Summary: Sequel to Midnight Musings.
Taming Torres, Joining Janeway
She left him, six months ago.
I offered to let her move in with me. She accepted.
It was two months after our little, one night thing, that turned into a two month fling. Tom never figured it out, I don't know how he didn't because she spent every night in my quarters, but he never suspected a thing.
Or if he did, he kept it to himself.
We practically lived together all that time anyway, I thought it only natural that she actually move in.
She divorced him 3 weeks after she moved in.
He said that he thought they were good, that things were okay between them. He had no idea it was B'Elanna that requested he be put on Gamma shift rotation. He had no idea that every night she shared my bed.
If you love someone, would you give them up as easily as he gave her up?
I know I couldn't give B'Elanna up as easily as Tom gave her up.
She's now sleeping next to me, every night we share this bed and we grow closer.
I can't believe I managed to tame the Klingon, it was so easy, the thing that wasn't so easy though was taming me. I can't believe she's turned me into this blundering idiot, but that's what love does I guess, turns you into clumsy fools.
There's movement beside me. My beautiful lover is stirring, (okay that sounded cheesey, even to me, see what she does to me?)
"You awake Kath?" B'Elanna whispers quietly, obviously afraid of waking me if I wasn't.
"I am" I whisper back.
"You sound very awake, whatcha been doin'?"
"Admiring the view. Have I told you how much I love you?"
"I did only just wake up, so not yet."
"I love you, so very much, B'Elanna. I could never give you up as easily as Tom did, I would fight for you, always." The sap is back.
"I love you too Kath." She rolls over and then groggily surprises me with "marry me Kath."
I can't even form words, that's how surprised I am. "…" I stumble on my answer "yes?" I say uncertainly.
"Yes?" She repeats mimicking my uncertainty "that's the best you can do?"
"You surprised me darling, yes I'll marry you." I agree, this time really meaning it.
B'Elanna let out a little whoop and kissed me hard, almost bruising. See what I mean? Who, in their right mind, would give this beautiful woman up, let her go without a fight? I would, could never give this up.