Disclaimer: Sadly,I do not own any of the characters in this story, although the happening are all from my imagination, so I shall came responsibility.

Where a helping hand can lead.

The Easter holidays were spent at headquarters, and this often meant that the house was quite full, indeed when Hermione walked in the room and looked around she was a little put out; no one had kept her a seat. The sofa was taken up by Lupin and Harry, who had Ginny sat at his feet. Ron was lying on the floor in front of the fire, Fred and George were sat in a corner talking quietly and the rest of the chairs were taken up by the older members of the Order. Her only option was to sit closer to the man who mystified her. He was lounging in a large armchair with a small glass of something in his hand, and a bottle of the same liquid on the end table next to him. His other hand was resting on his lap. Taking a deep breath she went and sat down, with her back against his chair, tying no to be too close. It wasn't all that comfortable.

Sirius bent over the end of his chair and asked her if she wanted it. 'Oh, no thank you, I'll just shift over to the front here, if you don't mind.' She replied.

'If your sure Hermione, I don't want everyone thinking I didn't offer my chair to a young woman.'

Woman? That's the first time he's called me a woman, everyone calls me a girl… Well, I did turn sixteen a few months ago. I am a woman now. As she was thinking that he had patted her shoulder lightly and she suppressed a shiver of longing for the man she had fancied for over a year.

As the talk turned to the student and the up coming exams Hermione heard the glass above her being refilled, and then again. Clearly Sirius was getting drunk again. Ah well, he's always funny when he's drunk. She suddenly felt as though a jolt of lightning had shot down her spine, Sirius had shifted and his free hand had found its way into her hair, ever so discretely and was being played with just enough for her to notice. She resisted the urge to rest her head on his knee or move a bit closer to his leg, and feel his warmth. He didn't mean anything by it, she probably had something in her hair.

It was still fairly early in the night when Ginny fell asleep, but the room's other occupant hadn't been as lucky to find a peaceful sleep. Hermione lay awake thinking. She had tried to get some sleep, but her thoughts kept wandering back to him, and his dark hair and his gentle touch. What am I thinking? Gentle touch- he only played with my hair, it's not as though he touched me… Not that I wouldn't want him too, she added.

She let her imagination wander a little further and realised that her hand had slipped under her nightdress and was edging towards her warm spot. Thinking that she might be able to sleep if she just let herself orgasm, she moved her hand more purposefully. She imagined Sirius kissing her, and moving further round to her neck and nibbling at her, gradually getting harder. She thought about his hands sliding over her body, soft and gentle, and eventually sliding down her smooth belly to her clit. At this her fingers began to work at herself in a practiced motion; she slipped two slim fingers inside herself and pulled them out and put them to her mouth, tasting herself. Her hand slipped back down and began working her swollen clit, moving in circles around it, occasionally moving over it, causing her to move her hips involuntarily. Her heart beat quicker and her back arched as she brought herself to climax, careful not to make too much noise as to wake Ginny.

Well, maybe I can sleep now and get those silly thoughts out of my head. Half an hour later, she had sat up in bed annoyed with herself, there was no way she'd be able to sleep, time to try the last option; a good book. Getting out of bed, she pulled her silk nightdress down so it was a respectable length, picked up her wand, lit it, and walked downstairs to the study, fully intending to find an old book full of hard spells.

The Black library (as Lupin had so fittingly named it) was full of books that Hermione had never heard of, indeed she very much doubted that Hogwarts would have book like these, not even in the restricted section. She found the section on charms and began to scan the volumes for something to read. Her eye was caught by a well used book called Spells for the young Wizard – You'll find these SATISFYING, intrigued she picked up the book and sat down at the desk, and was just about to open it when the door opened and the very man who was on her mind walked in.

'Hermione! What are you doing in here so late?' he looked quite shocked to see her in there, let alone in just a night dress.

'S-Sirius, I'm sorry, I'll go back to bed if you want to study or something. I just couldn't sleep so I was trying to find a book to read. To take my mind off things.'

