Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Gakuen Alice and the plot of Special A.

"You're my number two"

Chapter 6: Façade


"Imai-san, Miss Sakura is staying at a hotel. I will forward to you the address. Shall we continue the investigation or shall we call this a day?"

"Call this a day, proceed with investigations tomorrow" She answered, flipping back her cell phone. 'I should probably call this a day too'

'What's happening to you Mikan?' She quickly drifted into a peaceful slumber.


"Master Yome, it's already 6:55 a.m. Please wake up."

A brown haired teenager turned in his bed and stifled a yawn. "Already? Come on, five more minutes. I promise I'll --" He fell asleep, again.

The petite maid heaved a sigh for the umpteenth time 'I don't want to do this but it seems like this is my only choice',She grabbed the ends of the comforter underneath him and pulled it quickly.

He fell down from his bed. Luckily, his buttocks received the impact and he landed safely. "Ow! That method again? I thought you weren't a fan of violence." He stated, making the girl smile.

"Master, You're mother taught me that method and I find it quite effective. Why would I waste such useful technique? You know, there was this--"She was cut-off by her master

"Okay! Okay! I get it. I'm going to take a bath now. Can you dial Sakura residence on the phone and tell the maids to wake her up too?" He asked, grinning sheepishly while standing up.

"Of course, Kokoro Yome-sama" She responded. Upon hearing her response, he grabbed his towel and proceeded to the bathroom.


6:55 am

"Oh my goodness! My nails are all--ruined." A seaweed-haired girl gasped. Vanity is the most obvious trait evident in her. 'This is from that stupid galactic space whatever'. She heaved a deep sigh 'I need to make an appointment at the parlor'

"Mariephoella!" She raised her voice, calling someone. After a few seconds, three knocks disturbed her door.

A middle-aged woman came into the room "Do you need something Shouda-sama?" She asked her mistress politely.

"Call Sakura. Tell her to have her afternoon booked for me--" She instructed, looking at her polished fingernails "And call the topnotch nail polish company, ask for their latest nail polish to be delivered here pronto," She added, looking at herself at the mirror.

"Yes, Shouda-sama" Mariephoella left her mistress to do the tasks given, while her mistress continued inspecting herself at the mirror.


6:55 am

"Anna-chan, that galactic space trip sure was fun," A blue-haired girl said in a singsong manner. She was neatly dressed in her special class uniform, her hair left loose, elegantly cascading down her back.

The pink haired girl named Anna responded "Yes, indeed Nonoko-chan,"

Soft giggles echoed their room as they reminisced their so-called 'galactic space trip'.

Umenomiya-Osagawara's a.k.a UmOs became famous for their superb culinary and chemistry skills. They have their own elegant restaurant and food laboratories. They compete internationally and food critics never printed a negative comment about them.

"It would have been much more fun if Sakura joined us," Nonoko stated,with dreamy eyes.

"Uh-huh. You're right Nonoko-chan! She would've made us die from laughter," Anna agreed, giggling as she spoke.


6:55 am

Mikan was already dressed in a prim and proper uniform. She neatly tied her hair into a high ponytail, giving her the sporty look. She checked herself upon the mirror 'Hm...Cool' She thought, content with her own reflection.

'I must hurry to the glasshouse today. P.E is going to be my subject today' She thought, packing her school stuff into her backpack.

After a few minutes of self-preparation, she headed out for school 'This is all for Ji-chan!'


6:56 am

A phone call disturbed the emotionless inventor in her deep slumber.

"Imai-sama. Sakura already left the hotel, shall we follow her or shall we investigate the hotel?" One of her agents spoke through the phone. For her, this could be quite annoying. Having the lack of sleep, investigating her own best friend, solving things on her own, things are just too bothersome.

"Investigate the hotel; get me a spare key to her room." Hotaru commanded, rubbing her eyes gently. Indeed, Hotaru Imai would stop at nothing to get information about someone.

The agent paused for a minute, thinking if her command was even possible. He was about to complain when he was cut off by his boss "I won't take a failure as a result. I want the key to be handed to me after lunch today,"

"Y-y-yes boss" He stammered, quite shocked. After his reflexive response, the phone line died.

'Why do I even bother doing this?' Hotaru thought.


6:57 am

Friday mornings usually means a grumpy Hyuuga. It's because his little brother would stop at nothing to annoy all their house maids. It gave him a headache. Hysterical house cleaners, panicking about nothing.

"Hyuuga-sama, Nogi-sama is already waiting for you outside," His loyal butler stated.

"Hn." As expected from a grumpy Hyuuga, a syllable is already enough. Natsume strolled down the stairs and left the mansion to his devilish little brother and his hysterical babysitters.

As he entered the limousine, he saw his best friend Ruka Nogi waiting for him. Ruka greeted him with a "good morning" and he nodded.

The blond haired teenager handed him a bag. "What's this?" Natsume asked, raising a brow on his best friend.

