Story: Teacher's Pet

First Chapter: Prologue

Author: chocoGONEsushi

A/N: This story is being revamped. I'm working on it solely on my own this time. I really want to finish it this time around.


"One hundred, going once, going twice—"

Oh god! I cant believe Tenten is actually doing this!

"I got a one fifty, one ninety, two hundred—" Tenten slurred into the microphone as the number of men in the crowd increased. The ages varied; many looked curious, others couldn't believe their eyes, some - and these were the ones I refused to look at for too long - looked ravenous.

The brunette on the stage shifted rather awkwardly while the blush on her cheeks proved her to be an amateur. As one hand tugged at the black mini skirt, the other covered her abdomen. She felt naked.

Why did I agree to this? Why would anyone agree to this?

It had been less than a week ago, when the weather was still trying to make up its mind between being too hot or too cold, when they had spent the night looking over the month's expenses. It had seem so harmless back then Hinata could have laughed.

But it wasn't funny anymore.

"So, how's it going? How's school treating ya?"

Temari, who had placed herself comfortably on the Hyuuga's stomach, looked up at her lazily, that same smile Hinata had seen quite often on the blonde's boyfriend staring up at her. It made her smile warmly before giggling.

"It's going great, actually. I had difficulty getting used to the new environment, but it's great. I love it."

Sitting on the floor beneath the two girls, Tenten sighed as she gazed tiredly at the pile of papers on her lap.

"That's something I'm really glad to hear. At least something's going right amongst all this chaos."

Temari, now interested, turned to face the back of the brunette's head. "Chaos?"

Tenten leaned back with her eyes closed, her head hitting Temari by accident.



"What chaos?"

Hinata had gotten interested too.

"The bills, Hina. I'm not sure how we're going to manage these ridiculous bills. And the rent! This is too much..."

Temari had now sat up, and Hinata had slipped from the couch to the spot on the floor next to her friend. But before she could do anything else, the bunned girl had stood up, and began to pace around the small living room.

"Ugh... I already have two jobs. You have college. And a job. Damn it."

Hinata bit her lip, watching as one of her closest friends let her shoulders sag in exhausting and stress.

Happiness was built on top of sacrifices, right?

"I-I can always drop out of school and get another job—"

She stopped dead upon meeting Tenten's eyes.

"Don't even finish that sentence. The reason you're living here with me is because your father didn't want you attending a school for music. What's the point of dropping out? No, Hinata, you don't have to do such a thing. We'll find another way."

Temari was now standing beside the brunette, patting her back affectionately.

"I wish there was something I could do..."

Tenten smiled despite herself. "Don't worry. You have enough on your mind. I mean, living with two brothers must be tough."

"One brother. Kanky moved out, remember? He thought he was too old to live with his siblings. Too mature. Ha!"

Tenten shook her head knowingly. "It's okay, Tem. I know how demanding Gaara can get."

"Crap. This is getting us nowhere."

Those brown eyes fell on the brunette still placed on the floor, her lazy ponytail sticking to her cheeks stubbornly as she scowled at the floor, pouting in thought.

"Did I ever tell you how cute you are?"

"No, but I'm flattered."

Shoving Temari aside, Tenten moved towards her purse.

"Not talking to you, blondie."

Hinata watched as Tenten rummaged through her bag, snickering as she showed Temari her most prized possesion.

"SO CUTE! Where did you get this? And why do you carry it with you?"

Hinata immediately had the feeling something weird was going on, and it wasn't going to be pretty.

"...why do I have the sinking feeling you're talking about me?"

Temari pulled Hinata by the arm and placed her next to what seemed to be a photograph. Tenten was grinning like a maniac.

Snatching the piece of paper from her friend's hand, Hinata was left speechless and gaping like a fish.

"This... what is this?"

It was her - or so she thought. In the photograph was a young woman asleep, if her closed eyes were of any indication. Her lips were parted, looking full and glossy under the natural light. Her rich dark hair was spread around her head like a halo of sorts, making her pale skin pop out. The sun was shining brightly, giving everything a healthy glow. Hinata had to do a double take as she realized that it actually was her.

"It's you, you sexy monster," Tenten replied, slinking an arm around Hinata. "I took it during your sister's birthday, when you dozed off beneath one of the trees. And Temari, I carry it around because Hinata is gorgeous and I like bragging."