'No, no, you're more then welcome to be in here. Is there anything I can do to help?' He smiled as Hermione gave him a look that said I doubt you can help me. 'I'm not that out of touch with the real world, and I can remember being sixteen you know.' He walked over and sat on the edge of the desk, in a position which Hermione thought was quite pleasing to the eye. She was sure he took a glance at the unopened book on the desk, and caught a slight twinkle in his eye. He obviously knew the book, perhaps it was his from when he was younger, she thought.

Not wanting to tell Sirius exactly what was on her mind right now, she muttered something about being stressed, and confused and the word 'exam' got thrown in for good measure too. Sirius looked at her and smiled. 'Tell you what, I'm not tired and you can't sleep, so why don't we have a drink and you can tell me about it, maybe I can help, or maybe the drink will just calm you down a bit. What do you say?'

'Alright then, why not, what do you have in? Tea?'

The man laughed, 'Hermione – I said a drink, not a cup of tea! We'll just have to see what you like. I've got most things in the cellar.'

'But, I'm not old enough to drink!' she protested, she had a funny feeling that getting drunk with Sirius would be a bad idea – she really wouldn't be able to sleep.

'Don't worry, I won't say anything, and you look like you could do with one. I won't let you get drunk.'

'Just the one then. I've always wanted to try Gillywater.'

Half an hour later, and several more than one drink later, Hermione had started to feel a lot less stressed and very comfortable lying at one end of the sofa, with her head on a cushion in Sirius's lap . They had talked about school and how they each coped with exams and talk was slowly changing to what they got up to in their free time, and how last year she had Victor Krum as a boyfriend.

'He wasn't really a boyfriend, more of a friend who was a boy. He never made any moves on me, and only kissed my cheek... God, I'm sixteen and I still haven't kissed a guy.' She added the last bit more to herself. 'And then there's Ron, I want to be with him, but then I'm worried that I'll kiss him wrong, or touch him how he won't like it. I have no idea what to do.' She paused. 'Sirius, when you were sixteen – did you know what you were doing and judge a girl on that kind of thing?'

'Well Hermione, you can ask Moony, I'd had a fair few girlfriends before I was sixteen. I know how to make a woman melt inside.' And with that he began to stoke her hair again, almost absently while he talked. 'I don't just mean in bed, I meant I could make a girl feel comfortable around me, relaxed, and I knew just enough to be able to tease her.' Hermione closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling of his hands in her hair, he stayed silent for a while and she had hardly realised when he had allowed his hand to brush over her cheek while he did it.

From somewhere in the next room a clock chimed two, and she decided (as much as she didn't want to move) that she had better get off to bed. 'Thank you for talking with me Sirius, you really helped.' She sat up, and smiled.

'Your welcome hun, anything I can do to help, it's nice to see a smile like that on your face.' They both got up of the sofa, and went to give each other a hug. Hermione could smell him as she stepped closer to him, and all she wanted was to be swept off her feet. They embraced each other, and she couldn't help but let her hands wander up his back, and gently press down as she moved them back down. She felt him tense under her touch. She was not the only one who gave an out of the ordinary hug; he let one hand travel further don than normal, and was near her waist, the other drew a gentle line right down her spine, which sent a shiver following after it. They let go of one another.

'Good night, Hermione.'

The next morning when Hermione walked in to the kitchen, she was surprised to see a seat left for her, and more than a little happy that it was next to Sirius. He gave her a rare smile as she sat down. 'Morning Hermione, sleep well last night?' he asked.

'Not bad thanks, I went to sleep in a good mood so that always helps.'

'Good good,' he replied, and patted her leg, and left his hand there for a moment longer than necessary. 'Oh yes, that reminds me, you left the book you were reading in the study. It was one of my own, from when I was much younger. I think they do the counterpart to it, if you're interested. From what you were saying yesterday I think you'd find it useful.'

Blushing, Hermione looked away, 'Thanks Sirius.'

Later that day Hermione sat in the study alone, reading the book she picked up the night before. Sirius had left a note in the front of it for her.

