Xana's new attack.
Xana infects the girls at Kadic with a type of love potion, but it doesn't create romantic feeling but overly intensifies those that already exist.
I do not own Code Lyoko.
The girl's rest room were usually quiet so early in the morning however this night in each one a smoke came out of an electrical out let and filled the room before fading.
It was a typical morning at kadic, Jeremie woke up in bed, though he did not remember actually going to bed. The last thing he remembered was test running he latest program. He must have had fallen asleep at that point, but he was in bed and his computer was off. He suspected that his pink haired guardian angel had something to do with this, he would ask her on their way to breakfast.
Aelita woke up as usual got a shower and then returned to her room to dress. When she was done she head for Jeremie's room, for some reason the thought of the blond genus made her feel unusually gleeful. Thinking of Jeremie always made her happy after all she loved him dearly, but for some reason is was unusually intense that morning.
When Aelita reached Jeremie, she knocked on the door as usual, when Jeremie said come in her heart jumped for joy as though she had not seen him in a month. When she opened the door and saw him, instead of her usual cherry hello, Aelita went right up to Jeremie and kissed him passionately. Jeremie was surprised but kissed her back.
"So, what brought that on?" asked Jeremie, " Not that I mind, but it's just unusual, after all you know that if Ulrich or Odd saw us they'd never let us live it down."
"I just wanted too," replied Aelita with an almost seductive smile.
At breakfast Aelita was clinging to Jeremie like a vine.
"Is something wrong, Aelita?" asked Odd, "I know you really like Jeremie, but the only time I recall seeing you cling to him like this was that time you had a dream about Xana attacking us with an army of Sissy clones."
"Never felt better," replied Aelita, "I just love Jeremie so much that ..."
She was interrupted as Sissy with unusual boldness; even for her; came up an kissed Ulrich. He pushed her away.
"What are you doing Sissy?" asked Ulrich, "If this is some trick to get me to like you, it won't work."
"But Ulrich dear," replied Sissy, "It's no trick, I'm just trying to show you how much I love you and ..."
She was interrupted as Ulrich was mobbed by about a dozen girls, forcing Odd to come to his rescue.
Science class proved a total bust when Mrs. Hertz didn't show up at all. Ulrich was have trouble with a number of girls in the class; especially Sissy.
Aelita was still playing the clinging vine on Jeremie, and giving him an occasional kiss. With all the chaos this love fest was causing, Jeremie was convinced that it was some sort of Xana attack, though without a doubt the most pleasant one to date.
What bothered him was that the super scan was not detecting any activated towers.
"Odd, Ulrich, we need to get out of here," said Jeremie, "I think Xana's behind this."
The four them headed outside, Sissy followed. Once outside they saw Yumi. Since she was a town student they had hopes that she was unaffected.
To be continued.