Previously: Maybe I deserved everything Charlie has ever did to me.


Carlisle had just lead us into the dining room. It was just him and I. My stomach started to turn, thinking of what was to come. One things for sure, the truth was going to come out, no matter how bad.

"Okay Bella, I know this may be tough for you to talk about but we need to. Edward said that your dad hits you, is that true?" Not being able to find my voice, I simply nodded my head. "Bella, you have to tell me what he's done. Please, this is for your own safety," this was it, my chance to finally come out and say it, to tell everyone what he has ever done to myself, and my mom.

Wiping the tears from my eyes, I nodded my head. "Okay, I'll tell you everything. Just listen, please don't interrupt me," he nodded his head.


I was excited as ever. We were heading up to La Push, mom, dad and me. We were going to visit my parents friend, Billy and his kids. I would always just hang out with Jacob.

"Bella honey, go get ready. Your father should be here soon, and you know he doesn't like to be late. Bring whatever you need," I rushed upstairs and into my room. I searched around for my teddy bear, luckily I found him just as my dad hollered up to me.

"Alright everyone, lets head out, now," I went downstairs and found mom already in the car waiting for me. "Bells, lets go now. I don't want to be late, you know it's rude," I nodded as he locked the door.

The car ride was very quiet, something I wasn't use to. I was use to my parents always fighting, yelling and screaming at each other. I knew that I was the only reason that my mom stayed with Charlie, and there was nothing I could do to change her mind.

Once we rolled into the Black's driveway I let out a huge breath, you could cut the tension in the car with a knife, I was relieved. Billy and Jacob were waiting on the porch for us. Seeing Jacob I ran over into his awaiting arms.

"Ah, Jelly Belly makes her presence known," I laughed as he swung me around in the air. "Nice to see you too Jake. Now lets go inside and leave our parents alone," taking my hand he lead me up the stairs to his room.

We were watching a movie when we heard a lot of noise coming from downstairs. Confused, both Jake and I went to the top of the stairs to peek down at what was going on.

"This is not the time or place Charlie and you know it. Billy I am terribly sorry for Charlie's horrid behavior," I watched my mom grab hold of my dads arm. "We'll just be leaving now, I'm very sorry," Billy just nodded. Dad slapped away my moms hand and headed for the car.

I watched out the window in the staircase as Charlie drove off, leaving me and mom here at Billy's. Now, Jake and I were down in the living room, mom was crying into Billy's chest shaking her head.

"I ju-just don't know what to do anymore," I broke my heart watching everything that dad had ever done to her. I quickly pulled her into my arms. "Billy how are we going to get home?" I asked as my mom tried to calm herself. "I'll drive you up," AN: In this story, Billy isn't in a wheelchair, and Jake is just a friend. Pro-Edward all the way I just nodded my head.

The drive was very quiet, again no one was talking. Mom was holding herself together. When we reached the house dad's car wasn't in the driveway. I think that was a good thing, I don't think I could handle anymore fighting for the night.

We said our good-byes to Billy, and mom thanked him. We sat outside on the porch for a few minutes, alone.

"Bella, I'm sorry I keep putting you through this. Your dad and I just haven't been getting along lately. Sweetie, I don't ever want to think that you are the source of our fighting, honey it's not, it's just your dad and I don't see eye to eye anymore," I hadn't noticed that tears were falling from my eyes until mom pulled me into her arms.

I sat there in her arms for about an hour, wishing things would soon get better, praying that everything turned out alright. I wished mom happiness, no matter what happened, I hoped that she would be happy.

I cleaned myself up and headed up to my room for the night. I was so tired, I went straight to be, trying to forget everything that happened today.

Around 3 in the morning I was jolted awake from a loud crash in the family room. Being the curious person I am, I had to go see what the noise was. I stopped dead in my tracks when I found dad standing over moms body on the ground.

"You stupid bitch, making me look bad in front of our friends. How dare you," I watched as he kicked her in the stomach. Mom was struggling to get away. "And then I come home to find you sneaking out with all your shit packed. Where did you think you could go?" I looked to the door and noticed a suitcase, most likely filled with moms clothes.

I hadn't even seen dad pull out his gun, but he had it in his hand and was pointing it right to mom. I wanted so badly to go down there and stop him, to yell at him. Mom looked over to me on the stairs and gave me a look, pleading with me, telling me to head back up to my room. I watched as she mouthed 'I love you' too me one last time.

I broke down right there on the stairs. Mom was dead. Dad killed her. Now he knows I saw it. He knows I'm here. Trying my fastest to get upstairs, I tripped half way, letting Charlie catch up to me.

"Now, where do you think you're going? Huh? I can't have you running all over town telling people what you saw now can I? You know, before you, your mom and I got along just great. But then you came along, and screwed everything up, it's your fault I had to do this," I couldn't talk. Charlie had me by the throat, gun still in his hand.

