Ok, well...I've had this idea for a 'what if this had happened instead" short series for my Destiny and If Only series going through my head few the last couple weeks. Scratch that, the last couple months.

You see, I have the tendency to form ideas and roll them around in my head for a while before making a final decision. This just happens to be one of those ideas which is in fact a collaboration of ideas that I've had stored away for some time. These ideas may take up a single chapter or even a small set of chapters but they would be no way connected with my other stories except for the fact that these ideas are just alternate paths that my stories could have taken.

This said, for those who would like to see alternate routes of any of my main stories may suggest what they want as long as they tell me which story it is from (IO1, IO2, FD, or PD), the scene they want altered, and the "what if". It may take a while for me to get to them since I have some key ones I want to get out of the way but they will be done.

Now, with that all said, I'd like to present the first little part of this series.

This idea I've had ever since I first introduced Eria into IO1. This is the alternate time line from which she originated and to make sure theres no confusion for those who have read my other stories, Hiro Aoyama does not appear in this alternate reality but neither does Jenova, at least not in Sylvarant/ Theth'ella. Because Jenova never controlled Tiamatt, Kratos never proposed to her after the whole ordeal was over and thusly, no pregnant Tiamatt. Also Terran does return after Tiamatt suffers a small bout of Geostigma, which he cures. With that explained, this chapter take place near the end of the story and of the game, just after the final battle but before the extra credit scenes.

"I can't believe its all over now!" I smiled, looking up at the sky as I leaned against Kratos' shoulder. I could see the Seraph smiled before he went back into thought, something he tended to do a lot lately. "What are you thinking about?"

"Hm," Kratos looked at me. "Nothing. Don't worry."

"Kratos, the last time I've seen like this was before Colette went to the Tower of Salvation the first time. What's going on, Kratos? You know you can tell me anything." I knew if I kept prodding for an answer he would eventually tell me but he seemed to be closing himself off to me after we had become so close. I just couldn't understand why.

"I know, Tiamatt, but..." He trailed off.

I sighed and turned a little so I could look at him directly. "Kratos, please tell me. I've never kept anything from you, so why do you insist on doing so with me?"

"..." He turned away for a moment before looking at me again. "I don't know what to do now...except..."

"Except what?"

Kratos smiled and kissed me. "Maybe spend a little time with you."

I smiled back and kissed him again. "But what about Lloyd? I don't want to upset him again."

The Seraph stood up and helped me to my feet. "He's accepted our relationship, just like you said he would, remember?"

It was true. At first, when Lloyd found Kratos was his father, Lloyd had been outraged and disgusted by the fact that I was in love with his father but as he began to accept that Kratos was his father, he began to accept our relationship. It was a relief to both me and Kratos and now I was just wondering if Kratos and I would end up having a serious relationship. I honestly hope so. Kratos is the first man I've opened up to like this since Sephiroth. I hope he feels the way about me that I feel about him...

I nodded as I grabbed his hand. "So...what do you want to do?"

"Hm..dinner, maybe?"

"Dinner? You mean, like a date?" I asked, slightly shocked that he'd actually suggest that.

Kratos nodded. "Yes, I suppose it is. We've never really had a chance to go out on a date before this even though we've been together so long."

"True..." I admitted before seeing my father walking towards us. "Hey, Dad, what are you doing?"

"I want to speak with Kratos for a moment if I could please." Dad asked. Kratos and I looked at each other for a moment before I nodded. "Alright, Kratos come with me please."

Kratos nodded and followed my father, leaving me to wonder just what he wanted to talk to Kratos about.


Third Person POV

Terran sighed as he walked beside Kratos, running a hand through his hair as he came to a stop. "Yuan has informed me that you intend leave tomorrow on Derris Kharlan. Is this true?"

Kratos' eyes widened slightly as he nodded. "Yes. As one of the last remaining members of Cruxis, I must leave with Derris Kharlan. I must also dump all of Cruxis' exe spheres into space."

Terran nodded. 'Alright. Now, do you intend on returning back here to Aselia?"

