Author's note: Hi, So I might be a few days late in posting but I did try my best. I thought that I should warn you all that there will be some slashy scenes in this chapter. But as with all these chapters, they can be read as one shots or together or have chapters missed out, so if you aren't into slash, and aren't even remotely curious don't read this chapter! And a big thank you goes out to Hermisia Draco for beta-ing for me – hence the grammatically better chapters from here on out.

'Mione?' asked Sirius, peeking into the bedroom on the second floor. It wasn't late but he knew that she had company in the room as he had heard Ginny's laughter from down the hall.

'Sirius? What a surprise! Come in, come in,' came the giggled response of his secret lover. Once inside, the man glanced around, taking in the position of the girls and let out a choked gasp. Ginny… well, let's just say she wasn't wearing the normal amount of clothing that she would normally. She was wearing a bikini top and a mini skirt. In fact, they looked familiar to Sirius as he looked on, quickly realizing that they were Hermione's. 'What do you think? Will Harry notice me in it?'

Trying to act mature wasn't one of Sirius's strong points and he half felt like a teenage boy again. He shook himself mentally and reminded himself that she was most defiantly underage and Molly's daughter. A bad idea if ever there was one. 'He would be blind not to notice. It's very… nice,' he answered.

'I'm glad you think so. I'll be back up in a bit, Hermione. I'm just going to grab a drink.' With that, the scarcely clad red head bounded out the door leaving the room's occupants alone.

'So, you wanted me for something?' ventured Hermione with a smile. She couldn't help but think how sexy the man looked dressed in black muggle clothing. It was highly distracting.

'Well, yes, it was about your… fantasy. I know we're having a bit of fun, and you're learning a few new things, but I wanted to let you know that if you want it to come true we're going to have to be proactive about it. That might mean one of us leading Remus on a bit. Erm…' he paused, trying to figure out the best way to put it. 'Physically,' he added.

'Wait a second. You said 'one of us'. You would… but I thought, you're not, are you? I mean, you're just friends right?' the young woman asked, mildly astonished.

'You see, Hermione, back when we were younger we were together for a little while. We tried to figure a few things out and used each other as a sounding board. Only our feelings got a little stronger than we had thought.' He looked away to Hermione's astonishment, and blushed. 'This, if it happened, wouldn't be the first time we'd be together since then. But I didn't want you to be angry if I instigated anything to help us.'

'I think it would be hot to see you two together, but I had no idea,' replied Hermione. 'Maybe this would be best. You could start something with him, then I could, and then he'd be surrounded from both sides, so to speak.' Sirius did a double take as he looked at the young witch, swearing he saw the tell tale glint of a Marauder in her eyes, it was something he had never expected to see in there and he realized, with a jolt, that it was a huge turn on for him.

'Divide and conquer,' they said together.

Later that evening, Remus was sat in the kitchen, a large cup of coffee in front of him. He appeared to be lost in thought as Sirius entered. It took him a few tries to get a response from the other man.

'Moony? Moony? REMUS!'

'What? Oh, sorry, Sirius, I was a world of my own there. What did you want?' the werewolf asked, finally slipping out of the thoughts that had him tightly bound for at least half an hour before hand.

'I wanted to know if you wanted something stronger. You're coffee is cold,' came the reply as Sirius rooted around the in the cellar to find a bottle of Firewhisky.

'Why not? Just a small one then, Pads.' With a flick of his wand, two cut glass tumblers were on the table, waiting to be filled full of the amber liquid Sirius managed to procure.

He handed the tired looking man a glass and took a seat next to him, looking at his friend with concerned eyes. 'What's wrong with you today, Moony? You've been in a world of your own for nearly the whole day. I know the full moon is near, but you'll be fine. I'm here with you, you know that, right?'

'It's not that, Sirius. I'm not worried about the full moon. I'll be fine. I know that.' He paused, taking a large gulp of the liquid and rejoicing in the burn at the back of his throat. 'I've not been able to get that dream of Hermione's out of my head.' He looked over at his best friend. 'It's wrong, Sirius, but I can't stop thinking about being in that situation with her. She's turned into a sexy young woman but I'm old enough to be her father.'

Sirius mentally winced at this and then composed himself, thinking; she wanted this too, it wasn't just about me wanting her. She wanted me, too. She is over age and intelligent and mature enough to know what she is doing. 'Moony, she is old enough to know what she wants. She is mature and there is nothing wrong with admiring her. She has grown up a lot in the past couple of years. We ought to take it as a compliment!'

Several drinks later, the two men were laughing at some of the poor details in Hermione's dream. She had, somewhat inexpertly, included Sirius and Remus in some compromising positions and they both agreed that she could do with learning a bit more about two men having sex. 'I mean, she got the principals right but it looked a bit awkward, didn't it?' asked Sirius.

'Well, I don't think she had any idea that we had been together. If she had, I believe she might have included a bit more than just us kissing.'

'Blimey, it has been a while since I'd thought about it though. Azkaban took of all those thoughts. It took me a while to remember that we had that kind of relationship once.'

