Author: Judin Attery

Pairing: Fury/Lei/Irvin

Rating: Nc-17 (I'll direct links to livejournal for the naughty parts since only the mild stuff is allowed on )

Warnings: Non-consensual threesome and some violence (rolls eyes It's Tekken)

Notes: This is my biggest Tekken project.

Kazuya Mishima was not the kind of man to fly off the handle at any provocation, but had he been, he would have been wrecking havoc on his office right about now. Instead he sat behind his desk, elbows resting on the mahogany surface and hands folded in front of him, while smouldering red eyes glared a hole in the air. In front of him lay a still-hot-from-the-press edition of Hong Kong's biggest newspaper, as it would look tomorrow morning.

His office lay on the very top of a skyscraper, with a stunning view of Tokyo from a corner to corner, bullet-proof window behind his back. This attack-vulnerable spot was an excellent example of his pride; no matter the opportunity they were given, no one could take down Kazuya Mishima. But he had made a mistake in his calculations; where no tank, robot or army could penetrate his defences, someone small and slippery had.

The pest of a detective was slowly, but surely unravelling G-Corporation's illegal genetics web in Hong Kong, and he was alone about it! The sudden flood of arrested suppliers was bad enough, but in addition, the ongoing investigation made the public doubt G-corp's credibility, and as a consequence the powerful alliances Kazuya had forged were withdrawing from their projects.

He had tried bribes, but no amount of money could sway the knight from his crusade, both subtle and obvious threats had been ignored, and assassination was out of the question now that the spotlight was focused on Kazuya; he'd be the first they'd suspect. Of course this insult would not be left standing, but there were rules to this game, and if Kazuya broke them he would be in more trouble than that persistent bastard was worth. Unfortunately for his mood, he was completely out of good ideas.

A gentle knock on the door distracted him from his thoughts, and before he could accept or refuse the visit, Lee Chaolan slipped inside, wearing a cautious little smile. He closed the door behind him and leaned on it, crossing his arms over his chest and tilting his head to the side curiously, "Your secretary was right when she said you were ready to murder. What's happened?"

Kazuya raised an annoyed eyebrow at his adoptive brother, fighting the urge to growl at the uninvited intrusion. He noted that Lee was impeccably dressed as usual, in a black vest over a green, silk shirt and tie, and black pants. The silvery hair had been combed too look stylishly windswept. The CEO sneered, but his eyes remained dully, angrily red. "It's none of your business, and nothing to worry about." His voice was calm, but his fury, no matter how tightly reigned in, was still highly perceivable, and should have been sufficient warning for the other man to leave.

Instead, Lee's smile deepened, making his eyes twinkle. He sauntered across the floor and sat down on the corner of Kazuya's desk, placing one leg over the other, "I wasn't going to worry; I know you always get your way in the end, but I'd love to know who made you snap at Nigawa-san. She was in tears."

His secretary. She was an excellent employee, quick and reliable, but unfortunately subjected to all the weaknesses of women, including high sensitivity. "Send her flowers." He wanted to think about something else.

"Ah, so that's it!" Lee had picked up the newspaper and was studying the picture on the front page. "They caught his good side." Kazuya just glared at him, contemplating blowing off some steam by beating his adopted brother up, but after a moment of silence, the Chinese put the paper down and leaned forward, "You know he's just pushing your buttons, right? Getting worked up will only let him know that he's doing a good job of it."

But Kazuya didn't need advice from this slut. After a sound defeat by the hands of his older brother in the fifth King of Iron Fist Tournament and a complete breakdown of his little pet projects, Lee had come to G-Corporation to demand a rematch. He had been desperate, with the fortune he had built up diminishing on all fronts, soon to be entirely gone, but after a second, humiliating defeat right here in this very office, Kazuya had revealed that it was he who had driven Lee to ruin. With nowhere to go and with his insatiable appetite for the luxurious life, the Chinese had begged to be allowed to stay. As predicted. Now he was Kazuya's lap dog, quite literally.

And he certainly hadn't come here at this late hour to talk about work. Almost casually, the CEO rose from his chair and placed one hand on the slender, muscular thigh of the other; it was time for a change of mood. "You should think less about how to anger me and more about how to cheer me up again." The desire that awoke in him at the mere sight of his lover was dangerous, he knew, a weakness that would surely turn on him one day, but even so he rarely attempted to resist it.

Grinning fiendishly, Lee tilted his head until his lips were inches from Kazuya's, and his voice was velvety soft and filled with heat when he whispered, "I think I have a few ideas. Shall we discuss them…on your bed?" They kissed slowly and deeply. The Mishima felt better already, especially because he had just realised what to do with the thorn in his side. Every man had a weakness, after all.