The Heir - Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters. They all belong to the gifted Joanne Kathleen Rowling so don't sue me! All I have are my plot and my computer =).

A/N: This fic is kind of a revised version of my other which is being suspended until I get over my writer's block and might even be deleted if I can't think of anything to do with it. Some ideas there would be used here too. I just didn't find that fic good and will stop writing it until I can improve it. Anyway, this is also a fifth year fic. Hope that it's pleasing to you readers. Thanks to those who supported my other fic and I hope you like this one too and that you would support it as you support the other. Do review. Since so many of you know that I'm a H/C shipper, I can say that it will most probably be a H/C fic unless I can be convinced otherwise. I can positively say with certain that it'll not be H/H. I can see Harry with anyone except Hermione. It is so obvious that they are not meant to be a couple. Well, to each his/her own. I'm not against anyone who writes H/H fics. Before I start offending anyone =), on with the fic.

Holidays…Impending Doom…Hogwarts

Lying on his bed on his first night back with the Dursleys, Harry could not stop his mind from recalling the events of the previous school year yet again. Images kept flashing through his mind. From his duel with Voldemort to Cedric's death to Cho's tear-stricken face, it just would not stop. Just then, he heard a soft knocking sound. Thinking that it was an owl, Harry turned to the window but there was nothing there. He tried to put it off as his imagination working overtime but the knock came louder. This time, he recognized it as a door knock. Wondering what the Dursleys would want at this time of the night, he trotted to open the door. But before he could, the thought that the Dursleys would just barge in instead of knocking struck him. He hesitated before muttering "What the hell…" and threw open the door. He was astonished to see Dudley standing there, looking a little fearful. "Let me in before my parents wake up," Dudley uttered as Harry motioned for him to enter. Standing before each other, neither knew what to say before Dudley broke the silence.

"Uh…I wondered if anything was wrong cause you seem to be rather troubled and silent, not that you talk much…but er…there just seem to be kind of an ominous air about you." Dudley finally said in a muddle.

"What? Don't tell me you care?" Harry retaliated before he could stop himself, making Dudley flinch at his words.

"Sorry, that was uncalled for," Harry said again after a moment of tense silence.

"It's alright. I deserved it. We've treated you badly over the years. I never realized how much you suffered until my school sent me to some army training camp earlier this year. I suffered a lot but then I realized that you had been living with us for worse. I regret all that but I know that my parents still don't." Dudley explained. "Well, don't you think I look fitter," said Dudley, trying to ease the tension. (A/N: I admit that Dudley's character is too much to the extreme.)

"Yeah, you do," Harry smiled in return.

"So…what's troubling you? If you don't mind me asking, that is." Dudley asked again.

"A student from Hog- my school died." Harry replied.

"Well, were you two close? And I don't mind hearing your school's name if my parents aren't listening." Dudley said.

"Thanks. Anyway…" Harry launched into the events of that fateful night and seemed to be less troubled after telling all that he had kept within him since the incident.

"So let me get this straight. Your worst nemesis, this Voldemort fellow, is trying to kill you. You think you are responsible for this Cedric's death and you like his girlfriend or should I say ex-." Dudley tried to understand.

"That's about it except that Voldemort is not only after me, though I'm his primary target, but after the whole world too. Even Muggles are in danger." Harry replied.

"Muggles?" Dudley was confused.

"That's non-wizarding folk like you." Harry explained.

As the days passed, Dudley and Harry became closer and seemed to be acting more like cousins. They spent quite some time together and even work out together, jogging every morning. But even though Dudley's attitude towards Harry had changed, Vernon and Petunia were still as bad as ever. They discouraged Dudley from associating with Harry but since they couldn't bring themselves to deny their precious son anything, they could not stop the growing friendship. At first, they showed their disapproval by assigning Harry more chores but that changed when Dudley started to help Harry with them.


"The boy must be taken tonight. He has eluded me in the past due to luck but no more excuses. Kill any that stands in the way but not him. He'll be useful to me." Voldemort hissed.