Hinata felt all warm and fuzzy inside, until she looked up and realized Temari and Tenten were eyeing her funny.

Then it hit her. "What are you planning to do with this?"

After smirking and winking greedily towards the blonde, Tenten took it in her to reply.

"I'm going to sell you off, of course."

Hinata felt her stomach touch her knees.

"S-s-sell me off?"

Tenten swung her other arm and trapped Hinata in a hug, messing up her hair.

"It's simple, really." Tenten grinned at Hinata, who was looking her with wide doe eyes. "We're going to hold a little bid in the cafe downstairs. You know, try to stimulate our customers and such."

"St-stimulate? B-bid? This doesn't sound legal."

Temari laughed, waving her hand in the air dismissively. "Psh, of course it's legal. I've seen it done in tons of dramas."

It didn't help.

"Hinata, trust me, will you? I've been in bids before. I know how much money goes on in these things." Tenten hugged her friend tightly. "There'll be rules, of course. It's the safest thing. I'll have the guys check out all the buyers, alright? Besides, it's not going to be just you. Temari volunteered too."

Hinata found herself able to breathe once more.

"Okay. I'll do it. If Temari's doing it too, I guess I have nothing to freak out about, huh?"

Tenten grinned, looping an arm around Temari's waist and bringing her in for a group hug.

Temari shrugged. "Sure. Why not."

"We have a lot of work to do, though! We gotta get this thing going!"

Hinata smiled her Tenten, unaware she had just sealed her fate.

"Three ninety from the guy with the dog! Anyone?"

Hinata had to admit, though, that things were turning up a lot better than she thought. I mean, people were literally throwing their money here. It gave her the creeps, though, knowing people would spend so much money on another person. On her, no less.

Slowly, as the crowd grew silent, a young man in a black suit stepped onto the makeshift stage and made his way towards Tenten, a silver cell phone placed delicately in his hands.

"Who's that?"

From back stage (a maroon curtain), Temari was watching nervously, the curtain being twisted in her hands.

Gaara (who was feasting on cheesy crackers that had been offered for free for the volunteers) merely shrugged.


"Should we do something?"

Gaara eyed as he swallowed another mouthful of crackers.

"Why are you so worried? You were already bought. You agreed to do this weeks ago. You can't chicken out now."

Temari blushed despite herself. She was bought by her boyfriend.

"I know, but we don't know who that is—"

"SOLD! To the cell phone with lots of money!"

It had gotten very quiet, and as she stood there, Hinata was sure her hearing had depleted dramatically in the few minutes she had been there.

I was sold... To a cell phone?

Choking on his crackers, Gaara stood up, not sure he heard right.

Tenten turned and smiled nervously towards a still frozen Hinata. The girl was just standing there, staring at the man. He was staring back.

Loud groans and complaints issued from the crowd, but they slowly they managed to calm down. Hinata was one of the favorite waitresses in the small cafe, and many had been pining for her since she first started working there. This had been there one opportunity in getting closer to the petite Hyuuga, and it had been ripped right out of their hands by a stranger in a black suit.

Tenten's apartment: 29 minutes later

"So... You don't know who just bought your childhood friend. You just know he gave you lots of money. Is that it?"

Gaara was seething, pacing around the room with a dumbfounded Kiba following his footsteps. He was just walking, resembling a confused fish.

"Pretty much."

Hinata, who was cuddled against her blonde friend (Temari was feeding her blueberries. She just loved blueberries.) gave a frightful twitch and hid deeper into Temari's side.

"Well, how much did the dude give you?"

Tenten exhaled and inhaled. It was a lot of money.

"Half a million dollars."

Kiba tripped and fell on Gaara, who had stopped walking, unable to understand what had just come out of her mouth.

From the couch, Hinata sat up coughing; Temari had dumped the whole little basket of blueberries in her mouth.


"I know."

Hinata found herself trying to squeeze between the cushions; it was times like these she regretted growing up. So many responsibilities!

"But it's just money."


"Hinata, we don't have to do this."

Tenten stood and brushed off her jeans. Who was she kidding?

"Let's just call this whole thing off. We—I went too far. For all we know, it could be some creepy old man trying to get at you. I'm sorry, Hina."

