Sorry for the wait but sooooo much has happened with my life that writing fell to the bottom on my priority list, I'd tell you what but I'm guessing you're more anxious to read the story so here it is: Last Chapter of Test of Love: The Rules:

Test of Love

Chapter Twelve


It was around noon and Yamamoto Takeshi was sitting in his office, staring at the ceiling and trying his best effort to come up with a solution to his current problem. The swordsman had never been a genius, that much was clear to him, but this specific problem not only affected himself but also one of his current lovers, Gokudera Hayato. Hours had gone by but his brain simply couldn't find an answer. Out of frustration he hit his head against his wooden desk, as if hitting it would force a solution to pop out. He was just getting dizzy when he heard the door open and saw someone who just might know what to do.

"Good afternoon sir." said the man who just walked in. He was carrying a silver platter that had a slice of pizza and a glass of wine on it. "Your lunch." he said calmly as he approached the desk and set the silver platter in front Yamamoto who still had his head resting on his desk.

"I don't know what to be more worried about, your need for healthier eating habits or the current concussion in your head."

"I'm depressed right now Archie, so please hold the lecturing." Yamamoto said not moving his head and releasing a deep sigh.

"As you wish sir." The man as he moved around the stuff Yamamoto had on his desk so that he could eat without making a mess, which Archie always ended up cleaning. "But sir, with all due respect I think eating pizza and noodles as lunch and dinner isn't very healthy."

For the first time since the man entered the room, Yamamoto lifted his head and looked at the man who had been talking to him. His name was Archibald L. Williams but his friends called him "Archie". He was about thirty years old with bright red hair and light brown eyes contrasted by a pale white face. He currently had a slight five o'clock shadow and bags under his eyes, which told Yamamoto that he hadn't been sleeping well. The swordsman knew he was partly to blame for that. Though Yamamoto hadn't forced him to wear a uniform but he insisted on always wearing a white shirt underneath a black vest, a pair of black pants and a tie around his neck; it almost made him look like a waiter from a restaurant if it weren't for the small silver chain that belonged to his pocket watch. Archie was pretty tall and had a slender and built figure, which was a product of his past in the military.

"And sushi, I also eat sushi which has vegetables and that makes it a healthy meal. Ha-ha, besides, it's not that I always eat pizza and pasta…it's just that lately I've been very busy to find a decent meal and I wouldn't dare ask you to get me something to eat." Yamamoto explained.

"Correct me if I'm wrong but I just did," he said pointing at the tray that still had the untouched pizza and the full glass of wine "I don't know why I bother since you always take two or three bites and then you tell me to take it away. I wish you would get back to your old self. At least then you would eat more and smile. I take it the absence of master Tsunayoshi and master Ryohei has affected you greatly." He said, taking a seat in front of his boss, "Which worries me since they'll be gone for a whole month, won't they?"

Yamamoto's head snapped up at his assistant's.

"How did you know that?!" He asked.

The red haired widened his eyes noticing what he had just said "I apologize deeply sir, but old habits die hard; and getting my hands on every bit of information I can is an old habit that I still hold since my time in the military."

Archie's ability to get information was one of the reasons why the Yamamoto had asked him to work for him, that and his combat ability. It hurt the swordsman to think that he was holding back such great talent by making him clean his room or organize paperwork. It was like having Da Vinci paint stick figures but Archie refused every offer that Yamamoto gave him: apparently he had grown close to the swordsman.

"But, is it true? The rumor that master Tsunayoshi and master Ryohei will be absent for a complete month?"

"Yes it's true," Yamamoto admitted, "But that's not what has me depressed like this."

"Then what is it sir?" The man asked.

"It's Gokudera. Ever since Tsuna and Ryohei left Hayato has had to deal with Tsuna's work on top of his own; and you of course took care of your own work along with Ryohei's…by the way I apologize for that, I can tell you haven't been sleeping too well." The man in front of him nodded knowing that what his Boss was saying was true, "But Hayato is the one who is really busy. He rarely sleeps and he almost never eats. He's really worrying me." He said with a voice that expressed clear desperation.

"May I ask what master Tsunayoshi and master Ryohei will be doing out of town?" Archie asked.

"It was only supposed to be a week of vacation but two days before getting back they got a call from Dino Cavallone, saying he needed to talk to Tsuna as soon as possible. Apparently he had something very urgent to tell him; and Ryohei offered himself to serve as bodyguard, they called and said they would take longer than expected. Gokudera told them not to worry, that he would take care of everything but it's really taking its toll on both of you." he said when he saw Archie's lack of sleep reflected on his face.

"Well, I think it's pretty obvious what you must do, sir." Archie said while standing up and preparing to leave the room.

"What do you mean?" Yamamoto asked with full of hope of answering his problem.

"Well, you get more sleep than master Gokudera because you have someone to help you with your work." Archie said.

"Who?" Yamamoto asked in confusion.

"Come on sir, give me a break, do I have to always think for you too!? Me! Me! You have ME to help you out!" Archie said frustrated that his boss didn't understand what he was talking about. Realizing that he had just yelled at his superior he flushed and added a small and shy "Sir." at the end of his angry rant "All I'm saying is that if master Gokudera had someone to help him, he wouldn't have to work so much."