But Master, he's well protected and -," A man under a dark hood said.

"How dare you disobey me Lucius. You will go and he will be captured. You know what will happen if you come back without him." Voldemort threatened.

"But-," the man started again.

"Crucio," Voldemort muttered, making the man writhe at his foot.

After a while it stopped. "Now you'll know not to question my orders. Leave."

"Yes, Master," the man's voice quivered.

As the man left, a woman's voice sounded from across the room, "You won't win, Voldemort. The Order has been revived and you will be defeated."

"I will defeat the Order. I will rule the world. I am Lord Voldemort." Voldemort replied confidently.

"How naïve can you get?" the woman laughed sarcastically.

"You will not talk against me. You should be dead by now. 'Crucio.' That'll teach you not to talk so much."

When the pain from the spell subsided, she continued, "You won't kill me. You need me as bait."

"Not anymore, you will die once I get Potter. Or would you rather die now?"


Harry woke up drenched in sweat and shuddering. Trying to recount his dream, he immediately drafted a letter to Dumbledore just as he heard the front door being crashed open. He instantly sent Hedwig off with his half-written letter and made his way downstairs after grabbing his wand. Reaching the ground floor, he saw the whole living room filled with death eaters while the Dursleys made their way down to check out the noise.

"Expelliarmus." His wand flew out of his hand before he could react.

Just then, Vernon approached angrily, "How dare you invite your friends in here?"

Before Harry could reply, more death eaters sent curses his way. He dodged left and right but was finally cornered.

"Whatever you do, you will eventually have to leave with us. Either leave without a fight or you'll be injured and your family killed." A voice sounding suspiciously like the one in his dream said.

Harry did not move, nor did he even hear what the death eater had said. He just kept focusing on the death eaters angrily and suddenly light shot at the death eaters from all angles. They all seem stupefied and there was silence all around until he heard some clapping. He whirled and spotted Dumbledore, Sirius, Lupin and Snape. It was Dumbledore who was clapping as the other three just stood with their eyes wide open.

"You did well, Harry," Dumbledore said, with the usual twinkle in his eye.

"But…how?" Harry asked, unsure what had just happened.

"I will explain it all later. Now we will all leave for Hogwarts." Dumbledore continued.

By then everyone had come out of his or her stupor. Sirius immediately engulfed Harry in a bear hug. "We were too late but you -. How did you do it?"

"I don't know. I was just feeling angry and then they were all lying at my feet." Harry said, still confused over what had happened.

"Sorry to interrupt, but you had better pack. You will be staying at Hogwarts until school starts." Dumbledore said. " Oh, the Dursleys would be coming too."

Upon hearing this, both Vernon and Petunia exclaimed as one, "What?" - while Dudley was excited about seeing the school Harry kept raving about.

"Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, this place is now unsafe for you to live. You will be living at Hogwarts until we can find somewhere new for you. So pack lightly and we will leave. Don't bring too much. I will send someone to get the rest of your stuff later." Dumbledore said politely.

After some hassle, everybody was ready to go. They would all leave by Floo Powder since Dumbledore unblocked the fireplace, as one could not apparate into Hogwarts.


So far, Dudley had been silent but he was in awe upon seeing Hogwarts and kept opening and closing his mouth like a goldfish. "This is unbelievable. And you get to live here all year round." Dudley exclaimed to Harry.

"Yeah, I love this place." Harry replied, feeling as if he had returned home. Though he had felt better at the Dursleys after getting along with Dudley, Hogwarts always evoked such strong feelings in him.

Just then Dumbledore said, "Why don't you get settled in your dorm first, Harry? I'll call for you after I've seen the Dursleys."

Harry turned to leave but remembered something and asked, "Professor, what's the password to the common room?"

"For all the holidays, the password to each common room is set at the name of the house founder. The prefects will reset the password on the first day of school. So at the moment, the Gryffindor password is 'Godric'."

"Thanks," Harry said, thinking of the things he could do to the Slytherin common room.

