A/n I've realized my author's notes are way too long. I'm going to write more, and blab less. :D


My head felt like it had imploded in a very painful way. My eyes were squeezed shut, and I tasted blood in my mouth. Groaning, I clawed my way to consciousness and pried open my encrusted eyelids, blinking heavily. A small hiss escaped my lips as the white light seared my retinas, and I immediately closed them. I experimentally tested my body without looking. My hands were bound behind my back with ductape, and my feet were shackled by two metal bindings around my ankles. Some sort of lightweight metal braid connected them to a hidden anchor below the floor. I bit my lip hard again as I tried to move my right leg. My eyebrows furrowed and I dug my fingernails into my palms as pain shot through my lower leg, aching and radiating out to encompass the entire area. A horrible nails-on-the-chalkboard sensation that I could swear I actually heard creaked inside my leg, about midway down the bone, if my pain-flooded, delusional mind was any judge. I ground my teeth together and leaned my head back, gasping slightly as that brought on a new, different kinda of pain from my tender brain. Slowly lowering my chin to my chest, I made an executive decision not to move either body part.

Panting hard, I looked around the room with slitted eyes, keeping my head completely still. It was white, even the ceiling, and seemed to be completely made of small soft tiles. The rough sounds of my hair sliding over my shoulders as I turned my head were deafeningly loud, yet muffled at the same time. It was small, a cube with about 3 meters from the ceiling to the floor. My muscles tensed as I looked up carefully, trying not to encourage my throbbing headache. The ceiling was only about a meter above my head, with fluorescent lights shining through small cracks in between the tiles.

I closed my eyes, starting to feel myself hyperventilate. My hands clenched into fists behind my back as I determinedly ignored my body's instinct of fight or flight. The walls seemed to be pressing in on me even when I couldn't see them, smothering my gasping breaths. Panic lapped at my mind as adrenaline emptied into my system. My thoughts raced, one after the other as I rubbed my wrists raw against the stupid ductape.

What had happened? I was in that self-induced coma after healing Angel...okay, maybe not one of my brightest moments, but I think it worked, anyways. I quickly skipped over the long hours of darkness with a suppressed shudder. Better me than Angel.

I dug around in my brain, every sensation and memory vividly replaying. I paused at one, hidden under a mask of pain.

I was holding on for dear life to the metaphorical lifeboat from hell as my mind literally melted and reformed itself in more ways and places that I thought were possible. I still couldn't move, but I was beginning to feel the little things, like hypothermia.

I almost slipped from the small mental exertion of just thinking, the blackness swooping in once more. I ground my teeth and pushed it back slowly. I retreated back into the familiar pattern of pain, the rhythmic torture always gaining, inch by inch.

Suddenly, my eyes shot wide open as a heavy, soft object toppled on my leg with a small groan. A crack split the air, muffled by Fang's body, and pain exploded through my right leg. I shrieked and arched my back, then slumped down suddenly as a stinging prick radiated from my right thigh. My scream died in my throat, and I faded out of consciousness, retreating to a blissfully pain-free section of my fuzzy mind...

The panic was still trying to take over. I had no idea if they were here, if they had escaped or if they were...

No. Don't think like that, Max. Find a way out...I inhaled deeply, then exhaled with a soft woosh. Repressing my own little personal phobia, I opened my eyes slowly and tried to think clearly. There didn't seem to be any doors. There was no other furniture aside from my chair. There was nothing, including a spectacular lack of fashion sense.

I sighed and decided to wait. They'd have to come and get me eventually, who ever they were. Then I'd take out my crappy week on the lunatic who thought he could kidnap me and my flock and get away with it. I grinned to myself, then spluttered and went into a fit of coughing as something went down the wrong pipe. I bent over, my head spinning and my brain flaming angrily. Still coughing, I released a short "Aaah, ow..." as my spasming muscles exerted my leg. As soon as I stopped, I bent over and put my head between my knees, my arms at an awkward angle behind me. "Ah, ah, ah, aah, ooowwww..." I panted quietly, taking in hissing breaths from clenched teeth. From my position, I realized my leg had been put in a sort of metal splint, and the leg of my jeans had been cut off about halfway down my thigh.

Okay, I'd regret it more than my mystery captor if I tried to do much more than wiggle my toes at this point. But you get it. I grinned again cautiously, with my face still hidden behind sheets of coarse hair, then caught myself and frowned. I was in an unkown facility that could be on the moon for all I knew, my flock was missing, I had a broken leg, and I pretty much had no means of escape even I did manage to get outside. Why the heck was I smiling?