"You want Hayato to get an assistant?" Archie nodded, being grateful that Yamamoto was catching on his idea, "Well that's going to be hard, I mean, he was the only one out of all the Guardians that refused to hire an assistant. His pride doesn't allow him." Takeshi remembered how a few years ago Tsuna had summoned everyone and told them that everyone should hire someone to help them with their work, a right hand man per say. But Gokudera refused saying that he could manage by himself, and it was true he had managed until Tsuna and Ryohei left. A few days later Yamamoto hired Archie, Lambo hired I-Pin and Mukuro hired Chrome. The rest took their time but in the end Gokudera was the only one who didn't have an assistant; even the antisocial Hibari Kyouya hired someone.

"Well, it is well known that master Gokudera has almost as big a pride as master Ryohei has his…" Archie drifted out, too shy to continue.

"Archie!" Yamamoto yelled brightly blushed over the fact that his assistant had pretty much said that Ryohei had a big-

"Ego! I swear I was going to say ego!" the red haired man said laughing "But seriously sir," he started calming his laugh and clearing his throat, "I know a few people who would jump to the opportunity of working under the legendary Gokudera Hayato." He said crossing his arms.

"Well, I don't know" Yamamoto replied unsure that he could convince Gokudera in asking for help. Just when Archie was about to leave, his mind ordered his mouth to blurt out, "But I'll call you if he says yes." the assistant nodded and started crossing the room and before he turned the door knob, he turned and asked his boss.

"Soooooo, how big of an………ego does master Ryohei have?" He asked with an evil, sly look on his face.

Yamamoto laughed and just said one word "Huge." and with that the red haired assistant left the room chuckling.


Knock, knock

"Come in" Gokudera ordered. The door opened and Yamamoto Takeshi entered the big office that belonged to Tsuna. But since Gokudera was the one temporarily taking care of leading the family, they decided it was best for him to use that office and not his own. What Yamamoto saw when he entered the room was something he had grown accustomed to seeing every time he entered it. In fact it could often be described in one word: chaos. Complete and utter chaos. Several sheets of paper were scattered on the floor, covering the carpet so that the floor looked like upturned hospital tiles. More pieces of white and yellow paper were threatening to fall off the tall piles that were stacked high on the desk of the office. Not only that, but Gokudera hadn't even bother to say 'hi' or 'hello', since he was too busy taking a piece of paper from a pile, reading through it as fast as he could, signing it and placing it in another pile of papers. It was a never ending process.

Yamamoto felt really bad seeing how hard Gokudera had been working while he was busy banging his head on his desk. So deciding to help him in any way possible he clenched his hands into fists, took a deep breath and marched his way to the front of the silver haired man's desk.

"I need to talk to you." He said as serious as possible.

"Kind of busy right now." Gokudera replied again not bothering to look at the black haired swordsman "I have to finish all this paperwork then I have a video conference with Basil. Apparently he keeps bitching about why I didn't let him take control of the Family during Tsuna's absence."

"Yeah, sorry but why did you do that again? I mean Basil is the Outside Advisor, it's his job to take lead the Family in case of Tsuna's absence, isn't it?" Yamamoto asked, remembering how Gokudera had basically told him 'fuck off and to stop being such an annoying jackass' or something along those lines. Knowing Basil, he wasn't too happy about it and slapped the fakest smile known to mankind on his face; as soon as he got to his office he called Tsuna and asked for an explanation. Takeshi still doesn't know what they talked about but he was grateful when the whole thing finished with Gokudera apologizing and Basil going his own way.

"That's right, he IS the Outside Advisor and as such he must take care of the Family in case of 'emergency'. And this is not an emergency." Gokudera said with a voice that told Yamamoto that he was reaching his highest frustration level.

"But all this chaos does seem like somewhat of an emergency." Yamamoto said waving his hand in the air, gesturing to the tornado-struck room, "I mean, I get it you are the Storm Guardian so a bit of chaos is to be expected but…"

"It is not chaos, I have system!" Gokudera yelled in anger, he turned to look at Yamamoto who was looking down at the floor as if he were ashamed of something; the silver haired man coughed realizing the situation was becoming awkward so he sighed, dropped down into his chair and changed his tone to a much softer one and spoke again, "So, you said you had something you wanted to talk about?"

This is where Yamamoto's plan entered phase two; believe it or not he actually had an organized plan for making Gokudera hire an assistant. This is how much he wanted Gokudera to have some free time; well, truth be told Archie had helped him plan the whole thing out. You see, the dynamite specialist was the type of person that would never ask for help so the only option left was to force him to ask for help. The swordsman knew it was not going to be easy because Gokudera's pride was in fact as big as Ryohei's "ego". Most people would convince someone by showing them the pros and cons of taking a decision, but this case was different because this time Yamamoto was dealing with Gokudera and Gokudera wasn't "most people". So that only left the swordsman with one option, something he wasn't very proud of but it was something that was needed to be done.

