Cassidy watched as Nerissa thinking that Will was dead disappeared from the spot laughing her evil laugh

Cassidy watched as Nerissa thinking that Will was dead disappeared from the spot laughing her evil laugh. She walked over to where Will was lying and checked for a pulse, then sighed in relief. It was weak, it was erratic, but it was there.

She knelt next to Will, and gently lifted her off the ground, and began to carry her to the only place that she knew that she could trust, Yan Lyn.

When she made it to the restaurant she walked around to the back and slipped into the basement, placed Will on the cot, and sat down to wait. Soon the other guardians and her old friend would be down, and they could think up an explanation for why she was alive now.

Looking at Will she began to wonder why the girl was out there in the first place.

Nerissa can get into peoples minds. She had to have something to do with why Will was out there alone. Why was she alone? Did she have a fight with the other guardians? Do they not realize that they have to look out for their leader? She probably worries about becoming a new Nerissa.

Irma was the first one to walk into the basement and when she saw Cassidy she was ready for a fight. Then she saw Will and relief flooded her eyes. She ran over to her leader and hugged her.

"Will I am so sorry. I should have decked Corny for what she said. Will you need to take better care of yourself, but you are the best leader I could ever hope for….Will…Will? Will why aren't you waking up? Will you need to get up now! Why won't she wake up?"

Irma asked turning to Cassidy who was watching Irma with wonder.

She cares for Will just as much as we cared for Nerissa, the only difference is that Will knows that to much power is a bad thing. She was the one that didn't want to be a guardian let alone a guardian leader. That is why he chose her. She has the qualities of a leader, without the lust for power.

"I don't know, but she did save me from Nerissa's control so she deserves a medal."


Yan Lyn cam over to where her friend was standing and pulled her into a hug, and was even more shocked when she felt her friend. This meant that Nerissa had lost Cassidy and now they had what they needed another alliance.

"Yan Lin. I was brought back by Nerissa, but Will brought me back with Quintessence. You see Nerissa had me and they both shot me with quintessence at the same time."

"Well for you to have been brought fully back both good and evil had to agree, so I think that when you were hit by both Will's and Nerissa's quintessence at the same time that it somehow brought you back. As for Will she will wake up in a couple hours. I suggest that you, Irma, should get the rest of the guardians here now."

Cassidy watched in amazement as the room became flooded with girls that she had only seen in battle.

"We need to apologize to Will, especially you Corny."

Irma stared off by saying. Everyone agreed even Cornelia which shocked them. So they all sat around doing their homework none of them knowing how to address Cassidy except for..

"Were you really my grandmothers friend?"


"what was she like?"

"She was a lot like she is now. Still the same happy person that she was years ago when we were the guardians of the veil. The only thing that has changed is the face that she now has less power. And she dose a little less than she used to, but that's ok."

"Cool ! So are you going to help us fight against Nerissa like my grandmother?"

"I think that it would be best Cassidy if you worked with Will for a little while. She seems to need a little bit of guidance at the moment. You can stay here and help out at the restaurant."

Cassidy smiled she was saved. Hay Lyn reminded her so much of her friend though it was scary.

No matter what Will thinks of me I am so happy that she gave me all of this back.