Title: Torn
Gabriel Gray/Sylar, Peter, and various OCs – one of which, Aracely Driver from my fic The Watchmaker's Son
Sylar/OC . . . if there are any others you can interpret them as such ;D
Implied - For the season finale of Heroes, but you should have seen it by now, right??
Ranging from G to R
Gruesome images, vague sex, destruction
Angst to fluff and back
I do not own Heroes, any of their characters, or any of the songs at all.
Hey, everyone!! I did this to get back into the saddle of fic writing. I had an idea for a song-fic a few moths ago, but it went *POOF!* So I did this to get back into the swing of creativity. Enjoy!!! ^.^ Hope you like them!

Labor of Love – Star Trek
Word Count: 112

The girl laid there dead in a pool of her own blood. He said it would be his last kill, but he knew that was an impossible promise to make to anyone. It was a beautifully grotesque sight. Her arms splayed out, one hand over her heart and the other reaching towards the sky. Her legs bent in odd ways as if she was trying to run from a nightmare. She was, but unfortunately that nightmare was real and had devoured her. Sylar looked down on the work of art savoring the ability he acquired from her. Such light should never grace the body of such a torn man such as he.

The Deep End – Scary Kids Scaring Kids
Word Count: 153

Gabriel awoke and had a numbness about him that can only be describe as being totally lost within himself. There was only darkness about. Where was he?? The sense of floating was unknown to him. Had he picked up levitation without his knowledge? Then the memories began to flood back to him. The President's limo. The injection by Peter. Angela holding his hand as if he was her very own son again. And then . . . then an intense pain as Parkman . . . what did he do? Why did he feel no pain? Was he but a mere soul now trapped within himself? This is worse than being lost in an eternal sleep. Was this Purgatory for all of his sins? Must be. He deserved this kind of painless agony for everything. Didn't mean he was sorry. He was a newly born fighter. With a suddenness Nathan screamed out in agony and dropped to the floor.

Hamburg Song – Keane
Word Count: 153

Peter had just ended his shift. There were a lot of calls today, but saving people one by one was all he could do anymore. Life had changed so much in the past year. So much sadness. Never again wold he regain the hope he had in humanity all because of his brother. God, he missed him so much in those days. He always looked up to him as a hero. He didn't know him anymore though. Things seemed better, but Peter still did not trust his mother or Nathan – and that weighed on his soul. Lounging in a chair, Peter took a sip from his glass and closed his eyes. God only gives you what you can handle. With a heavy sight he picked up the phone. Dialing the numbers carefully he planned what he would say, but as it was answered he lost all thought. "Nathan? . . . Ma? Can I come over?"

Unbreakable – Fireflight
Word Count: 131

The two forces stood opposite one another. No peanut gallery this time. No distractions to help. Sylar and Peter were in a face-off, neither ready to make the first move. There were no words between them. Nothing needed to be said. Life, fate, . . . destiny had always brought them to each other. They were forever locked in this battle of wills and ideologies. Both had faltered at one point or another, but they always eventually returned to their respective sides. At the same time both lit up with their power of choice and flung themselves in the other's direction. So much blood and healed over bruises. Neither could die, but just the beat-down and the pain was a blessing. They fought to know they were alive. That they were real.

Build God, Then We'll Talk – Panic! At The Disco
Word Count: 152

Sylar entered the large church in the heart of the city. Every so often, the softer side of him wished to go to confession in a moment of weakness. He never actually went though. Watching the devout pray for their lives gave him an odd sense of amusement. He brushed his hand deviously across the pew in front of the prayer candles and saw each and every prayer uttered from fearful lips. One girl prayed for forgiveness for pre-marital relations with another man. Juicy. But nothing truly interesting. Looking over everything, Sylar was glad he couldn't die. He didn't want to wait in line for Purgatory or Hell with any of these people. Granted he would be the first in line and fall the hardest of any of them. He could be a right bastard sometimes. Whatever happened to the meek watchmaker? He didn't remember anymore. It didn't matter to him.

Everything You Ever – Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
Word Count: 145

Gabriel staggered into the closet, blood covering his hands and splattering onto his shirt. Collapsing in a corner he was numb. How could he ever be forgiven for killing not one man, but two out of sheer jealousy? A need to be special? It had overtaken him. He couldn't fight. He wasn't strong enough. Slowly he discarded his glasses, tears silently streaming down his cheeks. His fingers took the blood and painted the walls with different versions of "Forgive me father, for I have sinned" The release of emotion was leaving him – his soul ripping in two painfully. He was giving up and giving into his primal urges. Gabriel could no longer live. He had been briefly saved, but he failed. A new order needed to take over. The battle for his soul left him stronger in the end, but at too harsh a price.

Devastated – Ballas Hough Band
Word Count: 97

This was the first time that I had been back to my old apartment, now hers. I'm glad she was doing well, my Ara. I had never noticed until tonight that she had been the love of my life all this time. God, she is my angel. We move directly through the living room to the bedroom and entangle ourselves. Whispered on our breath are promises of savior and companionship. We toss and turn – our first time, a long time coming. My angel. I do not deserve this kind of attention, but she cares. More than anyone.