Notes : 'Draco is absolutely infatuated with Potter.' Slash, PG-13 at most. Enjoy :)


Draco is absolutely infatuated with Potter. He gets ridiculously, irritating soppy over the prat, and the way that his heartbeat trebles whenever Potter smiles, and the way his head swims whenever Potter looks at him with those stupid luminous emerald eyes, and the way Potter's kisses always get him entirely breathless.

Pansy knows; she's the only one. When she asks him one day what his favourite thing about Potter is, he sneers and say it's the sex. He is Draco Malfoy after all, and she shouldn't know everything. When he thinks about it later (because they haven't had sex, actually, because Potter has some foolish Gryffindor notion about waiting that Draco pretends he doesn't sort of agree with), he realises that his favourite thing about Potter shocks him.

Lately, Potter sleeps in Draco's bed (just for the company) and it isn't the times when he sits cross-legged on the end failing miserably at doing his homework and nibbling on his bottom lip in concentration. It isn't when he undresses and stretches (taking Draco's breath away entirely), or when he dumps his clothes in a messy pile on the chair because he knows Draco can't bear them unfolded. It isn't the way Potter kisses him or the fact that he starts leaving his toothbrush in Draco's trunk (although all of the above are somewhat amazing).

Actually, it's the times after the imbecile's had a fight with Granger or the Weasel, or failed a test, of there's been another dreadful article in the Prophet. Those nights, Potter curls silently back into his arms coiled so tightly he almost trembles. Then Draco kisses the back of his neck or slips an arm around his waist and Potter always sighs so deeply that it aches. Draco can feel the tension draining out of every line in his body, and often Potter turns to him afterwards with a sleepy little smile and buries his face in Draco's neck before he sleeps. The insufferably messy bird nest that Potter calls his hair and refuses to let Draco fix always tickles his nose.

One night in December when Potter has a well-deserved detention and Draco goes to bed alone, he realise that he can't sleep unless the git is beside him and that he misses the warm body beside him so desperately that it almost hurts, and he knows that he should really be worried. But he isn't.

Feedback is love :)

NB: I'm only posting this and Quarantine for a week – if they get a decent amount of feedback I'll keep them on, otherwise they're coming down again!

Love Live x