Okay I know this is short, but I thought it was the perfect ending. I do hope you all enjoyed reading this.
Chapter Fourteen: Epilogue
Happiness doesn't even start to describe how I feel. Euphoric is closer to realization. It's been just over a year since I got Claire back. Now living just outside of Los Angeles in a small three bedroom apartment. We've been married for just under four months, and Aaron has finally grown used to the fact that Claire is his biological mother. He loves it when I play my guitar at night, as does Claire. She could listen to me just strum away mindlessly for hours at a time, and be happy as a clam.
"Charlie?" I hear her call from the kitchen, as she fixes dinner.
A normal happy family. I never thought that I would ever get this.
"Yeah luv?" I asked from my seat in front of the newly purchased piano. My fingers graze the keys, as a low musical sound comes out.
"Could you help me for a moment?" she asked, and it sounded as if she was straining for something.
"Coming," I called, as I stood up, closing the piano keys away, and headed toward the kitchen. "What can I do for you?"
She turns and smiles that brilliant angel like smile at me, and I feel as if I'll melt from the inside out. It took every ounce of self control that I had, to not continue forward, and capture her beautiful lips with mine.
"I need that pot down," she paused pointing to the pot on the second shelf from the top. "Can you get it?"
I knew that the chances weren't in my favor, what with me being short and all. I grinned at her though, hoping she wouldn't catch on to my internal battle of how the hell I was going to get the pot down without embarrassing myself.
"Charlie, are you sure?" she asked me, one eyebrow cocked slightly.
"Uh, yeah of course. That's why I'm here luv," I gave her my winning smile, that I knew she couldn't turn down. She returned it with one of her own.
"I thought you were here to help me with Aaron, and this one," she pointed to her slightly swollen stomach, and I couldn't stop the grin that crossed my face. I was going to be a daddy. Not that I wasn't already. Even though Aaron wasn't biologically mine, I still felt that paternal feeling towards him.
"Well—that is true luv. I'm also here for the hard stuff," I sighed, as I leaned forward, grazing my lips against hers.
It was like I was floating on a cloud. Even though I was secretly waiting for something to come along and burst that cloud I was currently living on.
"So, husband of mine—the pot?" she winked at me, as I sighed.
I reached up, and knew I was at least a good foot from actually reaching it. As I turned to grab something to help me pull it down, I heard the doorbell ring. Our dinner guests were already here, how lovely.
"I'll get the door, you keep working on the pot," she smiled, as she made her way toward the front door.
"Yeah, laugh it up," I yelled from my place in front of the stove.
I heard low whispers, followed by a bellowing laugh.
"Hey Chuckie, I see Barbie wasn't lying," Sawyer smiled, his sarcasm hadn't subsided a bit.
I rolled my eyes, as he pushed me out of the way and grabbed for the pot I couldn't' reach.
"I almost had it," I sighed.
"Sure you did, hobbit boy," he said, smiling at me, handing the pot to Claire.
"Great," I smiled, but I knew she could see past it.
I inhaled deeply, taking in the warm aroma of the food Claire was cooking. It was nearly finished, and the rest of our dinner guests had arrived. Kate was playing with Aaron, who had finally gotten used to calling her Aunt Kate, instead of mommy. Sun and Jin, had their little girl with them. She sat on Jin's lap, staring off into space. Jack sat beside Juliet, holding her hand tightly, as she rubbed the small bump on her stomach. Sawyer sat beside Kate, watching her absently twisting her engagement ring while playing with Aaron. Hurley sat beside on Sawyer's other side, smiling at Aaron who was laughing at the fact that he split his sippy cup on Kate. Finally, beside me was Liam, who had just gotten into town only an hour or so ago, with his wife and little girl.
"So, your happy baby brother?" Liam asked me, as he turned from his wife's face, toward mine.
"I'm beyond happy Liam. I have my family. I'm gonna be a daddy soon. I have a wonderful wife. It's the life I always dreamed of," I smiled, and knew the words were true. It was the life I always dreamed of. Now that I had it, I'd do anything to never let it slip through my fingers.
Special Shout-Out Thanks to:
For the great reviews.