acceptance; shocked when it actually came.

"Good," he continued. "There will be two agents at each entrance to the building and another two will be posted outside the apartment door. My spare gun is in the lock box in the top of my closet and the bullets are in the false bottom of the same box. The combination is 2-6-6-3-7. If something happens, get my gun and you and Parker hide in my bedroom closet. This is something Parker and I have discussed and practiced. He'll be fine as long as he's with you."

"Do you think this is necessary?" she asked; worry laced her words.

"No," his answer was immediate. "I don't think Rush is expecting a thing, but it will help keep me focused. It's just a precaution. I can't take chances when it comes to the safety of my family. I've lived through that once this week. I can't do it again."

"I wouldn't ask you to," she whispered; his concern mirroring in her own eyes.

"C'mere," his voice soft as he tugged her to him; wrapping his arms securely around her.

In that moment time stood still.

Booth and Brennan tried to enjoy supper as the trio ate. Parker seemed recharged after his afternoon nap, and babbled over what the group could do the rest of the evening. Brennan shot Booth a concerned glance. Booth's eyes pleaded with Brennan to stay quiet…just a little longer. Perfect shouldn't come to an end so soon.

"Everything was great, Bones," Booth complimented as he helped clear the table.

Blushing, she replied, "I'm glad you liked it."

"Like is a bit of an understatement," he groaned. "I mean, I knew your mac 'n cheese was beyond words, but who knew you could fix a steak like that!"

"I'm sure it had more to do with the cut of beef rather than my cooking abilities, Booth," she amended as she started the dishwasher.

"Well, all I have to say is that I've been to a lot of fancy restaurants and paid a large chunk of change for some of their steaks, but none of them were as good as that!" he retorted as they left the kitchen.

Conceding, she smiled, "I enjoyed my salad as well. Overall I think it was a success."

"How you can chose a salad over a juicy, perfectly cooked steak is beyond me, Bones," his tone light but matter of fact.

She thought to herself "You'll need the extra calories tonight," but to her credit she said nothing just smiled.

The trio settled onto the couch, Booth eyeing the clock as he realized he only had two hours, tops, before he needed to leave. Parker had put in Wall-E and found his rightful place nestled against Brennan. Booth wondered if Parker would make it all the way through the movie.

Booth was always amazed at how much Parker enjoyed Wall-E. For a movie with very little words, it kept Parker's attention more so than most. Parker managed to stay awake through the ending, and Booth's time with his family had basically come to an end.

"Parker," Booth leaned up from his relaxed position on the couch. "You ready for bed?"

"I guess," Parker mumbled against Brennan's side.

Booth laughed as he noticed his son made no intention of moving.

Come on, Bub," Booth lightly patted Parker's leg. "Go brush your teeth and change your pajamas. Bones and I will come tuck you in."

"Alright," Parker sighed as he moved from the couch and shuffled down the hallway.

Brennan eyed Booth, "Are you going to tell him?"

"Yeah," he nodded. "I don't keep things from him unless I have to. He trusts me, and I'm not going to lose that."

"Parker's is a very lucky boy," she commented. "You're a great dad."

"Thanks, Bones," his tone humble. "That means a lot. So what do you say we go tuck in that oh so lucky little boy."

"Okay," Brennan agreed.

Standing from the couch, she took Booth's outstretched hand and followed him down the hall.

"You ready, Bub," Booth asked; opening Parker's bedroom door slightly.

"Yeppers," he answered; crawling under the covers.

Booth sat down on the edge of the bed; pulling the covers more snuggly around Parker's small frame.

"Parks," Booth started, "there's something I need to talk to you about."

"What?" Parker wondered.

"You're a smart enough boy to know that someone tried to hurt Bones, right?" Booth eased into the conservation.

"Some bad men," Parker corrected. "You shouldn't hit anyone, but especially not girls."

"That's right," Booth praised. "Well, those bad men need to be caught and I know who hurt Bones and Conner's mommy and daddy."

"You do?" Parker's eyes widen in surprise.

"Yes," Booth confirmed.

Parker's voice grew serious, "Well, you need to catch them."

"I was hoping you would say that," Booth's pride in his son grew. "In a little while, I'm going to leave to do just that and you'll stay here with Bones. Is that okay?"

"Sure daddy," Parker agreed. "And I'll take care of Bones while you're gone."

"Thank, Bub, I appreciate that," Booth beamed. "You know that means remembering what we practiced if there were ever any bad guys in the apartment."

"I remember," Parker nodded in all seriousness. "Did you tell Bones?"

"Yes," Booth answered, "and she knows what grown up things to do as well."

Parker rubbed his sleepy eyes before yawning, "Okay, Daddy. Catch those bad guys for Conner and Bones,"

"I will," Booth lightly kissed his forehead. "We'll lock 'em up and throw away the keys."

Temperance had followed him into the living room after leaving Parker. And now standing in the foyer, she wasn't sure who was dreading the next goodbye more.

"Keep the door locked," he stated as her eyes meet his.

"Don't worry about us," Brennan assured. "You just be careful."

Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, Booth stated, "Don't you worry about me. I'll be home before you even miss me."

"I highly doubt it," she corrected; her hand coming to rest on his cheek.

Booth took advantage of their closeness; leaning down to brush his lips lightly against hers.

