Hope Spring Break is going well for you guys. Here is my tribute

I. No. Own. Bleach

Chapter 13:


Kyoto, Market District.

"Kuchiki-obasan, what-"

"Shh, Ishida, this information must be brought back to the Quincy immiedietly"

"What is it? Is Aizen already marching out?"

"Very soon but that's not all. In the gathering area, I saw another camp seperated from the main army, they were facing a northwest direction."

"Then our fear is realised" Ishida spoke quietly admist the midday bustle of activity "Aizen's preparing an attack on our Temple."

"You need to ride back to the Temple immiedietly, I shall return to Gifu when the time comes."

"Why not leave now Rukia?"

"All of this is strange, Aizen has never launched a campaign of this size before. And if he conquers Kyushu it won't be long before he marches East."

"I see, so what do you intend to do?" "I've no time to speak right now, go, get to the Temple before the army leaves."

"Very well, take care of yourself then." Ishida said before walking into the crowd, disappearing from anyone's sight.

Outside the Kurosaki Residence

"HAAA!" Shouted Karin as she swiped at Ichigo's bokken, without much effort Ichigo blocke the attack.

"Easy Karin, were just sparring right now." She didn't pay much heed as she once more swung wildly at her brother only to get blocked again.

"Why did I decide to do this?" Ichigo thought to himself, Karin seemed to be less intrested in learning but more in beating him. As evidenced by the lack of discipline in her movements. Yuzu wasn't faring much better with his tutelage, already she had hit herself with her own bokken two times now.

"Shisuta, for the last time were not fighting."

"Then what's the point of holding a sword then?"

"Even Minamoto Yoshitsune didn't become a master swordsman overnight, it really takes a lot of time. And I'm no where near his level." The sigh from Karin indicated she was getting the message.

"Sorry, I'm still kind of excited to actually hold a sword."

"Hey, as long as you understand it's fine. I think your sister's turn is up, why don't you head to wood pole and practice there." Karin bowed in response and took Yuzu's spot near the pole.

"Let's begin, remember not to use too much force right now." Yuzu nodded in reply as she tried to get into a stance. That lied another problem, both girls were no where near perfecting a good fighting stance.

Yuzu attacked first making a slow thrust toward Ichigo. He easily parried the blow and slowly prepared a counter. But while preparing to block the attack, Yuzu once again hit her head with the bokken.

"Oww!" Yuzu rubbed where the bokken had hit, Ichigo noticed with concern that a small cut had formed on her forehound.

"You alright?" Ichigo asked as Karin rushed to her sister's side.

"Uhh, that was the third time today!" A frustrated Yuzu spoke, covering the cut with her hand to conceal the blood.

"Let's head back home and have Oka-sama look at that, Karin if you want to stay just wait til I come back." Karin nodded than returned to the practice pole as Ichigo and Yuzu went down the back road towards home.

West District

"Tatsuki-chan!" Inoue waved from a distance towards the spiky-haired girl.

"Inoue! How are things in the village?" She asked as the two girls walked together

"We're still trying to gather food for the other villagers, but were making good our time right now. And yourself?"

"Eh, the old man's finally fixed the house so were ready for winter. Ichigo is teaching his sisters swordsmanship though I wonder how well that will go. Chad's doing what none of us know today and I haven't seen eye or sandal of Keigo and Mizuiro, though I'm sure their setting themselves for trouble. So I've got a lot time on my hands."

"Oh, I see."

"By the way, I heard something happened in the market yesterday, is that bastard Toyori bothering you again?"

"Umm, he did try to take me away for his..'pleasure'." Orihime shuddered a bit from that incident. "But..."


"Umm, I'd rather not say right now, I hope you understand."

"Did somebody actually stand up to those guys?"

Inoue was still hesitant to reveal the idenity of her rescuer "It's just, with everything that's happened these days. I don't want anyone's safety to be threatened."

"Hmm, fair enough."

A couple of seconds later, she could see two figures running down the road towards them.

"TATSUKI, INOUE!" Yelled Asano Keigo, "Come quickly!"

"Not so loud, what is going on now?"

"Something is happening in the South District, there's a whole bunch of townsfolk being held back by some samurai." Mizuiro informed the pair.


