Rated: PG
Category: Gen, Double Drabble, Mal/Wash Friendship.
Spoilers: BDM.
Summary: Mal Has His Own Rules Regarding Remembrances.
The young man ran a hand over the ship's controls reverently, and Mal smiled to himself.
It had taken months to decide this, but it was time.
River was an ace, but even she couldn't fly continuously, and as much as Mal loved Serenity, he had to admit he was better suited to other duties. The same held true for Zoe, who would do in a pinch.
This kid was highly recommended and, beyond that, Mal liked him.
Something about his scruffy look and lived-in clothes struck a chord.
But as the young man reached for the strange plastic companion on the console, Mal's arm acted on its own.
He smacked the pilot's hand.
The man looked up at him, anger blazing across his face.
Mal met his gaze and spoke evenly.
"Forgot to mention somethin."
The pilot's eyebrows rose in silent question.
"The dinosaurs stay."
Brown eyes met blues for a moment. Then the pilot nodded.
"I can live with that."
"Then we can live with you."
And so it was that Serenity finally named a new pilot. He flew with her four years, and when he left, he slapped a new pilot's hand.
The dinosaurs stayed.