"Plea-please," I tried to plead with him. This was just too much. Before I knew what hit me, Charlie sent my tumbling downstairs, I knocked my head on the end table. I could already smell the blood seeping from my head.

Charlie just slowly walked downstairs chuckling to himself. He was sick, then again, I did just watch him kill his wife. He bent down to eye level with my and look right into my eyes when he lifted his hand and beat me.

The pain was too much to bare. I felt like dying, to just get rid of the pain. So much for wishing happiness upon my family. Instead we get this. Charlie kept hitting me, much to my protest, I started to kick and scream. Finally smelling them blood sent me over into darkness.

I was helpless. Charlie made it look as if mom was running away from him, with me, and we just got into a car accident. He even went so far as to crash his car and place us inside the vehicle. Everyone thought nothing of it, and believed that it was in fact a car accident.

No one would ever question the chief of police. Everyone went to moms funeral. Charlie also threatened me, saying if I ever told anyone, that he would kill me. From that day on, every single night Charlie would come home from work and have a drink, then he would hit me. Telling me I looked too much like Renee.

End Flashback.

Carlisle looked absolutely terrified, and sympathetic. I was crying so hard Carlisle called Edward in to help me up to bed for the night. Edward took me into his arms and walked quietly upstairs, shutting his door behind him.

He never let me out of his arms as I cried. He never said a word, which I found very comforting. We both fell asleep, just holding each other.

I woke up feeling a whole lot better than I felt going to sleep. Looking over at Edward, I couldn't get over the fact that he was being so nice to me now. I thought back to the first day I met him, he looked like he absolutely hated me.

Edward finally began to stir, breaking me out of my thoughts. Smiling down at Edward I finally spoke since spilling my guts last night. "Did you sleep well?" Edward cracked a smile looking over to me. "Yeah, did you? Are you okay?" I could sense the worry in his voice.

I nodded my head. "I'm fine now, thanks for last night. I really needed that. I hope everything turns out okay now," he nodded in understanding. I didn't need to remind him what we were talking about, he knew.

Thinking back to my first thoughts, I decided to ask him about the first day and why he was being so nice now. "Edward, why are you being so nice to me? I can't help but think back to the first day of school. You looked like you hated me right when you looked at me. I just wanted to know why that was," he took a deep breath before answering.


Taking a deep breath I told her. "Bella, I never hated you. And I never will. It's just that first day when I looked into your eyes I could see pain and hurt. I knew something terrible happened to you in your life, and I don't know why but I felt like I wanted to be there for you. I know it's silly, I never knew you when this happened, but I still wanted to be there, to help ease the pain," I looked up to her face.

She gave me a sad smile. I took that as a god sign, at least she didn't think that I was some psycho. "Well, to tell you the truth. I wish you were there. I wish I had someone there to talk to, to tell them the things I've gone through. I haven't even told my only friend," I was shocked.

Did that mean that she has no one else in her life. No aunts, no other family she could have turned to? "Bella, don't you have any other family?" She shook her head. "No, my mom and Charlie were both only kids, and my grandparents passed away before I was born," she just shrugged.

I couldn't believe that she had to hold this in for so long. But I needed to know, "Bella, when did this all happen? How old were you?" She paused for a second. "15," she mumbled. Wow, she has been holding all this in for almost three years!

But, then that meant that she has been abused for almost three years. How could she stand it, why hasn't she ever run away? She's without a doubt the strongest person I have ever met. No one I know could ever go through all that, and still be alive to tell the story.

Bella looked a little uncomfortable just sitting here so I grabbed her hand and headed out the door. We were walking downstairs to the kitchen when her stomach growled. I just chuckled and pulled her over the the fridge.

I handed her a bowl of cereal. We sat in silence eating our food when the rest of the family came into the room. "What the H to the E to the equal sign are you doing up at this hour?" Alice sang as she took her seat across the table from me. Bella just giggled. She seemed much more at ease.

The phone started to ring in the living room. Carlisle excused himself to go answer it. We were all making jokes and having a good time, trying to lighten the mood before we had to go off to school again. Carlisle came back into the room with a serious look on his face.

Right away everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to face him. I looked over to Bella, only to fine her frozen with a petrified look on her face. I took her hand in mine and gave her a soft squeeze, letting her know I am here, and will be there for her.

Carlisle cleared his throat. "That was one of the officers from the police station, Bella I have some very bad news," I felt Bella squeeze my hand more tightly.

AN: Alright, I know it's cliffy, but I want to know what you think should happen to Charlie.

A: Should that be the police saying that there was an accident at work with Charlie?


B: Should there be a trial and Charlie be put to jail?

Please let me know what you want to happen, you are the ones that will be reading it, I honestly can't decide which to choose. So I'm leaving the choice up to you. Review with you answers!

Love Aways,

BellaKristina xOXo