A/N Hey, hello….something…. Read and review.

Sword vs Hand

"Hey! Wait up!" Chiro begged.

"Chiro! Stop following us! This is our battle, not yours!" Antauri ordered.

"I want to help!"

"You can help by staying out of our way!" Blade100 ordered, as our heroes ran into the town.

They were met with a horrible sight as an army of strange troops in black and white armor were terrorizing the people. They had pure black eyes and pale skin, some holding various weapons.

"Come on!" Blade100 ordered and jump kicked a solider. "THE TIGER!" he yelled, taking a fighting stance.

"THE MONKEY!" Antauri yelled.

The troop looked at one another and nodded. Suddenly they turned to goop, and then turned and became an army of Formless.

"DEMONS!" someone screamed.

Antauri let out a cry and jumped into the air, landing on a Formless's back. It then jumped off and headbutted another Formless.

Blade100 ducked under a Formless's sword and grabbed it and broke it with his hands. He then gave an open palm strike at it, knocking it into another Formless killing both.

"There are too many!" Chiro screamed, ducking under a Formless's hand.

"Non-sense!" Blade100 yelled, ripping a Formless in half.

"Look!" Chiro screamed. Everyone looked into the air to see what looked like flying metal birds. "What are those things?!"

"I have heard of those things… they are called… 'Air Planes.' They are a combination of magic and technology you'd find rarely, even in the Imperial City. They must be dropping off tr-"


"Or bombs!"

"We need to evacuate the town!" Chiro yelled as explosions were everywhere.

"GO! I must find something!" Antauri ordered running back to the school.

"You heard him, come on!" Blade100 ordered.

"No…" Antauri whispered.

Dozens laid dead, fire all over the place, and destruction as far as the eye could see. Antauri's Academy was completely destroyed.

"Master…" a student whispered, lying on the ground. "You came… they came out of the darkness…two of them…a girl, who black clothes and magic and…a monkey like you, but he fought like a…a Scorpion…They're… in your room…" he whispered as he slowly died.

Antauri closed hi eyes, mourning for his students' lost lives. But he quickly recovered and ran into his room. He was met with two being seeing him.

"Hello Brother," Mandarin smiled.

"Hello Monkey," Velina smiled.


"Where are the other Masters? And your stick?" Mandarin asked.

"Right here!" Antauri shouted and slammed his fist into the ground. Suddenly a red staff with gold at the end came out of the ground. "HA!" he yelled and grabbed it and with a spin, knocked both evil doers to the ground. "You will not win!"

"So you say!" Velina laughed and shot a blast of black magic at him, wrapping around hit legs and pulling him over.


Suddenly the energy rope was shredded and Velina fell to the ground.

"I can't leave you alone for ten minutes, can I?" Blade100 asked.

"The citizens?"

"We saved as many as we can; now we have to go!" Blade100 screamed as the ground shook from the bombs. "NOW!" he yelled and ran off with Antauri.

"No matter where you run, WE WILL FIND YOU!" Mandarin laughed, his cackle echoing though the air.

"My home…" Chiro whispered.

"Our home, Chiro…you are my only living Student," Antauri whispered as they stood on a large hill, watching the remains of their home burn.

"Guys! I'm going to scout ahead, don't wait up!" Blade100 ordered, putting his hood on from his robes and walked off.

"Antauri…why is this happening?" Chiro asked.

"Sigh… about fifty years ago; the Masters of the Animal Styles were assembled. The Tiger, the Dragon, the Crane, the Praying Mantis, the Eagle, the Bear, and the Monkey. In that time, the Kingdoms were many and hated each other. They fought and in their wars killed millions. Together we brought the many kingdoms together to be one, and brought the great Emperor Sprx to his throne. After that, we went our separate ways, to the reaches of the world. Now it seems, the Emperor is gone…and we are being hunted."

"And that staff?"

"Sun Wukong's Staff… also known as the Monkey King's staff."

"The Monkey King? From the legends?"

"Yes. It is unbreakable, but few can master it. It is controlled by chi," Antauri explained, throwing it into the air and letting it float around.

"Can I hold it?"

"Only a Master can wield such a weapon Chiro. For now we train. If weare to be on this journey, we must be strong," Antauri explained.

Blade100 walked down the road, looking at the bamboo trees going high into the sky. He took a deep breath of air and turned around.

Only to be met with a sword flying at his head.

"AAAHHH!" he yelled and jumped out of the way. He quickly took a fighting stance as he saw a warrior appear and took the katana.

The warrior was wearing a mask to cover his face and had long black robes. He held the sword tightly in his hand as he glared at our hooded hero.

"HAAAA!" they both yelled and charged at each other. The warrior attacked with his sword, but Blade100 caught it in his hands. He pushed him back and dodged a low swipe kick.

The Tiger Master quickly jumped and pushed his feet off of a strong bamboo tree, and flew at the warrior, tackling him to the ground.

The two rolled around on the ground until the warrior pushed Blade100 off. They then jumped into the air and continued their battle in the air.

The warrior made a thrust move with his sword, but Blade100 dodged it and tried to kick his chest. Suddenly the warrior grabbed his foot and threw him aside, making the Master fly into a tree.

He quickly flipped back up and took a fighting stance as the warrior's feet hit the ground. They then both ran at each other and tackled one another, making them both fall to the ground, Blade100 on top.

In one quick motion, Blade100 had his hands on the warrior's head, ready to crush it, but he felt a sharp pain in his stomach. He looked down to see the warrior's katana was poking his stomach, ready to kill him in one move, just as he was.



"Blade100!" Antauri yelled as he and Chiro ran over and saw Blade100 on the warrior he was on top of.

"Antauri?!" the warrior yelled in disbelief.

"That voice!" Blade100 realized. He suddenly grabbed the mask and ripped it off, to reveal long brown hair tan skin, and hazel eyes. "Dragon!"