Hermione, this is the book that I learnt a lot from, I have the girls version in my room, I found it for you. I was thinking about what you said last night, and I might have found you a solution... of sorts. I'll be in the sitting room from eleven if you want to talk anymore. I've got some more Gillywater in. Sirius

The book was certainly interesting, she had no idea that there were so many spells that guys can use in certain situations. She couldn't help but think if he knew all this, he would no doubt be able to live up the reputation he got in Hogwarts. Every woman wanted him, and very few got him. What I'd do to be one of them, she thought. She decided then that she would go and have another drink, even just to get the book off him and read it. At least she'd be able to enjoy herself a bit more, and be ready to pleasure a guy when she got the chance. So at half eleven, she made her way down to the sitting room and greeted Sirius.

'Evening, beautiful,' said Sirius, a broad smile on his face. 'Here you go, one tall Gillywater.' He handed the glass over, careful to brush her hand as much as possible, keeping eye contact with her. He couldn't help but think how much of a woman she had grown into, she had long legs, perfectly toned, and in that skimpy nightdress they left little to the imagination. Her tiny nipples were just visible through the silk, even though it wasn't cold. Maybe she wants this too... She is damn fine, I bet she does know more than she thinks, but that's not the point. I wonder if I should... he stopped thinking then as she asked about his day and he got into a conversation with her.

A while later, after deciding that she wouldn't seem desperate for asking, she mentioned the book she said he'd give her. 'Before I answer that, I just want to ask, did you enjoy my one?' he asked, a very mischievous grin on his face.

'It- it was very... erm... Informative.'

'I'm glad you liked it. I learnt that book off by heart. Not that I need it anymore.'

Hermione was getting impatient. 'So can I have the other one?' she asked.

'Well, its in my room, but I don't think you'll need it.' God, I hope she doesn't hex me for this... 'Come here Hermione,' he said, patting his lap. To his surprise, she got up and came and sat on his knee.

Hermione, what are you doing?! You're going to make a fool of yourself! That was all that was going through her mind as she walked over to him, and made herself comfortable. Her heart was beating fast anyway because if the alcohol running through her veins, so when he ran his hand through one side of her hair, and gently tilted her neck to one side, she thought she was going to explode. The next moment, he had kissed her on her neck, long and hard. She could feel her pulse quicken even more. Oh my god, she thought, this can't be happening. She could feel his teeth gently pressing against the tender skin of her neck, the small amount of pain sending her a frenzy of feelings all over her body. His free hand had moved up to her back, and was playing on her spine. She pulled away from his embrace slightly and kissed his cheek, too nervous to do more. He returned the favour by kissing her on the lips, giving her time to realise what was going on. His heart sank as she pulled away even more, thinking that he had made a mistake, shock seized him when she lent back in and kissed him more passionately, her hand had found the back of his head, and was pressing him to her.

He slowly opened his mouth a little to show her what he wanted next, she responded perfectly- her mouth opened and he felt her tongue touch is lips, wanting to taste him. He let her in massaging her tongue with his own, enjoying the warm wetness of her mouth, as she did his.

Hermione felt his hands move again, and one had found its way to a breast, and was gently cupping it in his hand, not doing anything more, waiting almost for her permission to continue, giving him no indication to stop, he began to massage it, paying attention to her nipple, rolling it between his fingers every so often. He stopped kissing her after less than a minute and looked at her; the woman sat on his lap, and said 'perhaps we might be more comfortable if we lay down?'

Without hesitation she got off him, and allowed the man before her to lead her to his bedroom. She was very surprised at the decor of the room; he had a huge bed, easily a king size, which had red sheets on, with black trimming making it look terribly inviting to her. The rest of the room had matching furniture, all of which looked quite gothic in style. There were lots of candles around, which he lit with a wave of his wand. The setting now looked rather romantic, and she blushed at the thought that this could be for her.

Sirius walked over to his dresser and picked up a small vile of a bright blue liquid and gave it to Hermione, saying 'you might want to drink this, depending... Well I don't know if you know the right spell... if we.' He broke off looking rather uncomfortable. Luckily, Hermione realised what he was getting at, blushed and took the vile and drained it in one, wondering if she wanted things to go that far with him. Of course, the potion was just a precaution against getting pregnant, but she would have to allow him to penetrate her first.