"Bagels. My mother made four bags of those. One for me, you, Imai and for Sakura" He stated, opening his own bag of bagel. "Mom really loves Sakura-san and Imai-san," he added, taking a bite at the delicacy.


'I wonder what's going to happen to her today…' Natsume thought, smirking inwardly at his own imagination.


7:05 am

'This is great! I arrived here first. I just hope they won't find out anything about me.' She sighed, putting her bag down at the computer desk. Physical education is their subject for today, it's actually not mandatory to attend classes for the S-class students. As for Mikan, she's going to challenge her rival at this subject, again. Indeed, she tried so many times yet she failed but the spark of determination never disappeared.

She immediately changed into her P.E uniform and proceeded with the warm-up exercises. 'I need to beat that jerk.' her thought, filled with youthful vigor and determination.

After five minutes of perspiration, the door was opened by two familiar figures. Two beautiful teenagers entered the house. Both are wearing same uniform for the S-class students. They must have been a pair of twins, if it weren't for their hair color.

Both young women dropped their expensive vinyl bags immediately and hugged the sweaty brunette. "Mikan-chan!! We missed you," they both simultaneously

Mikan was sandwiched by her two fellow classmates. "Can't--breathe" she whispered, barely able to say the words. The moment her classmates heard her, they quickly released her from their tight hug.

"Sorry!" they both cried at the same time

'Seriously, they're like twins' she thought. "Oh come on Nonoko and Anna, you didn't need to hug me, I'm all sweaty."

Their eyes glittered dreamily at the sight of Mikan "Mikan-chan looks so cool and dreamy even in a sweaty state," they chorused, making Mikan sweat drop

Mikan's POV

Anna Umenomiya and Nonoko Ogasawara, ranked eighth and seventh respectively.

They are both heir for UmOs, the wealthy culinary and Chemistry Company in Japan.

Although they act and speak like a pair of twins, they're not. They're just half-sisters and they share the same father.

I' first met them when I was five. They always argued before. It seemed like they hated each other's guts and kept on fighting.

Clearly, a lot has changed.

Normal POV

A loud thud disturbed the threesome's idle chitchat.




A green haired teen entered the room. "Say what?!" Sumire said annoyed, veins popping out from her head.

The threesome sweat dropped. "Good morning curly—"Anna greeted with a sweet smile.

"Curly--" Nonoko continued, holding Anna's hand as if making a signal.

"Permy," Mikan finished with a sarcastic smile. It was always like this. 'Curly, curly, Permy' is like their chant in making her blast with anger during sunny mornings. They enjoy it, teasing fellow classmates.

It didn't take a genius to know that the seaweed haired girl was pissed. Nonoko shot her sister with a –Do-you-know-what-I'm-thinking-look. Anna nodded in response holding her sister's hand firmly, controlling the burst of laughter.

5-- Her face turned red with anger

4-- A big vein popped out from her fist

3-- Anna pressed her sister's hand against her

2-- The threesome took a step backwards and--

Mikan's POV

Sumire Shouda

14 years old

Daughter of the most famous beautician. Her parents are affiliated with celebrities and wealthy people in the society.

She became one of my closest friends. Before, she would always fight with me for whatever reason.

Ranked ninth

Normal POV

1-- They ran, laughing their heads off at the sight of an annoyed Sumire Shouda.

"WHY YOU LITTLE RUNTS!" Sumire shrieked in annoyance, running after her classmates.

The four young ladies were busy running around the spacious glass house that they didn't notice someone coming in the glass house.


Indeed, the stoic blackmailer knocked out her four stupid classmates.

They winced at the pain inflicted. All four of them except Mikan didn't try to question the reason for the shooting.

"Hotaru, you big meanie. Why did you shoot us?" She complained, rubbing her sore head.

Hotaru paid her no mind; she sat at the plush leather sofa and opened her handy-dandy laptop.

After the violent commotion, four young men entered the room subsequently.

"--so that's it!" A brown haired teenager exclaimed, strolling towards the sofa

"Yes, it's as easy as that, Koko" Yuu replied, carrying his laptop case with caution.

"--Okaa-san's bagels are really good, right?"


Koko immediately greeted everyone followed by Yuu and Ruka. While the girls jerked, their heads up and did the same.

"Yo Mikan!" Koko called her out; it called a certain raven-haired person's attention as well.

"Yo. What's up?"

Koko leaned towards Mikan and whispered, "I had Fara call your household, and she said you're not staying there." She gasped 'What the heck?'

Knowing Kokoro Yome, appreciation should be given to him at that situation because he usually announces everything to the public. She was about to drag Koko outside to talk to him about what he'd discovered when someone disturbed them.

"Oi number two."

"Koko, as I was saying… we should talk outside" She ignored him. Natsume raised an eyebrow and smirked mischievously.

"A-ano Mikan, I think Natsume-san wants to talk to you"

She scoffed, ready to leave the house to talk to Koko when a strong pair of hands grabbed her waist from behind.