And as if he knew what Harry was thinking, Dumbledore warned, "Try to keep to your own common room."

Harry's face flushed as Dumbledore escorted the Dursleys to his office.

"Here, let us help you with your stuff." Sirius said while Lupin just nodded. Snape had disappeared since they came to Hogwarts.

Harry suddenly remembered that it was full moon and asked, " Er, Professor Lupin, isn't it…er…"

"I know it's full-moon. This past year, Professor Dumbledore and Professor Snape experimented with the Wolfsbane potion and produced one that could totally make me a full human again. I was their guinea pig and so far, I've not changed into a werewolf yet. It had become more of an animagi form as I can change into it at will."

"That's great. Will you be teaching us again this year?" Harry asked excitedly, while Sirius plodded on in silence.

"Yes, I will. And I believe that you can call me Remus when I'm not teaching you." Lupin smiled. Then sensing Sirius silence instead of his usual exuberance, Lupin asked, " What's up, Sirius? You aren't usually this silent."

"I am Harry's godfather yet I could do nothing when he was attacked today. I let James and Lily down." Sirius said after a moment.

Harry immediately burst out, "Oh no, Sirius. You have only been the best so far. You are like the father I never had."

Sirius looked close to tears at his words but still felt hesitant, "But -."

"Look, you are not going to feel guilty alright. Nothing happened to me." Harry tried to convince Sirius.

Before he could reply, they arrived at the Gryffindor common room, where the Fat Lady was shocked to see Harry back to school so early. But since he knew the password, she let him enter. After he got settled, Professor Dumbledore's face appeared in the common room fireplace asking to see him. Sirius and Remus also prepared to leave.

Sirius seemed to have gotten over what had transpired earlier and hugged Harry saying, "Don't worry. You'll see me over the holidays. Maybe Dumbledore would even allow you to visit us - I'm living with Remus at the moment. If not, then I'll come here."

"Okay," Harry said, reluctant to see Sirius leave after having experienced what he had that night.

Then he turned to Remus and said, "Bye, Prof- Remus," while Remus also grabbed him in a hug.

After seeing them leave through Floo Powder, Harry made his way to Dumbledore's office. Upon reaching the familiar gargoyle, Harry realized that he did not know the password to Dumbledore's office. Remembering last year's password, he tried tentatively, "Cockroach Cluster" but it did not open.

"Chocolate Frogs, Cauldron Cakes, Lemon Drops…" Harry tried but to no avail. He ran out of all the candy names he knew and tried "Sugar Quill" as a last attempt. This time the gargoyle opened for him to enter.

"Harry, it nice to finally see you. I must remember not to use any of the passwords you used earlier. I can't have students guessing the password to my office so easily." Professor Dumbledore's eyes shone with amusement.

Noting that Vernon and Petunia were sitting stiffly and rather sullen-faced, Harry asked, "Are my relatives going to stay here indefinitely? I'm afraid that they are not really er…magically-inclined," before blushing at his bluntness.

"Mr. and Mrs. Dursley will be staying in one of the empty staff quarters until we can find somewhere safer for them. We fear that Voldemort will attempt to harm them since they are your relatives. I believe that with the latest Muggle technology, Mr. Dursley can conduct his business away from office. I'll make arrangements for him since electricity would not work on Hogwarts grounds. As for Dudley, he's a wizard."

Harry grinned at the thought that the Dursleys would have to listen to Dumbledore and it took a while for Dumbledore's words to sink into him. As realization dawned, he exclaimed, "What? Um, Dudley… A wizard? He…he would have received a letter from Hogwarts when he was eleven."

"Dudley was shocked too. He never knew that his parents rejected Hogwarts invitation for him to join our school. He received his letter after you and I guess his parents did not want a repeat of what happened to you and sent a direct reply of 'No' to us."

Remembering the events that took place when Vernon refused to let him have his letter, Harry tried to suppress his laughter as Dumbledore spoke to the Dursleys, "If you would please step out, Professor McGonagall is waiting to take you to your quarters. Dudley, you may remain with your parents until Harry takes you to the Gryffindor common room or let Professor McGonagall take you there to wait for him."

