A/N: Holy ass crackers!! I have not written in forever but I have been busy with college. I hope I have not lost any readers anyway big shock in this chapter. Hope you enjoy it!!!

Chapter 5

What a wonderful way to tell everyone part 2 (Gai's team and the YOUTHFUL expression of love)

Naruto and Sakura where currently sleeping in Naruto's apartment the day after Sakura had paid back Naruto both sleeping soundly not wanting to be disturbed from there peaceful (And sexy) dreams. Naruto began to wake and looked at his clock.

7:00 AM flashed on the clock

'Uh sleep some more, I don't want to wake up.'

Knock, Knock, Knock.

'You have got to be fucking kidding me'

Knock, Knock, Knock.

'Go away'

Knock, Knock, KNOCK



"OK keep your pants on! I'm coming"

Naruto opened the door ready to rip this person a new asshole for disturbing his sleep. What he didn't expect was for Lee to be on the other side of the door.

"Uhh Fuzzy-Brow's, what are you doing here?"

"Naruto-kun I have heard that you and Sakura-san have embraced the love in the springtime of youth. Is this true?

"Huh? Oh you mean you heard where dating now, ya we are."

"Hmm…I see"

'Huh he's taking this well. I thought he'd challenge me to a fight, I guess he's grown up.'


'You have got to be fucking kidding me. He can't be that dense, I'M not that dense even.'

"Naruto-kun I will now turn on my youthfulness FULL BLAST!!!"

"That's great Lee, me and Sakura-chan are kind of sleeping so could you go please?"

"Oh sorry to have disturbed your sleep, I'll leave now and please tell Sakura-san I have not given up"

"Sure Lee I will."

Naruto closed the door and turned his back to it and sighed while leaning on it. Meanwhile outside Lee was concocting a plan to win Sakura over with the power of youth…like that's ever going to happen. Naruto went to check on Sakura. She seemed to of awoke thanks in part to the ruckus that Lee was causing.

"What was all the noise Naruto-kun?"

"Oh it was just Lee. He was just coming by to ask a question."

"What did he want to know?"

"Well I would seem that word of us dating has gotten around and he came by to confirm it"

"Oh how did he take it?"

"He said he's going to try harder to get with you now that I am."

Sakura giggled "You mean he still want to believe he has a chance."

"Yay, but hey he can't be that hopeless I mean I'm with you so that says something"

"Yes you are, but only because you are the sexiest guy out there Naruto-kun" She whispered in his ear and kissed him on the cheek.

Naruto just grinned. Oh how he loved life sometimes.

"Actually to be totally honest me and Lee have gone on a date before."

"Really when did this happen?"

"Well when you where on your training trip with…OH" Sakura stopped. She had almost said Jariya-sama's name. The memories of him still made Naruto a little sad.

"It's ok Sakura-chan, you can say it. Jariya, pervy sage."

"Im sorry Naruto-kun, but if it helps I know how you feel. If master Tsunade died I don't know what I would do."

"It's fine Sakura-chan, I got over it. In my moping Shikamaru came and told me what I needed to hear and I realized that I needed to move on." Naruto sighed, fighting back tiers. "Jariya's gone but I'm still here and I need to do all I can to continue with getting stronger, and moving towards a world where there isn't so much dieing and suffering."

'He really has matured, he is so much more noble and caring then when I first met him.' Sakura thought this and smiled. She walked over to him and said "Naruto-kun"

"Yes Sakura-Chan?"

She kissed him and then smiled. "I love you"

Naruto smiled back "I love you too. So go on I wana here about that date with you and Lee."

Sakura giggled a little and started again "Well while you where on your training trip, Lee asked me out like 100 times, so I finally thought what the heck I'll give it a shot."

"So how did it go?"

"Well don't get me wrong, Lee's a gentleman and all but he was a bit too…."

"Over the top"

"Oh my god, YES! I'm surprised he even let me chew my own food. He didn't even let me walk on my own, he carried me everywhere. And to top it all off Ino saw us and raised hell."

"Ya that sounds like Lee."

"You know Naruto-kun, we really haven't gone on a date as a couple. Not that I mind us making out everyday." She whispered playfully in his ear

"Hmm…your right, you know I just had a great idea. I need you to wait here while I go prepare."

"What are you going to do?"

"You'll see."

With that Naruto went into the bathroom to get ready for the day. He took a quick shower and decided to wear his civilian clothes today. He put on a plain white T-shirt and blue jeans walked out of the bathroom and into the kitchen, there he saw a very surprising site. Sakura cooking breakfast, now this was not something that was uncommon it's just what she was wearing. She was clad in a white apron…and nothing else.

"Uhhhh…Sakura-chan? What are you doing?!"

"What? I'm cooking breakfast for you, do you not like my cooking" she said with a cute face and a pout.