Yamamoto moved closer to Gokudera who was still sitting down, he leaned closer and kissed him lightly. At first the silver haired man seemed a little surprised but after a few seconds he deepened the act. Tongues started to fight for dominance. Yamamoto could tell that Gokudera had also reached his limit since the kiss seemed a little desperate and needy. The silver haired man stood up from the chair without interrupting the kiss and held Yamamoto's face firmly with both hands as Yamamoto started to unbutton his shirt with one hand. He had finished with the third button when his need took over and decided to simply rip it open.

That was when Yamamoto knew he needed to take control in order for his plan to work so he started to nibble on Gokudera's neck earning a slight moan from the dynamite specialist, while he started to work on the silver haired man's shirt Yamamoto guided his lover towards the couch that was few feet behind them; Gokudera growled when the swordsman pushed him on the black leather couch. If he weren't so needy he would have probably objected to having sex in his boss's office. Gokudera landed on the couch with a muffled poof.

Yamamoto climbed on top, he took a second to admire the lovely, blushing man beneath him. He was panting which meant that the swordsman was doing something right. He smiled as he started to lay small butterfly kisses across Gokudera's chest. He traveled down slowly to his navel and dipped his tongue into it, causing Gokudera to put his hands at the back of Yamamoto's head and pushing him even further down.

Even though this whole thing had a sneaky little plan behind it Yamamoto enjoyed very single moment of it. He loved Gokudera so much and in all the time he had been alone with him he had wanted to spend some time alone with him so this was perfect. He didn't expect anyone else besides him, Tsuna and Ryohei to know this but the silver haired man was extremely cute when it came to making love. He would let out moans and gasps of pleasure that made Yamamoto want to just take his pants off and fuck him. But whenever he was about to do it he would look at Gokudera who had nothing in his eyes but love.It was hard to describe but it was a type of look that made Yamamoto appreciate every moment and put even more passion into making love.

When Yamamoto reached the belt he struggled a bit to take it off, his hands were shaking with anxiety which wasn't helping but after a minute Gokudera's pants and boxers were already all the way across the room; Gokudera moaned when his length was freed from the prison that was his underwear and Yamamoto smiled at how erect his dick was. 'He wants this almost as much as I do,' Yamamoto thought as he used his tongue to lick it from the base to the tip making Gokudera arch his back in pleasure 'Almost.'

"Takeshi…..d-don't tease…" Gokudera managed to pronounce. Knowing how much the bomber needed to have some kind of release the black haired swordsman grinned and put the whole thing in his mouth. As soon as the base was being caressed by Yamamoto's tongue the silver haired boy felt like he was inches away from heaven, he tried to apologize when his need took control of him and made him buck his hips, triggering Yamamoto's gag reflex, but the pleasure he was getting was too much for any comprehensible words to come out of his mouth. That's when Yamamoto started to suck Gokudera's length forcing him to clutch on the fabric of the sofa in order to try and calm down his breathing, "I-I…….I can't hold…….back any longe—" He would've finished the line if Yamamoto hadn't decided to hum sending small vibrations of pleasure across the bomber's spine; the black haired boy had to back his head a little to be able to take his salty release. It was a flavor he was used to by now, to be honest he kind of liked it but what he enjoyed even more were the sounds and the faces Gokudera would make when he came. It made Yamamoto want more, much, much more.

After making sure he hadn't spilled a drop of semen, he lifted himself up and looked at his lover with warm eyes and a small smile on his face, and spoke softly, "Ready for another round?"

A look of mischief appeared on Gokudera's eyes. He didn't answer, at least not verbally. Soon Yamamoto was engulfed in a passionate kiss with the bomber taking the initiative. The silver haired man could taste a little bit of himself and that mixed with Yamamoto's amazing kissing ability was making his length stand tall again. Once they broke apart the swordsman was panting and smiling at the man beneath him, "How about we move to a more comfortable setting?" He asked.

Gokudera didn't have time to respond as he was lifted up and swung over his lover's shoulder like a sack of potatoes, "Oi, put me down!" He yelled. Of course he didn't really want to be put down, it was just reflex speech. He was making love to someone he loved, why would he want to be put down?

"Sorry but I don't feel like taking you on the carpet floor, I'm pretty sure you'd kill me for burning your back." This was one of the few times when Yamamoto thanked the fact that Tsuna's bedroom had a door that connected to his office. The black haired boy made sure not hit Gokudera's head with the door frame and once they were both in Tsuna's room the silver haired boy found himself being tossed into the bed unceremoniously, landing with a muffled sound.

"You realize we're about to have sex on our Bosses' bedroom?" Yamamoto asked while he completely stripped of the rest of his clothes. Gokudera (who had landed on the bed face down) lifted himself and turned to reply to Yamamoto with a sarcastic line but he was muted when he saw the baseball player standing in front of him in all his naked glory. It was breathtaking, to say the least.

Out of all the Guardians, Yamamoto and Ryohei were the ones who had more of a toned figure. Right now Gokudera could see the black haired man's six pack and muscled arms, not to mention those broad and strong shoulders that had been carrying him a minute ago; his sun kissed skin brought out the darkness of his hair making a perfect match with his lovely brown eyes, but what caught the bomber's attention the most was Yamamoto's length, which was standing out proudly eager to take Gokudera, it was big and it made the bomber drool a little. Just a little.

