Chapter 12

Author's note: So this is it, it had to come to an end at some point; here is the final chapter of my first X-men fanfiction. I hope you enjoyed it.

Chapter 12

"Absolutely not!" The professor shouted. Kurt opened his mouth to respond.

"There is no way that you are chasing after Logan in your state! You ported into my office and collapsed in agony! You really think that I'm going to let you chase after Logan when he doesn't want to be found?"

"But professor…"

"No Kurt. No. I'm sorry, I know you want to see Logan again but you are not allowed to leave the institute until you are fit enough. That is my final word on this matter."

"Professor… please…"

"A team consisting of Jean, Scott, Ororo and myself will take the blackbird out to find our old friend. You will not be part of this. I'm sorry Kurt."

The professor mentally called Jean, Scott and Storm to the hangar and then left the room, leaving Kurt fuming silently.

Once he had left Kurt ported into the Blackbird and fainted from the distance of the teleportation. His unconscious form could not be picked up by the professor, and, preoccupied with piloting the ship, the Professor did not pick up on Kurt's presence when he regained consciousness mid-flight.

The news-crews were gathering around Logan, and he didn't like it one bit. Trying to be as civil as possible, he answered the questions that were posed to him. The low rumbling of a large aircraft landing filled the air and the breeze that accompanies the landing of such an aircraft lifted papers from people's arms and hats from their heads.

"Damn." Logan growled, watching as the Blackbird landed nearby.

The news reporter who was trying so desperately for an interview with Logan took her opportunity.

"What is this, Mr Logan?" She asked, pointing in the direction of the aircraft and making the camera point the same way.

"The family." Logan muttered.

Professor Xavier wheeled his way off the aircraft, flanked by Scott and Jean. They made their way towards Logan.

"And it would appear that by 'family', this café's hero means none other than the great Professor Xavier…" The news reported began. Logan plunged his claws into the camera angrily,

"Shut it lady." He barked as he walked towards the professor.

"What do you want Charles? I told ya I was leaving. Let me be."

"In fact Logan, it would appear that you are quite dearly missed back home in the…" The professor started, but was cut off by the sound of 'Bamf!' and a flash of yellowish smoke. The crowd of ordinary humans gasped as what appeared to be a 'demon' appeared next to the door of the blackbird. The figure stumbled and used the doorframe to support his weight heavily. He glanced down at Logan and grinned. Logan growled and turned away.

"Kurt!" Shouted the professor, "I specifically told you NOT to come chasing Wolverine. You have clearly disobeyed my orders, you are not strong enough!"

Logan started to walk in the opposite direction, trying to escape.

The crowd began to snap out of their dream-like trance captured by the blue fuzzy boy. They jeered and laughed at Kurt, for although they could accept the existence of mutants, and although they were willing to live in peace with mutants, they could not accept one so physically different. The jeers and japes grew louder and more and more fierce, and before long people were throwing stones in Kurt's direction. Logan watched guiltily for a moment, and then continued to walk on.

Spurred on by the taunting, Kurt took a deep breath, and teleported to directly in front of Logan.

He landed and almost screamed; the strain of teleporting so much in one day with the injuries that he had was highly destructive. Logan froze, watching the pathetic figure before him as it groaned and held the injuries on its chest tightly in the hope that the pain would subside.

"Please… argh!... Please, Mr Logan… don't leave…" Kurt breathed. He began to fall forwards and Logan knelt and held out an arm to support him. Kurt leaned on Logan's shoulder and smiled at him.

"Please don't go." He whispered.

Jean shook Scott's arm urgently.

"Scott I think that Kurt may…"

"What? Is he going to be ok?" Scott blurted before Jean could finish.

"No… his mind… I think he… No, I must be wrong. Kurt's with… oh never mind." Jean said, shaking her head. Clearly she had misread the thoughts running through Kurt's mind. But Scott had caught on.

"You mean… Kurt and Logan?! No chance."