"You stay safe, understand," he asked as he pulled away slightly.

Temperance could only nod her response.

"If you need anything or if anything happens, you'll call? Promise me?" he begged.

She whispered, "I promise."

"Go to bed and sleep," he asked; his hand caressing her cheek just below the fading bruise. "I'll be home soon."

She wanted to argue that it would be impossible to sleep. But offered what reassurances she could.

"I'll try," she agreed.

And with that, Booth walked out of the apartment and into the night.

Brennan tried not to focus on what was possibly going on with Booth. She looked for different tasks to occupy her mind and seemingly countless minutes. There were no dishes to wash, no messes to be picked up, not even the overflowing inbox of email messages held her attention. Brennan dared to ready herself for what was certain to be the longest night of her life.

After changing into a tank top and pajama pants, Brennan quietly stepped down the hallway to check on Parker. Opening the door just a crack, Brennan could see he was sleeping peacefully. This seemed to ease some of the tension that was residing in her neck and spine.

Brennan moved through the various rooms of the apartment; shutting off the lights as she went. Checking the locks on the door one final time, Brennan moved to flick off the couch side table. Her hand rested on the switch for the briefest of moments before deciding to leave the light burning. She crawled into Booth's bed; the room already bathed in darkness with the exception of the warming glow from the living room lamp.

Here she would surround herself with him; hoping he would come back to her.

Planning….it was always about the planning. Looking at every angle, every escape route, every variable until there were none. Suited up in black Kevlar, Booth motioned his men into position. They were ready for this. Ready for it to start or ready for it to end -it didn't matter. They were ready.

Everything happened in a blur of papers, faces, and adrenaline. Booth found Rush in his study meeting with his associates. Plans…plans to end yet other lives; destroy other people futures including his. Bones was their next target.

"You forgot about one variable," Booth sneered as he cuffed Alexander Rush. "Me."

"Your little rat there should have informed you," Booth continued as he nodded toward Paul Nichols. "I'm sure Chloe will be really proud of her old man. You had your chance to avoid all of this Nichols."

Nichols' head slumped in shame as other agents came in the room cuffing each of Rush's associates.

It was over.

Booth shook the agents' hands at the front entrance of his apartment building.

"Thanks Bryant," his voice sincere. "You too Garrett."

"No problem, Booth," Bryant replied tugging at the mic to inform the other agents of Booth's return and their release of duty.

Booth bounded up the stairs. Not meeting any of the other agents, he assumed they took the elevator. He would thank them all personally when he saw them at the Hoover.

As Booth stepped onto his floor, he saw Agent Lee still on duty.

"Lee," Booth called. "Thought Bryant told you to go home."

Lee responded immediately, "He did. Just needed to see you for myself. I know how I'd feel if that was my family."

"You're a good man, Lee," Booth stated whole heartedly. "and a damn fine agent."

"Thank you sir," Lee answered; silently leaving.

Booth's key slid into the locks quietly and quickly released them from their prison. His quick inventory of the apartment led him to the conclusion that the occupants were sleeping soundly and this made him smile. His family was safe. He entered the apartment silently not wanting to disturb their slumber. Making his way down the hall he checked on Parker whose soft snores filled the room. Booth's heart soared at the thought of being able to check on him like this for several more nights before Rebecca's return. Leaving the door slightly ajar, Booth turned in the opposite direction; one destination in mind.

She was curled on her side worrying with the sheet that was pulled between her fingers. Her lips moved, but no words filled the room. Booth watched – intrigued by her behavior, but when her fingers brushed away a silent tear concern coursed through his body.

Crossing the room in three long strides, Booth voiced his presence, "Bones, what's wrong."

A soft sob escaped her tight lips as Booth turned her to face him. Her eyes were blurry and red rimmed with tears.

Gathering her in his arms, he spoke in hushed tones, "Shh, baby, it's alright. Tell me what's wrong."

"I..I..I can't…lose you," she murmured into his shoulder. "I…I just…can't."

"Shh," he soothed, "It's over, baby. I'm right here. Everything's fine. You're never gonna lose me."

After several minutes, Temperance pulled back slightly from his embrace. Cupping his face in her hands, she traced his features with feather light touches down to his shoulders to his arms.

"Satisfied?" he asked.

She nodded.

"I'm going to grab a shower," he requested. "Don't go anywhere, okay?"

Again she nodded as Booth pulled her to him in a tender hug.

Booth settled her back into the comforts of the blankets and pillows as he made his way into the master bath.

Temperance listened to the water pelting onto the shower wall – finding the noise soothing – reassuring. Her eyes grew heavy and for the first time tonight she allowed them to drift shut peacefully.

As Booth exited the bath, he turned the light off not wanting to disturb her.

"I'm not asleep," she mumbled.

"Well you should be," Booth replied; reaching for her as he crawled into bed.

"I've found I sleep better with you," she answered somewhat shyly settling along side him.

"That's a very good thing. Don't ya think, Bones?" he asked as he kissed her forehead.

Her content sigh was all the answer he needed.

"This habit is going to be hard to break when I return to my apartment," she stated worriedly.

Booth grinned as he ran his fingers through her hair, "I'm sure we can find an appropriate compromise. You know, Bones, not all good things must come to an end."

And as they say..."That's All Folks"! Thank you so much for reading.