Ever wondered what would happen when you poke a Naruto character? A Jounin sensei? An Akatsuki member? Well, this one's for you!! swings arm cheesily

You poke Uzumaki Naruto

"Say, what was that for?!" he asks you.

"I just felt like poking someone!"



"My name is Naruto Uzumaki, believe it! I AM going to be the Hokage, and Hokages don't get poked!! Believe it believe it believe it!!"

"I believe it, all right, that you're on the fast track to failure if you can't take a joke-I-mean-poke..."

Both you and Naruto get in a fight. He uses his sexy jutsu on you.

"Dude, I'm a girl. Girls aren't fazed by that."

"Oh. Right."

"Yeah. 'Oh'. I look forward to seeing you become Hokage one day!!"

You quickly run off before he summons his shadow clones...

You poke Uchiha Sasuke


Sasuke creates a gaggy face, twitching his eyes and shaking a fist at you.

"How the heck will I defeat my brother if I can be poked so easily?!"

An emo cloud hovers over Sasuke as he sulks, wondering if he's actually not as strong as he thought. After a while, he smirks.

"I need to train to get stronger at any cost!!" he yells. "Even if it means handing myself over to evil!"

And THAT is why Sasuke went to Orochimaru.

You poke Haruno Sakura

"Hey!" she snaps at you. "You poked me!"

"No duh!" you say.

-Inner Sakura- "Who does this smart-alec think she is?! Hell yeah, I'm gonna kill her!!"

-Outer Sakura- twitches and cracks her knuckles "Hey, wanna meet up later?"


You poke Hatake Kakashi

"You didn't do it right," was his response.

"What do you mean?" you ask.

"If you're going to poke someone...POKE them!"

He zooms behind you and forms the Tora handsign with his hands.

"One thousand years of death!!"

-You lie on the ground, in a lot of pain-

"And that is how you poke someone! Get it? GOT it? Koo!" Kakashi holds a thumbs-up in the air and smiles.

You poke Yuuhi Kurenai

"Uhh…" she stares at you. You find yourself in a genjutsu with your head being eaten by a giant plant.

You poke Aburame Shino

He simply looks at you, expressionless as usual. You can't tell what he's thinking behind those dark glasses. His eyebrows are at ease; his mouth isn't frowning; he looks as if nothing has happened to him.

You suddenly gasp for breath amidst your confusiasm. Insects have crawled into your windpipe and stopped you from breathing…

You poke Inuzuka Kiba

"Hey! Who do you think you are, poking me like that? Akamaru! Sic 'em!"

He feeds Akamaru a food pill. Akamaru grows to a huge size and bites off your head.

"Bark, bark, woof!" Akamaru whines.

"What is it, Akamaru?" Kiba asks his precious dog. "Those bones are too small for you to chew on? Aw, I knew this was gonna happen…"

You poke Hyuuga Hinata

"Umm…uhh…" she mumbles, uncomfortably staring at the finger that poked her. No words come from her mouth. She tries to ignore you by turning around and pretending it never happened…then, she's tempted to ask why you poked her but is too shy, and with all of these thoughts rushing through her head, she becomes dizzy and faints.

"Maybe I went a little too far?" you wonder.

You (attempt to) poke Sarutobi Asuma

Before your finger even manages to touch him, he's already got you by the throat and is threatening you with a knife.

"Tell me why…or else," he says, taking a puff of his cigarette.

You're so shocked that you remain silent. Soon he completely forgets that you're there, and when his students call him over, he drops you to the ground.

"Troublesome…" he mumbles under his breath.

Meanwhile, you're sitting against a wall, hyperventilating and thanking the Lord that he didn't kill you.

You poke Nara Shikamaru while he watches the clouds

His eyes slowly turn to look at you.

"Ah, another troublesome girl!" he whines. "Stop poking me! Agh, what a drag!!"

"Never!!" you continue to poke him.

He uses his Shadow Possession jutsu on you to stop you. Your arms are suddenly raised above your head against your will…and you make an 'M' symbol this way. Then he flips your hands outward. Then, he does a backflip: he flips smoothly back onto the roof on which he was previously sleeping, and you, well…you flip over the railing and die this way.

"A ninja must take his surroundings into perspective…Such a drag…" Shikamaru whines and goes back to watching the clouds. "Do clouds get poked, I wonder?"

You poke Akimichi Chouji

"Ah, the room service has arrived! Where are my hamburgers?" he demands.


