Disclaimer: I know, I know
Disclaimer: I know, I know. I don't own anything. Man, that sucks…
Title: Why Me?
Summary: Anthony sings 'Johanna' twice, and I just had too much fun writing the first…
"I feel you, Johanna…""Not you again…""I feel you…""I thought I got a restraining order on this guy…""Do they think that walls can hide you?""Oh, I hope these walls hide me…""Even now, I'm at your window…""Hello? Police? Anyone?""I am in the dark beside you…""Yes, I'd like to report a stalker…""Buried sweetly in your yellow hair, Johanna…""My hair is blonde, not yellow! Those are two different adjectives!"
"Will you leave me alone?"
"I'll steal you, Johanna…"
"You mean, 'kidnap me against my will'?"
"Who let him know who I was?"
"I feel you, Johanna…"
"Um…yes…keep your sexual fantasies to yourself, please…"
"Buried sweetly in your yellow hair…"
"It's blonde! See? BLONDE!"
"You are really creeping me out! Why are you stalking me?"
"I feel you, Johanna…"
"You're scaring me…"
"I'll steal you…"
Johanna slumps in her chair. "Why me?"
So? Review?