"Learn to Fly"
A CM Punk/Ashley/Jeff Hardy fic

Thanks to bobfrank, JasmineDB, MissMikkiMouse, AshMattXoXo and jojocheer28 for reviewing last chapter. You're way too awesome! :)

A BIG SORRY for having kept you waiting all these months for a new chapter, it wasn't planned and it wasn't specifically about this story; I simply got caught up in my life. But I'm not leaving and I have no intention of leaving this story unfinished, so I hope you'll keep following it! x

Chapter 23
"Sweet Home Chicago"

Pulling up the zip of her black hoodie until it reached her chin, Ashley let the chilly air of the Chicago night wash over her as she exited the third club of the evening, the impact of her combat boots on the pavement producing a rhythmic low thud.

A second later and, whilst the metallic noise of a Pepsi can hitting the closest trash bin echoed in the stillness of the night, a new warmth in comparison of the one generated by the soft fabric of the clothing item was found in the form of Punk's arm coming to rest around the diva's shoulders.

"Weren't they awesome?" He questioned with a smile tugging at his pierced lips, not before stealing a quick peck on her cheek.

"Awesome? They were simply rad!" Ashley enthusiastically agreed on the judgment of the punk band they had just witnessed playing live, adding a light bounce in her step. "That third song really sounded like a promising smashing hit. OH," she quickly added, apparently being on a sudden roll "and the band before that, at the other club? Amazing!"

Punk let his arm hang loosely over Ashley's shoulder as they strolled on, a pleased grunt of agreement coming from the back of his throat; it was hard to hide his contentment on how the whole visit, let alone the present night, was playing out so far — it was like finally finding the last piece of the puzzle, the one you knew you had been missing all along, and discovering with even more delightful surprise that it fitted just perfectly with the rest. No edge to bevel, no angle to bend. It went along simply perfect with the whole picture. Yes, Punk silently mused with a smile hard to control, that was exactly what he had missed during all those years.

Neither a priest or a Casanova, he had obviously had his fair share of relationships -even involved in the wrestling world when he was still employed in ROH or TNA- and he had brought a few ladies back to his place for something more than a one night only experience, but no one had ever fitted in his world like Ashley did now.

It had all come to him like a shock –a pleasant one- the previous evening when, instead of bitching about not being taken out to some fancy restaurant for her first night in the city like many of his past partners had always ended up doing on one occasion or another, she had been more than happy to settle down for a pizza and a Pepsi on the couch when his very best friend, fellow wrestler Colt Cabana, had showed up unexpectedly and unaware of the female company Punk was engaged with. What was more, she hadn't even groaned or complained once when Punk had at last managed to politely kick him out only at 3:00 AM. Talk about having found the perfect girlfriend indeed.

And now this was just the proverbial icing on the cake, being able to go from club to club checking out the local independent and alternative music scene like he always loved to, but finally with someone who shared the same interest and didn't whine every three songs about the lack of either Britney or Gaga tunes. Definitely refreshing for a change.

"You haven't heard a word of what I just said, have you?" Ashley brought him back to reality from his reverie with a playful nudge in the ribs, a knowing look on her face "And to think you can't even blame it on the alcohol… unbelievable."

Openly laughing at her mock disappointment as she pushed him away and started to walk on her own feigning extreme annoyance with her neglectful boyfriend, Punk lifted both hands in surrender.

"You got me, but that's really not about what you were saying," he chuckled "You actually got me thinking how great it feels to have you here, as in concretely part of my world."

Turning her head sideways to scowl at him, the diva folded her arms on her hoodie-clad chest. "Honest?"

Catching up with her and yanking her arm to pull the Dirty Diva back against his body, Punk offered her favorite crooked smile. "I solemnly swear. Besides, this should prove at last I wasn't distracted before." And with that he reached for the front pocket of his grey hoodie under Ashley's curious gaze, producing a cellophaned item that he then consequently handed over to her.

"What— the CD of the second club's band!" She exclaimed in a midst of amused surprised and excitement "But how did you get it? I was there all the time!"

Chuckling at her childlike disbelief, he shrugged in mock modesty. "I might have very subtly and very swiftly stopped by the merchandise desk when you went to the toilet."