Naruto couldn't say no but there was no way he was going to let her get away with teasing him like this. He walked up behind her and quickly formed a plan.

"So, what are you making, my little cheery blossom?" He whispered lustfully in her ear. Sakura got a little excited but decided she need to concentrate on the cooking, well until Naruto surprised her. Sakura's eyes shot wide open as she felt Naruto's hands on her bottom.

"N-n-naruto-kun, what are you doning OH" she moaned out as Naruto slid two fingers into her wet folds.

"What do you mean?"

"You..ahhhh…know….ohhhh…exactly what I mean, oh kami"

"Just keep cooking" he whispered into her ear and then nibbled on her earlobe.

Sakura moaned as Naruto's fingers moved in and out, at some points he would stop and wiggle them around. Sakura was about to go over the eadge. Then with a loud moan she orgasmed on Naruto's hands. Sakura leaned on the counter and panted heavily.

"Now you know Sakura-chan, don't be such a tease."


"What? I couldn't quite hear you."

"More, Sakura's been a bad girl"

"W-what do you mean?!"

"Stick it in…" She whispered with a lustful look in her eyes opening her pussy for Naruto to see.

Naruto was in a trance. He reached for his zipper and began to undo it when…


"You have got to be fucking kidding me…" Said Naruto, very displeased

The knocking continued until finally Naruto opened the door. On the other side was Neji of the Hyuuga Branch family. He had a concerned look on his face and looked lost "Hey Neji, what's up?"

"Naruto-san, can I talk to you out here?"

"Sure" He said closing the door "So what's on your mind?"

"Well for the past couple of days Tenten has be acting strange, she has morning sickness, mood swings and has been eating strange food as of late. We went to the doctor to find out what was the matter. She went in alone and when she came out she had a strange look on her face. When I asked her what was wrong…" Neji stopped, He seemed like he was having a hard time saying what he was about to say.

"What, what did she say?"

"She said she was…pregnant…"

"What! That's great news! Why do you look so sad!?"

"Naruto, there are rules in the Hyuuga clan. If the clan council even found out I was dating her there could be serious repercussions, not to mention now she's pregnaut. They could…hurt her."

Naurto understood the severity of the problem now. Hinata's father had become more caring of the branch family, the council was a different story. They still thought of the branch family as little more than slaves to the main house. Naurto swore to Neji he would change the Hyuuga Clan, of course he needed to become Hokage first. The first thing he planed to do was get rid of that caged bird seal so the main house can't torture the branch house anymore.

"Neji, I understand. Go talk to Baa-chan and I'm sure she'll help you."

"Thank you, Naruto. I knew coming to talk to you was a good idea."

"What do you mean?" Asked Naruto.

"Well…" Neji paused for a second to find the best way to piece his words together. "You have the ability to bring out the best in everyone. When I was lost you helped me see everything is not hopeless and that one could change there destiny and make what they want out of there life. Naruto-san I have no doubt in my mind you will be a great Hokage."

Naruto (and Sakura who was hiding and listening to the conversation.) was truly touched that Neji thought that way.

"Thanks Neji, and hey if you run into problems come tell me I'll give you some advice."

Neji thanked him again and left the apartment. Naruto went back inside and closed the door, then Sakura came out of her hiding place still wearing the white apron.

"Hmm…I can't believe Tenten is pregnant. I wana be a mommy too" she said with a cute pout.

"I can help with that Sakura-chan…" He said drawing close, his lips about met hers when…

Knock, Knock, Knock


Naruto opened the door and this time it was the Anbu caption Hitoshi. "Naruto-san, I have urgent news"

"What is it?"

"A second letter, the same as the first has come."

"He sent me another one?!"

"Not to you…Its addressed to Sakura-san"

Naruto stood in shock. Than he composed himself. "Let me see it…."

"Naruto-san I warn you, this is without a doubt this is the single most disturbing thing I've seen." He slowly handed him a piece of paper "All you will find in that letter is anger and sadness"

Naruto took the paper and unfolded it and looked at it.

Dear Sakura


Then below the picture was a image of Sakura, dead. Her body horribly mutilated and slashed and mangled beyond all recognizing. He couldn't tell if it was a illusion or a picture but one thing was for sure, Sasuke had gone too far. Naruto's eyes began to rapidly switch between red and blue. He crushed the letter in his hand and it shredded into confetti in his hand thanks to his wind element.


No more forgiveness, no more trust, no more trying to bring him back. Naruto made a vow and a goal that very moment.

Kill Sasuke.

End Note: So what do you think? You all thought the surprise was Tenten being pregnant didn't you. Any way remember to R&R. AND IF YOU WANT MORE FAN SERVICE TELL ME!!!

Yami OUT!