Chapter 10- The Eradication of Scum

The call of battle was near; she could feel it in nearly every pore of her body. They only had a quarter of the jewel compared to Naraku, whom had virtually all of it thanks to Kikyo. Thankfully, the hateful witch was now dead with every fiber of thanks to Sesshomaru defending his ward. The fire danced to the snaps and crackles of the burning wood and leaves while the Inu gang rested, Kouga and his wolves also slept a few yards away, in their own camp, along with Ayame, whom was his future mate, and her pack.

Something rustled in the woods ahead of Kagome, and her reflexes snapped into action, erecting a barrier around herself as she quickly notched her arrow. A silhouette stepped into the moonlight. It was Sesshomaru.

Kagome breathed a silent sigh of relief and lowered her weapon. "Your reflexes have improved." His baritone voice rattled her ribs in the quiet, starless night and she blushed brightly at the compliment. His nose twitched at the smell of nervousness. "No harm shall befall your kit while he resides in the Western Palace of the Moon." Kagome's blush intensified and she shook her head.

"Oh no, it isn't that Lord Sesshomaru, I can feel the jewel nearing and I'm nervous about the final battle." Kagome explained rubbing the back of her head sheepishly.

"This is not the last of evils you will fight, miko." He told her returning into the dark forest. Kagome's sapphire blue eyes watched the area he had just left from with an admirable gaze. He reminded her of a martial arts sensei from the future.

Sighing and telling herself to relax, Kagome scooted closer to the fire. She wore the traditional miko hakamas but instead of the white haori, she donned a form fitting black tunic with pale blue pads similar to Sango's taijya outfit. Black boots with the same color stitching completed her ensemble.

A short sword was tied to her side, but it was useless considering she never learned to wield it. Kagome looked into the night sky as clouds passed by, and a crescent moon met her gaze. Inu Yasha came to join her near the fire, his ears lowered to his hair. "What you doin' up wench?" He questioned softly. Kagome met his molten amber orbs. His eyes seemed darker than his brother's, maybe closer to brown because of his human genetics.

"Nothing, something just feels…"

"Off?" Miroku finished his violet eyes deadly serious. His hair was so long now that Sango had tied it into a ponytail similar to Kohaku's. Kagome met eyes with the couple dressed for battle and nodded. A transformed Kirara stood tall by her master's side.

"All the camps are awake. Kouga sent out some of his wolves' to scout the perimeter for any signs of Naraku's horde of demons." Sango reported as she and the monk took a seat near their pack leaders. Kagome felt her miko powers flare to life as the demon camp began to buzz with movement. When Inu Yasha looked away uncomfortably, Kagome's blush returned and she tried to pull them in, but her body still held a pink glow.

"Sorry 'Yasha," She apologized reaching to rub his ear in apology. The young miko was inches from his head when both their auras flared and exploded causing her to create mini craters with her knees as she slid a few more feet backwards from the blast of power. Miroku and Sango were on their feet in an instant.

"That was odd…" Kagome stated with an awkward chuckle. Her miko aura fanned out the campsites with a nearly translucent pink as their demon companions arrived to investigate. "Its okay guys, just a little static electricity between Inu Yasha and I." Kagome announced returning to the perimeter of her friends.

"Yeah wench, your stupid powers almost made me deaf. My ears are still ringing!" Inu Yasha exclaimed brashly as he rubbed his ears furiously. Kagome reached for him again with a scowl on her face. Their energy made a popping noise similar to the fire beneath them and the hanyou leapt away from her reach. A few chuckles echoed around them and Inu Yasha lowered his ears to his skull with a growl.

Kagome smirked triumphantly and jumped when Sesshomaru's aura tickled hers. It was trying to swallow her whole. The comrades gasped in awe as Sesshomaru entered the clearing impassively, followed by his generals and soldiers. Kagome's aura expanded around her protectively, lifting tendrils of her onyx black hair.

"If you two are finished with your antics…" He chided with burning amber eyes teasing her with a smug look. Kagome blushed with an embarrassed giggle. An explosion seemed to shake the entire world, nearly causing Kagome, Miroku, and Sango to fall to their knees. A blinding light pierced the sky, causing humans and demons alike to cover their eyes.

When the blinding light had passed, the sky seemingly on fire met their gazes. Kagome shuddered, readying her bow and kicking loose dirt over the campfire. "I think the battle has begun." Kagome's eyes seemed to ripple with power as hundreds of Naraku's minions began to rain down and take place in preparation to charge.

