Brink of our Time : Ambassador Death
A/N: So I got this idea from... I really don't know where. I can't really tell you how it's going to be written, but I can tell you that I'm going to try and make it the best so far. The only way I can tell if you like it is if you review, so please just drop off a word of your opinion of any type.
"As the Ambassador of Spirit World, I promise that I will do everything in my power to calm the anger of the Demon World and bring out two great minds together!" Masses were crowded around the gates of Rekai, all their eyes on the newly appointed Ambassador. Ayame and George gazed up, their eyes wide and their hearts drumming in a patriotic beat. "In these desperate times, our spirits must not be broken, and I refuse to back down. I know, I truly believe with all my heart that we can come together as two great Worlds!"
Cheers clamored all through the World, deafening to many. Koenma clapped, smiling wide.
"Thank you Ambassador." He clapped his hand on the new hope of Spirit World's back. "One more time for Ambassador Botan!"
Shrieks and squeals of worshiping adoration echoed in Botan's ears. To her, they sounded like the screams of feral beasts that were blinded with bloodlust.
Goose-bumps rose on Botan's skin.
Life seemed to slow after the defeat of Sensui. It seemed that all the other crazies didn't feel like ending the world anymore. People kept on dying, and Botan kept on ferrying souls. For a while, all was good.
Then the Three Kings came along.
"What are we going to do?"
Koenma sighed. He had rings under his eyes.
"There's nothing we can do. Yomi has called on Kurama, Mukuro contacted Hiei, and Raizen has... unveiled his son."
The Prince paused, and it took Botan a minute before she caught on.
"Yusuke?" Koenma nodded, and Botan's stomach trembled. "Oh God... Oh God..." She ran outside to a nearby trash can. The sounds of dry heaves floated up to the Prince's ears. He walked out to see her kneeling on the floor, her knees shaking. Vomit dripped off of her lips. "I-If Enma ever finds out—"
"He already has."
Her ribs seemed to think that they were wings of a butterfly. Her chest heaved. Dizzy spells bombarded her. Enemies had come up before... but it seemed that their antagonist had now... turned into God Himself. Botan took a deep breath and wiped the semi-digested food from her lower lip. She closed her eyes, her fingers still tightly gripping the wastebasket tightly. One breath. Two breaths. Three breaths. Release.
"What are we going to do?"
"We're going to do what we can to help Yusuke, Botan. My Father wants him dead."
The logic seemed to be twisted.
"Why? He hasn't hurt anyone! He's been nothing but faithful to the Three Worlds!"
Koenma sat down next to her, giving her a handkerchief. He motioned with his hand that it was okay for her to use it to wipe her mouth.
"Not all of us can be as accepting as you."
Mukuro picked at her nails with the end of a knife. Her hair was stringy and stuck to her face due to the humidity. She sat out on the balcony of her fortress. The sun beat down on her skin as she continued to pick at her nails. Her eyes moved from her nails to the barren ground of Demon World.
Her lips jerked upwards at the black dot that moved towards her castle. She continued to groom herself, her teeth glinting at she heard the door open behind her.
"What kind of news do you bring back?"
His boots were soft against he black marble floor.
"I'm not certain."
"No?" She flicked dirt off of her dagger. "Why is that?"
"Koenma has just appointed an Ambassador of Spirit World."
"He means to negotiate with us. He wants peace."
Pick. Flick. Repeat.
"Peace? He's trying to control what isn't his. Even Enki is losing his patience and empathetic nature." Mukuro sighed as she looked over her nails, blowing on them. "Tell me, do you know the Ambassador?"
Hiei Jaganshi stepped forward, his eyes unblinking even in the fiery sun.
"I do."
Mukuro's eyes rolled to the side as she gazed at her Second in Command.
"Who is it?"
Mukuro's knife slipped, cutting her finger.
They say that there are turning points in every man and woman's life. It is the time were girl turns to woman, and boy turns to man. Hiei never did understand who "they" were. "They" just existed to tell everyone else what was expected of them.
Hiei never was a boy. Sure, he had been young once in his life, but inside... he had never been a child. He had never grown up because he had never been born young. He had never known love, and he had never been innocent.
His logic, however, had lied to him.
He had been living a dream. His friendships with Yusuke, Kurama, and even Kuwabara had all been an illusion. Like fog rolling over a dark road at night or a bird singing in a death filled cave. It wasn't meant to be his life. He had found peace and even a little bit of happiness, but that dream had been taken away at Mukuro's call.
Dreams... were broken.
Reality hit him square in the chest.
"You're really going to go?" Kurama's voice whispered to him in the dark. "You don't have to." Those green eyes never left the dark shadowy figure of his friend. "They could always sent others."
Yes. Koenma could send someone else. Hiei could just ignore Mukuro long enough until she just gave up and moved on to someone else. But... that wouldn't happen. He stared at his shaking hands.
"I have to do it. Just like you have to go to Yomi." The shadow seemed to flicker in the darkness. "Funny... I never thought it was going to be this way."
"No one did."
Hiei sighed.
"Will we ever see each other again?"
