I don't own Witch

I don't own Witch.

Ok this chapter is going to be short. It is an intro and i just wanted to bounce this idea and put it out there. Tell me how you feel about it.

Sometimes on days like this I wonder what I am really living for. On days like this I wonder if I should just give up and stop fighting so hard to be who I am and be who everyone wants me to be. You see on a day like this everything seems to go wrong…

Don't get what I'm saying? This might help.

Will you have to get up! Why is it always a fight with you? You never study anymore! You never seem to try anymore and if you keep this up you will fail school and life. You have terrible grades and you spent last night with your fiends instead of trying to fix the problem. Why can't you see that you are wrong? You just are dysfunctional Will."

"But Mom how do you know that I wasn't studying last night instead of just…"

"You never study Will! You never do anything academically anymore, you don't even come home half of the times. If you weren't with Irma, I would ask her father to have you tested for drugs!"


"Mr. Collins called me last night. Told me that he is going to let you retake the test. Will do you know how embarrassing it is?"

"What? Mom I'm just trying to make it, I promise that I'll do better. I…I...I'll get Taranee to…"

"Will I don't want to hear it anymore I just don't want to hear it."


"Will your going to be late to school."

Fast Forward

"Will ever since Matt disappeared I don't even know who you are anymore! You are never around; your grades are worse than they have ever been. You look awful. How can you be a leader when you can't even take care of yourself.


"Corny that was a little harsh."

"Shut up Irma. You know that it's true. Will has issues and she she she needs to be here for us the way that we are for her. She never dose anything in the battles anymore. "

Will looked from Cornelia to her others. Her guardians and she just walked away. Out of the hallway, out of the school. That was when the tears started. So she ran to the only place that she felt she could go. She ran to the bridge, a rickety old bridge that no one used anymore.

That is how I got where I am now. Sitting on the edge of a bridge starring out over the water and I wonder what it would feel like to jump. Would it feel like diving off a high dive? Would it feel like flying dose?

Would they miss me?

I keep asking myself when did I break. They keep trying to fix me so I have to wonder when did I break if they have to fix me then I have to be broken. Why do they keep doing this to me? Would they see me for who I am if I jumped? Or would they just see who they wanted me to be and who I could never be? How I never measured up to their expectations. What would they remember? The guardian that helped save lives, or a girl who had trouble in math.

Matt why are you never here when I need you? If you loved me so much why did you leave? Where is everyone when I need them?

Ring. Ring.

I should probably let it ring. I do not need to answer it. It's just mom yelling at me for skipping school. Why pick up a phone to be yelled at?



"I know what you need. Come with me. I will let you be who you want to be. Not who everyone else wanted you to be. I will give you Matt back. You can have everything that you wanted."

If I knew that she was telling the truth I would so totally go with her but I know that she is just trying to get me to come with her and attack my friends and destroy everything that I have defended.

"Really? Like you helped Cassidy?"

"I'll let you talk to her. Lets see how she feels about this Will. You can talk to her and see what she has to say about all of this. Will. What do you think that she is going to say? She is going to tell you of her own free will what I did for her."

She is really going to give me Cassidy? Maybe I can get her away from Nerissa finally. Maybe I can save her and bring her back to our side. I miss having someone to talk to.

Ok here she is. If she gets a blast of good and evil quintessence then she will have free will. She will be able to live her life however she wants to. All I have to do is focus. All I have to do is try and I can save her. I have to save her. She has to live her life as a puppet with Nerissa pulling the strings. I hope that I can get enough energy to do this.

"What are you doing?"



That was just as draining as I thought that it would be. Wow I cant even stand up…pretty lights.