Kouga spotted Kagura, Kanna, and Kohaku on her feather in front of the mindless demons. "The wind bitch is -,"

"Ours…" Ayame finished for him, clasping his hand tightly into her own. Deafening roars echoed the land and the ground seemed to move as hundreds of demons rushed towards them with murderous intent. Kagome's hair flew forward as her companions rushed to engage in battle. Kagome readied her arrow, her miko energy snapping and crackling around her as she charged the arrow with power.

She aimed it high in the air and watched it fly as her pink miko energy streaked the fire red in the sky. The sounds of battle reached her ears by the time Kagome had notched another arrow. She held her chin high, stance powerful, and her eyes seemed to glow around the pupil with pink as she released arrow after arrow, turning enemies to ash with her meteor shower of arrows.

The battle had been going on for nearly forty-five minutes when Kagome heard Inu Yasha release the Wind Scar. Her arrow combined with his attack and silence met their ears as the horde of demons blew away with the silent breath of the wind. The nearly dawn sky returned to its normal hue, but Kagome kept an arrow notched and her bow rose.

She watched as Sesshomaru swept over the destroyed campsite with an arc of his Tenseiga and their fallen soldiers rose from the dead. Kagome observed the horizon critically as some of the wolves cheered and congratulated each other. Something told her that this battle was far from over.

Kagome witnessed Miroku console Sango as she held onto her brother's limp body. A pebble shook on the ground beside the miko, and she tilted her head gazing at the purplish-black object, and then returned her vision to Inu Yasha, whom was high-fiving Kouga. Sapphire blue eyes widened as she realized what was truly occurring. The 'pebble' beside her became a tentacle as it erupted from the ground. She started to sprint towards her battle comrades before her panicked, famous scream left her mouth. "Inu Yasha!" A tentacle encircled around her waist, yanking her backwards then tossing her in the air. Her friends gasped and they were quickly en route to save their savior.

"Kagome!" Inu Yasha, Miroku, and Sango exclaimed in shock and worry. Kagome released a shrill scream as she began to fall. Her voice broke as yet another tentacle grabbed her around the waist. Kagome coughed in attempt to return the air robbed from her lungs by the tentacle breaking her fall.

She spotted the first tentacle that had thrown her destroying her bow, which was dropped in the process of being snatched. Another tentacle ripped the quiver full of arrows from her back and Kagome cried out as they disintegrated into a cloud of miasma.

The blue eyed miko felt herself being pulled backwards as her hanyou friend leapt for her. Their hands nearly grasped one another, but a tentacle impaled Inu Yasha directly through his abdomen. "Inu Yasha!" Kagome screamed tears pouring from her eyes, her hand still reaching for him as the tentacle pulled her further away from safety.

Hundreds of tentacles had emerged from the ground, halting the process of her rescue as the pesky things created a barrier of sorts. The tentacle around her waist lowered her gently to the ground and re-entered the ground, presumably to join the others. The young miko shivered in disgust and the hairs on the back of her neck raised with warning.

Kagome turned on her heel swiftly, standing a few feet from the evil, red-eyed villain she wished to destroy. Kagome drew her sword with a surprising imposing force and flared her energy. "Naraku!"

"Miko." He replied nonchalantly, "Why don't you put that thing away before one of us is injured, ne?" Her eyes narrowed dangerously in response.

"The only one that is going to get hurt is you. Don't come any closer!" her hands shook slightly, and the sword rattled.

"Funny, I remember a certain hanyou falling from the air with a hole in his abdomen." Naraku rushed toward her, causing her to flinch. He gasped as her sword entered his midsection. Kagome released the hilt with wide blue eyes, taking a few steps back after realizing her hands had his blood on it. Naraku doubled over and pushed the blade completely though.

Kagome could only watch as the bloodied weapon hit the forest floor with a clatter and Naraku stood impeccably straight with only a moan. "You have no idea how great that felt." He admired her startled expression and was soon close enough in front of her to trace her jawline. "I know you couldn't swat a gnat with that silly toy." He gave her a charming, predator like smile as his fingers tilted her chin so her eyes would meet his.

"Get away from me you creep!" Kagome yelled angrily swatting at his hand.

"Ah, but I cannot my exotic beauty. I do believe you have something of mine?" He scolded gripping her neck painfully. Kagome raised her tiny hand to his in an attempt for air.

"The Shikon Jewel will never be yours, you bastard!" Kagome replied calmly. Naraku chuckled evilly.