"…I was gone for like 2 minutes!"

"Did I mention very quickly too?"

"Thank you," she giggled "I love it."

"You're welcome." Punk smiled back as they resumed walking together "I told you I would've come up with a proper late present for your birthday, didn't I?"

Relaxing against the weight of his body and entwining their fingers together, Ashley let a content smile brighten up her features under the streetlamps. "There was really no need to get me anything after the plane tickets, but I'm glad you opted for this." She concluded with a light giggle in her voice, turning her head what was needed to capture his lips in a sweet and short kiss.

"Anyways," the punk princess added a beat later "you know what I was thinking before you went all corny, sappy boyfriend on me? That no matter how good those tacos were, I'm starving again. You think we could grab another pizza like last night's on the way home?"

Biting back a smile upon hearing her referring to his apartment as home, Punk skeptically raised both eyebrows.

"…Wait a minute here, before we go into depths of the wonders of your appetite confronted with your actual size, did you just call me corny and sappy?"

"…Oops, I think I might have." She innocently grinned.

"That's it, you don't deserve anything." It was now evidently Punk's turn to feign annoyance as he playfully pushed her away "You have no idea how many girls would pay to hear something like that. And I take it all back, it's a damn nuisance to have you here, I can't wait till you get your remarkably nice backside on the next plane. And by the way I'm going to take that CD back too, so watch out."

Wholeheartedly laughing at his spiteful vengeance, Ashley twirled on herself to face him again while she proceeded backwards. "Really?" She questioned feigning once more innocence as she retrieved something from her purse and moved the mysterious item before his eyes "Never ask a girl to carry your keys for you then… you gotta catch me first!" And with that she sprinted ahead, not before flashing him one last mischievous grin from over her shoulder.

"Yeah, you'd better run punkie cause you're SO sleeping on the couch tonight!" The Straight Edge superstar echoed in amusement as he sprinted after his already giggling girlfriend.


Putting down the fork at the right side of his nearly wiped clean plate, Jeff leaned back against the wooden chair and let out a satisfied sigh.

"Everything was fantastic, dad." The younger Hardy complimented while briefly running a hand across his full stomach for emphasis "Maybe a bit overboard with the quantities… but it all tasted great nevertheless."

"I guess the dogs will have a feast too when we get back with the leftovers." Matt echoed with a chuckle from the opposite side of the table, eying the still full plate of meat on the side with vivid interest. "…Maybe it was indeed a bit too much for us three only."

"Don't start thinking I'm losing it already," Gilbert Hardy grunted while unceremoniously taking away his sons' plates and dropping them in the empty sink, "I thought we were going to have a plus one according from what Matt said."

Stopping in mid-action as he reached for a clean napkin from the centre of the table, the latter lifted up his eyes right in time to meet Jeff's equally perplexed gaze.

"Had you invited someone over?"

"I don't think I did." Matt shrugged before both shifted their puzzled stares on their father.

"I didn't think an official invite was required since you were coming from the same house." Muttered the senior Hardy as he took his place back at the head of the table and peacefully proceeded to peel off an apple, his eyes cast down on the task and missing his sons' exchange of looks.

Furrowing his brow in apparent confusion, it took Jeff a couple of seconds to think of a plausible explanation and to consequently chuckle in both relief and amusement. "Oh, you thought Shan was coming along since he's permanently glued to our couch? I don't think he considered himself included in tonight's picture… but he'll be pleased to hear so."

"Yeah," Matt agreed, still slightly perplexed on why his dad would actually look that disappointed since he was used at seeing the Prince of Punk every other day or something.

Pausing with the knife in mid air to gaze at his sons as they had just said something extremely dumb, Gilbert took a deep, self-bracing breath. "All due respect to the kid, but why would I all of a sudden require his presence and give him another chance to freely stuff his way too capacious stomach at my expenses?" He questioned matter-of-factly.

"Then I'm not sure who—"

"But my favorite girl!" The older man eventually exclaimed "I'm not going gaga just yet, Matt clearly mentioned Ashley moved in with you guys…!"