'Hermione, I understand if you want to stop, and all you have to do is say, at any time, and I will. I just thought that this could be a bit more fun than reading something from a book, and you have looked so beautiful for months, I couldn't resist you much longer...' He moved closer to her and ran his hands over the nightdress, enjoying the touch and hoping that the woman before his felt the same. She didn't reply, but began to unbutton his shirt, revealing the tattooed expanse of chest that she had longed to look at for some time. She let the shirt drop to the floor, and began to run her hands over his back again, feeling every inch of his delicious torso.

Hermione felt his hands move to bottom of her nightdress, and just brushed past her thigh, it made the shudder in anticipation as he pulled the clothing off her, revealing her in all her glory. She wore a pair of black French knickers that extenuated the pertness of her arse, Sirius couldn't help but enjoy the feel of her skin on is own. Her breasts stood out with natural support, and looked oh-so inviting to him.

Sirius guided the woman to his bed, and lay her down in the middle of it, taking a moment to savour the glory of seeing her nearly naked on his bed, waiting for him to join her. He could feel his manhood throbbing at the thought of caressing her soft skin, making her moan in pleasure. He had decided that he should take the lead just let her enjoy herself, so he lay down, propping himself up on one elbow, and kissed her again, reassuring her without words. He allowed his free hand to stoke her neck, making her shudder again, his hand kept travelling and moved to her breast and began to massage them with practised ease. He lifted himself off the bed slightly, and began to kiss her neck as he had done before, and moving to her collar bone he kept kissing, enjoying the way that Hermione moved under his touch. He slowly made his way down to her breast and took her nipple in his mouth, flicking his tongue over it, making it harder than ever. After repeating his actions on her other side, he came back up to kiss her, and was welcomed back with an intense passion that he knew all he had to do was find within her.

He paused for a second wondering if he should ask if she wanted any more, but the look in her eye said it all, and he trailed a finger down her soft stomach and toyed with the top of her underwear. She squirmed under his touch again, taking that as an invitation her slid his finger down into her knickers and sort out the warmth within. As gently as possible he brushed over her clit, and heard a gasp escape from the woman. Enjoying the sound he pushed further down and felt his finger slide inside her tightness, and began to move it in and out a small amount. She reached down and motioned to take her pants off and so he did, getting a better view and access to her. Pulling out of her again, he circled his finger over her clit, and felt her hips buck as he did so, smiling to himself, he began to work at her, bringing her to the climax she greatly needed. She came with an arched back and a soft moan of 'Sirius'.

'How was that, sexy?' he asked as she opened her eyes and her breathing slowed a little. Not waiting for an answer he kissed her again. 'So... do you want some more of that?'

'God yes!' came her reply. He got to his knees and pushed one between her legs, spreading them apart, giving himself better access. This time he kissed all the way down her body, past her belly button and didn't stop. As soon as she felt his warm breath on her, she began to get wet, the sweet smell of her was so intoxicating that Sirius didn't even warm her up, but went straight for her clit, taking it in his mouth, and licking it carefully. The noise Hermione made, was one he had never heard, and it made his heart beat so much faster as he knew it was just him who was doing this to her, just him who had ever done this to her. He allowed his tongue to flick over the bud, repeatedly without dropping the pace. He could sense that she was getting close again, and not wanting to miss the opportunity to show her just how good he could make her feel, he brought his hand up to her opening and made ready to push a finger in quickly. Just as she was about to climax, he pushed it in and found resistance, she was so incredibly tight around his finger. She had gasped as he forced it in as hard and as deep as possible. The result was the most intense orgasm Hermione had ever experienced, her whole body shook with the power of it, and she could hardly breathe. She had no idea that such a good feeling was possible.

Author's note: I hope you enjoyed it. I'm going to carry on with this a bit; I have a fair few ideas for it. Let me know what you think, please, its the first time I've written a story like this. I need so reassurance that it is good.

Next chapter up in less than a week. I promise.