"Ku ku ku miko, know your place." The back of his hand connected with her face and she cried out as she hit the ground, clutching her neck and holding her injured cheek where a fresh bruise was surely growing.

"You will be defeated Naraku." Kagome rasped. Naraku stood over her before she could blink, causing her to flinch.

"We're coming for you Kagome!" She heard Sango yell.

"Wind Scar!"

"I tire of playing games with you." He snarled reaching for the jewel shards around her neck. Kagome charged her hand with all the strength of her powers remaining and plunged it into his chest with the hope to strike his heart. He screamed in agony and slumped over her. Kagome screamed as she looked at her hand through his back, and in it, she held his blackened beating heart that held the other portion of the jewel, which was slowly purifying. A tentacle pierced the center of her chest from the ground, shattering the glass vial containing the few jewel shards she possessed.

Tears streamed from her face and the battlefield erupted with the pink light of pure holy power. "I don't wish to die, but if it means ridding the world of scum like you while I do it, I will gladly join you in the afterlife Naraku!" Kagome whispered bravely.

Naraku's heart's ashes blew away with the wind and thousands of demons began to rip from the hole in his chest, causing the hole to spread until nothing was left. Kagome screamed as her body was randomly attacked by the masses of escaping, corrupted souls. She felt the jewel roll from her palm and re-enter the original scar that an escaping demon had reopened.

Unknowingly, the scar healed over with a metallic silver crescent marking. The jewel shards that were in the vial around her neck fell into the gaping hole left in her chest by Naraku's last resort and the wound closed as well.

Surrounded in a pool of her own blood, Kagome gave an accomplished smile as her vision began to fade with black. "I wish the jewel will never surface again." She whispered weakly. Images of her friends crossed her mind's eye and she smiled peacefully as darkness overtook her. -

The thick sky-high wall of tentacles shriveled and fell decayed onto the ground. Sesshomaru expanded his senses and sheathed his sword. He spotted the miko lying still on the ground. Panicked cries of her name assaulted his superior hearing and he scoffed at their stupidity. If they had been smart enough to see their senses, they would see she was still alive.

Miraculously, the miko had defeated the hanyou single-handedly. The stoic daiyoukai smirked and made his post in a nearby tree as roars of accomplishment echoed for miles. He should have followed his instinct when the evil hanyou had just emerged and slain him then, but then, his brother would not have achieved enough good-word name spread to retake the thrown as prince.

Sesshomaru's head tilted as the monk assessed the unconscious human's health. Cheers rang all around when she was pronounced alive. His amber gaze met his brother's nearly identical one, and they nodded. Inu Yasha smiled as he gathered the unconscious and wounded fighter in his arms. Sesshomaru gathered his men and prepared for the return home. He would return for his brother and pack if the call of war became evident. -

Inu Yasha could have leapt for joy at his brother's nod of approval had he not been holding the injured heroine. Kouga and Ayame promised to visit in a few weeks to check on Kagome after their mating. Miroku was happily noting his healed hand with the largest grin on his face. The wolves departed with howls of victory. Kirara held the now awake Kohaku whom was soon tackled to the ground by his older sister. The final battle had flowed almost smoothly, with no casualties thanks to his brother.

Inu Yasha instinctively held Kagome closer as he and his pack traveled to the village of Edo to see Kaede, who could take a better look at Kagome, and when their strong little miko awakened, she would share the tale of Naraku's defeat and the disappearance of the Shikon Jewel. Maybe it wouldn't be too late for him to become a full demon. Then his brother would let him join the ranks of the Western Imperial Army.

The journey back to Kaede's would be short, thanks to the rush from victory against the hanyou that made uncountable lives miserable for nearly five years. He glanced behind him. Miroku and Sango were dually blessed considering the monk's wind tunnel no longer threatened his life and Sango's brother miraculously survived his wind scar.

The hanyou's ears flickered backwards, silently observing the conversation held between the trio riding on the battle cat's back. Multiply blessed if the conversation they were having told any truth; apparently, the last the kid slayer remembered was when their slayer village was destroyed. Inu Yasha carefully adjusted the most incredible being in all of the lands in his arms. They were almost to the old hag, and she would make it. The white haired hanyou's nose twitched as he scented her. Her pulse was very slow and slightly weak, but he could hear the blood pounding through her veins, although her breaths were raspy and shallow. She proved she was strong to everyone. A proud smirk covered his face. Despite all the troubles and doubts he had placed on her, the reincarnation of his lover had survived in one piece and defeated the very being that had pitted his lover against him.