You slowly back out of the room. Chouji chases you ALL OVER Konoha, continuing to demand that you stop and give him the flippin' hamburgers!

You poke Yamanaka Ino

"OMGFLABBERSHNAFFLE!!" she yells meaningless words. "What the yo!?"

"I'm pwnsum, I know!"

She draws back a fist and, with a fake smile, proceeds to punch the crap out of you.

You poke Maito Gai

"Please realize that what you did was absolutely AWESOME," he commends you, "And also realize my handsome manly features!"

-you quickly leave the room, and you just happen to be heading west-

"Yes, that's right!" he yells to no one in particular. "Spread the incredible pokular youthfulness, RUN TOWARD THAT SETTING SUN and SUFFERRRRRRR!!"

(Pokular youthfulness XD)

You poke Rock Lee

"That was so awesome! I admire you so much! Not as much as Gai-sensei, of course, but please! To further my training, poke me as hard as you can! Put some youth into it - into each and every poke! Make it hurt! No pain, no gain!"

You poke Lee again as hard as you can.

He hops up and down, joyfully

"Again, again! This must be the power of youth! WOOHOO!! Gai-sensei! If only you were here to experience this incredible pokular youthfulness!"

You twitch as you realize how alike Gai and Lee are…

After he's satisfied (and majorly bruised), 2,000 pokes later, you frantically leave the room and pray that you'll never have to come back.

You poke Tenten

Being the cute awesome normal girl that she is, she pokes you back, and you both kinda start wrestling in an attempt to poke each other's faces. This goes on for a while, causing a lot of laughs.

You poke Hyuuga Neji

-His eyes become all shaded and he looks at the ground-

"Destiny brought this day forth, and there's nothing I could've done to prevent it. I was destined to be poked today – I was born with this destiny – and surely, this fate of mine was to come true whether I wanted it to or not. If I had tried to resist my pre-determined fate, it would've been futile. Therefore, I thank you, for carrying out the will of the force that is beyond our power to control," Neji bows deeply before walking off.

You cry as this was a very heartfelt speech.

You poke Umino Iruka


You: Oo'

You poke Mitarashi Anko

She twitches angrily and her face becomes fierce…

You take this as a warning and quickly run away, with Anko madly chasing after you.

"Come back here, you little maggot!! I've got a present for you!!"

You poke Morino Ibiki

He begins to speak things that utterly confuse your mind, causing you to slowly eat away at your personality, saneness and overall being with mental torture; sending you into a great dark abyss that seems inevitably inescapable.

You poke the 1st Hokage

If he was in a good mood, he'd smile and laugh.

If he was in a bad mood, he'd summon a giant forest and have a few random branches strangle you to death.

You poke the 2nd Hokage

If he was in a good mood, he'd also smile and laugh.

If he was in a bad mood, he'd summon a humungous amount of water and drown you to death.

You poke the 3rd Hokage

"Heheh, well done child, but I think you need to hear something from a good friend of mine."

He invites Kakashi into the room.

"You didn't do it right," he says, after seeing you perform the same poke on the Hokage again.

"What did I do wrong?" you ask.

"If you're going to poke someone...POKE them!"

He zooms behind you and forms the Tora handsign with his hands.

"One thousand years of death!!"

-You lie on the ground, in a lot of pain-

"And that is how you poke someone! Get it? GOT it? Koo!" Kakashi holds a thumbs-up in the air and smiles.


You poke the 4th Hokage

If he was in a good mood, he'd give laugh, give a huge grin and pat you on the head.

If it's during his ramen time...O.O

He slowly turns from his precious lunch with a combination of pure muderous intent and an evil glare that rivaled that of the Kyuubi - and Tobi's face if you steal his cookie.

-you run faster than humanly possible to the Wave Country to escape-

Suddenly, a kunai pierces the ground before you and, with a loud 'RASENGAN' shout hurling through the air, you find yourself being swirled over to the Star country - not just the real country, but you also see stars in your head as the impact knocked you dizzy...

You poke the 5th Hokage

"OMGNESSLYNESS!!" Tsunade yells and kicks you to high heaven.

"WWWAAAAAAAAAaaaaa!" your voice fades into the distance and you eventually disappear from sight.