"Oh, well, yeah… technically she did." Jeff struggled to hide the full extent of his relief at understanding what was going on and present an explanation on the subject, for some reason half glaring at his innocent looking brother in the mean time. "Of course it's not really— I mean, it's only a temporary arrangement, you know."

"Matt said you painted and furnished a room for her." Gilbert deadpanned, "Doesn't sound quite temporary to me. Temporary is a mattress on the floor or a blanket tossed over the couch."

"Matt said, huh?" Jeff repeated, his gaze by now shifted into a full on glare as the thus not-so-subtly accused superstar offered a sheepish smile in return. "Well, this way she'll be at least much more comfortable for however long she needs to stay over." He easily shrugged.

"Still," his dad grumpily insisted "I don't see why she didn't think she was included in family dinner's night— tell you what," he suddenly perked up and pointed a finger in his oldest son's direction "You make yourself useful and go to pick her up, so we'll have at least dessert all together. I bought her favorite, I still remember it after all these years."

Amused at the somewhat accusatory tone in his father's voice and at the consequent guilt trip-meets-embarrassment expression on his brother's face, something that inevitably happened every single time the subject of the infamous break up got even slightly hinted at, Jeff's smile at last subsided into a sad one as he shook his head.

"I'm afraid that's not possible, dad."

"Why not?" Gilbert promptly protested "Poor girl must be bored out of her mind by now… especially if you two left her all evening long with Shannon!"

"That's not exactly the reason, dad." Matt helpfully interjected "Point is that—"

"Oh, alright then," Gilbert gave in with a scoff "bring the punk boy along if you must. I never denied a portion of profiteroles to anyone."

"That's… very kind of you," Jeff chuckled in amusement at the troubled concession "but Ash is not at home right now."

"She's not in North Carolina either." Matt hastily précised anticipating the double accusation of having left the Dirty Diva on her own and outside like a damsel in distress that was surely coming.

Sidetracked by the additional info, Gilbert abruptly shut his mouth and kept glancing back and forth in between his sons, his lined eyes progressively narrowing.

"…We didn't do anything to her!" Jeff suddenly exclaimed in self-defense against the unspoken accusation, feeling very much like a 9 year old being scolded for a fight with his best friend. A non existent fight, to add insult to injury.

"And where is she then?" The oldest of the three inquired in confusion "It can't be for Raw cause you're here."

"No, she didn't leave for work," the Charismatic Enigma confirmed "she's just visiting her boyfriend in Chicago—"

"—But she'll be back soon and we'll bring her over to dinner the moment she sets foot back home." Matt blurted out hoping to reassure his dad by thus completing the full picture of the Dirty Diva's present whereabouts.

But if Gilbert was reassured by such revelation, he surely didn't look the part. Actually, he looked even more upset than before as he slowly laid his half eaten apple away, his gaze focusing especially on his youngest son just what was necessary to make him feel uncomfortable.

"Our Ashley has a boyfriend? Since when? And why I didn't know anything about it?"

Setting aside the initial intention of pointing out it wasn't that unusual either for that to have happened or for his dad not to have been personal informed on the matter, Jeff opted for his best schoolboy smile. The same one that had spared him more than one detention back in the day.

"Well, she's a big girl dad, these things happen… you know."

"And he's a good guy. A very good guy." Matt chimed in sensing his father still wasn't satisfied. "We've talked to him and he has, err, honorable intentions. You know him too, CM Punk, Mr. Money in the Bank; they make a cute couple, huh?"

But Matt's encouraging smile was destined to drop a moment later when, cursing under his breath, Gilbert kicked back the chair and marched to the sink where he dropped his fork and knife quite loudly against the surface, startling both his sons.

"Honestly," he cried in palpable frustration "I don't know where I went wrong with you— I can't believe you let her go and fell in love with a colleague indeed without doing anything to prevent it from happening!"

"…But dad," Matt halfheartedly protested taken aback by how strongly his father still felt on the topic after all that time "It's been two years since we broke up… you surely don't still hope—"

"Not you, your brother!" Gilbert dismissively pulled a face at the suggestion, turning to point an accusatory wet fork in Jeff's direction.

