Nightmare on Elm Street

Title: Nightmare on Elm Street: Kisses from a Nightmare

sum:All her parents wanted was to protect her from Freddy Krueger but Erin finds love and solace in Freddy and unleashes his power after her two best friends let slip some truths.

genre: horror/romance Rating: M

Chapter One

Spring Wood was a quiet town, nothing exciting had happened after Jason had slaughtered all those teens four years back, but of course that had been hushed up as well as the return of the Spring Wood slasher which was also terminated. Erin Grey sat next to the window in her English class room, she gazed out the window. She was supposed to be reading, Lord of the Flies but her attention seemed to be disrupted for some reason. The bell rang not a moment too soon, she gathered her things and was the first one in the hallway.

"Hey, wait up", a voice said behind her.

Erin stopped so that her best friend, Kara Lewis could catch up. Kara was a brunette with blue eyes.

"You seem disturbed. You've been like this all day", Kara replied.

"I have never had a nightmare in my entire life", Erin said.

Kara cocked an eyebrow at her, she tried to make sense of it but was suddenly bumped into by a boy with black hair and green eyes.

"Ziggy, what the hell?",Kara said.

"Sup", Ziggy replied holding up a bag of potato chips.

"Sup? Is there a word shortage that I don't know about?", Kara asked.

Erin ignored her two friends, she was trying to think of something grotesque but all she got were rainbows.Kara's hand touched her shoulder.

"What do you mean you have never had a nightmare?", she asked.

"I fall asleep and nothing exciting happens", Erin said flatly.

"That's why they terminated the Spring Wood slasher, the adults don't want us to have nightmares. Come on, you want your sleep don't you?", Ziggy replied.

Erin dropped the subject and followed them to the cafeteria, they didn't get very far,Erin felt a hand on her shoulder,Robbie smiled at her.

"Too cool to sit with me and the guys?",Robbie asked.

"Suck off", Erin replied.

She marched right passed Ziggy and Kara, throwing her stuff down on the table which made a THUMP! Two guys looked up from a Spider-Man comic book, they looked like twins.

"Erin, sup?", Spencer asked.

Spencer had dirty-blond hair and brown eyes. His best friend Cooper had brown hair and brown eyes. Both were comic collectors.

"I'm having a shitty day",Erin muttered.

A couple minutes later, Ziggy and Kara appeared and sat on either side of Erin.

"Is it crowded in here more than usual?",Kara asked.

"Junior high kids are eating with us because someone flooded the girls bathroom on the third floor",Cooper replied.

Erin rested her head on her hand, Spencer and Cooper looked at Kara and Ziggy.

"What's her deal?",Spencer asked.

"She's never had a nightmare in her life",Kara replied.

"I don't know why it's bothering her now, I mean who cares", Ziggy relied.

Erin looked up at Ziggy, her face became contorted.

"You want my life, you can have it", She said.

Erin grabbed her bag, got up and headed towards the nearest exit. Kara gave Ziggy a look of pure hate.

"Now, I have to put up with her being cranky",Kara said.

"Why is she cranky?",Cooper asked.

"Because Robbie is now an ass and she hates him. And I don't know...people treat her like shit even though she's kind,caring,should I go on?", Kara said.

Spencer,Cooper and Ziggy shook their heads. Kara got up and went after Erin, whom she found by the stairs. The rest of the afternoon seemed to drag on, Erin and Kara spent the most part of Physical Science planning for the weekend. When the final rang around 2:00pm, Kara and Erin met Ziggy by the bike rack.

"Finally, the weekend", Kara said.

"What are you so excited about? We aren't going to any parties", Ziggy replied.

"Yeah but Erin and I are having a girls only slumber party",Kara said.

The girls departed with Ziggy at the cross walk and continued down the sidewalk and around the corner. They stopped the at the street sign ELM ST. Kara looked at it.

"Weird name isn't it?", she asked.

"Kara, you've been to my house before and you live down the street from me", Erin said walking off the side walk and towards the other side of the street. Kara ran to catch up.

"I ment, who name's these streets?",Kara aked.

"Trees. Duh", Erin replied.

They were at Erin's house ten minutes later. Both of Erin's parents worked during the day. Erin and Kara went into the livingroom, Erin turned the tv on and turned the station to MTV.

"Don't forget to take your medicane",Kara replied.

"What?", Erin asked.

"Oh I found this", Kara replied handing her a piece of paper.

"Ugh, my parents", Erin said taking the note.

She went up stairs and came back down carrying an orange bottle. She took out two little pills. Kara stared at it.

"What's that?",she asked.

"Oh, my medicine", Erin replied.

"What's it for?", Kara asked.

"They help me sleep", Erin said.

Karra took one of them in her hand.

"What?", Erin asked.

"These sleeping pills. They're Hypo-sill", Kara replied.

"Hypo-what?", Erin asked taking it back.

"They keep you from having nightmares", Kara said, "Ziggy said they use the pills up at the hospital".

Erin looked down at the small little pill, she put it back into the bottle, she placed the bottle on the kitchen counter and went back into the livingroom.

"Your not going to take it?",Kara asked.

"One little nightmare can't hurt can it?", Erin replied.

"All the parents give us Hypo-sill for a reason. Look, don't do something your going to regret", Kara said.

"You sound like my mom", Erin replied.

"Don't you watch the news, those kids all those years back got killed because of their nightmares", Kara said.

Erin rolled her eyes, she went back into the kitchen but the bottle wasn't on the counter, Erin looked over the island counter and saw that it rolled into the sink of the island. She picked up the bottle and placed it on the counter.

"Happy?",she asked a couple minutes later.

"Very", Kara replied.

They sat down to watch Pop Up Video when the phone rang which jumped both of them.

"Hello? Hi Ziggy",Erin replied after picking up the phone.

"Can I come over?", Ziggy asked.

"Yeah", Erin replied and hung up the phone.

"You two would make a perfect couple", Kara muttered.

"Shut up", Erin replied hitting her with a pillow.

"What an ugly pillow", Kara said holding a pillow that had red and dark green stripes.