Disclaimer: Quick Lili and Dragunov fic. I own no Tekken.

One Word Says It All

For some odd reason it was Dragunov's responsibility to watch over the Monacan oil tycoon's daughter for a day. Sebastian had...butler things to do and the tycoon himself had people to deal with because that is what rich people do; they talk and talk about how they got all the big ones. Whether or not Dragunov was forced into it or was talked into it was another story. Heh, talked into it. Funny phrase to use for a mute. It probably went like this;

"Okay, you are watching my daughter for a day. No ifs, ands or buts about it, got it?" the elder man told the Russian.

"..." was all that Dragunov said.

"I'm so proud of you son! Usually people try to talk their way out of this sort of thing. I sense something special in you..."


"It's fine to answer back when I am complementing you, son."


"Okay...I'll be going then..." was the last thing Lili's dad said and he was off! Now that just left the capitalist daughter and the communist.

A day with Lili can be compared to...a day full of sunshine, pickles and rainbows. And when you are Dragunov, you do NOT approve any of the three. Especially pickles. That is what he wants to exterminate from Russia first when he comes to the seat of power. But that is another tale to be told. Lili would constantly banter Dragunov with all sorts of questions. Random, strange questions.

"Do Russians really where those tall fur hats on cold days?"

"Why is communism so popular in your country? I don't see the appeal!"

"Why is your name pronounced 'Sir Gayeh'? Isn't that offensive?"

"And why do you remind me of a famous American actor with the sad, depressed look? I mean, you look exactly like him, albeit you don't have the scissors for hands."

"And damn it, will you look at me and answer when I am talking to you?!"

Dragunov would just have that blank, distant expression on his face, occasionally rubbing his jaw-line with two fingers as in thought. What kind of thoughts, no one wants to know. Lili, by the look of things, would usually stare at the man in awe, like she never seen someone pastier than herself. "Wow...you know, with your demeanor, I can see you in politics!"


"Yeah! Sure, you have to speak in that field but with your whole 'I don't care' attitude and whatnot, you are a shoe-in for such a job!"


"Seriously, the mute thing has to stop." Lili rolled her eyes at 'Sir Gayeh's' (as she pronounces it) actions. Without a warning, the teenager nailed the man's foot with the heel to see if he will curse or at least say something. One word and she would be happy.

No verbal response; instead, he just gave her an annoyed look. That didn't stop Lili though. She twisted the heel into his shoe, penetrating through the material even further. Okay, now he was hurting. But he didn't give in! The twisting continued and continued until he managed to utter one word. It sounded more like some cat-cow mutant hacking up a furball loogie but nevertheless it was a word! "Ow."

"Say that again! I didn't hear you." she taunted, still inflicting the pain.

"Ow." he said in a flat tone.


"OW. OW. OW. OW." he exaggerated the interjection, the sound effect sounding like he was about to keel over and die right on the spot; not surprising since the poor dude always sounds like he is throwing up or having bowel troubles whenever he is taking a punch in a sparring round. "OW."

"Geez...don't have a cow." Lili snickered, ceasing the heel grind on his foot. "Though, I am sorry to inform you that OW isn't a word but rather that just an expression of pain. I want words! Like the ones I am saying!" Dragunov was too focused on his now destroyed shoe to pay attention to anything Lili was saying or doing. Before he could look up, the girl was ready to land a bitch punch to his back.

"Now let's see if you can say another word..."