"It's right near where the samurai distribute rice, come on" finished Keigo before taking off, Mizuiro trailing behind him.

"We gotta see what's up, let's go Inoue!"

"Are you sure this is-" Inoue couldn't finish her question as Tatsuki tugged her by the shoulder heading south.

South District

A large crowd had gathered near a stockade containing numeruos bales of rice. These were where the Aizen would distribute food to the peasants and townspeople. But right now the stockade's guard was trying to keep back the increasingly hostile crowd.

Some yards away, Keigo, Tatsuki and the others looked on at the scene from one of the rooftops.

"This doesn't look very good, all those soldiers are armed to the teeth." Mizuiro spoke worriedly

"And what tipped you off?" Tatsuki asked sarcastically before returning her eyes. The voices of the crowd were now groing more hostile.

"What's going on?! Give us our food!" A peasant spoke angrily.

"By the order of Lord Sosuke Aizen, these supplies must be reserved for the army." The head guard spoke without emotion

"Are you kidding me, we're starving right now! How do you expect us to survive winter?!"

"You are simply going to have to endure this year."

"None of us will survive a month, give us the rice!"

The guard turned his spear towards the crowd, "This your warning, disperse now or pay the price." The mob seemed to quiet down for a moment, then a woman threw a stone at the guards face in a gesture of hostility. Now the mob swarmed at the stockade, the outnumbered guards tried to fight back but were overwhelmed as angry peasants kicked, beated, and finally impaled them with their own spears.

"Insane" Was all Keigo could speak at this scene unfolding. It was as if years of repressed anger and emotion were now set loose against the oppressors.

"Look!" Inoue pointed towards the march of 30 men all armed with muskets approching the revolt. The banners indicated they were the Aizen's Kyoto Garrison, the collection of thugs and bullies used to intimadate and guard the city.

"Oh no, don't tell me their-" Mizuiro didn't finish that sentence as the guards opened fire on the crowd, a dozen bodies falling to the ground. The mob tried to disperse and flee but to no avail as another squad of riflemen moved to cut off their escape and fired. It was now an unchecked slaugther as the guards began a massacre without thought of mercy.

The eyes of the four were a mixed expression of shock, fear, and in Tatsuki's case anger. "We gotta get outta here, come on." Keigo motioned to get down from the roof. Tatsuki still sat there looking on at the slaughter before Inoue motioned her to come down.

A couple miles away, the red-haired swordsman heard the sounds of gunfire and screams.

"So, it looks like the people's anger makes it's presence known." He thought to himself, the distant slaughter was now bringing back a memory of sounds.

The sounds of a battle which resonated in his head.

Oh yes, he remembered fully, that time when the clan which he served was attacked by Aizen. When their castle was burnt to the ground and the entire household massacred. And all the while he was helpless to stop that.

From the ashes of that tragedy the man better known as Abarai Renji swore he would bring the Aizen clan down in repetance for his sins.

"Hmph, they still lack the organization needed to confront Aizen's army." Renji spoke in slight contempt "They still need someone to guide and lead them from a peasant rabble to an army. Although..."

Kurosaki Residence

Masaki stood outside her home hearing the sounds of gunfire. From what a few passerbys had told her, a revolt had broken out near one of the rice stockades. Masaki, hoping her children weren't anywhere near the riot was about to go out and find them.

Or she was, until she turned and saw several armed facing her.

"Kurosaki-obasan," Spoke the man known as Rudobone. "Aizen-sama has been looking for you"

Ichigo and Yuzu were now approching home, at this time the sounds of the revolt had been supressed though people were talking about it around the district. He once again found another excuse to despise Aizen's rule, and his own powerlessness to oppose it.

Not having time for it though, Ichigo walked through the open screen door.

"We're home Mother! Yuzu-" His voice trailed off as the scene before him produced a feeling of dread.

The entire house was in disarray, the table was overturned, the painting of Buddha torn to shreds. Sword marks were appearent all over the walls.

In a state of frenzy, Ichigo left Yuzu aside and frantically began searching the house all the while panting in anxiety

"Mother! MOTHER!!!"

Post Battle Report:

Is it me, or is trying to stage a setting one of my more lacking points as a writer? Especially with this chapter.

Well, that's guessed to all those who read this.

Reviews are very welcome

That is all

The Shogun leaves you.