'I never forgot. "Once you've had Black, you don't go back." You were right. You were the best shag I ever had.' Remus looked shocked with himself for admitting that out loud to his friend. 'Shit,' he quickly tried to back track. 'I meant that it was a –'

He never got to finish that sentence because Sirius, shocked as he was at the admission, took it as a hesitant invitation and turned his friend's head with a gentle hand and pressed his lips against his friend's. Glad that Remus hadn't cursed him, Sirius thought back to the last time they had kissed and found himself getting harder with each thought. Soon all thoughts had left him as Remus, recovered from the shock of having been kissed by his best friend twice in as many days, swiped his tongue gently across the other man's bottom lip, eliciting a moan from Sirius's throat. It brought back a flood of memories of the time they had spent together before the Potter's demise. It was also the sexiest sound in the world in Remus's opinion.

Sensing a change in Remus' mood, Sirius opened mouth ever so slightly and was rewarded with Remus reciprocating, the kiss getting deeper and more passionate for the old memories of being together had taken over the pair as their tongues battled for dominance that neither wanted to relinquish. After a few moments, Sirius felt hands tug at the bottom of his shirt and realized that he was being slowly undressed. He pulled out of the kiss and pushed the other man against the wall behind the table.

Remus, being unable to control himself, refused to allow Sirius dominance so close to the full moon. He spun them around and, with a grunt of pleasurable pain, pinned them to the wall and continued the kiss, which quickly became more frantic as the men grew more aroused. A few moments later, Sirius's shirt was on the floor next to them and hands were scrambling on belt buckles, eager to turn the frenzied kiss into something more.

It didn't take long before Sirius had his hand wrapped around his friend's thick shaft, making the werewolf's breath hitching as the dark haired man did extraordinary things with his hands. Sirius, himself, was totally consumed by what he was doing; barley needing to think about the actions his hands were performing and concentrated only on the wonderful noises that he was treated to and how to make then louder.

Remus, however, was unable to think about anything, as he closed his eyes. The way Sirius ran a long delicate finger along the ridge on the underside of his shaft, he felt as though he was ready to explode when the dark haired man rubbed his thumb in small circles over his leaking slit, spreading the sticky liquid to make the feeling even better.

Sirius allowed his hand to grip tighter and built up a steady rhythm on the long shaft, careful to avoid the sensitive tip. He felt the other man get harder and harder as he built up the speed. He heard the familiar note in his friend's moans, telling him that he was so close. He ran his palm over the leaking head and felt the telltale pulse as Remus exploded in his hand with a soft 'Sirius'.

As his eyes opened, Remus saw the need in his friend's eyes and, out of habit born years ago; he dropped to his knees, kissing down Sirius's stomach as he unbuckled the belt that restricted his lover's member. His calloused hands gripped the man's jeans and pulled them down in one quick motion, exposing the man's full length. It was as beautiful as he remembered and he soon set to work pleasing his friend.

Sirius looked down and was greeted with a spectacular sight. Remus looked amazing on his knees. He had one hand wrapped around the base of his shaft and the other cupping the tense balls, slowly massaging them in time with the talented tongue, tracing patterns over the exposed length. Remus gently nipped the shaft and licked over the marks he left, feeling pleased that he could still remember, after fifteen years, exactly what the other man liked. Deciding that he had teased Sirius enough, he swiped his tongue over the throbbing head and then took as much of Sirius's long length into his mouth, hollowing his cheeks so to give more contact. The noise that the dark haired man was making was delightful. Having spent so much time together when they were younger, Remus knew that his friend was not going to last long under his treatment and took a deep breath as he felt his friends cock throb dangerously. He relaxed and let the long hard phallus slide further into his mouth and began the undoing of Sirius.

The feeling of Remus taking all of him in his mouth was incredible and it was something that Sirius had never experienced before. The lover for the evening had obviously learnt something new in the past fifteen years or so, as he could never deep-throat Sirius before, try as he might. The way that it felt, tipped him over the edge and he entwined his fingers in his best friend's hair. He pushed himself even further in the man's mouth as he exploded; taking deep breathes to calm his racing heartbeat.

A few moments later, the two men were cleaned up and were reaching for their glasses, avoiding each other's gaze. It was Remus who broke the silence. 'Well, we haven't done that in a while… but I swear we were talking about Hermione.'

'Yes, we were…' he looked up at his friend, that Marauder glint clearly evident. 'Moony, do you want to fuck her?'

The other man was silent for a moment, trying to convince his brain that it was wrong. 'Merlin, yes!'

'Then why don't we fulfill her fantasy? I want it, you want it, and SHE wants it. What's the problem?'

Remus was not a marauder for nothing and he soon agreed with his friend. They spent the next hour planning how to get Hermione in bed with them. The dark haired man neglected to tell his friend that he had already had her and could have her at any moment, deeming it much more fun to see Remus flirt with Hermione. He also made a silent vow now to tell Hermione what had happened so that she would be thoroughly shocked to see her old professor coming on to her.

So thats the chapter. Hoping to update it soon, but I'm not going to make any promises that I'm sure I wouldn't be able to keep. Hope you liked it, would love to hear from you.... *Looks downward to the pretty button*