"Earth to Gokudera, are you listening to me!?" Yamamoto repeated, the words cut the bomber from whatever trance he had been. Unfortunately for the swordsman, Gokudera's pride wasn't going to let him know that just a few seconds ago he was mentally admiring Yamamoto. Besides, he already knew the silver haired boy loved him, no need for him to know that he liked his body so much to put him in a trance.

"I'm here, you don't have to yell. Are we going to do this now or what?" The question brought a grin to Yamamoto's face. He got into bed and started to kiss Gokudera in a small and loving way, making the silver haired boy relax a little. In a couple of seconds the baseball player was once again on top of Gokudera, taking advantage of the fact that the bomber was too distracted to pay attention, he grabbed his wrists with both of his hands and imprisoned them at each side of the silver haired boy.

"Oi, what the hell!?" Gokudera struggled when he realized he couldn't move his arms and found his legs also unable to move by Yamamoto using his own legs to clamp them down.

"I need to talk to you." Yamamoto said, trying to hide how much he wanted to not do this and just take the man beneath him.

"Talk later, fuck now!" Gokudera yelled angrily. Although he had already came once, seeing Yamamoto naked and feeling him so close made him needy for release again so the last thing on his mind right now was talking. He tried once again to move but he seriously couldn't; he was at the baseball player mercy.

"Calm down, this will be quick, unless you want to prolong it." Yamamoto said, trying his best not to anger the man more than he needed to.

"Remember how some time ago, Tsuna called all of his Guardians to his office and told us we had to hire an assistant so that work wouldn't take over us?" He didn't get an immediate response. Apparently thinking back to that day was hard for Gokudera when he had one of the hottest guys alive on top of him, naked.

"Yes damn it, I remember!" He reluctantly replied, Yamamoto smiled and decided to reward him by starting to suck on the silver haired boy's neck, leaving a small red mark.

"Good, now, remember how you refused to hire someone and decided to handle it yourself?" Yamamoto asked moving his lips from his neck and starting to play with his earlobe making the bomber arch his chest in response to the tingling pleasure.

"Well, do you?" Noticing Gokudera was getting lost in the pleasure so he stopped his ministrations and looked at him.

"Yes, yes I remember!" Gokudera tried his hardest not to reveal how much he needed this. He didn't want Yamamoto knowing he had that much control over him. He didn't know where that baseball moron was going but he was pretty sure he wasn't going to like it.

"Good." This time Yamamoto rewarded him by kissing him passionately on the lips. He grinned slightly when the silver haired boy moaned against his mouth. He didn't know it but he was making it so hard for Yamamoto to hold back.

"Now, I admire you for actually keeping your word and being able to keep your work in check. But lately with Tsuna and Ryohei's absence, your work has been getting out of control, don't you think?" Yamamoto frowned hoping with all of his heart that Gokudera wasn't going to make this difficult.

"I don't know what the hell you're talking about!" Gokudera yelled. He was right, of course he wasn't going to like this. Granted, his work had been taking its toll on him lately but not to the point where he needed to hire someone to help him. After all, he was the Right Hand Man of Vongola the Tenth, he was supposed to struggle this much with the work, wasn't he?

Yamamoto sighed. Deep within him he knew it had to be this way so knowing what he had to do, he bucked his hips against Gokudera's forcing both of their erections to rub together. Both men felt the heat coming from their lengths and the Gokudera moaned. His legs squirmed, trying to get more of that touch but Yamamoto backed away a little, torturing the bomber and himself. He didn't want to just rub them together, but to make love to the man. And every time he was about to give in into his desire he'd remember how tired Gokudera was every night and how he didn't eat or talk much. He needed to do this for Gokudera's sake.

"Want to try that again?" Yamamoto asked and Gokudera, understanding that the baseball player wasn't going to finish what he started until he answered all of the bastard's questions with the truth, took a deep breath and answered.

"Okay, okay fine it has been getting a little out of control." Gokudera reluctantly said, bringing another smile to the baseball player's face; just like every time the silver haired man answered correctly Yamamoto rewarded him again by bucking their hips together, this time however, making sure to make it last just a little longer and accompanied by some chaste kisses on his neck. Just like before Gokudera moaned and arched his back trying to maintain their erections together but unfortunately Yamamoto backed away.

"I want you to hire someone to help you."

Before Gokudera had anytime to reply with a yell or a snort, the baseball player continued talking, "It'll just be until Tsuna and Ryohei are back, I promise. The second their back from talking with Dino, you can fire him but please, please Gokudera let someone help you."

Gokudera was surprised by the tone the swordsman was talking. His voice was broken and he was almost on the verge of tears.

"It's just that…..lately I can tell that you seem more tired than ever….a-and I don't like seeing you this way." Yamamoto's eye reflected pure worry and care. Gokudera could tell that he was actually caring for him and not mocking him.

Gokudera started to think about how bad his life had been this past few days. He didn't eat, he didn't sleep and he was angrier than ever. It even came to the point to where he'd yell at everyone in his sight, his subordinates who came in bringing their missions reports, the cooks who made the little food he managed to eat, the cleaning staff that ruined 'his system' on the desk and most of all he'd find himself several times yelling at the birds outside his window singing. He blamed his poor attitude on his serious lack of sleep. On a good day he'd sleep three or four hours, too bad lately he hadn't had any good days meaning he only slept two hours or so.