"..." Kratos didn't answer and in fact, looked away.

"Does Tiamatt know this?" The spirit could feel his anger rising as he glared at the Seraph.

Kratos shook his head, still looking away from the spirit. "No...I haven't told her yet...and don't intend to..."

"Why?" Terran growled, now clenching his fist but still trying to keep his anger under control. "Lloyd knows. Why does Tiamatt not deserve to know you are leaving?"

"...I don't want to hurt her..."

Terran sighed, crossing his arms. "You don't want to hurt her? You obviously don't know her as well as you claim to do or care for her the way she believes you do if you think that."

The Seraph immediately turned his auburn gaze to the spirit. "That's not true! I-"

"Love her?" Terran finished. Sighing again, he turned away from Kratos. "Kratos, I just want the best for my daughter and you've done her a lot of good. I'm not happy at all with your plan but I have one request. Please, tell Tiamatt. If you truly love her then she deserves to know you're leaving, don't you think?"

Kratos said nothing as the spirit walked away, thinking over what he had said. Finally, the Seraph shook his head and went to find Tiamatt.


Tiamatt POV

Tonight was absolutely amazing! I was surprised that Kratos actually took me out to dinner and then offered to go on a walk with me. I've never seen him try to be so romantic but I like it. Its nice to see him open up a little and enjoy something though he seemed to be thinking over something the entire night, just like always. But I knew I probably wouldn't get an answer out of him but that didn't stop me from trying.

We finally got back to the inn, where I was staying since I decided last minute to stay in Aselia so until I could afford or build a place of mine own, I was stuck in a room at the inn. Kratos still seemed lost in thought as we reached the door to my room.

"Tiamatt," I looked back at him as I unlocked the door. "I really enjoyed tonight. Thank you for coming with me."

I blushed slightly as I nodded. "No, thank you, Kratos. I loved sending time with you like that." Kratos smiled before going back to thinking about something. "What's on your mind, Kratos?"

"Nothing. Don't worry." He answered quickly. "Anyways, I should g-"

"Kratos, something is bothering you. Please tell me what it is."


I sighed and grabbed his hand, pulling him into my room. "We can talk in here, Kratos. No one else will hear. Now, whats bothering you?"

"Tia..." Kratos started before turning his gaze away.

"Well? You gonna spill it or n-" I was cut off when Kratos' lips connected with mine and he pulled me close. When we broke apart, I was slightly dazed by the suddenness of the kiss but wanting more.

"I love you, Tiamatt." Kratos whispered, kissing me again, this time more deeply then before.

It didn't take me long to realize what his intentions were and it surprised me. I never thought we'd get this far, this soon but apparently I was wrong. I wasn't about to argue though. I loved him completely and now I knew he felt the same way.

"I love you too, Kratos."


Third Person POV

Kratos sighed as he set the note on the pillow next to his lover. He was slightly in disbelief and shock at what had occurred between them but it was too late to prevent it. Glancing once more at Tiamatt, he turned towards the door to her room.

"I love you, Tiamatt. I'm sorry..." Sighing once more, he quietly closed the door and left the inn, flying to the remains of the Tower of Salvation.


Tiamatt POV

"I...can't believe it...he left..." I whispered in disbelief as I reread the letter Kratos had left me. "Why did you leave like this? Why didn't you tell me? Why did you-"

I suddenly felt disgusted with myself. I had given Kratos everything of any true value to me, my heart, my soul, and...last night...my body. I've never felt so used before. I thought he said he loved me? How could he do this to me?

My thoughts were distracted when someone knocked on my door. "Tiamatt, you there?" I wiped away my tears and got dressed before opening the door to see my father and immediately latching on to him. "Tia?"

"He really left, didn't he?" I sobbed, the letter still clutched in my hands.

"Kratos...never told you?" Dad asked. I shook my head into his shoulder and felt him hug me. "Damn it...Tia, I'm sorry. He was supposed to tell you."

I continued to cry into his shoulder. "W-why didn't he tell me? I-I thought he loved me..."