It was a few hours later when the Inu pack arrived at Kaede's hut. Kagome's condition had remained stable throughout the entire trip. "Old hag, get out here!" Kaede emerged from the hut wearing a congratulatory smile.

"Inu Yasha, it is a pleasure to see ye again as well." She paused, her eye catching the miko cradled in his grasp and then the slayer boy in front of his sister and her fiancé. "I trust ye journey to find Naraku was successful." Inu Yasha landed gracefully in front of her.

"Yeah yea, the bastard is dead, now fix the wench okay?" He explained brashly. Kaede observed the miko critically with her lone eye before slowly passing a glowing hand over her body and nodding curtly.

"I see. Bring her inside Inu Yasha." Kaede retreated into her hut with her arms folded behind her back and Inu Yasha following closely behind. He sat her as gently as possible on the straw mattress she normally rested on and turned to glare at the old miko, who stared at him expectantly. "Ye are well aware of what happens next." She explained with her hands folded in her sleeves in front of her haori. Inu Yasha scowled at her and departed with one last look at Kagome.

Kaede stooped to rest beside the sleeping girl with creaking bones and placed both hands inches above her body, attempting to wake her aura. Wispy blue tendrils seemed to lash at her hands. Kaede's eyebrows rose slightly and she quickly pulled away then stood to her feet to pace. "Kami Kagome," she spoke to the unconscious fighter, "what have ye gotten yeself into child?" Kaede uncovered her eye that was injured many years ago and gasped. Perhaps a second opinion was necessary. She walked to the entrance of her hut to fetch Miroku, only to find he was waiting outside. "Greetings Kaede, Inu Yasha, Sango, Kohaku, and Kirara have gone to assist the villagers in preparation for the feast to celebrate the defeat of Naraku -," he paused, attempting to look past Kaede, "When assessing Kagome earlier, I -,"

"Come." Kaede interrupted simply turning on her heel and returning to the unconscious miko. Miroku followed silently. If Kaede interrupted someone, then the situation was more severe than he first assumed. Miroku entered the hut behind Kaede, placing an ofuda on the hut flap to seal it shut. He clutched the rosaries still wrapped around his wrist and slowly unraveled them as he took a seat near Kaede, who was in front of Kagome. The beads slowly began to pulse white with his holy power as held it over her body. When nothing happened for a few moments he cast a side glance to the old miko.

"It is a possession as I first suspected." He stated with furrowed black eyebrows. Kaede held her palms stiffly over the miko once more and Miroku watched as the wispy tendrils of energy lashed at her hands. "I've never seen anything like it…" Miroku glanced at the holes in the unconscious girl's clothing and hummed with thought. "I do not recall Kagome-chan obtaining injuries before she was taken by Naraku." He touched the dried blood around the outer edges of the hole then carefully lifted her to see a matching hole on the back of her shirt. He replaced her to her previous position gently, heavy bewilderment in his deep violet eyes.

On her the area above her hip, a claw like scar where the Shikon jewel had exited glowed in the dimming evening light. Miroku held his rosary over the scar and charged it with his holy power, only to receive no reaction from the odd energy manifesting inside of their friend. Miroku traced the scar lightly, only to receive a jolt. The lightly injured monk retracted his hand swiftly, earning a chuckle from Kaede.

"Miroku, Kagome has reabsorbed the Shikon Jewel." She explained patiently.

"Then why is the Shikon's energy attacking us now that it is completely pure?" He questioned folding his arms in his sleeves.

"It is not the Shikon's energy that attacks us. Our Kagome has absorbed another entity entirely." Miroku frowned at that.

"So why is the Shikon not attacking whatever it is that invaded her body?"

"The Shikon Jewel is dormant and not completely pure, but balanced. Kagome completed her duty and perhaps accidentally allowed a different energy to enter her body."

"And with her body being weak from destroying Naraku, the energy easily took over while her miko powers were unable to retaliate, but the questions remains as to what energies did she absorb?"

"This old woman knows not what has taken over Kagome. Their energies are too similar to her own" Miroku stood abruptly and bowed to Kaede.

"I am going to pray to Buddha and the Kami's' for Kagome's welfare." The monk clenched his rosary tightly in his fist. "Kagome is strong, even stronger than perhaps Inu Yasha… she will make it." Miroku removed the ofuda as he exited the old miko's hut. Kaede remained at the unconscious girl's side and lovingly kissed the center of her forehead.

