From Last Chapter
"Returning?" Inutaisho and Inuyasha asked. Reisuzaku looked at them with a sad smile.
"I do have bad news." He said. "Every one thousand years I have to return to the sun or I will die."
"But I've…." Inutaisho began. Reisuzaku sighed sadly when Seiyusenshi smiled.
"Inutaisho you can go with him."
"Will we be able to come back and see the children?"
"That I'm afraid is out of the question." The dark haired monarch said. "Reisuzaku I have held out as long I could for you. You must return soon. Otherwise there will be chaos and you know it."
"But why does Reisuzaku have to leave?"
"My lad, a phoenix demon can not survive after a thousand years on Earth…"
Chapter 15: Up Amongst the Stars
After Seiyusenshi's departure and everyone had gone, the group had their own thoughts about the news of Reisuzaku's departure. They had become used to him and Inutaisho had just found his love again. Inuyasha and Sesshomaru were upset for them both and on their wedding night, they lay down in their wedding bed after 'doing the deed' and had a long pillow talk.
"Who would have thought that things had to happen so fast?" Inuyasha asked as he rubbed his stomach, soothing their unborn pup. Sesshomaru faced him and placed his hands over his mate's own.
"I'm still in shock myself." He said gently. "Reisuzaku is like one of the family. It's hard for me to accept his departure as well."
"Poor Father," Inuyasha said softly. "I know this is a fatal blow to him. He's torn. He wants to stay with us and our pup but he wants to be with Reisuzaku as well."
"I know," Sesshomaru said. "In the end, it's Father's choice. We have no say in this."
"But Sess," Inuyasha pleaded as Sesshomaru took him into his arms.
"Enough Inuyasha," He commanded gently. "I'm sure Father could make a sound decision without us. Besides," He grinned evilly and climbed on top of his mate. "I'm feeling playful." Inuyasha looked at his mate and gasped.
"Again?! Sess we went at less ten times…"
"So what? I want to go again." Sesshomaru said with another wicked smile. Inuyasha gasped and held his mate close. Who was he to complain?
"Reisuzaku," Inutaisho said as he looked at the pacing fire demon. "What's so wrong with what Seiyusenshi said? You make it sound like he's given you a death sentence."
"The Celestial Monarch is more like my Grim Reaper 'Taisho." Reisuzaku said as he sat down on the bed next to the General. "I…don't want to go."
"Rei, you'll die." Inutaisho said with tears in his eyes. "I can't have that. I love you too much."
"'Taisho," He said as he looked at the General. "I love you too. But I can't go on without out."
"Which is why I'm going with you."
"'Taisho…" Reisuzaku said. "What about…?"
"Sessho is more than able to reign." Inutaisho said. "I never had any doubt in my mind. He's a born leader. Always has been."
"So you want to come with me? We won't be able to see the baby."
"I know we won't be able to physically see the baby but I know we will see him from the heavens. One day, when he'll need us, we will come to his aid."
"You already know what the baby's going to be. How is that possible?"
"Let's call it a father's intuition." Inutaisho said as he took up some scrolls and some ink. "But there's a bitter end."
"And that will be…."
"Inuyasha and Sessho….will not live to see him grow..." Reisuzaku looked at the man and sat down. He loved the two younger inuyoukais as if they were his sons. He didn't want his beloved to lose his children. He would have to plead for their lives with the Celestial Monarch. He couldn't be so cruel to let the two he offered his alliance to die. With a nod he looked toward where Inutaisho was writing a letter to his sons and then at the moon. I guess, in a week, it'll be goodbye…
The others were trying to cope with Reisuzaku's leaving. Sango and Miroko planned to get married soon as were Koga and Kagome and since the wolf demon looked more human than all of them, he had decided to stay with Kagome in her time. Inuyasha had come to a decision of his own…
"Guys there's something that I have to tell you." He said as he made his appearance before the others, and having a slight baby bump. "And it's not easy but it has to be done. I have decided to stay here at the palace and in my rightful place."
"You mean you can't quest anymore." Sango said. Inuyasha looked at her and mock glared.
"I was trying to be nice about it but hell you want me to be blunt then fine," Inuyasha said cheekily. "I have a future here, I finally belong. I'm not about to up it cause of some stupid jewel…which is fully restored and with me."
"Admit it Inuyasha, you're going to miss us." Kagome said. Inuyasha looked at her and rolled his eyes.
"Keh, you wish." He said with mock-gruffness. "For the first time ever I won't have a headache! Traveling with you guys was nothing but a pain in my ass." The others looked at the younger Lord and blinked. He can't mean that…Kagome and Sango looked at him and were surprised with his smile.