Dad did say anything and rubbed my back in comfort though I could tell he was a little uncomfortable. 'It'll be alright, Tia. I promise, everything will be fine."

I sobbed harder and fought to control my tear. "D-dad,"

"Yes, Tia?" Dad asked, looking concerned.

"I...I slept with him..."

I felt Dad's grip on me tighten before relaxing as he held me at arms length. "He hasn't left quite yet, Tia. If you hurry, maybe you can catch him."

I looked at my father in shock. "Where?"

"The Tower. Hurry!"


I hope I'm not too late...I almost sighed in relief when I saw both Lloyd and Kratos standing at the foot of the ruins of the Tower of Salvation though Lloyd had the Eternal Sword in his hands.


The Seraph looked shocked to see me as I landed nearby, retracting my wings as Dad landed the rheird he had borrowed. "Tiamatt, what are you doing here?"

I ignored him, wanting my own questions answered first. "How can you do this Kratos?"

"Tia, I-" I slapped him, causing him to stumble slightly, his eyes wide.

"How could you use me like that, Kratos?! I thought you loved me!" I shouted at the dumbfounded angel. "I gave you everything I had and you just throw me away like a piece of trash!"

"No, Tiamatt, I do love you. I just-"

"Just what!?"

Kratos looked down. "I never meant for things to go as far as they did last night. I'm sorry..."

"Thats still no excuse for not telling me you were leaving!" I continued to shout.

"...I didn't want to hurt you..."

"So this is your way of protecting me?! Oh, thank you, Kratos for making me believe I actually meant enough to you that we could actually share a bed, let alone a life together!"

"Tiamatt, I'm truly sorry. I love you." Kratos said quietly, trying to put his hands on my shoulders but I shook them off.

"No Kratos. If you truly loved me, you wouldn't have made me feel like a damn one night stand!"

Kratos looked at the ground again. "I'm sorry, Tia. I never meant to make you feel that way..."

I crossed my arms and turned away from him to see both Lloyd and Dad looking startled by the fight. "You know what Kratos? If you really want to go, then go! I really don't give a shit if you stay or leave."

"..." I heard Kratos sigh. "...Lloyd, take me to Derris Kharlan..."

I spun around in shock as Lloyd slowly nodded and raised the Eternal Sword, just in time to see the man I love disappear, a heartbroken look on his face. With Kratos gone, I turned to the large purple mass in the sky that was Derris Kharlan.

"You damn idiot!" I screamed before falling to my knees, once more sobbing. "...Kratos...you idiot..."


It been several weeks since Kratos left and while I thought I would get over him leaving, I've actually done worse. Dad has been with me constantly, trying to comfort me and reassure me, just trying to be the parent his truly is, but...I feel lost without Kratos.

I honestly had begun to think he would be the one I would spend the rest of my time with till the inevitable end came, whenever that is. Now I was alone and heartbroken. He had been the reason why I had stayed in the reunited worlds while Kayla, Vincent, Marth, Nightfire, and Jo all returned to the Sol System.

I had left everything in my old life in hopes that I could start a new one with him but I had been let down by the one person I loved and trusted most. I had been left empty handed when I thought I wouldn't be. Well...I guess not entirely empty handed.

That one night with Kratos, while it may have left me feeling a bit used, showed to me that he truly did love me and also left me with something neither of us intended. His child, our child, now grew with in me. This was his one gift to me, one I thought I wouldn't face alone but was grateful for none the less. I just wish he was here beside me...

Ok, I know that was a kinda 'iffy' chapter but oh well. It was kinda odd to write too but fun at the same time just cause I've had the idea stored away for so long and am just now getting it out. Anyways, there will be a couple more parts to this alterverse before I go to another alternate idea. So read and review please!

And don't forget, I'll gladly accept other alternate story path ideas. Just name which story its from (IO1, IO2, FD, or PD), a summary of the scene or quick reminder, and then the "What if". It might take a while to get to them but I will get them done. Thank you!