"Ye are destined for much greater deeds child. I will wait until ye awaken." She rose on creaky bones and headed over to her cauldron to make a mix that would help Kagome to overcome whatever it was invading her body. Perhaps the similarities in the auras meant it would do no harm… -

She had nearly finished when Shippo bounded into the hut with a large grin on his face. "Where's Kagome?!" He exclaimed excitedly, "Sesshomaru's general told me about how she kicked Naraku's butt all by herself!"

"Good evening young Shippo. Your mother is resting." She poured a half-cup of the concoction for Kagome, and then instructed Shippo how to sit her up as she fed the miko her drink. Kagome coughed and sputtered as Shippo laid her back down. He leapt behind Kaede with an 'eeep' as her body radiated with lavender energy.

"What's that?" Shippo whispered shivering in fright.

"That is Kagome's miko energy rising to eliminate an energy that invaded her body." Shippo shivered and clung closer to his grandmother figure.

"I thought miko energy was pink?" Kaede only nodded and watched as the wispy blue energy combined with her aura.

"Oh my." Kaede whispered with wide eyes, "The energy was not malevolent. It has combined itself with her miko powers." Shippo gasped.

"So what's gunna happen to Kagome-mama?" Before Kaede could answer, Kagome's wail of pain echoed the hut. Shippo slid off Kaede's back in order to cover his sensitive ears. Kaede watched helplessly as the young woman withered in pain. Inu Yasha arrived seconds later with Sango at his side.

"What the hell is goin' on old hag?" He yelled lowering his ears to his skull. Sango rushed to hold Kagome down and as soon as she held her sister-friend's arms, she shot her hanyou leader a glare.

"Well don't just stand there!" Inu Yasha quickly dashed to hold her legs down. Her back arched n pain and she screamed as if her entire body was on fire. Shippo rushed to her side with a damp cloth, attempting to wipe the sweat from her brow while she moved her limbs in agony. "Her shoulders sound and feel like they're popping out of place…" Sango stated, and then moved her hands to hold the miko down by her forearms.

"I can almost feel her skin stretching." The hanyou told them and then flattened his ears to his skull as tight as he could. "It's as if she's shifting…" He trailed off watching as she arched her back high, tearing herself from Sango's tight grip and sending Inu Yasha flying with a kick to the face. Shippo fearfully watched both adults go flying from Kagome's paranormal display of strength and patted her arm as she took a frightening gasp for breath.

"Kagome?" He questioned innocently. She quieted instantly and her eyes flew open quickly. Shippo could only stare in awe at her eye color. They had changed to such a light blue that they looked grey. He heard Sango gasp in shock. "Momma?" he whispered stepping a little closer. Her chest rose and fell in fast breaths as she painstakingly sat up.

"Shippo?" She responded hoarsely her eyes appearing unfocused and confused. "Why… can I… feel everything?" Shippo leapt in her arms and she easily caught him with a tiny smile, instantly burying her nose into his neck and inhaling. Shippo felt her relax as if his healthy scent brought her peace. "My son…" she purred unknowingly, calming the two of them.

"Kagome…?" Sango questioned slightly unsure of herself, "Are you feeling okay? What do you remember? What happened to your eyes and -,"

"I think it would be best if ye give the child a chance to breathe Sango." Kaede intercepted bringing Kagome a mug of steaming tea. Kagome accepted with a grateful bow of her head.

"Thanks Kaede." She smiled as she inhaled, "This is really strong, I must have an infection or something."

"Infection…? More like possession. You broke my nose you wench!" Inu Yasha brashly yelled setting his nose back into place. Kagome jumped a little in fright and Shippo clung closer to her. Miroku appeared moments later, his gaze worryingly falling on Kagome and then at the seething hanyou.

"Glad to see you are awake Kagome-sama. Inu Yasha, I think it would be best if you sat and calmed down. Give Kagome a chance to awaken properly and then she will tell her story." Miroku quickly made his way across the hut to place a hand on Inu Yasha's shoulder to sit him down. His gaze returned to Kagome, this time allowing her to see complete amazement in his eyes.

Kagome nodded gratefully at the monk and sipped her tea. Inu Yasha was giving her the most heated of death glares, Shippo was looking up at her as if he was mesmerized, Sango looked at her in disbelief, and Kaede and Miroku watched her every move with patience and high observance. After finishing her tea, Kagome set her cup down and rolled her shoulders. The dull ache in her bones and muscles had receded a little and she felt better. Glancing around the hut once more, Kagome swallowed hard and prepared for an intense interrogation.

