A/N: Okay seriously, I just thought of this. Leave lot's of reviews and I'll continue!

Summary: A Rockstar and a Ballet teacher. Will opposites attract or will they bring all of New York to a stand still? Find out in "Once Upon A New York Time".

Disclaimer: I own nothing except the plot.



Dancing has always been an outlet for her, a passion. If there's one thing in her life that hasn't disappointed her it would be dance. She studied into the art of ballet and that's when she fell in love… Her years of hard work and perseverance paid off and she became a well known Ballet instructor. She has her own studio in the large city of New York.

Casey McDonald's daily routine; She woke up at six AM sharp, her feet swung over the edge of her comfy soft twin bed, as she stretched and yawned. Instinctively she slipped on her pink slippers, stood and walked a couple feet to her fairly large bathroom. Her whole apartment was very modern and in a nicer part of New York. She hopped in the tub and showered well, dried her long silky brown hair and styled it in a simple bun. She then brushed her white pearly teeth and flossed. After all that was done, she walked over to her closet slipped on some tights, a black leotard and pink leg warmers in that order. Then she would slip on a skirt, blouse and warm jacket to prepare for the winter cold outside. Her keys, black ballet bag and coach purse were always hung on the hanger rack by the door, she would grab those essentials and head out of her apartment building on to the busy streets of the busy city to catch a cab. The cab took her to one of the less busy streets of New York where her studio was. She always arrived an hour early before class to warm up.

That was her everyday routine until…

Casey closed the door to the taxi and stood in front of her apartment building. She heaved a sigh and walked in. She pressed the button to the elevator, waited a few seconds before the door opened and walked in. She was on the 5th floor and when the doors parted she walked over to her door, 510 and was taken by complete surprise. There was water everywhere! She screamed as she walked into the shin deep water, wondering how this had happened. She walked into the kitchen and saw a waterfall underneath her sink. The carpet, the furniture, everything on the floor was ruined. She walked into her bedroom and her bed was floating! She pulled out her cellphone and called her land lord, Misses Delilah Lilac- yeah weird name- and she came storming up to the 5th floor. By that time Casey was a panicked mess and Delilah had to calm her down only to upset her again by saying, "I'm sorry, Mrs. Mcdonald, but you're going to have to find another place while I repair this apartment." The mid-aged woman with dark blond hair had turned off the water by then.

"Oh my God, are you serious?!" Casey exclaimed pacing through the water very agitated. "I have no where else to go! My parents live in Canada!"

Delilah crossed her arms calmly and said, "You must have some kind of friend or relative that live here in the 'Big Apple'."

Right when she had said that, Casey had a disappointed, depressed look on her lovely features. She inhaled and exhaled trying to calm those nerves of hers.

"Am I right?" Delilah asked.

Casey took another short breathe before saying, "Derek…"

Shortly after Madame Delilah Lilac left, Casey sat down on her kitchen counter since all her other seating options were currently submerged in water. She stared at her cellphone in her hand for the longest time before finally dialing a number. She put the phone to her ear and it rang a few times before she heard a 'click'.

"Hello?" The voice sounded annoyed.

"Hey, guess who this is," Casey tried to sound positive but it just wasn't working for her.

There was a long pause before he replied, "I'm gonna take a wild guess… Casey?"

She rolled her eyes-not that he could see them- and answered, "Yeah, you're not busy are you?"

"Well, I'm kinda in the middle of something," he had that sly tone in his voice.

Casey cringed in disgust as she thought, Ewww… Grose he's fucking. She quickly apologized and asked what he was up to.

"Case, cut the crap, what do you want?" He said, obviously eager to get back to his previous activities.

She jumped down from the counter forgetting about the water and splashed herself. She ignored the fact that she was wet and responded, "Look, my apartment- as of today- is flooded and I'm going to need a place to stay for a few weeks and since you're here in New York"

"You wanted to know if you can crash at my place," He interrupted her rudely.

She hesitantly replied, "Yes."

"Hmmm…" He said sarcastically. "Let me think about it." He then hung up on her.

Casey gasped, although she really didn't know why she was so surprised. She should have known he would still be the same Derek Venturi, Rockstar or not. But seriously, they were now in their late twenties and he still acted like an immature teenager.

A few minutes passed before her cellphone rang again, she answered it and heard the comforting voice of her mother Nora.

"Mom, thank God, I have had the worst day," Casey said as tears welled up in her eyes.

"What happened, Sweetie?" Nora asked concernly.

"Well, my apartment is flooded and I have no place to stay," She sat back down on the counter.

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry… Wait a minute… Isn't Derek there?" Nora asked.

Casey replied, "Well, yeah, but come on, mom, get real, do you really think he's going to let me stay at his place?"

"Did you ask him?"

"Yeah, he said he'd think about it," Casey said with a sigh.

"Derek, may be a lot of things, but uncompassionate isn't one of them," Nora stated.

Casey nodded and mumbled, "I'd beg to differ." Just then her phone beeped notifying her of another call. "Let me call you back, mom." She answered the other line and low and behold it was Derek.

"Okay, as much as I would love to leave you homeless I know I can't," he stated without preliminaries.

"So you grew a heart these past few years," Casey said in sarcasm.

"No, I'm doing this because of my dad and your mom," He said firmly. "If you're going to stay at my humble abode there are going to be a few rules you have to follow."

