
10 years later

Riley returned to the house in which her and Nick had been living since they got married, which was about a year ago. She had returned from a doctors appointment in which she had very big news to tell Nick. She was preparing a special dinner for the two of them so that she could tell him her big news. Nick came home from work at about the same time Riley had finished cooking dinner. He came in with a bouquet of white roses which happened to be Riley's favortie flower. He walked into the kitchen to see his wife taking the steak off of the griddle on the stove. He walked over to her and kissed his wife on the cheek. Riley quickly turned around put her arms around Nick's neck and gave him a sweet kiss.

"You, seem happy" Nick said as he kissed his wife yet again.

"Well, I have you whats not to be happy about, plus I have something to tell you." She said giving Nick another peck on the lips.

"Oh really, me too" Nick said

"Ok, you first."

"Ok, well the Jonas Brothers are going on a two year world tour" Nick said sounding so excited

"Thats great hunny, Im so happy for you" Riley said as Nick wrapped her in a tight embrace.

"So what did you have to tell me?" Nick said as he pulled away from the hug so he could look at his beautiful wife.

"Well," she started off, "Nick, we're having a baby, I'm pregnant"

Nick then grabbed his wife and kissed her. "This, is amazing, I gotta go call everyone, I cant beleive that Im gunna be a daddy, Riley this is great news." Nick said smiling as he kissed his wife one more time.

Nine months later

"Breathe, Riley breathe" She could hear Nick telling her through gritted teeth, because Riley had been holding his hand so tight. She finally let go which ment the contraction was over. She leaned her head back against the pillow in her hospital room. She breathed heavy for a few minuets hoping the contractions would stop, but she knew they wouldnt, not until she gave birth. Her contractions were about a little less than two minuets apart now and she was 80 dialated. Which ment that she would probably give birth soon.

About twenty minuets later, Riley was fully dialated and the contractions were less than a minute apart.

Rileys P.O.V.

"Okay Riley, we're almost there. Get ready" Dr. Kindle told me, moving around to stand at the foot of the bed, folding up the bed sheets. "Alright Riley, I need you to push on my go, okay?" As Dr. Crinkle moved into position, I nodded my head and squeezed my eyes shut tightly, my fingers once again grinding the bones in Nicks hand. "Alright Riley, push" Taking a deep breath, I did as she had asked and tried to get the baby out at one time, wanting nothing more then to just get this over with.

"Okay Riley, just a few more. Big push, okay?"

After one last extremely painful session of pushing, I collapsed against my pillows, panting, as small cries filled the room. My eyes were closed, but I could hear the baby as it was wrapped in a towel and handed over to the nurse to be washed up and for a health inspection.

"Congratulations, Mrs. Jonas, you have a beautiful baby girl." The nurse said handing me a pink bundle, helping me settle her against my chest.

Normal P.O.V.

"Wow, shes so small" Nick said as he eyed, his daughter, who had her mother's seafoam eyes.

"Yeah" Riley said looking from her daghter to Nick, "You wanna hold her?"

"Yeah" Nick said eager to hold his daughter. When he held her his face lit up. The nurse came back in with a clipboard and a pen.

"Have you guys decided on a name?" the nurse asked polietly.

"Yes" Riley answed looking at Nick. "Brooke Marie Jonas"

Later on that night after everyone who had come in to see Brooke left it was just Riley, Nick, and baby Brooke. Brooke fell asleep in her mothers arms. Nick just looked from his wife to thier child.


"Yeah Nick?" she replied

"I love you so much."

"I know, Nick, I love you too."

He then kissed Riley on the forehead and continued to look at his wife holding his daughter. 'Nothing could be better than this', he thought to himself

the end :