"Me…?" The latter echoed, his eyes widening in shock.

"Yes, you, Jeffrey." His dad gravely shook his head, "I don't understand. How can you stand back when someone else snatches away the woman you love from your own house? Especially you, who have always taken action upon his dreams…"

Quite speechless at the unexpected insight his father seemed to have on his deepest and most secret feelings, Jeff helplessly shrugged, accompanying the movement with a humorless chuckle. "We all love her dearly here and we all want the best for her… and now I suppose she has finally found it."

It took Gilbert a couple of moments to reply as his son pointedly avoided eye contact with both men in the room, but when he finally did, it was in such a disappointed tone like he had never used before with his sons, not even to reproach the youngest for the past drugs use.

"So you, who have been known to be a stubborn fighter all your life indeed, are basically giving up on what could surely be the best for you? Son, I would have found it completely respectable if your own brother was still the one involved, but now…"

"There's nothing to fight for, dad." Jeff quietly deadpanned.

"Yet she's living with you and not with this punk boyfriend. That doesn't look like a lost cause to me." Pointed out Gilbert, in meanwhile abruptly taking away Matt's untouched plate from under his son's perplexed gaze without paying much attention to what he was doing.

"…But I hadn't even started my dessert!" Was the only cry that echoed through the suddenly silent kitchen.


Entering Phil's bedroom dressed in a pair of hot pink shorts and his ribcage hoodie, Ashley let herself heavily collapse horizontally on the bed, a satisfied sigh escaping her lips as she widely stretched out.

"Gosh, Maria was right indeed, Chicago's pizza is the best I've ever tried."

Shutting closed the door of his closet, Punk turned to fix his girlfriend with a skeptical gaze, his hands on his hips. "So that's why you're staying here… all thanks to what the kitchen can offer to you."

"Uh-huh," she nodded trying to keep a straight face under his mockingly disappointed expression "but I have to say that your comfy bed is a plus factor, no doubts about that."

"Oh really?" He cocked his head on a side before kneeling on the bed and slowly coming to lay next to the Dirty Diva, his hand sneaking under 'her' hoodie to tickle her now exposed hip "Well, there's also no doubt on the fact you're sleeping on the couch tonight, I told you."

Bending her legs onto the bed and trying to escape from his touch in a fit of giggles, she vigorously shook her head "I won't."

"Trying to challenge me, punkie?" Phil smirked as she eventually managed to stop him, her hand pinned on top of his which possessively remained undisturbed on her flat belly.

"Just stating the fact that you might be strong willed enough to resist either alcohol or drugs, but I doubt you'll able to resist my presence under your same roof all night long." Ashley exposed her theory with a know-it-all attitude, a mischievous glint lighting up her blue eyes.

"…Damn, I think you're right." Punk's immovable pretence crumbled down with a deep chuckle.

"Watch out Mr. Straight Edge, looks like I've found your weakness…"

"Indeed you have," he softly replied with a certain smiling air gracing his features "It's in here." He added seizing her other wrist and placing her hand on the left side of his chest.

A genuinely happy smile touched Ashley's face at that, moving in meanwhile the other hand from her stomach to Punk's face to idly caress his cheek. "You say the sweetest things, you know?"

"Does that make me, how was it, sappy and corny?" The superstar offered a playful eye-roll.

"Nope," she giggled "That simply makes you my favorite boyfriend ever." Ashley revealed before pushing herself up what was needed to close the gap in between them -considering Punk was propped up on his elbow- and to consequently capture his lips.

"Stay here, then." Suggested the former ECW champion, almost instinctively as soon as they broke apart.

Back with her head lying close to the edge of the bed, Ashley shook her short blonde tresses on the red duvet. "I told you, I'm not sleeping on the couch." She responded with a clearly amused smile, misunderstanding the true meaning of the just laid out invitation.

"I know," Punk's lip twitched for the split of a second before he became solemnly serious, a certain sweetness coming from his next words "but I actually meant in a more generally extended timeline… as in remain here in Chicago, in my apartment, with me."

"…Oh." Ashley's eyes widened upon understanding the quite permanent offer, her glossed lips remaining parted to form the precise shape of an O as she found herself quite at a loss for words.