Hiring someone to help him sounded appealing now. He'd sleep better and have more free time, time he could spend with Yamamoto instead. Besides, he could fire the guy when Tsuna came back so it was as if nothing ever happened.

"Fine." Gokudera answered curtly. This was one of the few times where it was necessary to put your pride aside and let someone help you, although that someone was a complete stranger.

The widest smile appeared on Yamamoto's face and suddenly the silver haired boy felt his hands and legs be able to move again. Yamamoto was now hugging him tightly and kissing every inch he could get his lips on.

"Thank you, thank you!" the baseball player repeated, then he suddenly stopped.

"Now," it was as if a whole new Yamamoto had taken his place. His tone was husky, his moves were slower and his look was full of mischief, "Where were we?"

Gokudera was about to go 'huh?' but instead he started to moan out of pleasure when he felt Yamamoto's hand around his length; he had had enough of this, being controlled had taken his limit.

"Either you fuck me now, or I take it back." Gokudera growled. Yamamoto grinned and moved. He carefully separated both of Gokudera's legs, revealing a small entry that Yamamoto was about to fill with his erection.

"You sound very impatient, Hayato" Yamamoto said as he positioned himself ready to enter him "I'm guessing you don't want me to stretch you?" He got a shake of head as an answer.

"Hayato, not to be a show off but I'm kinda big, this is going to hurt a lot." Again no verbal response, instead a firm nod told him that he had permission to continue, and without further words he continued to insert himself into Gokudera.

'Shit! Oh, fuck, he wasn't kidding when he said this was going to hurt so much! Damn it!'Gokudera bit his lip trying to stop the gasps of pain that were threatening to spill out.

Yamamoto noticed the pain he was in and immediately stopped. Although he was a bit used to this, no matter how many times he had had sex with the bomber, it was pretty much the same thing. He was always just as tight and warm as their first time and it made Yamamoto squirm in pleasure, feeling the silver haired man around him so close, God it drove him crazy. But even then he stopped. It took a few seconds for Gokudera to relax and get used to the feeling of Yamamoto inside him. It was heaven and hell at the same time, but as a few seconds passed the pain subsided and the pleasure took over. That was when he gave a nod to Yamamoto to tell him he was ready for him to continue.

Yamamoto grinned and finished entering Gokudera and then withdrew a little making him grunt a little in disappointment. The swordsman bucked his hips forward hitting the silver haired man's prostate. He repeated the process until they reached a steady rhythm, they could feel each other reach their breaking point. Wanting to pleasure Gokudera more, Yamamoto started to stroke his length, each stroke matching the black haired man's thrusts, the squeaks and screeches of the bed, and their moans that filled the room. Yamamoto then felt Gokudera tighten his entrance even more, signaling he was about to cum but before the silver haired man had a chance to let out his final moan Yamamoto engulfed him in a kiss, his mouth vibrating from the muffled sound and tongues enhancing the pleasure of the act.

It only took a few moments later for Yamamoto to catch up and Gokudera felt himself be filled with his hot seed.

The black haired man rested on top of him for a few seconds, until he regained the strength necessary to pull out of him, both of them were panting, enjoying the afterglow of making love. They were sweaty and tired but they were incredibly happy. Yamamoto pulled the sheets over them knowing both needed some sleep, Gokudera got the hint and cuddled himself next to his lover. That was when he sat up quickly since he remembered something.

"I can't! What if someone comes in looking for me?!" Gokudera asked, a worried frown on his face.

Yamamoto grinned and hugged him, forcing him to lay down again on the bed and as close to him as possible. He kissed his forehead gently and then whispered "Don't worry, I have it all taken care of."


'The bastard! I bring him lunch, I clean after him and I watch the door while he humps his boyfriend There will be hell to pay when I see him!'Archie thought to himself while he leaned on the wooden door that lead to the office Master Gokudera would be using until the Boss came back from his trip with the Cavallone. 'Still, I wonder what could be so urgent to force the Boss to cut his vacation short and travel immediately to Master Dino's estate in America. Damn, my sources never give me all the information I need. Last I heard Master Dino had just met with Master Tsunayoshi in Russia, why did he want to meet with him so soon?'Unconsciously he started fidgeting with the chain from his pocket watch, which was something he did whenever he got caught deep in thought.

His concentration was soon broken when a subordinate with the crest of Storm headed towards the office he was guarding. The guy tried to walk past him but Archie blocked his way.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked.

"Where do you think?" The guy asked sarcastically "Let me through I have to give something to The Guardian of Storm." Once again he tried to walk past the red head, but Archie stood firm.

"Exactly how urgent is this something you have to give to Master Gokudera?" He asked, he had instructions from Yamamoto to not let anyone through, unless it was something extremely important like someone dying or a bomb about to go off.

"Well, if you have to know, it's a mission report. Nothing eventful happened so I guess it isn't that important." The guy said as he showed him piece of paper with a few paragraphs written on it.

"Good, then take your leave. Master Gokudera wants to take a day of rest." Archie answered hoping that would be the end of it but unfortunately it wasn't.