As the Durleys left Dumbledore's office, Harry remembered hearing that Dudley was to go to the Gryffindor common room and asked, "Professor, won't Dudley have to be sorted?"

"Oh, he was before you entered and you'd be pleased to hear that he's in Gryffindor with you. He'd have to work with the teachers during the break to catch up on his studies so that he can be in fifth year at the start of the term."

"That's great," Harry replied.

"Now, back to what I wanted to discuss with you. You are a very powerful wizard, Harry. You can already rival Voldemort and there is a high chance that you will be even more powerful than him when you can control your powers well."

Harry cut in, "My powers?"

Dumbledore smiled, "I was just getting to that. First, let me say that you have the most enviable heritage in magical history. Since your second year when you pulled Gryffindor's sword out of the sorting hat, you should've guessed that you are the heir to Godric Gryffindor." Seeing Harry's stunned expression, Dumbledore continued, "If not, then now you know. But the greater fact is that you are related to Merlin himself. That means you have the knowledge of great magic waiting to be released."

"But…how am I related to Merlin? And so far I haven't been able to do anything great." Harry was confused.

"Your mother descended from Merlin herself. That was how she was able to use her life to save yours. As you know, other mothers tried what she did and none succeeded. Before you ask more, let me explain. You have often heard that Lily was muggle-born. Somewhere along the line, one of your descendants gave birth to a squib and no magical power was passed along until your mother. By that time, your mother was the only living descendant of Merlin and now you are too. Yes, Harry." Dumbledore saw that Harry had opened his mouth to ask something then had thought better of it.

"Um, isn't Petunia a descendant of Merlin too?"

"Petunia and Lily are step-sisters. Neither knew about it. Their mother had an affair and even she did not know which child was illegitimate as she was with both men during their birth. The whole matter was hushed up and not many people knew about it. And back to your powers, you have done magic without realizing it yourself. Tonight, for instance, you created a shield that would deflect any spell back to the caster. That was powerful magic and you did it without a wand. You were controlled by your feelings. I believe you can think of other times when such stuff had happened. There is a prophecy that states that the dual-heir of Merlin and Gryffindor would come of age at fifteen. I believe that will be when you can do magic beyond understanding. Now, only strong emotions would cause you to do something out of natural, as there is a lot of raw power within you waiting to be released. That is why I believe that Voldemort wants to get you before your fifteenth birthday."

Harry tried to grasp all Dumbledore had said. He wanted more than anything to be an ordinary kid but the possibility seemed less and less each time. Why must he always be the special one, the savior?

Knowing what must be going through Harry's mind, Dumbledore said gently, "I know this must be hard for you to absorb. You did not want all this responsibility anymore than I want for you. All that I can do now is to help you control and increase your powers. Think what you can do with them. Maybe even use them on the Slytherins, not that I am suggesting anything."

Feeling his burden relatively lighter, Harry asked, "So what can I do with my new powers, or my powers when I am fifteen which is about a week more?"

"As I said earlier, anything - telekinesis or wandless magic to you, apparating, even animagi."

Knowing that he can do these things and more made him feel better. "I can't wait until I'm fifteen. So what animal can I turn into?"


"Uh, any? People have to train hard to even change into one animal."

"You're special Harry. You just have to picture that animal in your mind and you can change into it. Even for apparating, you just have to think of a place and that you'd want to be there, and you'd be there." Dumbledore smiled at Harry's surprised look.


Harry awoke on his birthday in anticipation. He could still remember the day last week that he came to Hogwarts and all that Dumbledore had said. The days had passed swiftly. He was rather bored with nothing to do except Quidditch - Sirius and Remus were both busy with some job Dumbledore had for them, and Dudley was studying hard. The only time he saw Dudley was at meals and for their morning jog. He did not even bother about Vernon and Petunia. - and spent some time in the library, learning new spells that he found he could perform with ease as his birthday drew nearer and nearer. He had written to Ron and Hermione to say that he was at Hogwarts but he couldn't write to them all day. He couldn't even tell them about his new powers as Dumbledore had said that it was better if he kept it to himself except for him, Sirius and Remus.