"You like it here, it's more similar to your New York than North Carolina, you've seen it yourself." Punk pointed out with a matter-of-fact shrug to fill in the expectant silence, putting up a certain nonchalance that was actually inwardly failing him in the circumstance "And I personally love to have you around; it's being different with you here, happier. Oh, and just for the record, in case you're wondering, this— this asking someone to move in, it's not a weird habit of mine, I've never done it before… well, except telling Colt he couch crush in for a couple of weeks when he forgot to pay his electricity bill, but there really wasn't anything romantic in that scenario, trust me."

"I don't know whether you're more sweet or adorable." She commented with a somewhat sad smile, caressing his cheek again.

He followed with a sigh, "But that doesn't seem enough to make you say yes, huh?"

"It's not you, really." Ashley emphasized to explain her reasons "And I love being here and I can't wait to be back again for more days at the first occasion—"

"—But?" He prompted with a sad half-smile.

"But I'm not gonna take away your personal space so soon… not when it might backfire on us and ruin this perfect start we're living."

"…Wait, is that some extremely cryptic girlish way to tell me I leave the toilet seat always up and squeeze the toothpaste from the middle or something?" Punk furrowed his brow in perplexity. "Cause I can learn not to."

"I don't doubt it," she momentarily chuckled "but that's not it. You'll get tired of having me always in your way both here and on the road. Me and my chronic disorder, loud music, and failing cooking skills."

"No, I won't." Punk wholeheartedly protested "And we're gifted with a various and wide take-away selection in the area, by the way."

"What about when you want to hang out with Colt or your friends?" Ashley retorted with the same sad smile "You can't have me always around. Yes, I'd love to be always with you, but I also know that you need your personal space to keep our great relationship healthy. And here I wouldn't have anyone else to be with in meanwhile, I'd end up messing up your plans sitting in your apartment 24/7 like a statue."

"…While in North Carolina you basically have already another whole life."

"…Well, yes, in a way." The Dirty Diva earnestly admitted, "But please don't think I'm picking the guys over you cause that's not the case. Jeff, Matt, Shannon and Shane… they're like my brothers, you know? It means that I don't care if at some point of the day or the week one of them gets bored and irritated at hanging out with me and vice versa— but you, I really don't want you to have no other option but keeping me around always."

"Yeah, I can understand that" Punk conceded with a sigh "I just think it sucks that to keep each other's rightful spaces we have to be in two different states. If I want to come over and spend an evening with my girlfriend after a whole day apart I would like to be able to do it just like ever normal couple… you know what I mean?"

"I do," Ashley agreed with another sigh "and I suppose that's the downside of dating a fellow wrestler; at least we're on the same brand… think of how worse would it be if you were still on ECW, huh?"

As he retarded in echoing to her encouraging chuckle, Ashley propped herself on the elbows and took his face into her hands.

"Hey, listen to me," she softly said "this is not a NO forever, okay? It's just a… 'Let's keep this arrangement for another little while'. When we're not together on the road I can visit you and you can visit me whenever we want, alternating in between Chicago and Cameron. I even have my own room now where you can stay without going to Shannon's." She smiled for a brief moment, "I don't really know how to say this so I'm just gonna blurt it out… I'm scared, Phil." The Dirty Diva nearly whispered, thus captivating all the latter's attention. "These are not excuses, this is me being legit scared. Not of commitment or whatever cause I'm proud to say you're my boyfriend and I do trust you, but I don't know how to handle the situation. Cause, gosh, I'm falling in love with you a bit more every day and it's been so long since I felt anything of the sort that I'm terrified of ruining it by rushing into things. So, yeah, you're probably going to think your girl has serious issues or is insane, cause for now I'd rather have you calling me from Chicago and hear you say you're missing me than see you feeling trapped by my presence. Cause I really, really, really don't want to lose you. Especially not by my own doing."

If a mere few days earlier, after the infamous birthday party, it had been Punk the one to put on the line his genuine deep feelings, now the situation was exactly the opposite, with the Straight Edge superstar staring down at the hopeful face of the quite breathless diva.