"Listen buddy" The guy started to say. Archie frowned at the word buddy. "I know you work for the Rain Division so I'm sure it's all hugs and kisses there, but us from the Storm Division have it rough with Boss Gokudera hounding us to deliver every fucking assignment on time. Last guy who didn't deliver a report on time couldn't sleep for a week because he was seeing fucking dynamites sticks everywhere!" The guy took a deep breath trying to calm himself down, Archie was surprised at how strict Master Gokudera ran his Division and for the first time since he was hired, thanked God for working for Master Yamamoto; he had already done 'strict' back at the military and he didn't fancy doing it again.

Archie sighed, the guy obviously wasn't going to go away until he delivered that bloody report so he decided to take a different approach to the situation. "Fine, fine I'll let you see Master Gokudera but you should know that he ordered me to not let anyone through this specific door so you need to go through another door." He felt stupid doing this. He was definitely going to make his Boss pay for this!

"That doesn't sound very rational." The guy frowned.

"Hey, since when has Master Gokudera been a rational person?" Archie cocked an eyebrow trying to convince the guy.

"You're right. Which door should I enter through?" He asked.

Archie grinned. "Umm, follow me."

He led the guy to a door that was a few feet away from the one he was guarding. It looked exactly the same but it lead to a completely different place. "This one leads to a room that is connected to Master Gokudera's office." Archie opened the door and the guy entered it without knowing what was ahead.

"Hey this is no room! This is a close-" with a dull thud, the young man fell unconscious on the floor before being able to finish the phrase, and two seconds later Archie exited the room, dusting off his hands and closing the door behind him.

"That's for calling me buddy." Archie hummed as he walked back to his post and resumed his duty to watch out for the consequences of his Boss' hormonal acts. He went back to his thoughts, trying to decipher what exactly was behind Dino's actions. It was rare indeed when a Boss acts so desperate to talk to another Boss, even though when their families were allies. His hand started to fidget with his chain again when he heard another hum approach him, and from his right a certain fifteen year old appeared.

"Hey shishou." The kid greeted, his black hair as spongy as ever and his left eye shut in a casual permanent wink. He was wearing a typical mafia suit but with the exception of a cow-print shirt and a pair of yellow horns coming out of his head. Lambo Bovino stood there, looking at his former teacher curiously.

Archie immediately bowed respectfully when he was greeted by his former student "Hello Master Bovino" he greeted.

"You're seriously going to keep calling me that? C'mon you were the one in charge of my training, I'd think you would at least call me by my name." The kid sighed.

Ever since his training with Archie had ended, the guy kept referring to him as 'Master Bovino'. It was annoying as hell. It made him feel old and it reminded him of his dad and yet the red head continued doing it.

"It's out of respect, like when you call me shishou." Archie explained, remembering what he was doing he asked, "So, what are you doing around here?"

Lambo had the bad habit of walking around the mansion or the courtyard and leave all of the work to I-Pin. The poor girl was normally swamped with paperwork. Most people scolded him over this but Tsuna and Archie were two of the few who saw the reason behind why he did this. It was to protect the Chinese girl,; if she was too busy doing simple paperwork she didn't have to put her life at risk doing dangerous missions. After all, everyone knew there was a certain spark between the two.

"Just exploring the mansion." He answered simply.

"Master Bovino, you've been exploring the mansion since you were ten years old. I'm pretty sure you know every corner in this place." Archie responded shaking his head in disapproval, "C'mon spit it out, what are you really doing here?"

"I was looking for you actually." Lambo gave in, "I wanted to see if you could spar with me a little, I can't find someone to do it with, I-Pin's busy, Yamamoto is God knows where, Mukuro gives me the creeps, Hibari is off in a mission like always and you are………guarding a door apparently."

Lambo's eyes narrowed in curiosity. If there was something Archie had focused on training besides his brute strength, it was his mind. Lambo may have the body of a fifteen year old but he had the mind of a grown man, and he just hid it by acting like a petulant boy.

"Yeah, well Master Gokudera is working and he asked to have some private time." Archie lied, he tried his best to hide it but he didn't realize it until it was happening; he was fidgeting with his damn chain!

"Good try shishou, but I why don't you try to tell me the truth?" Lambo asked crossing his arms.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Archie lied yet again. Lying to his deshi was something he never thought he'd have to do but he promised his Boss not to let anyone through that door.

"I know what is going on behind that door shishou." Lambo reached for something inside his jacket and showed it to the red head. It was a disk of some sort but he couldn't see what was written on it until Lambo threw it to him. When he read it, Archie mentally smacked himself:

Security Camera Footage: Boss's office

"I was doing my shift watching the security cameras when I saw what was going on." The black haired boy smiled, "I immediately turned off the camera and took out what little it had recorded." He explained. Archie breathed a sigh of relief.

"So this is the only copy?" The assistant asked.

"Yep, I figured you'd want to make sure no one saw it. I mean the relationship between Tsuna, Ryohei, Yamamoto and Gokudera is still a secret. At least to the subordinates of the Divisions." Lambo answered.

"Since when have you known?"