Yasha woke up with a huge startling gasp for air. He wasn't sure if he dreamed about being stuck in some civil war re-enactment or if this had something to do with Kagome and his brother's past life. He never experienced a dream so vivid that he felt it physically and literally took something out of him. Not only that but to include Kagura's mother, Kaede was something he really couldn't figure out. It was completely pitch black in his room as he allowed himself to wake up and come to his senses the darkness in his room felt eerie and dreary as he pulled his phone from his pocket to check the time. It was one minute short of a quarter after three, blinking a few times he stretched and groaned as silently as he could while his brother's drunken snores echoed the house.

His mind retracted back to the dream and he wondered briefly why Rina or Rin hadn't been in it. Hell, just remembering the Halloween when Kagura was alive was enough to make him jittery let alone bask in the feeling of being in some battle. He sat up slowly and propped himself up on his bed when the strong vibrate of an incoming call made him jump and his heart began to pound. Shaking himself out of his stupor he glanced down at the phone but this time it read nearly five in the morning he waited another second and the person calling him was none other than his niece's grandmother. She hadn't spoken more than a mouthful to him or Sesshomaru since Kagura had been burried, so why would she be calling now? Of course, she did live in a different time zone but which one it was he couldn't remember. He swallowed what he felt was horrid morning breath and answered the phone with a raspy voice. "Hello?" He wanted to sound like he was woken up but the nerves in his entire body told him something was very wrong.

"Yasha?" He heard her aging, yet smooth and comforting voice echo in his left ear. Yasha felt his blood rush for some reason and he grinned from ear to ear.

"Me-Maw? We haven't heard from you in nearly five years!"He whispered trying to contain his excitement. He could hear her breathe a sigh of relief into the phone and heard her chuckle with content as she responded.

"I know..." Her voice trailed off as if she was contemplating what to say next and he pressed the phone to his ear to listen closely, "I had to separate myself off after everything but the detective just dropped off the reports from Kagura's lab results in the hospital and you'll never believe who they found in the same hospital where Rin's mother passed." Yasha listened anxiously not wanting to interrupt or jump to conclusions but he definitely felt himself more awake now.

"Don't pull my leg now me-maw, what's going on? You been taking your meds old lady?" He cleared his throat, now out of bed and rummaging for something clean to wear. He heard her suck his teeth and there was a long pause as if she was debating on telling him.

"Don't tell your brother yet, but Kikyo is in psychiatric care at the same hospital Rin was born-" Yasha's breath hitched and he rubbed his face and pinched the bridge of his nose. He felt sick but excited at the same time.

"What? So what's she saying? Is she talking? Does she-"

"Hold on with the questions!"Kaede interrupted with annoyance in her voice causing Yasha to physically sink back onto his bed. "Now, they have not told me much, but-" The way she paused at the fanboy made Yasha's mind reel of all the possibilities that could come from her of all people and he bit down on his tongue until he tasted blood to prevent from interrupting her. "Kikyo is severely traumatized and believes her sister is in a coma at another facility. She remembers having a baby but doesn't know if it was a boy or girl." Kaede paused again he could hear her swallowing her saliva as if nervous about telling him.

"What else is it? Or can you not tell me?" He was pressing the phone so close to his ear he thought it might break or explode. This was the phone call he had been waiting what felt like decades for. Shivering, he slid back under his covers for warmth but not feeling sleepy. He pulled the phone from his ear to check the time. It was reaching time for the sun to come up, only it was still a foggy and dark sky with soft pitter-patter of rain.

"Yasha..." Her voice sounded more hesitant and she continued without waiting for him to answer. "What would you do if there were federal agents who wanted to question your brother about an unreported car accident or is he still drinking heavily?" Yasha's grip on the phone tightened incredulously and he opened his mouth to respond but couldn't find the words. His eyes broke from staring at the wall in front of him to back out of the window and it was a loud boom of thunder and a strike of orange and green lightening, but before he could answer his phone died with no warning beep and he heard Rin and Shippo and their doors open before they both ran into his room and more streaks of lightening and thunder followed.

"Uncle Yashie!" They both wailed flinging themselves onto him and his bed. "The lights aren't working anymore!" Their ability to talk in unison of each other still rattled his brain as he could only think of what kind of week this would play out to.

So, this was nothing like I originally wrote(as always) but I felt it would tie everything together better. I had edited and reviewed the previous chapters but lost the work to them... and I'm still working out the kinks. Thanks even still to my reviewers. I am going through more than I could ever tell, write, or make up, but at the same time... in the words of Gloria Gaynor- I Will Survive
