Lorelei's Fate

Chapter 1

New Beginnings

Author's Note: Here it is! The beginning of the sequel! Hope you like it. If not, then tell me how to improve it! I was going to put this as a last chapter in Hell to Pay, but I thought it would work better here. It's kinda short, but it's only the first chapter. It may seem a little rushed, also. Don't kill me...

Disclaimer: I do not own Tales of the Abyss.

Two years after the last events...

Luke, Tear, Asch, Natalia, Guy, Anise, and Jade were gathered in Yulia City for a celebration.

"Congrats to the newly weds!" Guy exclaimed. Asch and Natalia had gotten married just last week and they were having a small party.

Over the past two years, all of them had changed; some more than others.

Anise was the new Fon Master and has grown quite a bit. She had gotten the figure she had wanted all along. But instead of the original green robe the fon master was supposed to wear, she had a pink one made, just for her.

Jade was still a colonel, saying he already had his hands full from being a colonel. Though he still was right hand man to emperor Peony and visited Keterburg with him a lot.

Luke and Asch were still the Duke's sons, though Asch still had long hair and Luke cut his short. Asch had moved into one of the spare rooms in the Fabre mansion back when they came home from the core two years ago, but soon he was going to move into the castle with Natalia.

Tear was now a God-General, courtesy of Anise. She decided to keep her Oracle knight uniform rather than wearing a God-General uniform because it was easy to travel and fight in. Even though fighting wasn't all that necessary since Van's death.

Natalia was going to gain the throne soon, but due to the fact that she was recently married, they had it on hold. She was acting more as an advisor to her father to get ready to be queen.

Using funds from Peony, Guy built a mansion near Grand Chokmah, since he is the sole heir to House Gardios. In return, the former servant had to walk the rappigs once a week around the city.

Asch had one of his hands around Natalia, the other holding a glass of wine.

"Let's have a toast before this party ends." Luke suggested. They all held up their wine glasses, save Anise who held a glass of water.

"A toast to Ivalee, who gave Asch the chance to live." Natalia said.

"To Ivalee!" They all clinked glasses and took a drink. Then Asch and Natalia wandered a little to the side of the room and began to talk more about the future. Anise started telling Jade about how she got her title as the first female Fon Master. Luke and Guy talked about swordplay and some new strike artes.

"Hey, where's Tear?" Luke suddenly asked. He glanced from side to side.

"Oh, is it your turn to get married?" Guy teased as he slapped Luke on the back.

"N-No… It's just that--" Luke started, though Guy cut in.

"Just go find her." He told him. Handing his glass to Guy, Luke rushed off to find Tear.


Tear was in the garden, looking at Van's grave. Her cheeks were damp and moist.

"Why?" she asked Van's grave. "Why did you go to such extremes? There were other ways, less violent ways." A tear rolled down her cheek. She didn't notice Luke step in the room, or that he strolled over to her side.

Luke was about to say something, but then he thought, What if it backfires? What am I supposed to do then? He pondered this for minute.

Tear glanced at him for a moment, and then stared back at the grave. Instead of speaking, Luke wrapped his arm around her waist and stared at the grave with her. Tear leaned her head against his shoulder. They both gazed at the grave for a while.

Some things are better left unsaid.


At that same moment, a figure arose from the ruins of Hod. She had bright red hair, completely drained of black dye. Her long, purple dress whipped around her legs. Her bare feet floated merely inches away from the ground. She had a tint of golden light surrounding her. Red eyes stared into the distance, in the direction of Yulia City.

"Luke, I call upon you for another task..."