"No. Scott, no, that's not what I meant. Well not, the 'and Logan' part anyway. But Kurt… no, he wouldn't. It's impossible. They're more like brothers, or family. I'm over tired, I must have misread it." Jean put a hand to her head, and then looked over to the professor, who smiled at her. He was happy that it appeared that they would get Logan back on the team.

Logan's face softened, and he gave a small smile.

"No elf. I ain't gonna leave. Not again."

"Good. Because ve need you man!" Kurt grinned.

Logan smiled and a small knot developed in his throat as he realised just how much Kurt was leaning on him.

"Listen Kurt. I'm sorry, I'm really really sorry. Fer everything. Won't happen again. Don't you dare die on me again."

"I should hope not!" Kurt said sarcastically.

Logan put his arms around his favourite student and hugged him tightly in a safe, fatherly embrace. Kurt's face peered over Logan's shoulder and for a moment he looked shocked. Then he smiled and hugged his tutor back.

"I'm sorry too Logan." He said, and then coughed.

Logan was emotionally moved and started to cry into Kurt's hair. Kurt laughed and made a feeble, sarcastic attempt to push Logan away.

"You're messing up my hair man!" He laughed, uncomfortable with the entire situation.

Professor Xavier smiled as he saw the rift between two of the X-men heal itself. He closed his eyes and made all the public present remember a story of a local hero who saved a café, and then found his lost son.

2 months later…

The X-men were fighting in a tropical forest against a government programme designed for the annihilation of all mutants. They were fighting to save mutant kind.

"Kurt! Look out for the guns!" Shouted Scott, just missing a bullet that whizzed past his own head. Kurt nodded and ported next to Logan who was battling with a particularly vicious sentinel.

"X-men, I need you to look out. Remember, we are fighting for the survival of all of mutant-kind. We can't let the government's programme of destroy all mutants take place. I need you to be careful, and make sure no civilians are injured in this battle."

The voice of Charles Xavier filled the heads of each of the X-men, spurring them on to keep fighting, no matter what.

"Elf, go help Kitty on the robot over there, 'kay?" Logan shouted over the noise, delivering the destroying blow to the sentinel before him.

Kurt saluted and ported to Kitty's side. He smiled at her and ported behind the robot to flick the off switch.

"The government is getting stupid these days! Zey put an off svitch on the back of the…" He flicked the switch and 10,000 volts passed through his body, killing him instantly.

"No!" Shouted Logan. Kitty panicked and phased through the robot to the floor.

"X-men, don't be put off. Learn from Kurt's mistake and do not flick the switches. It is a trap. There will be time to mourn our loss afterwards."

The voice of Xavier filled the student's heads again.

Scott raced towards Kurt's body and was struck down by a bullet.

"Scott! No!" Jean screamed, losing her concentration and not noticing the broken sentinel figure that began to crash down on her. Scott stood up and brushed himself down.

"I'm ok Jean… Jean? Look out!"

Professor Xavier sighed. At this rate he was losing all of his students.

"End simulation." He said, and the trees faded into the background, the robots and sentinels disappeared and Kurt sat up, rubbing his head.

Logan walked to the side of the room and picked up his hat and placed it back where it belonged: on his head.

He walked over to Kurt, who looked annoyed.

"What's up elf?" He asked as Kurt stood.

"Why do I alvays have to be the vun who dies?" Kurt asked angrily.

Logan considered this for a moment.

"Because you're the only 'vun' stupid enough to fall for a trap like that."

"Fair." Kurt said smiling.

"Besides," said Logan, "if this were a real fight, you know I wouldn't let ya die. I'd walk through that gun fire jus' ta bring you a drink of water or summat." Logan joked.

"Yeah, I'd do the same for you." Kurt said, patting Logan patronisingly on the shoulder, knowing it would annoy him.

"Yeah… elf… ya do know I have a healing factor, right?" Logan said.

Kurt shrugged.

"Yeah, I know. Makes no odds." He said, and then grabbed Logan's hat and ported out of sight with it.

Logan smiled.

"Stupid elf."

Author's note: finished!