I'm definitely out of it.

I groaned and sat up groggily as the sound of metallic feet entered the room. I blinked open my blurry eyes, listening closely to the sound of whirring gears and tiny hisses. I squinted closely, my brain still foggy with sleep, but my eyes shot wide open as an eyeless flowing face of silver swam in front of my vision. I sat straight up and whipped my head around, clenching my jaw to block out the pain of my raw brain scraping against the inside of my head. I growled fiercely to the face in front of me, "If you want to keep your head, I suggest you get out of my face. NOW."

The silver oval tilted to the side, considering, and responded through an invisible speaker that seemed to come from the area where its mouth should be. "Subject has no means of movement. Subject is harmless." It talked in a smooth, monotonous voice that was mysteriously hypnotic.

I snarled, my mouth twisting up to one side. "Untie me and you'll see how harmless I am." It pulled back lithely, and displayed its sleek body, with perfectly polished silver that seemed to suck the light out of the area around, so that it was always draped in shadow. The face had no features except for two indents for eye sockets and holes in either side of its human-shaped head, presumably to be used as ears. It was muscular, with limbs of liquid steel and perfect grace. It was very thin, and gave off a subtle sense of power. I cocked an eyebrow. It was completely naked. I mean, like, in the buff. Au naturel. In his skin suit. Awkwardly, I kept my gaze focused solely on hisface. "So, part of the hippie movement?" I asked casually, while refusing to look down.

"Subject refers to the physical appearance of 007. Modifying." As I not-watched, silver metal extended to cover...you know, and it's entire body writhed and swirled as it compensated. It unfroze a second later, and produced a sort-of head harness from who knows where.

I started humming the James Bond theme song really loudly, while keeping an eye on everything the thing was doing. "So, can you like, shoot laser beams out your eyes?" I asked with wide-eyed innocence.

"Negative," it droned. I pretended to frown slightly.

"Well, that's fine. You can probably do lots of other cool stuff, right?"

"Subject is instructed not to speak." The BondBot approached me with the headset, and I squirmed away as best as I could, baring my teeth.

"Yeah? Well, the Subject instructs you to get the stick out of your-" I was cut off as my tender cranium was roughly shoved into the metal and plastic net. I hissed in a breath and squirmed away even more, whipping my head around. "Get OFF!" I shouted, giving a final heave.

You know that one terrifying moment of clarity you get when your chair is teetering on the edge? It sucks. It really does, 'cause while you're panicking and shrieking like a little girl, you miss the chance to stop yourself. My eyes stretched to the size of frisbees, and I futilely tried to wave my arms, instead ending up with a comical chicken dance motion. "CRAP!" I shrieked, feeling the chair tilt every so slowly.

It slammed to the ground with a loud slap, which was quickly drowned out by my wail of agony. My legs were still anchored, and as I lay on my back they were being stretched farther than I could manage. My broken one was newly injured, and I felt the bone burst through my skin like a ripe orange. I bit my tongue, cutting of the shriek, and gasped for air. Tears leaked out of my eyes as my chest shook spasmodically and my entire body shivered.

I lowered my head to the ground, my headache blocked out by the excruciating sensation in my lower limb. I gnawed on my abused lip until my teeth pierced the skin, and involuntarily heaved dry sobs. Sucking in air, I forced myself to stop shaking and looked around the room shakily, tremors wracking my frame. My eyes rested on 007 standing indifferently beside me with perfect poise, the only sign of any reaction the slight tilt of its head. I met eyes with its sockets, and glared at the semi-transparent circles. Exhaling determinedly, I asked "What?"

My voice contained enough frigidity to ice over any desert, challenging it to say anything. It simply looked at me, and remained in that position for several minutes. I never released its gaze, hyperventilating through clenched teeth. Tears leaked one by one out of my eyes, as my grating bone was torturously pulled apart splinter by splinter, and my wrists, which had been crushed behind me with my full body weight, were ground into fractured mounds.

After unmeasurable minutes of dragged out agony, it simply turned and left. The lights shut off, leaving me alone in the suffocatingly small prison. A small whimper wormed its way through my sealed lips, and I clenched my eyes shut. Help me...

A/N A longer-ish chappie, sorry it took so long. I knew what to write but got stuck on how to write it.

I seem to really like depressing situations...anyways, hope you liked it! Don't kill me! o_O *hides in corner* STAY BACK! I HAZ CHEZBURGERZ!

Yeah...I seem to always be underconfident and begging for reviews each chappie, so I won't this time! :D