Author: LadySmithCaine
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters off of CSI: Miami; they belong to CBS and the producers of the show. I'm just merely borrowing them for my story.
Pairing: Horatio/Calleigh (DuCaine)
Rating: PG - 13
Summary: Julia's resurfacing brings troubles onto Calleigh and Horatio's relationship concerning Kyle. In the midst of it all, Hank Kerner escapes from jail once again and he's determined to get even with Calleigh.
Calleigh placed her hands on her hips as she looked out the glass door to the world outside; which consisted of Horatio and and his ex - girlfriend Julia Winston or Eberly. Kyle was in the car and Calleigh sighed at the hurt look on the young boy's face at the sight of his fighting parents, well Julia was doing most of the fighting really.
Julia threw Horatio a cold smirk before she turned around on her heel and slipped into her car. Calleigh's blood boiled at the scene going on in front of her. How dare she hurt Horatio like that? She took her eyes off of the retreating car; the one that was ripping his life apart and pulling him farther away from the only thing he really ever had in his life; and let them fall on her boss who had his eyes down and looking at the ground.
"Oh, Horatio." She whispered to herself as she let her own eyes cast down at her heels. Horatio had never done anything other than try and help her, and what kind of payment was this?
Horatio finally looked up and he found his CSI looking down at her feet. He smiled slightly to himself at the sight of his blonde ballistics expert. She was always there for him, whether to comfort or reassure.
He made his way up the sidewalk and towards Calleigh. She heard the door slide open and then click closed so she brought her head up to look into her boss's beautiful bright blue eyes. He was such a sweet and caring man and she honestly couldn't think of a reason of why Julia would be treating him the way she was.
"Beautiful? Are you okay?" He asked with such tenderness that it almost brought tears to her eyes.
"I should be asking you that, Horatio." She arched her eyebrow to show him that she wanted an answer.
They had been dating for over a year now but she never ceased to amaze him. Even at a time like this; one that could have easily cause a crease in their relationship, she held strong for him.
"No." He answered honestly. "But I'll be fine. Kyle made his choice and it ended up not being with us. He wanted to be with his mother and the judge granted it. What is there for us to really do?"
She shrugged, knowing he was right. "Okay." She gave him one of her bombshell smiles and quickly leaned forward for a kiss. "It will be fine because I'll be here with you until it is. I'm yours forever now, remember?" She held up her left hand to show him her promise ring that he had given her the day of her birthday a couple of months back. "One of the promises was that I'd always be here with you 'til the end."
"Thank you, Calleigh."
"Don't thank me, Handsome. I'm always going to be here. I love you too much to ever leave you and I know that Kyle will come to his senses someday and he will come back with us. Don't worry, you'll always be a better parent to your son than Julia ever could be."
"I love you, Cal." He smiled softly before he brought a hand up to her hair and tangled his fingers into the blonde locks in his hands. He crashed his lips onto hers and let them linger there for a moment or two before pulling back and letting out a heavy sigh. "Let's go home."
Calleigh gave him a nod and brought her hand up to touch his face. She ran her hand down over his delicate cheek and let it fall back to her side. "Let me just go grab my things."
He nodded back and she turned around without another word; both silently promising each other that they would be there and together until the end.
Calleigh rolled over to look at her sleeping love. She leaned forward and placed a loving, gentle kiss to Horatio's forehead. She watched him sleep for what seemed like hours but when she looked over at the clock, she realized it had only been about five to six minutes. She ran her fingers through his thick red hair and kissed his forehead again. It had been hours after they had arrived at their condo before he had fallen asleep, and she was just grateful that he finally was.
Today had been really traumatic for the both of them but more so for him. His son had been torn away from him by his ungrateful mother who Calleigh really just wanted to have five minutes with alone. She let herself sink down under the covers and she curled herself up against Horatio to get warm. The night was especially chilly and gloomy; just perfect for the mood she was in. She could hear the pitter-patter of the rain outside beating down on the window pain right beside her side of the bed.
She closed her eyes and willed herself to go to sleep. This day could have not gone more wrong than it had and she just wanted to forget about it. She wanted to imagine Kyle smiling at her from his cell and thanking her for making his dad so happy. To be able to hear him playing his music in the next room...
"You make my dad so happy, happier than I've ever seen a man with his girlfriend. You really do bring out his good side and you always make him smile." With saying that, he brought up a smile, almost identical to Horatio's, and nodded his head. "You really do love him don't you?"
"More than I could really ever say. He makes me happier than I've ever been too, and I can't thank him enough for it. Now, now I have two very special men in my life and I'm sure that your dad can't wait for you to be released as well."
"Thanks, Miss Duquesne."
"You can call me Calleigh, Kyle."
"Thanks, Calleigh..."
But none of that was reality anymore. It had all been snatched away from them and the only sound filling the whole room was that of the rain in the lonely, quiet night. They would probably never be able to have Kyle in their lives again, but Calleigh would always love him as her own no matter what. He was Horatio's son and he had instantly been welcome into her life without a second thought.
She propped herself up on her elbow and glanced over at Horatio again. "Well, get Kyle back somehow, Handsome. If there's one thing that you have ever taught me, it's that you never give up, especially to those who would love to see you fall."
She kissed his lips softly before she fell back onto her pillow and settled against him to go back to sleep. "I love you, Handsome. I'll see you in the mornin'." She assured his sleeping form behind her before she closed her eyes and drifted off into her own sleep.