Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters. I only own the plot.
Pain, horrible pain, was all he felt as one of his own relatives used the crutiatus curse over and over again on him. Finally right before he passed out he whispered, "I love you Hermione."
All the death eaters turned from his body to look at the Dark Lord.
"Since he obviously isn't going to talk anytime soon, bring me his mudblood girlfriend."
With that final word 17 year old Hermione Granger woke up from the same nightmare she had been having for months.
She had no idea why this type of dream was plaguing her sleeping hours, or what caused her mind to think about Draco during her waking ones, but she knew that it was causing bags to develop under her eyes and if she didn't watch it, her grades would start to suffer as well.
After briefly looking at the clock and deciding it was a hopeless matter to try to fall back to sleep, Hermione made her way to the bathroom she shared with the head boy and got ready for her lessons.
She had made sure to lay out her clothes on her bed so they wouldn't wrinkle, running the tip of her wand over them to remove any cat hairs that might have clung to them while residing in her wardrobe. She must remember to knit Dobby another hat for washing her laundry, she thought to herself as she noticed that a stain that had been on her collar had been magically removed by a means even she couldn't do.