Chapter One

"Riley the bus is here" Riley's mom yelled up to her daughter

"Coming mom" she yelled back as she scaned her room to make sure she was bringing everything with her. She then checked her reflection in the mirror. Riley was a thin pretty girl with cocoa colored wavy hair and seafoam green eyes. Riley was a cheerleader at school but she wasnt really popular. Her best friends were the Jonas brothers and ever since they left school, she hasnt really had any best friends. She then went down stairs and saw the boys in her house. She hadn't seen them is so long, so she was really glad when her mom agreed to letting her go on tour with them.

"Oh my god is it the Jonas Brothers in the flesh?" Riley said as she made her way down the stairs.

"RILEY!!" All three boys screamed as they ran to give her a hug and all four of them tumbled to the ground.

"Hey, I love you guys too but, your on my bladder" she squealed

"Oh sorry" they said as they got up

"My, my Miss Riley look how much we have grown, your not little Riles anymore" Joe said giving her a once over. She did look much older now, her hair was longer, she had lost some of her baby fat. She also got much pretier. He felt himself getting all nervous in front of his best friend, this had never happened to him before.

"Nope, I'm fifteen now, but speaking of growing, you boys look like you have done some. Nick, you grew at least three inches, Joe, you let your hair grow out and it looks very nice by the way, and Kevin, your gunna be turning twenty. What do you think thats gunna be like?"

"I think it will be the same" Kevin said

"So, Riley, hows school since we became famous?" Nick asked not looking her in the eyes and putting his hands in his pockets, he did this when he was nervous and he always used to like Riley, but no one knew and now that he was famous he didnt get to see her alot, so she made him nervous.

"Actually, it sucks, I am so glad to be getting out if it to go on tour with you guys, am I gunna be home schooled on tour because I would like to graduate in two years and ...'

"Yes," Nick said interupting her,"We know how important school is to you."

Riley just blushed at that statement, it was true even thought she was a cheerleader she was a big nerd. She was in all advanced classes, did her homework everynight and got really good grades. She even toutored kids at an after school program. Her friends at school even called her tutor girl. "Well, I have to get a good education so that I can get a good job and make lots of money. Im not a rock star like you guys you know"

"but if you were that would be sick" Joe said, "then we could go on tour together"

"Like we are now" Riley replied to Joe's comment

"Well yeah, but you would be performing it would be different"

"Umm, guys I hate to break up the reunion, but we have to get on the road soon" Mr. Jonas said grabbing the last of Riley's bags

"Mr. Jonas" Riley said giving Mr. Jonas a hug, she then saw Mrs. Jonas and gave her a hug

"Riley, its been so long, you have grown into a beautifull young woman" Mrs. Jonas said

"Thanks" Riley said blushing

The next few hours on the bus they spent catching up, and playing guitar hero. When they finally arrived at their destination, which happened to be in Maryland, which was where their next concert was. After the amazing concert with Miley Cyrus all of them went out to dinner. They went to a nice Italian resteraunt, Umbertos. Miley tagged along with them, Riley thought she was nice. Miley had been flirting with Nick all night, also she was clinging to him like a piece of saran wrap. He looked like he felt uncomfortable around her, but he flirted back. Miley seemed nice, she was funny, a little loud, but she was deffinatly not Nick's type and Riley knew that, but it had been rumored that they were dating. For some reason Riley wanted to bash Miley over the head and she didnt even know why. She figured she would ask Nick later when she was gone.

"So, Nick," Miley said, "Are we going out tomorrow night?"

'ugghhh' Nick thought, "umm well I dont know, Riley's in town and it will only be her second night, she might still need some help settleing in" Nick said trying to get out of going out with Miley

"Dude its cool, we can keep her occupied, you go have fun with Miley" Joe said sending Riley a flirty smile

Riley smiled back and replied "Ya its cool, Nick, you can go hangout with Miley" gritting her teeth as she said these words. She didnt know why she was acting like this. 'this is so unlike me' she thought