Bella's P.O.V.

"Check mate" said a glowing Edward. Though the sight was breathtaking, the reason behind it was aggravating.

Edward had beaten me.


I sighed leaning back. I was going to take losing to Edward gracefully.

"You cheated." I pouted. Ok fine, but in my defence I could never pull off graceful.

"I swear I did no such thing." He said smiling. A playful twinkle in his eyes as he threw his hands up in mock surrender.

A black piece of wood flew out of his sleeve at the rapid movement. He reached up and caught it quickly, never taking his eyes off her.

He slowly opened his hand reviling the little wooden pawn that he held between his thumb and his first finger.

My eyes flickered to the pile of pawns by his fore arm. There was one missing from just seconds ago.

"Ha ha," I gave a sarcastic laugh, "that's not what I meant."

"Then what did you mean?" he was trying to keep from smiling though he tried to make his voice sound serious.

He had been in much higher spirits ever since she had agreed to marry him. He had also become much more …playful. Kissing her with more passion then he had ever really let himself. The thought alone made her blush and her heart speed up.

To distract him from her misbehaving body, she continued.

"What I mean is that you're a vampire, and not just any vampire, your Edward Cullen the vampire. Which means your perfect." She pretended to sigh in disappointment. "Why must you insist on cheating?"

"I'm perfect at everything am I?" He growled playfully, taking a hunting stance.

I jumped up from the table that held our game. "No, Edward do—" but she was already flying.

We landed on the bed. Edward had turned us so that I landed on top of him, straddling his hips. "—n't "I finished breathlessly.

Edward only chuckled.

I giggled along with him.

"You know what else is unfair about vampires?" I tried to keep my face solemn.

"What's that?" he asked smiling, having obviously seen through my attempt.

"They aren't ticklish."

"No," he agreed, taking on my solemn façade. Then his face broke out into a wicked grin, "But humans are!" he rolled so that I was beneath him as he started tickling my sides.

"No!" I screamed. "Ahh! No, it hurts!" I was squirming under him, trying to get away from him. I was shaking in silent laughter now arching and squirming under him.

Then there was a deafening cracking sound.

Edward and I both turned towards the sound wide eyed. I was still pinned under him as Carlisle looked at us frozen in place. Emmett was right behind him. Then, not half a second later Alice vaulted over the two in her way. She landed gracefully and silently, her face looked as if she were expecting to see a crime scene.

Edward rolled off me, so that both our backs were against the bed side by side, looking at the growing group of Cullens before us.

"What happed?" demanded Esme, her voice strained with worry.

"We heard screaming." Said Jasper, looking around the room cautiously.

"I was uhh, tickling her…" There was a moment of awkward silence before Emmett's booming laughter shattered it.

"God Edward!" he cried laughing, leaning against the doorless door jam for support. "We thought you were killing her or something!"

"I was thinking more of rape." Muttered Alice, glaring at Edward through a break in her tinkling laugh.

I was a deep red at this point.

"Don't worry," Edward said, a smile playing at the corners of his mouth, topaz eyes sparkling, "I'll call you all down to join me if I have any future plans to torture Bella."

Most of the Cullens had left by now all chuckling. Only Carlisle remained.

"Sorry about your door Edward." He called as he walked away smiling.

Edward and I both looked at each other before bursting into laughter our selves. When we finally quieted down I looked at him sternly.

"No more tickling." I said

"No more tickling." He agreed eyeing his door.