Author's Note: My goodness, I'm behind, aren't I? I wrote this ages ago and forgot to upload it. DON'T HURT ME! I blame band! But guess what? Marching season is officially over. I can have a life again! Oh the price you pay for marching band, and trying to stay within the top 5 bands in the state. Which we are. Woo. Anyway, PLEASE forgive me for my lack of updating since... oh I don't know, July when band started? Now that it's over I'll, in theory, have more time to write. Let's see how that goes.... Please read and review. I live off your praise.
Disclaimer: How many times must I tell you people? I own nothing.
"So how long are you guys going to stay?" Miguel asked Claude as they sat at the table at the reception.
"Depends on how long I can avoid Tala," Claude blushed. "There's a reason I made him sit by Kai and Bryan. He wouldn't leave me alone on the way over."
"That's more than I wanted to know about either of you," Miguel teased.
"You know how Tala is," Claude laughed. "He's insatiable, really. It's not my fault."
"What's not your fault?" Claude jumped and spun around in his chair to glare at his redheaded boyfriend.
"Tala!" Claude half yelled.
Tala smirked. "Keep saying it, baby; you need the practice. You'll be screaming it later."
Claude gaped at Tala, who ruffled the blonde's hair before walking away. Claude turned to Miguel, with a horrified look on his face. "See what I mean?" Claude practically yelled.
Miguel just shook his head and laughed, before glancing down the table at Kai. Despite the two wanting to sit together, their friends had decided they wanted to talk to them. This led to the conclusion that if Kai and Miguel sat together, there would be no response from either of them because they would become lost in their own little world. Thus, Kai and Miguel were forced to sit at opposite ends of the table.
"Miguel!" Miguel turned abruptly to see Michael from the All-Stars staring at him. "Finally, I've been trying to get your attention for the past five minutes!"
"Sorry," Miguel blushed. "I got distracted."
"Obviously," Michael grinned.
"What's up?" Miguel questioned.
"Well, I just thought you'd like to know that the DJ just asked if you and Kai would go to the front for your first dance as a married couple," Michael laughed. Miguel looked up wide-eyed, before turning to Kai. Kai was sitting at the other end of the table with an amused look in his eyes as he watched Miguel. Miguel blushed, before getting up and walking over to Kai.
"I've been told we've been summoned to the dance floor," Miguel smiled.
Kai laughed, taking Miguel's hand and following him to the center of the dance floor. "I think I realized that a long time before you did," Kai replied as he placed this hands around Miguel's neck as Miguel's arms found their way to Kai's waist.
"I can't believe we're actually married," Kai sighed, as he laid his head against Miguel's chest.
"I know what you mean," Miguel replied as he held Kai closer. "It almost seems too good to be true," Miguel continued as he buried his face in Kai's hair.
"I love you, Miguel," Kai sighed happily.
"I love you too, Kai, more than anything in the world," Miguel replied, before pulling back and kissing Kai gently. The two continued to dance holding each other close, and didn't even realize the song had ended until the applause started up.
The party continued for quite a while. Hilary had squealed when they cut the cake, and smeared it all over each other and having quite an entertaining cake-fight. They had then retreated to the bathroom to at least attempt to clean up with the aid of Tala and Claude, but discovered that even their clothes were covered in the cake. They laughed, before sending Tala and Claude to go get their clothes that they had brought to change into before they left for their honeymoon.
After changing into much more casual clothing, they returned to the party to find it was still going at full-speed. They began making their rounds, thanking everyone for coming. When they reached Claude and Brooklyn however, they realized there were two they hadn't seen yet.
"Where are Tala and Bryan?" Kai asked warily, sending a quick glance around the room but seeing no sign of the terrible duo.
"Tala ran over and whispered something to Bryan after you guys came back after your little cake-fight, and they disappeared. We haven't seen them since," Brooklyn replied quietly. Kai's eyes widened, before turning to Miguel.
"I'm almost afraid to see them again, then," Kai gasped. "Who knows what those two have gotten into!"
"Talking about us?" Bryan replied joyfully, as he threw his arm around Brooklyn and Tala slid in almost silently beside Claude.
"Where have you two been?" Kai asked, suspiciously. "What have you done?"
"I don't know what you're talking about," Tala shrugged. "Honestly, Kai, one would think you didn't trust us!"
"I don't," Kai replied seriously, taking Miguel's hand in his. "You two are always up to something; why would this be any different?"
"Alas, he knows us too well," Bryan sighed dramatically. "Fine, fine, Kai. We did do something. We bought you and Miguel a Jacuzzi. It should be at your house tomorrow, not that you guys will be there. Oh and by the way, Tala and I want dibs on it. When you guys aren't using it, we get to come over and take it over."
Kai rolled his eyes, but seemed satisfied with this answer. "Fine, fine," Kai said. "I don't really care."
"We knew you wouldn't," Tala smirked. "Perhaps Claude and I will go over there tomorrow while you guys are gone and break it in." Tala's smirk widened when Claude turned red, before hitting him in the shoulder.
"You are not amusing!" Claude squeaked, causing Tala to laugh and pull him closer.
"I love you too, baby," Tala whispered before kissing Claude gently. "Anyway," Tala continued as he turned back to Miguel and Kai, "don't you two have to be going? Your flight is early in the morning, and you have a bit of a drive to the airport."
"Yeah, we probably should," Miguel replied. After going to the DJ who announced their departure, Kai and Miguel shared one last passionate kiss for the crowd. Then, they left the reception, heading for Miguel's car.
"I knew it!" Kai exclaimed as they reached Miguel's car. Miguel shook his head in wonder.
"How did they do that?" Miguel asked as he walked to his car, finding it filled with bright pink foam and covered in shaving cream, toilet paper, and saran-wrap.
"I don't want to know," Kai laughed. "Good thing we brought my car," Kai grinned, smirking victoriously.
"Good thing we packed two different bags and put an extra set in your car, too," Miguel laughed.
"Agreed," Kai said, leading Miguel to his car.
"I love you, Kai," Miguel said as he opened the car door for Kai.
"I love you too, Miguel," Kai murmured, pulling Miguel into a quick kiss.
Miguel jogged to the other side of the car, and jumped into the driver's seat. The two of them quickly made their way towards the airport, laughing as they passed a shocked and annoyed Tala and Bryan standing in the doorway.