He hopped out of his bed and found Pig - Ron's owl, Hedwig, and a tawny owl he did not recognize awaiting him with packages. He untied them and started opening his presents.

Dear Harry,

Happy Birthday! Hope you like the present we got for you. All the Weasleys pitched in for it and it's really good. It is a trunk with many different compartments that can be keyed to open and close to your own password and can be reduced in size too. There's an instructional manual somewhere to tell you how to set it. Here, everything's fine. Dad, Percy, Bill and Charlie are more busy that ever, trying to round-up more people to defend against You-Know-Who. I wanted you to come over to live with us but Dumbledore said you were safer at Hogwarts. Have you heard? Hermione's in Bulgaria, visiting 'Vicky'. Anyway, hope you have fun at Hogwarts. You can practice Quidditch, not that you need to. Bye.


P.S. Oh, I forgot to ask when you are going to Diagon Alley to get your stuff. I'll be there on the last week before school starts. Maybe we can meet there.

Examining the gift, he could only 'Ooh' and 'Aah' at it. Anyway, his trunk was in a condition for changing so this came at a right time. He grinned at the tone of irritation in Ron's note at Hermione for visiting Krum. He knew that Ron liked Hermione. Writing a note of 'Thanks' to Ron and the rest of the Weasleys, he sent Pig on his way and turned to examine the other presents.

Dear Harry,

Happy Birthday! I'm having loads of fun in Bulgaria with Victor. We have really become close friends, but nothing more. With some help from Victor, I found these two great books that are like the Bible for seekers or so Victor says. I'm worried about you after the Death Eaters incident. I agree with Dumbledore that it's safer to stay at Hogwarts. I've been looking up on protection spells for you. Maybe we can work on them when Ron and I return to Hogwarts. Anyway, have fun and take care.


Harry chuckled as he read the letter. From the package, he could already tell that it was books inside. Trust Hermione to find a so-called 'Bible for Seekers'. Well, if anyone could find it, it would be she. Maybe he could work on it since he had so much free time. And her reaction to him being in danger was typical. Next, he picked the package from the tawny owl.

Dear Harry,

Hope you like this present. Happy Birthday!

I'm fine and on Hogwarts business with Olympe.

Take care.


Enclosed was a locket with his parents' photo on one side and his on the other. He almost cried when he saw it. It was so thoughtful of Hagrid to get it for him. Suddenly another owl flew in and he turned to relieve it of its burden.

Dear Harry,

Just want to wish my godson a Happy Birthday!

I think you're going to like your birthday present. Why don't you open it before you read on?

Harry immediately pounced on the long package he recognized to be from Sirius and was amazed that he had gotten another broomstick when the Firebolt was still working fine. He noticed the Marauder's Map enclosed. "He must be filthy rich," Harry grinned as he thought of his godfather.

It's the best broomstick available at the moment and I thought my godson should only own the best. It's called a Laser and was just available in the market a few days ago. Actually, it's from both me and Moony and we do hope that you like it. (Are you kidding? I love it." Harry chuckled as he read on.) Also enclosed is the Marauder's Map with specially enhanced features. We heard that you lost yours and so we made one for you. It only works at your command and has many protective spells. You can figure out the other features on your own.

Sorry that both Moony and I can't be there today. I had hoped to be able to spend time with you on your birthday but we have to do stuff for Dumbledore and at the moment, defending against Voldemort is too important. We will be back home this coming weekend before another mission. I talked to Dumbledore and he said that you could come. I also heard about your new powers and I am so proud of you. This place is called Lupin's Manor. To come, you can either use Floo Powder or just think hard of the place since you can apparate.

Send me an owl if there's anything amiss. If not, see you then.