She slumped down, "What are they?" She asked very mono toned.

"We'll review them when you get here, you still have my address right?" He asked not really concerned if she found his apartment building or not.

"Yeah, my mom gave it to me just in case of emergencies," she replied kicking the water below her.

"Alright then, oh yeah and take your time getting here," He again hung up on her.

What a self-centered asshole, Casey thought not at all amazed by his lack of etiquette. Again she hopped down from the counter, walked into her room and packed some dry clothes to bring. As soon as she was finished packing her three luggage bags she headed back down and called a taxi. Threw three of her huge suitcases into the trunk and kept her purse with her, gave the Caucasian taxi driver the address and sat back for the thirty minute ride.

Casey sat in the back seat just gazing out the window; she began to think about how herself and Derek never got along. Then her thoughts were interrupted by the driver.

"I recognize the address you gave me."

Casey wanted to say, who wouldn't? But refrained from the sarcastic remark, instead she said, "Really?"

The blond haired guy in his thirties nodded. "Did you know a Rockstar lives in that building?"

"No, I didn't," she lied.

"Must be nice to be him, Derek Venturi, that's his name," said the driver. "He was in this band called D'rock for like five or six years, then he decided to go solo. I think his band mates quit on him or something."

Casey sighed but politely continued to listen to the man ramble on.

"I-personally-think that he's better solo," he glanced back at Casey. "But I'd bet a lady like yourself doesn't listen to the type of music he makes, right?"

She replied, "I like a wide variety of genres, but I haven't heard his music, I'll admit."

"I like the last song he released 'bleeding sex', that song totally blew my eardrums out," said the driver with much enthusiasm.

Casey almost laughed, but held it in. "I'm sure it would blow anyone's socks off," she commented. "You must be a big fan of Derek Venturi to know that much about him."

"Well… I wouldn't say big fan, I just know my Rockstars'."

From that point on through the drive, Casey had to listen to a variety of rock music in the cab, one of the songs being 'bleeding sex', by Derek Venturi.

The twenty minutes that went by seemed like a lifetime for Casey. The car came to a rough stop; the young ballet teacher paid the man, stepped out, gathered her suitcases and just stood in front of the tall, fancy apartment building. It didn't take her long to realize that his apartment building was so much nicer than hers and that kind of bugged her.

Casey doddled her way in to the lobby and up to the desk, where a middle-aged African American stood with a smile, "How can I help you?" He asked politely.

She glanced at his name tag and replied, "Well… Mister Eduardo, I'm here to see Derek Venturi."

"I see," The man seemed hesitant. "Let me ring his room."

Casey stood there patiently as the man picked up the ear piece to the phone, dialed a few numbers in and said, "Hello, Mister Venturi, you have a visitor." All she could hear from where she was standing was a muffled reply and then a 'click'.

"He's apparently expecting you, Miss…"

"Oh, Mcdonald, Casey Mcdonald," She said as they shook hands.

"Unfortunately, all of my bell boys have gone home, since it is considerably late."

As Eduardo was saying that, Casey held in a yawn. "Yes, I know."

"It looks as if I'll have to escort you up to, Mister Venturi's apartment."

The man in a black suit grabbed two of her suitcases as she carried one and her purse and headed over to the elevator.

The inside of the elevator was all metallic; Casey could see her tired reflection everywhere. What floor does this guy live on? She thought as she watched the numbers go by. Finally the elevator stopped at fifty-four which might as well be the top of the building since it was second to the last floor.

Eduardo lead her to apartment 5427 and rang the door bell, just as that action took place the black door flew open and out came these two busty and leggy blondes. They glared at Casey before continuing to the elevator. Shortly after, a brown-haired young man, wearing nothing but a silk bath robe walked up to them.

"Casey, how long has it been?" He said not at all enthusiastic.

"Not long enough," she faked a smile. He was letting her stay there, temporarily, it was the least she could do.

"Still doing that dance thing?" he asked.

She replied, "As a matter of fact, yes, I'm a ballet instructor. I have my own studio."

Derek looked at Eduardo and said, "Thanks Ed, I'll take it from here."

"Very well, sir." Before he stepped in to the elevator he said, "It was a pleasure meeting you, Miss Mcdonald."

"Likewise," Casey smiled softly at the man. She looked back at Derek and caught him staring at her. "What?" She asked, a boggled expression was upon her features.

"Take your bags and come in," Derek walked away leaving the door open for her.

Again with the doddling she followed him through his messy apartment. Same ol' Derek, She thought. "God, Derek, don't you have a maid?" She couldn't help but to comment on his hygiene.

"Of course, she comes in the morning," he replied as he quickly gave her a tour of the penthouse.

They passed the living room, his award room, his bedroom the kitchen, then finally they came to the guest room which was now her room. She had to admit it was very nice, had a sort of jungle tropic theme to it and was the only clean room of the apartment.

"I very rarely have visitors I don't sleep with," he said with that trade mark smirk of his on his handsome features.

Casey gave a short sigh. "Thank's for the info," She dropped her bags and sat on the queen size bed. Ewww… It was too firm.

"Oh yeah and about those rules, there's only one. Don't get in my way and I won't get in your way," he said seriously.

Casey being too tired to comment just nodded.

Derek smirked again. "Same ol' Casey," he then walked out closing her door.

Sighing deeply, Casey thought in sarcasm, this is gonna be fun…