Yeah, I know that I said I wasn't going to update any stories until I got that other one finished but I can't work that way, so here is my first chapter of the new year. Hope you like it everyone. Oh, and will you people please check out my other stories. I changed a couple and uploaded some new things on the others. R&R people!

Sasuke: Lazy Bitch...

PCB: Thats New York Bitch to you Fuckshit!!!

Sasuke: O.o

Naruto: On with the story!!!!!!!!!!!

Sasuke starred at Sakura and the little boy she cradled in her arms. The three just looked at the other. Sasuke not knowing what to say, Sakura not caring much besides the obvious concern she always held for her son, and Takeshi was wondering what had caused the adults in the room to freeze.

"Y-your son?" Sasuke finally uttered.

"Yes Uchiha, my son," the emphasis on 'son' was a blatant challenge. Uchiha was never one to miss a challenge or back down.

"So Haruno, you finally got yourself knocked up," Tsunade and the others clenched their fists but were stayed by a quick glance from Sakura. "It was bound to happen sooner or later," the smirk on his face clearly stated that he thought he had won.

"Thats laughable, considering he's six years old and was conceived on July 14th. Tell me Uchiha, who happened to be drunk and staying at my home on that date?" her cold eyes flashed with malice as she looked at the older Uchiha. Takeshi caught on before anyone else did.

"Ka-chan, that man is my Daddy?" Sakura dropped her eyes to her little light and smiled. Takeshi's face lit up with happiness until the next thing came out of Sasuke's mouth.

"No way in hell are you pinning the brat on me Haruno. I won't be the toy in your sick little Fan-girl game," he snarled. The other occupants said nothing, but rage was hidden behind their eyes.

Hey! I don't care if you are my Father, but if you ever talk to my Ka-chan like that again I'll make you wish you were never born!"

Uchiha looked down to yell at the child until he saw Takeshi's eyes. The Sharingan flashed in his deep, red pools. There was no mistaking it now. He couldn't contest the child's parents.

"What kind of sick joke is this?" his voice was shaky and cracking. Ino and Tsunade shared a look.

Sakura stroked her son's head and kissed his cheek to calm him down. It worked and he nuzzled his head under her chin; keeping an eye on Uchiha while his 'Father' gawked at him.

"Uchiha," this time it was Tsunade's voice that rang out, "Takeshi is your son. That night you and Naruto got drunk and you didn't remember a thing that next morning. Sakura and I made arrangements for her to leave. I'm afraid you have one more thing to know about this situation."

Sasuke's eyes met his Leaders eyes briefly before flickering back to the little family to the left of him. Ino stood in the back of the room, ready for anything.

"What could be more unsettling than this Hokage-sama?" his voice was low and monotone.

"The Haruno clan has been wiped out. No one survived."

"What do you mean no one survived? Sakura is standing right there," he pointed and accusing finger at the pink haired woman.

"No Harunos survived because Sakura is not a Haruno. We don't know who she is but her parents apparently stole her from some near by village. Her mother was unable to have children, and since they needed an heir they stole a baby: Sakura. Her name is Murane now." Ino let out a deep breath and sunk to the floor.

Sasuke's mouth kept opening and closing like a fish out of water. His face was very pale (paler than normal), and his cheek developed a tick.

"We will talk about this in the morning when I have everything set up," Sakura's voice cut through the air like a knife, "I need to take Takeshi to bed. We will talk in the morning," with that said Sakura walked out beckoning Ino to follow. Takeshi was already asleep on his mother's shoulder.

Sasuke was left in the office without his composure. Lady Hokage let out a long sigh and grumbled something about Shizune and her Sake hiding places.

"So Uchiha, what are you going to do?" her voice was a lot calmer than she felt. Uchiha turned confused and blank eyes to the blond woman. He answered truthfully.

"I have no idea," he turned and walked out the door in a daze. The rest of his team was there waiting but they didn't say a word due to the look on his face.

Sasuke had walked himself into his own home without realizing it before her was awoken from his stupor by the door shutting behind him. He leaned his weary back against it before sliding down to hit the floor.

"I'm a father," he mumbled out; trying the phrase in his mouth. Sasuke sighed and ran both hands through his hair, "I need a tomato..."

PCB: SO everyone how did you like the latest installment in 'Cherry Blossom Secret'? I think it might be kind of short but like I said before I can't work on one story at a time. My Father calls it terminal multi-tasking. I call it being restless, but my Father is senile. Hoped you liked it! R&R people or I won't write diddly-squat!!!!!! Now to Uchiha-gaki!


PCB: I believe you mean FATHER!

Sasuke: *faints*

PCB: Pussy...

Sakura: You have to teach me how to do that.

PCB: It's easy. Just hit them in their pride hard enough or with something that's traumatizing or to much for them to deal with. I mean that in the emotional and physical sense. And Wha-la! Their dignity is gone!!!!!!!

Sakura: *smirks*

Naruto: You're insane!!!

PCB: No, I'm Psychotic. Doesn't my name mean anything to you? Or is your common-sense not so common?

Naruto: Ramen!

PCB: And apparently you have the attention span of a gnat...

Naruto: *slurping*

PCB, Sakura, Basically Everyone (Except Sasu-Puss who is still in a faint): *sweat drop*