He could read those eyes, he could read the silent worry of having ruined everything on those absent-mindedly parted lips and it amazed him; it amazed him how someone with such a strong personality could instead crumble down with the most sensible fragilities when it came down to love. And it almost took him by surprise how such discovery awakened in him such a tenderness that he hadn't even imagined to have inside. Instead here he was, feeling almost galvanized by the fact she had decided to open up and show her most fragile side to him indeed, and by response desiring nothing more than to protect her.

"You know," she hazarded to prompt with the littlest of voices "I could always sleep on the couch and take the first leaving fly tomorrow if you can't accept—"

"I'm not letting you go anywhere." Realizing he had left the poor diva to torment herself while he got lost in his own silent musings, Punk forcefully cut her off with emphasis, pulling her into a bone crushing embrace against his chest. "We don't have to rush into anything, you're probably right on the whole line. That's okay." He reassured while stroking her hair, "I just have two requests."

Pulling back from his comforting touch, Ashley regarded her boyfriend with skepticism. "Does either of them involve me stripping out of my clothes?"

Pretending to think the question over, Punk pulled a condescending face. "Not necessarily straight away."

"Shoot then." She bit back a smile.

"Number one, I want you to feel free to fly over here anytime that you want. Day, night, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter… even if we've just left each other the previous day at the hotel. This apartment gets way too empty at times when I'm not on the road; and in time, whenever we both feel we're ready for the next step, I want you to start seeing it as your home too."

"You definitely got it." Ashley responded with a deep nod, a sincerely touched smile lightening up her face. "What about number two?"

"Well, number two, will you miss me when you're back down in NC?"

"…But of course I will! That's not even to contemplate, sir." She playfully slapped his thigh.

"And how can I be sure of that?"

"Oh, let me see." She giggled at his forced puppy-eyed expression and put her arms around his neck, edging closer with every word "You're gonna be dead sure cause I will call something like three times per day to pester you to come and visit me. And I'll even bribe the boys into doing that, all four of them plus the dogs. I have my charms, you know." She mischievously grinned, teasing his lip piercing with her tongue.

"Well, what can I say…" He offered an appreciative nod while a crooked grin slowly appeared on his face "Your arguments are definitely valid, Dirty Diva, oh if they are…" And with a swift movement he flipped her onto the bed so that her head lay on the pillows before slowly descending over her body.


Entering the kitchen to refill his glass of water later that evening, Matt heaved a sigh at the sight of his brother sat at the table where he had remained –apparently in the same position- since their earlier return at home, eyes cast down on the wooden surface and with the room wrapped in semi-darkness.

Marching over to the fridge, the older brother opted instead for what felt like a much needed bottle of beer, placing a second one before Jeff.

"You know," Matt at last broke the silence that had accompanied them ever since leaving their father's house "dad didn't entirely mean what he said— he's not really disappointed in you. He was just… upset."

"Yeah, well, I'm not exactly having the time of my life either trying to deal with this situation." Jeff's reply came in the form of a humorless chuckle while he opened up the bottle against the edge of the table. "If I could've done things differently I would have."

"I know," Matt sympathized, a hand to squeeze his brother's shoulder "I had to watch the love of my life move on with someone else too, didn't I? But it gets better with time, trust me. And after all, you still have hope, Jeff, this is not the end for you and her… you only need to believe it."

"…You're making it sound as if you were rooting for me, careful there."

"But of course I am, you silly little brother." Matt responded to the hint of sarcasm in Jeff's voice by slapping his neck "Why shouldn't I want two of the most important persons to me to be happy, and what's more, together?"

Taking a sip of his beer, this time the Rainbow Haired Warrior opted to turn around the chair in order to fix his brother with a perplexed glare. "Um, let me se, maybe cause A) She was once your girlfriend and B) Up to two hours ago you were basically ready to give your blessing to her happily ever after with Punk?"

