here's a random one-shot about Bella remembering all the things that her and Sirius did together, it's actually way better than it sounds! please R&R
I remember gazing down at you in your crib; so silent and perfect, nestled amongst your toys and blankets.
I remember helping Auntie put you to sleep, feed you, care for you.
I remember playing with you in the yard: on our broomsticks.
I remember holding you up so you could see. First, Andy born, then Regulus, then baby Cissy.
I remember everything…
I remember bearing your burdening fears of Gryffindor house.
I remember drying your tears when your nightmares came true.
I remember the hatred; the sadness, that followed the Hat's cry.
Always I will recall…
I will always remember the day I forgave you.
I will always remember our first kiss.
I will always remember our midnight meetings, and glad greetings.
I will never forget…
I will never forget the day you left me; our family.
I will never forget my marriage to the person I hated most.
I will never forget the feeling of my hand in yours, and our feet moving to the same beat.
I will never forget your expression as the truth came out of my lips.
I will always remember the horrific look in your eyes as you tumbled through the veil.
I will always hate the lingering feeling of blood on my hands; innocent blood.
…I will always hate myself because I never got the chance to say… "I love you, Sirius Black. I will always love you."
quite random actually! I would love it if you would review! I LOVE reviews!