Mikan blushed a thousand shades of red and stiffened. "Still can't accept the fact that you're number two in everything? Number –"he whispered huskily. "P.E class starts at 8:30" Hotaru has cut him off, gazing at her new book.

An idea flashed at Mikan's mind. Everybody groaned, 'That-again'. They knew her mind perfectly or maybe not. Mikan pushed him away from her and started emitting a dangerous aura

"P.E class will decide everything, Hyuuga-snot." She pointed at him with vigorous eyes and a tight smirk.

He shrugged, having that 'say-what-you-want-but-I-ain't-planning-to lose' look plastered at his arrogant features

"You never learn do you, second place?"

"It's a duel then! I'll see you later, you better be there!" she ran off, excited for the upcoming match. Their spectators just sighed, 'Nothing's going to change between them'


Gymnasium, a place where students conduct their P.E classes. The fresh smell of determination and sweat filled the room.

"--four, three, two, one." She breathed out, sweat trickled her porcelain skin. She finished her stretching exercises, ready for action against her rival.

The huge door of the gymnasium swung open, revealing the other S-class students wearing their sweatshirts, sweatpants and rubber shoes.

"Friday is tennis day." The twins groaned in disappointment, they hated it.

The stoic blackmailer placed her duffle bag down at the floor and grabbed her racquet. "Nogi, go and get me a bottle of Gatorade"

Ruka opened his own bag and snagged a blue bottle "Here, let's have a match Imai-san," he threw the bottle at her; which she caught effortlessly.

"Always ready for anything boy scout? What's the chase?"

He grinned at her, holding up his own tennis racquet

"If I win, you'll stop blackmailing me and ordering me around for a week," she raised him an eyebrow.

After a few seconds, she agreed to it with money signs glowing in her eyes. "And if I win, you'll be my financer for a week,"

He gasped at her consequence, the bet he made was quite risky but a man never backs out.

"Fine, we'll call it a deal."

'Idiot, prepare to be bankrupt' she smiled evilly, plotting the aftermath.

Meanwhile, Natsume and Mikan were having their own challenge. Both of them ready for battle.

"You're not forgetting about our previous agreement, right?" he asked, leveling down to tie his rubber shoes.

She sneered, "Of course not! I'm not a coward who backs away from those."

"Well then, let's start shall we, Wednesday" he simpered with delight, annoying his own unrequited love.

Her face flushed with embarrassment "You pervert!" she charged at him but she stopped mid-step.

"You shouldn't jump at men while wearing tennis skirt, second place"

"Argh—you pervert, you'll never change" she floundered, walking towards the court.

Thus, their match started while Yuu and the others lay back, minding their own business. They didn't want to break a sweat so they made their own sport. It was called "Dozing off".


A woman lifted a chess piece then started pondering, "The medicine should take an effect right about--this hour" a grim female voice stated, she is playing chess with a man clad with black clothes

"Isn't that a bit mean, dear sister?"

"Ha-ha! I think not, dearest brother," she placed down the queen at the chessboard, targeting the king



The news spread out wildly, about S-class students having a tennis match. Fan boys and fan girls raced towards the gymnasium, holding their own cheering paraphernalia.

Therefore, from a simple duel in turned out to be a grandiose match, fan boys and fan girls kept quiet during the play but after each score they would scream:

"Go Natsume-sama!"

"Beat him Ohime!"

"Imai! Imai! Imai!"

"Kyaaaa! Ruka-sama! Play for us!"

At the fifth match, Mikan scored 40 while Natsume scored 15. It was supposed to be Mikan's breakpoint but sudden events happened.

Mikan's POV

'This is it, my breakpoint. If I win this round then it will be in my league.'

'I'm this close to beating him, I can do this!'

Hyuuga made a lob shot. 'This is my chance'

I went forward, planning to jump and smash the ball when…

My body felt numb, I tried fighting it but the result was--

It got worse--my eyesight is blurring and my world is spinning

'What's happening?'

Normal POV

And so, the unexpected happened. The next thing that happened was—Natsume became anxious running at her direction, "Mikan!" he shouted, adrenaline pumping through his body.

It was the last voice she heard, faint yet heart-warming. The spectators rose from their seats, gasping at what happened. Thanks to their loud voices saying "Ohime-sama fainted!", Hotaru and the others halted and went towards her, worry overflowing their systems.

"We'll continue this some other time, Nogi," she said, dropping her racquet on the floor while Ruka nodded in response.

Natsume held her body carefully, "Oi, Mikan! Wake up! Wake up!" those were his words.

The crowd gathered around them. Worrying, at the same time—wondering why she fainted.

There she lies, unconscious in his sturdy yet gentle arms.


-End of Chapter-

to be continued.

Author's Note/s:

Hotaru: You made a tragic story without me?

Me: I can't kill you.:'(

Hotaru: Read this idiot's other fic.

Me: Thank you so much for supporting my story up until now. :)

Hotaru: Stupid, your chapter's boring and your title is lame.

Me: Meanie.

Youichi: -holds a cardboard saying:- "Read and Review"