"Well, back when I was in London I called Gokudera to see if he could help me out with my assignment. By the time he got there he was angrier at me that usual and when I asked for an explanation he simply said he was in the middle of something very important. It perked my interest and I thought it would be best to do an official investigation. I followed Tsuna and the rest around for a few days and found out what was going on." Lambo explained, "Since when have you known shishou?"

"Che, I know everything that's going on because of my Boss." Archie remembered perfectly well how one day, at a very early hour he got a call from his Boss asking if he could fetch him some clothes and what surprised him the most was the fact that he wanted them delivered to Tsuna's room and not his. Since that day on Yamamoto told him everything that had been going on with his relationship, including what happened in Venice and Russia.

He snapped out of his thoughts when he remembered something he had wanted to ask Lambo "Master Bovino, since you know more than most people around here I was wondering if you knew about why the Cavallone Boss wanted to meet with Master Tsunayoshi in America."

Lambo was surprised by the question. He didn't expect Archie to know about that but then again, all of Lambo's abilities at getting information came from the red head so it wasn't that much of a shock either. After closing his eyes for a brief second trying to think of the best way to tell him what little he knew.

"Dino didn't just call Tsuna to America, he called a bunch of other Mafia Bosses from all around the world. England, France, Spain, Russia, Japan, China, Australia. The reason, however, I don't know. Tsuna has kept me in the dark also." The Thunder Guardian explained.

"You think it has something to do with the fact that someone tried to kill the president of the United States?" Archie asked. He had heard it a few days ago in the morning news that someone tried to kill the president while he was giving a speech. Thankfully no one was injured, but last he heard they hadn't caught the criminal either.

"Probably." Lambo answered "But the fact that they don't have any clues on the guy means that he's not just any criminal. To be able to try and get away with that without leaving behind any fingerprint, bullet or trace. Even some of my best hitmen make those kinds of mistakes now and then."

"Whatever is going on must have put the Mafia World in danger to the point where Master Dino was forced to summon so many Bosses in one place. This only happens once a year and this year, it already happened once." Archie said.

"You're talking about Russia aren't you?" Lambo asked. It was a tradition that once every year all of the Mafia Bosses of the Vongola Alliance would get together in once city for a week. This meeting's main objective was for Mafia Bosses who had reached an advanced age to name their successors. The rest of the Mafia Leaders were the witnesses in order to avoid future internal conflicts. Since Tsuna was too young to think about retirement and had no current heirs in mind he only went there to remind the other Bosses that the Vongola Family was still alive and stable.

"Well, it's useless to just guess and since we don't have any further information we can't really conclude anything." Archie sighed. Not knowing anything was a strange feeling to him, it was a mixture of frustration, anger and self pity. He didn't like it one bit. Archie rubbed his eyes, he was tired to the point of exhaustion, and he remembered he still had to take care of Master Ryohei's usual number of targets, seeing as how the boxer's assistant was unable to do it for him. Every time he closed his eyes he felt as if he was going to fall asleep.

"You really need to get some sleep shishou." Lambo said worrying about his former teacher "It's not good for you to sleep so little."

"Can't. I still have to guard this stupid door and make sure Master Ryohei's targets don't get piled up." Archie sighed, he really needed a rest and it worried him that it would affect his work.

"Well, leave that to me." Lambo said grinning. He took out his cell phone and dialed a number he used pretty much every day.

"Lambo, where the hell are you!? Do you think it's funny to just leave me all this paperwork to me while you go do God knows what!?" Archie immediately identified the voice as his other deshi, the little Chinese girl that had a Thunder Flame and had been friends with the Bovino since they were five years old.

"I-Pin calm down." Lambo said, "I'm talking to shishou right now. I'm going to take over his work for today. Could you please send me whatever he has to do and I'll take care of it?"

"Why? You have your own work you lazy cow!" I-Pin yelled. Even if Archie was a few feet away from the phone he could still hear her voice.

"I-Pin, he looks twice his age because of how tired he is, c'mon do it as a favor for the poor guy." Archie frowned at the age comment but decided to let it slide since he was actually doing a favor for him.

"Fine, fine I'll do it." I-Pin agreed.

"Also, I heard shishou was taking care of Ryohei's targets but since I'll be too busy watching a door, call a couple of guys from our Divison and tell them I want them all finished by tomorrow morning or they know what happens." Lambo ordered. Archie grinned at how he the fifteen year old was acting. And to think five years ago he was still a complete crybaby.

"Ok." the Chinese girl obeyed.

"Oh and I-Pin…."Lambo put his hand around the phone so that his shishou couldn't hear what he was about to say, "I miss you." Although Archie couldn't hear that last part, the blush across the Thunder Guardian gave him a clear idea of what he had said.

After Lambo hung up the phone and put it away he turned to look at his shishou and with a smile he said "See? All taken care of, now go to your room and rest."

Archie was thankful for what the boy had done so he sighed and nodded agreeing that it was necessary for him to take a good sleep "Thanks….."

As he started to walk through the hallway he turned and looked at his former student, "Lambo." Lambo smiled . His heart swelled just a bit. Now they weren't just Boss and subordinate, they were also friends.