All eyes flew from the bunned girl to Hinata, who was finally abandoning her attempts at hiding into the depths of the couch. She felt a pang of guilt.



"No. It's alright. I'll... do it. I said I was going to do it."

Tenten, with now teary eyes, blinked towards Hinata. The room had grown surprisingly quiet.


"I already made up my mind, Tenten. This is going to be fine. If it becomes to much, I can just... leave or something."

Before anyone could say anything else, Hinata stood abruptly, avoiding eye contact with everyone in the room.

"I'm gonna go get my stuff. Do you know where I'm supposed to go, Ten?"

Tenten frowned, wiping the tears from her eyes she nodded. "I hope you know what you're doing."

As she walked back down the dark hall, Hinata shrugged. "Of course it is. You know I never go back on my word."

They all waited until her footsteps faded in with the darkness before deciding to voice their concerns.

"Are we really gonna go on with this?"

Temari sat with her legs crossed on the couch. Kiba threw himself beside her. "What else can we do?"

Tenten dropped to her knees. "I wasn't thinking. She can't do this."

"That's still a lot of money."

She glared at Gaara, who was staring out the window in a dream-like state. "What is that supposed to mean? You're gonna sell her off like that?"

He turned to her sharply with a glare.

"No. What I meant was that she knows it's a lot of money. And knowing her and the fact she realizes the situation you are in, her mind has already been set. If she says no. Then it's no. She's not a Hyuuga for nothing."

Tenten scoffed, feeling horribly defeated. "Fine. But we'll still be keeping an eye on her."

"Where exactly does this mysterious fellow live?"

Tenten sighed once more and stood, shoving a hand down her jeans as she took out a small piece of paper. "Uh... It says Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place."

"Are you sure?"

Tenten handed Gaara the piece of paper with a nod, and immediately the redhead's face twisted into a sour scowl. "This explains a lot. Only very rich and highly praised people live in Grimmauld Place. At least now we know we shouldn't worry. Much."

"I'm ready."

Hinata was standing there with her carry-on bag. She was wearing the same clothes; a baggy t-shirt with old jeans. Simple, but comfortable.

"Am I being picked up?"

Temari stood and let go of Kiba, who had been leaning on her shoulder like the puppy he most times wished to be. "You're going to be picked up. I'll wait with you outside, Shika's picking me up too."

Shika, or Shikamaru, was the man Temari was currently dating. And the guy who bought her without giving others a second chance.

Hinata was nodding slowly when suddenly, a deep yet loud bell rang in the small apartment. The doorbell.

"I-I think that's for me."

They all watched, frozen to the nerve, as she (pulling her bag along) opened the door and disappeared through the darkness once more.

Slowly they followed, only to catch her standing before a large, sleek black car, the same man that had appeared earlier placing her bag in the trunk.

Hinata turned around slowly, eyes quite tearful. "W-well... um... b-bye..."

Tenten ran up to her and hugged her, squeezing her limbs tightly. "Be careful. Take care. And remember, I love you very much. I'll pay you back for this, Hina."

Hinata hugged her back tearfully, "It's alright." Happiness was built on top of sacrifices .

Temari tackled her and Kiba licked her cheek affectionately. "Now I know what you taste like."

Gaara, still brooding, went towards her. Silently he kissed her lightly on the forehead. "Don't let that idiot do whatever he pleases with you or you'll have to respond to me, understand?"

After the shock eased away into nerves, Hinata stretched forward and hugged him. "I'll miss you too, Gaara."

There was a nudge behind her and the driver motioned it was time for departure. She nodded slowly as he opened the back door for her.

She faced her group of friends and exhaled. "See you later."

And then she was off, not waiting for the tension to grow thicker or the knot in her throat to choke her. That was it. They were gone.

The trip towards the mysterious place was silent, as the sun disappeared and the buildings turned into houses and the houses into mansions, Hinata found herself leaning against the window feeling slightly numb.

"There's no need to be scared."

She looked up, only to meet the shining eye of the driver. He only had one eye. Well, one visible eye.

"I'm not s-scared. Just..."

"Nervous? Really, he's not that bad of a guy. He might come off a little cold, but he doesn't know any better."

Hinata nodded absently.

Soon enough they had entered the large gates of Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place. And though she wasn't sure whether it was her head playing tricks on her or not, Hinata was sure she could hear the distant notes of a piano.