Shaking his head with what seemed much like amusement, Matt went to finally sit down at the other side of the table, his legs lazily stretched out under the piece of furniture. "Honestly Jeff, if I still had any romantic feelings for the girl I would've quite spontaneously killed myself by now after witnessing her basically sharing a life with you ever since. YES, I know," he immediately added when Jeff opened his mouth to retort "she loves both and she's friend with both… but you're the special one to her. You've been all along since we broke up. And about Punk… well, I still have nothing against their relationship, I just wasn't sure about the way you felt about it until tonight."

"Thanks for having my back in this hopeless cause then, I suppose." The Raw superstar rose his bottle for an ideal toast "I didn't even know you had any thought about it… neither you nor dad, you know."

"What can I say," Matt offered a smile at his brother's hint of embarrassment "perhaps you're not much of an enigma to the ones who know and love you. And Ashley's not excluded from that, you know. Allow her to be aware of your feelings like you've allowed me tonight. You can't call it lost until you give it a try… that's what you taught me when we were kids, don't you remember?"

"I was referring to the dream of becoming a wrestler back then though," Jeff heaved a sigh "there were no other boyfriends already involved in the picture."

"…And thank God never were for me." The older Hardy chuckled for a brief moment before sobering up again. "No, Jeff, seriously. What makes you think she doesn't feel the same way? Don't give me that 'are you insane?' look, I know she's with Punk… but what if she isn't even aware of it herself? She has always thought you loved her as a friend… she might've shut down her own feelings for exactly the same reason, even unconsciously. Maybe if now it was you the one with a girlfriend Ashley would've been the one living the dilemma you're going through right now."

"So what are you exactly suggesting?"

"That you give her a glimpse of your feelings. You can't give up until you're perfectly sure… and, trust one who has seen the two of you together for the past two years, you still have any possible chance to win this over. It's not like she's married to Punk or anything," Matt scoffed "relationships can be broken if one realizes he's truly in love with someone else. But in between loving someone who you know loves you back and someone you think only sees you as a friend… well, why should've she remained alone? There's no reason to think she might not love you more than you think. Just tell her, give her a chance to see into your heart… you may be surprised of the results."

Slowly nodding his head while taking in his brother's words, Jeff eventually looked up again, the hint of a chuckle on his features. "Who would've thought you were so good at this stuff considering your rubbish record with relationships? If I knew it before I would've come to you directly instead than asking Shannon."

"…WAIT, you went to ask Shannon for help first?" Matt's disbelief was palpable in the air, "And excuse me, how would Shannon's record be any better than mine? OKAY, I was cheated on with one who I thought a friend… but HE'S A DIVORCEE, for heaven's sake!"

Definitely amused by his brother's indignation, Jeff innocently shrugged his shoulders. "Hey, cheer up bro, he gave me your own advice if he can make you feel any better."

"You know what, I— I…" trailing off as he randomly pointed a finger in the Charismatic Enigma direction, the V1 superstar at last let out a frustrated groan. "I'm gonna go to bed now and I'm gonna secretly root for Punk from now on, alright? GOOD!" And with that he stood up, taking away Jeff's beer bottle with him and turning off the light once again as he exited the kitchen.

Calming down from laughing at Matt's rather outraged behavior and thus remained alone, Jeff eventually picked his cell phone from his jeans' pocket, playing a bit with the external cover before he let it slide open to compose a well known number.


With the Dirty Diva dozing off in between his arms and halfway ready to follow her in the land of dreams after the satisfying fatigue of their love making, Punk's lazy smile was disturbed when an unknown tune went off in the background of the silent room.

Following the general direction where the sound came from and stretching his arm on the floor right under his side of the bed to retrieve what looked like Ashley's cell phone, the Straight Edge superstar picked the item up and, before waking the diva up to hand the phone over, quite instinctively took a glance at the name flashing on the display.

And with his eyebrows raised upon understanding it was the youngest Hardy calling at almost 2AM, Punk had no problems at flipping the electronic device open only to press the red button, dismissing then the now silent item onto the nightstand.

Groaning in her sleep, Ashley turned her head on the pillow so that she was now facing her boyfriend. "Umm, who was it?" She feebly inquired, her legs entwining with his.

"No one, just get back to sleep." Whispered Punk as he planted a kiss on top of the diva's head, his arm to embrace her figure as a content smile spread over his features.