'We' did not mean Kurama. It meant Yusuke, Kuwabara, Yukina, Kurama, Koenma, Shizuru, and Botan. It meant all of those he had considered his comrades. All those that he had shared terrifying experiences with. He didn't realize that he had been so happy the way he was. His sister was in the dark, he was able to belittle Botan, and even converse peacefully with Kurama. Now... he was going to have to leave all that behind.
"Only time will tell."
Koenma was more nervous than the Ambassador was. He kept on tugging at his sleeves and jittering. Salt water kept welling up in his mouth as he saw Botan pulling on her robes. She leaned over at the mirror, brushing rouge on her cheeks. Her dress was a white robe, the kind that many would associate with Greek goddesses. It hung off her loosely, just coming short of her bare feet.
"What's wrong?" Botan turned to her boss. "You're pale."
"This is the first time we've ever done anything like this." His brown eyes flickered to the door. "If you back out, I will not hold it against you."
The former ferry girl didn't smile.
"I can't. This is the most important thing I've ever done... so I really can't back out, sir."
Koenma nodded.
"Be careful."
"I will." She opened a portal to Demon World, to the coordinates that Enki had given her. "I won't let you down, sir."
The Prince let his hand slide against her cheek, a sad smile on his face.
"I know you won't."
It wasn't fair. No, it was not fair at all. Tears rolled down the ferry girl's cheek as she watched Yusuke depart the Demon World. No, it wasn't fair. Enma was not being fair for wanting her one of her best friends to die. Raizen wasn't fair for taking Yusuke away, either. In fact, she didn't want anyone to leave.
Even Hiei.
She would miss Yusuke's constant banter and his budding relationship with Keiko. She would miss the intellectual and uplifting conversations with Kurama. Botan even admitted that she would regret the absence of Hiei's dark and sometimes amusing remarks.
Her heart was being pinched and pulled. She felt like she was a little girl watching her siblings go off to college or highschool, leaving her behind. Why was she stuck here, not doing much of anything while everyone else had to go and make a difference?
A sigh fell from her lips.
Times were changing. Everyone was growing up. Sniffing, Botan stood up. Well, she wasn't about to just sit there and be useless.
Botan summoned her oar and fly off into the skies of Human World. She was going to prove to herself that she could move on too.
"Botan? Really? The blue haired girl that was always hanging around with Koenma?" Enki scratched his head, smiling. "I never pictured her to dabble in politics."
Mukuro smirked, her bandaged finger dragging itself across her skin.
"Neither did we, sire, but she's coming soon."
"I guess that means we need an Ambassador too, huh?"
Mukuro merely smiled.
"I'm glad we're thinking on the same lines, your Majesty."
Enki blinked with amusement.
"You've already thought of someone, haven't you?"
The once feared demon turned to her Second in Command. He was standing in the back of the room, leaning against the wall so that he was concealed in the shadows. He narrowed his eyes, making them glow eerily.
Mukuro clapped her hands together.
The doors to Enki's castle opened with low moans. Botan gazed up at its high towers, trying not to let intimidation take a hold of her face. Even in the light of the stars, it was a truly magnificent sight. She adjusted the bag on her shoulder and continued to walk forward, smiling at some of the guards.
None of them smiled back.
"Ah, Ambassador, you're here!" Another demon jogged forward, his face stony as ever. He gestured for Botan to follow him. "Right this way, ma'am."
"Thank you."
Soft flesh on the bottom of Botan's bare feet skimmed over the floor, her dress billowing behind her as she walked swiftly to keep up with her escort. Her eyes tried not to wander, but it proved to be too much. It was nothing in comparison to Spirit World. It was so... beautiful beyond words. The arches, the stone masonry, oh, and the stained glass... it was all so—
"Brilliant, isn't it?" Botan jumped, startled to see Mukuro's chilling face smiling at her. "This is the ancient work of the Original Fathers, you know." Her hand ran over the stone, her eyes flashing. "I'm afraid it's a bit late for any negotiations to be taking place."
The Ambassador smiled, holding up her bag.
"That's fine. I've got supplies I need to stay overnight... of course, if that's okay."
The demon nodded, her brown hair bouncing.
"Yes, we were actually hoping that you could. I'll show you to your room."
Hiei growled.
"It was stupid of you to suggest this."
"Your perfect for the job."
"How is that?"
"You know her and Koenma. If anyone can actually talk to her without causing mass hysteria on both of our parts, it's you."
Hiei crossed his arms.
"I'm not a diplomat."
"Neither is she."
Botan sighed, closing the door behind her. Her room was suite with a canopy bed adorned with silk sheets. She threw her bag on the bed and quickly opened up a window, letting the breeze wash over her face. She swayed on her feet, temporarily forgetting where she was and the fact that she needed sleep.
"What do you think you are doing?"
The Ambassador whirled around, her hand over her heart. Her knees shook when her pink eyes focused on her old comrade, Hiei Jaganshi.
"Kami! Hiei, you gave me a heart attack..."
Hiei glared at her, his arms crossed.
"You're making a big mistake."
A/N: Well, I hope you liked it. I'd really like to know what you think, so PLEASE review!