After his usual morning jog with Dudley and an apology for not getting a birthday present from him, - he wasn't able to get one, considering that he haven't left Hogwarts since the Death Eaters incident - they went to breakfast together. He was surprised to see that there was a cake for him. Dumbledore said that the house elves had baked it for him. Those teachers that were at the table also wished him 'Happy Birthday', and Vernon and Petunia looked shocked to see the nephew they detested be so well liked among the people here. Well, Snape wasn't there or else they would have someone to concur with. Harry also wondered at Snape's absence as he was usually there at mealtimes, then dismissed the thought and proceeded to enjoy his birthday.

Harry spent the rest of the day happily. Dudley took a break from classes that day and Harry had fun showing Dudley around Hogsmeade. He also loaned Dudley his Firebolt and tried teaching him to fly. Dudley wasn't really successful but after many failed attempts, he finally seemed to get the hang of it and started enjoying flying. He won't be a natural but with practice, he would get more comfortable about being in the air. He was amazed at the dives Harry was able to make and knew he would never be as good as his cousin. Lunch and dinner were also wonderful with many of Harry's favorite food appearing on the table. He wondered how the house elves knew what he liked to eat and grinned when he thought of how Hermione would react to this - he hoped that she had got over 'S.P.E.W.'. He went to bed that night having spent one of the best days of his life.

Over the next few days, Harry spent more time in the library, trying out more and more difficult spells to test his limit. So far, he had been able to do them all. He did not realize the entent of his powers until he tried. He had also tried his hand at animagi. For the first time, he decided to transform into a stag like his dad. He realized that he looked exactly the same except for the scar on the animals' forehead. He tried transforming into other animals too, succeeding each time, and each time, the animal had a scar on its forehead too. He also went to Hogsmeade to try apparating since apparition was impossible on Hogwarts grounds. He apparated to Privet Drive and back successfully. He was amazed at everything he could do.

That night at dinner, Harry heard Dumbledore's voice, "I've been observing you these few days and you have been doing great even without guidance. But I should warn you not to apparate to anywhere without telling me first. There might be death eaters about."

Initially, Harry flushed at Dumbledore's compliment before realizing that Dumbledore spoke in his mind. Stunned, Harry turned to look at Dumbledore who looked composed as usual, and thought back, "Er, Professor, is that you?"

Seeing Dumbledore surreptitiously nodding his head, Harry thought back, "But how?"

"Many powerful wizards are telepathic or in easier terms, can mind-talk. Both of us can send thoughts to each other as we are both powerful."

"So I can't talk to someone like Ron like this?" Harry asked.

"You can because you can send thoughts to his head and read his mind. But he can't read your mind, that's why you have to send thoughts to him."

"Doesn't that mean any powerful wizard can read my mind?" Harry asked, shocked that all his secrets would be known.

"No. You are a powerful wizard and sub-consciously, you are blocking your thoughts. Only a more powerful wizard can read through your blocking. Sadly, you are the most powerful wizard here. I might have been just as powerful at my prime when I defeated Grindelwood, but now I'm getting older and do not have as much strength and vibrancy as before." (A/N: Added this little part since not many of you are keen on Harry being stronger than Dumbledore. I figured the Dumbledore's old and therefore does not have much stamina to hold on in a duel and fight Voldemort as long as Harry. He can still do great stuff, just tires more easily. Therefore, I made him as more of Harry's mentor.)

Harry saw Dumbledore's eyes twinkling and asked, "Can I read other people's thoughts then?"

"You can if you want to though it would be chaotic for you to be listening to thoughts all the time. If you so wish to listen to another's thoughts, you have to focus on the other person's mind."

"That's cool."

"Well, I advise you not to go around reading everyone's thoughts. Everyone has their own secrets and you'd be invading their privacy. Read only when necessary."

"Yes, Professor." Harry agreed though he knew he would somehow end up reading some Slytherins minds and maybe when…


A/N: See the box below. Please review. Flame me if you must as long as it's constructive criticism. Any error, be it spelling or whatnot, do let me know. I don't have a beta reader and I'm in the midst of exams and studying, so my hands and my mind might not be functioning properly. =)