Yamamoto Takeshi was beyond happy right now. He had a lovely silver haired man in his arms and the widest smile on his face. The baseball player placed a small kiss on top of Gokudera's head, making him squirm a little in his sleep. Yamamoto couldn't sleep; he was way too happy. He carefully got out of bed, making sure not to wake up his lover. He put a blanket around his waist and walked up to the phone. Gokudera looked so cute sleeping that it made Yamamoto want to go back to his side as fast as possible but first he needed to talk to someone. He quickly dialed the familiar phone number and made sure not to talk too loud to make sure he doesn't wake the silver haired man. The phone rang once, twice, three times before he heard a tired voice pick up on the other side of the line.

"Hello?" Archie said with a yawn soon following.

"Archie, I'm sorry, were you sleeping?" Yamamoto asked trying to sound as apologetic as possible.

The red head lifted himself up and turned on the lights of his bedroom knowing he was probably not going to be able to go back to sleep. "No sir, it's only two in the morning, why would I be sleeping?" Archie asked sarcastically, "Do you need something, sir?"

"Oh yeah! Umm Hayato agreed, he said it was okay to hire someone!" Yamamoto said excited, "Could you please make sure this guy comes here by tomorrow afternoon?"

"I don't know sir, the person I was thinking of for the job is currently in Taiwan." Archie sighed, "I don't know if it will be possible."

"Fine, but please make him come as soon as possible." Yamamoto accepted, "Good night Archie. And…….thanks for everything." The black haired man was really thankful for his assistant. Archie was hard-working, loyal and honest. It shamed Yamamoto to a certain degree how he asked him to clean up his room, and fetch his lunch and look after the door while he was having sex.

"You're welcome sir, good night."

After he hung up the phone he walked groggily to his desk, opened the drawer and took out a picture that was several years old. No matter where he went he always kept said picture with him. It was a reminder of where he came from and who helped him get there. In the picture there were two people dressed with military uniform, and on the back the words "Me and Usagi" were marked in black ink. He smiled.


"Is he going to be here anytime soon?" Lambo asked, getting tired of waiting for the helicopter that was supposed to bring Gokudera's future assistant. They had been waiting for half an hour already and he was reaching the end of his patience. He turned to look at his shishou who didn't look impatient but instead he actually looked rather eager. He was fidgeting with his pocket chain which meant that he was actually looking forward to see the guy. Then he turned to look at Yamamoto who had a wide grin across his face. Lambo thought that was because with the arrival of this person meant more free time for Gokudera which translated into more sex for him, Lambo rolled his eyes at such thought.

"No one asked you to be here." Archie said not turning to look at the boy, obviously tired of his whining.

"But I want to meet this guy" The red haired grinned when he heard the word 'guy', Lambo didn't know what was going through his mind but he was definitely willing to find out.

"Look, here he comes" Yamamoto said as he pointed to the sky, where a small black dot was approaching them fast. They soon heard the roar of the blades spinning and the wind was crashing against their faces and their hair whipped back from their faces. It was then that the helicopter landed and the blades gradually stopped spinning, ceasing the wind and the sounds. The aircraft had the Vongola Crest painted on the tail and the doors, that was when the door opened and the pilot got out, to which the three cocked an eyebrow. The pilot opened the passenger door and bowed as the person got out And that was when Yamamoto and Lambo's jaws dropped.

Instead of a man they have been expecting to see, they got a completely different thing. A young woman with long gleaming black hair and obsidian black eyes stepped off the aircraft. She had an hour glass figure with generous breasts, making the white shirt she was wearing just a little tight. Her long slender legs were covered by a pair of black pants that were just as tight as her shirt. Her tie was firmly tucked into her black jacket as it flapped slightly in the wind. As she got closer the three men were able to admire the features of her face more closely: her narrowed eyes seemed to be criticizing the three men in front of her, and her sensual lips were set in a small yet serious frown. She stood in front of Yamamoto and shook his hand. The swordsman looked down and saw that she was holding a sleek briefcase in her other hand

"My name is Abigail Song."

"Wow." Lambo said grinning.

"H-hello." Yamamoto stuttered.

"Long time no see, Usagi." Archie greeted with a grin across his face.


Well, like I said before: this is the last chapter for Test of Love: The Rules. Before you start asking why I suggest you visit this website:

johnmnox. livejournal .com / 723.html (without the spaces)

that's where you'll find an explanation to what I mean and then you can decide whether to keep reading the sequel or not, I'd prefer if you go read my livejournal and then you review, so that I can hear what you think. Anyways, thanks a lot for all of your support and comments.

Also another announcement, since a few minutes ago I turned 21, (yes, it's my birthday I'm not joking) and I just came up with an idea: since I have a complete writer's block I am now taking suggestions for a one-shot of any pairing. If you think you have a good idea you can contact me any way you'd like and tell me which pairing, rating and a situation, for example:

Pairing: YamamotoXGokudera

Rating: T

Situation: Gokudera is trying to quit smoking but in order to do that he needs something else to become addicted to and Yamamoto just happens to be in the right place at the right time.


On a completely different topic I'd like to thank two people for helping me so much with this chapter in particular, one of them is my beta and dear friend Jenny, you helped me so much with the creative part of this chapter I'm starting to think you're too good to be my beta and the other person is my………fiancé blushes deeply You know what you did to help me so no need to say.


The End