The Letter

disclamier-i dont own any of this excpet for the plot and the idea.

italics mean flashbacking

bold itaclis are letter reading

summery-Tsunade opens a letter that Shizune gave to her...after reading it she starts rembering everything about her and Jirayia and starts to relize that you dont know what you've had till its gone


Shizune walked through the halls towards the hokages office with a letter in her hand that a maid had found while cleaning the legandary toad sages room at the hotel. Shizune arrived at the hokages office. She knocked on the door.

"Come in." The voice said from inside the room.

Shizune walked in. "My lady I have a letter for you that was found in his was you..." She looked down at the letter in her hand and handed it to Tsunade.

Tsunade looked at it and saw that Jirayia had wrote it.She read the letter.


I don't know what to write here or even if I'll ever give you this. But I've always had a fondness of you even when we were children. It hurt me to see you going out with all those different guys. I was always the one there to heal you when they broke your heart. When you told me you were going to marry Dan the only thing I knew was that he was going to take my world from me so I left...I had hoped you wouldn't know what it felt like to have your heart shattered. When I came to Kohona I had hoped you would be there...but you weren't I was so sad thinking maybe you had died. When I was told you were in another village I felt so happy that you were still alive. It was like I could breathe freely for the first time in a long while. Then when Naruto and I came to get you. Your eyes I saw looked so broken so sad. You looked at me with such hateful eyes. That hurt more then when you said that you were getting married and even more worse then when you told me that you would never love me. All those days that I day dream about the day that you would say yes to a date with you. All those nights that I would dream about us being together and you saying that you love me and of holding you in my arms. Everyday when I see you or hear your name my heart skips a beat. When you say my name its like heaven. When ever I touch you or when you touch me I get butterflys. No matter what you do your always perfect in my eyes. Even on your worse days it still seems like your best. I may peep on any girl that cross my path but I only truely have eyes for you. Even back when you were as flat as a tweleve year old boy. No matter what happens I'll always be with you and I love you. All those times you made fun of me I always though maybe it was your way of flirting with me. Everytime you would hit me I would hope it was cause it was your way of showing affection. I guess I have to wrap this letter up so that I can get ready for my mission that way I can get it over with cause the sooner this mission is over the sooner I get to go on a date with you...I still can't believe you agreed.

Love you always,


A tear fell from Tsunades eye and landed on the paper. "Please tell me that this is just a joke Shizune that he didn't really write this..."

"I'm sorry LadyTsunade but it's not a joke..he really did write it."

Tsunade nodded and looked out the window remebering earlier that month.


Jirayia barged into Tsunade's office. "Hey Tsunade wanna go on a date?"

Tsunade looked up from her paperwork and glared at Jirayia. "No, I don't want to go on a date with you and next time instead of inviting yourself in knock."

Jirayia stareded to pout. "B-But why not?"

"Cause I'm busy and I just plain out don't want to go on a date or let alone go anyway with you.Why can't you get that through that thick head of yours Jirayia?"

He scrated the back of his head. " about tomorrow then?"

"Jirayia either leave now willinly or I will force you out." Tsunade said as she slowly started to stand up

Jirayia started backing up. "Um...You know what I think I hear Kakashi calling me...I'm coimg Kakashi!" Jirayia turned and ran out the door as fast as he could.

Tsunade sat down and started rubbing her tempales. "He is such a pain in the ass."

--end flashbacking--

Shizune walked over to Tsunade. "Are you okay?"

Tsunade wiped her eyes with her sleeve and turned and looked at Shizune. "I'm fine..."

"Your a terrible liar you know that?" Shizune laughed nervously

"Shizune will you please leave..."

"Yes...But just member the sake won't help you...If you need me just call..." After saying that Shizune turned and left.

Tsunade stood up and looked out the window and walked across the room and grabbed the sake and poured herself a glass.

"The sake works just like it should..It'll make everything numb until the next day..." She took a swing from her glass.

What she didn't know was that the more she drank the more flash backs she would have.


Tsunade walked sluggilshy all the way to the bridge to wait for her senasi. she sighed "Hopefully he'll get her fast and tell us we have the day off cause I really need it."

"Hey Tsunade!" Tsuande turned around heraing her name beign called and saw Jirayia.

"Oh..Hey Jirayia..." Tsunade sighed this was not the person she wanted to see today.

"Wow your'e being nice today usally you tell me to not talk to you or to get lost...Is everything okay?"

"...No everything aint okay..." Tsunades eyes stared to water amd she looked away.

"What happened?" Jirayia tilited his head to the side with a concerned look on his face.

"He broke up with me..for some slut with that has a chest..." Tsunade started to cry harder.

Jirayia did the only thing he thoguht would make Tsunade feel better so he went and hugged her and ran his fingers through her hair. "He don't deserve you Tsunade Beisdes you were to good for him anyway."

Tsuande looked up at Jirayia and he wiped away her tears from her cheeck. "You really think so?"

"No, I know so." Jirayia smiled.

"Hey if you guys are gonna get all lovey dovey then leave." Oriochimaru said as he glared at the pair.

Tsuande pushed Jirayia away. "Were not getting lovey dovey so shove it snake boy."

--end flashbacking--

Tsuande left the hokages tower and started making her way to the traing grounds where they first became a team officaly together. She looked at the three poles remebering that this is also where she had last seen Jirayia before he had ran off that day after she had told him that she was going to marry Dan.


Jirayia sat on the middle pole in the traing grounds where he had been tied perviously 15 years ago.

"Jirayia you came." Tsuande smiled

"Well you asked me to so here I am what is it now that you wanted to tell me then?"

Tsuande giggled and bounced on the balls of her feet with her hands behind her back. "Guess."

"Umm...You want to know if I'll go on a date with you?" Jirayia smiled hopefully.

"No, guess again..It has to do with Dan." Tsuande smiled happily.

"Um..Oi you broke up with him." Jirayia said hopefully.

"No, Dan asked me to marry him..and were getting married two weeks from now." Tsuande sqeualed.

"...Oh thats wonderful Tsuande...Just great..I'm really happy for you." Jirayia was smileing but inside his heart had just shattered into a million pieces.

"Your'e going to come right?"

"Ya...Course I'm gonna come."

--end flashbacking--

"But you lied..You didn't come...Instead you left the village...Left me..." Tsuande slide down the middle pole and looked at the stars. She then stared crying. "After you left I lost my little brother...Then I lost Dan...So I left..There was to many bad memories."

Authers comments

I was going 2 make this one big chapter but i decided to split it up cuz i wanted to see what every1 thoguht off it...i just had 2 put orichimaru in here...and sorry for the sucky grammer but my computer dosent have spell cheek or any of that fancy stuff

sasunaru-foreva-325 if you keep on i will write that sasusaku even if it kills me which it might.