"Oh hell, you guys can't take a joke. Like I said a pain in my ass... Well, I wouldn't trade it for anything. Just be careful and hopefully, we'll meet again. Enjoy your last week here; you have a long journey ahead of you." With that he smiled at them and walked off to find his Alpha. He found him in the study and Jaken was in front of the door.
"What do you want hanyou?" He said as he stopped Inuyasha from going inside. Inuyasha smirked evilly and raised his voice.
"Get out of my way you fucking little toad." He yelled. "And how dare you address me as such…"
"I will address you as I see fit you filthy little half-breed." Jaken squeaked. "And no one can stop me…"
"Oh really," Inuyasha said with a smirk. "Turn around you little shit." Jaken did and he met the crimson gazes of two enraged Lords of the West.
"My Lords…" He said as he dropped to the floor. "This hanyou…he…."
"That is enough Jaken." Sesshomaru ordered sharply. "You will not address Inuyasha in that fashion. He is my Beta and your Lord as well. Nor is he a hanyou any longer."
"You dare address my pup in that way?" Inutaisho snarled as he bared his fangs. "You will die imp!"
"Father! It's hard to find good help…"
"You don't need his kind of help!" Inutaisho said. "I will find you a decent replacement before I leave."
"Father, are you going too?" Inuyasha asked sadly. "We just got you back."
"I know my pup but I am in the way. There can not be three Lords of the West."
"Then who is taking the South?" Sesshomaru asked.
"Sesshomaru, why can't Inuyasha hold down the South for me? As well as being the Lord of the West…"
"And Sango and Miroku can oversee it…"
"Inuyasha, that's impossible. They're mortal."
"Oh….then who?"
"We'll figure it out." Reisuzaku said. "You'll see."
The week had gone by quickly for everyone. Inutaisho looked at his sons and hugged them, bidding them goodbye. He knew that he had to go. His time was up and everyone knew it. He was right of course, he would be in Sesshomaru's way and he didn't want that. Plus he didn't want to leave Reisuzaku. Shippo and Rin stayed with the two inuyoukai and Inuyasha and Sesshomaru were given suitable replacements, also two male, yet mated, inuyoukai. The one assigned to Sesshomaru was named Yamijiku and the one assigned to Inuyasha was his mate, Soraru
Yamijiku was a muscular dog demon with tanned skin and black hair in a high ponytail. His fierce blue gray eyes spoke of fierce loyalty and wisdom. Soraru was gentle featured and had cinnabar colored hair which was always in a braid, with soft hazel eyes. They had both been in the Silver Monarch's court and knew exactly what to do. They had been in hiding in the mountains but when Inutaisho summoned them they came without fail. They got along with the two Lords and pledged their alliances at once. Jaken was sent packing and Inuyasha knew that his mate couldn't be happier. The little imp was a royal pain and Inuyasha knew that his Alpha was relieved to see him go. He sure as hell knew he was. When the sun of the last day approached, Inuyasha and the others surrounded the courtyard and bid the two farewells. As they watched the two leave Inuyasha wanted to cry. It was like losing his father all over again. Sesshomaru went out of his way to comfort his Beta but it was in vain. That is, until a letter was brought to Inuyasha the following dawn…
"Lord Inuyasha," Soraru called out softly at his Lord as he walked into the nursery where his Lord was seated in a rocking chair. "I found this letter in Lord Inutaisho's room." He handed it over and went to leave but Inuyasha's calm voice came to his ears.
"Soraru, please stay." He said gently. Soraru nodded and Inuyasha looked at it.
I know that if you are reading this that you are not happy with my decision. But I had to it my pup. Sesshomaru is more than capable of taking care of you and your baby boy. Yes, it's a son you are carrying and I could see him as being a beautiful blend of you two. I must say he will shock the world but he will be just and fair. Don't worry about Rei and I. You have and will never lose us my pup. We are always with you. I will see you in the land of dreams. Give Sessho our love. And one more thing; will you name your baby after me? Do this is as your father's last wish. It would make me so happy. Just look for the dog star and you will find us.
With Our Love Always,
Reisuzaku and Inutaisho
Inuyasha and Soraru went to the window and looked up into the night sky. The moon was full and the stars were out. As commanded, Inuyasha looked for the dog star and had to smile. Next to the silvery dog star was a bright red one. The two of them twinkled brightly and it caused the two to smile and gaze at them for so long that they were unaware of their mates seeking them out and holding them close. Inuyasha felt Sesshomaru's hands rubbing soothingly over his baby bump and placed his hands over them.
"Inuyasha, what are you doing out here?"
"Nothing Sess," Inuyasha said gently as he leaned into his Alpha. "Father's happy now, so that makes me happy too." Sesshomaru held his mate and smiled. Farewell Father. Farewell Reisuzaku. May you last forever in our hearts and up amongst the stars.
….WAHHHH it's over! Or is it? Sequels anyone? Review to let me know…Where's the tissue?