You poke Jiraiya

(assuming you're a girl…)

"Hey, baby!!" he puts on his most charming voice and laughs. "I sure wouldn't mind if you poked me somewhere else…"

You poke Zabuza's back

He turns his head and looks at you from the corner of his eye, takes out his gigantic sword and slices you in half. Before you know what hit you (erm, killed you), you're drinking tea with Haku in heaven!!

You (attempt to) poke Gaara

His sand protects him from your pwnsum poke.

He holds up his hand and, with a clutching motion, commands the sand to surround you with Desert Coffin and kills you with Desert Burial.

That was short-lived...

You poke Temari

WHOOSH she blows you away with her fan. You disappear in an instant.

"No one mocks me!!" she shook the dust off of her hands.

You poke Kankuro

He smirks and unwraps his puppet, Karasu. "I wanna have some fun!"

The puppet sits on the ground, its torso opening up to reveal an empty space.

"Here!" Kankuro throws some doughnuts into the body of the puppet.

"Ooo!" you say as you chase after them. "Doughnuts!!"

You sit inside the puppet and eat one. The torso closes on you, trapping you.

With chakra strings, Kankuro pulls the arms and legs out of the puppet. From within these limbs slide out razors and knives, which he sticks back into the holes where the limbs were once attached – killing you.



You poke Uchiha Itachi

He stares at you coldly with his Mangekyo Sharingan, sucks you into the Tsukuyomi world and tortures you for 72 hours straight – 70 Itachis, all stabbing you…

You poke Hoshigaki Kisame

"Heh," he laughs evilly, "You've angered me. You know what happens then?"

You: O.O (you think "I seriously need to get paid more for this!!")

"Umm…no?" you reply.

"Your feet get cut off, then your legs, then your hands, then your arms, and finally, your head!!" he smirked.

You: O.O

Kisame grabs the handle of his giant sword, Samehada, and slowly inches toward you.

You poke Deidara

"Hm?" he looks at you. "You've got strong fingers. Here, you look like you'd be good at it, hmp."

He tosses you a ball of clay and urges you to mold something out of it.

Once you do, you're left with a demented figure that looks like the twelve zodiac animals combined.

Deidara laughs his head off. "Well, even though you're not the best, detonating it's the best part!"

He sticks your creation to your face and says "Katsu!" which triggers the detonation.

You poke Sasori

He gives you a bored look and summons a giant puppet. "Those who poke me face a certain of long, painful deaths…"

The puppet sits on the ground, its torso opening up to reveal an empty space.

"Here!" Sasori throws some doughnuts into the body of the puppet.

"Ooo!" you say as you chase after them. "Doughnuts!!"

You sit inside the puppet and eat one. The torso closes on you, trapping you.

With chakra strings, Sasori pulls the arms and legs out of the puppet. From within these limbs slide out razors and knives covered in the poison he developed himself, which he sticks back into the holes where the limbs were once attached – killing you.

You poke Tobi

"ZOMG!" Tobi says happily with little hearts floating around his head. He hugs you and then pokes you back.

"Tobi is a good boy!" You both have poking wars, even more fun than the poking wars with Tenten!

You poke Zetsu

One half of him gets mad at you, the other half enjoys the poke and laughs.

Because their thoughts on the matter differed, they began arguing, until both Zetsu entities decided they were hungry.

"Uh-oh…" you say, noticing that hungry look in his eye…

You sneak up behind and attempt to poke Orochimaru

Right before your fingertip touches Orochimaru, he vanishes. The next thing you know, he's standing behind you, holding your hand and your poking finger to your head.

"Tell me why you were about to poke me or else I'll have you suffer by making you poke yourself!!"

You poke Pein

He makes it rain on your head and laughs with amusement, poking you back super-hard. You pass out from the pain…or shall I say, pein…

You poke Konan

She sweat-drops because it's so random, and flies away on origami wings to go think out to herself WHY she had been poked.

You poke Kakuzu

He quickly stares you in the eye, grinning widely. Using strange threads that emerge from his arms, he removes your heart and patches it to his back. Then, he sells your dead body on eBay, anticipating the large amount of money he would soon reap in.

You poke Hidan (BIG MISTAKE)


His infuriated eyes meet with yours.

"BLANK-BLANKEDY-BLANK-BLEEEEEEEEEP!!" he yells and charges after you. You try to run away, but his fast-walking skills are just so pwnsome, so he catches up with you and decapitates you with his large scythe and uses you as his next sacrifice to Jashin.

You poke the credits

Nothing happens. OMG how can this be?