"What is he doing here," Joe said sharply. Clair looked around at him and shook her head.

"I don't know!" She looked back at Jake, who was glaring at Joe, and sighed. "What are you doing here Jake?"

Jake, noticing her resent, cursed under his breath, and mumbled, "I didn't expect him here."

"Well he is," Clair said, raising her voice. "So deal with it." She crossed her hands on her chest and asked him again. "What are you doing here?"

Jake's eyes shifted from Joe to Anna and back to Clair. His shoulders slumped and he gave his most pathetic look before saying. "Can we talk… in privet?"

Clair's dark curls shaded her face as her shoulders started shaking. Joe came next to her and placed his hands on her shoulder. She stopped and looked up at him, revealing her smile. Joe frowned, not knowing what to understand from that look. Clair looked back at Jake and took a step closer to him.

"You boy," she started, holding up her index finger to his chest and started poking him with every word she said. "You think after ALL you've done… ALL YOU HAVE DONE. You expect me to talk to you in Privet?"

"Please Clair," he begged.

"No." However, it wasn't Clair who said that, it was Joe. "You heard her. She doesn't want to talk to you in privet."

Clair smiled and turned back to Jake who had a look that she didn't recognize. She immediately frowned, knowing that that look wasn't a good sign.

"No one asked for your opinion Jackass." Jake looked down at Clair and add, "Your gonna let him tell you what you want? Your gonna let him take the power? Are you letting him control you-"

The sound that was made when Clair's hand collided with Jake's cheek left Clair partly satisfied, but the red mark that was left from the second slap made her happy.

"SHUT UP," she shouted, pushing Jake. Anger was flaring inside of her. She wanted to hit something, to bruise someone, to break Jakes neck; she needed to let it out. "HE'S NOT CONTROLLING ME, HES PROTECTING ME… something you never understood."

She tried to turn around to leave but Jake gripped her hand and twirled her until she was inches away. "I never protected you huh? He brain washed you, He made you-"

"Oh fuck yourself will you. It's not all about you, but for you, it always is, isn't it?" Clair jerked her hand away and had the sudden urge to spit in his face but refrained from doing so. Jake pushed her, making her crash into Joe, where he wrapped his arms around her. Jake's expression turned around in split second when he saw their hand tangled. He took a step backward, shock written on every cell in his body. Clair felt pity pass through her, but she didn't let it affect her. Jake turned around and kicked the front door open.

"Fuck you both. I hope you have a very happy life together."

It took a few moments for Clair to register what he said. When she finally did, she pushed Joe off, Put her jacket on, and stormed out, to catch Jake, who had already disappeared from her view. A swish of cold air entered her body, making her shudder. A few raindrops fell on her head and that was when she finally saw him.

"YOU," She screamed at his blonde hair. He turned around and glared, screaming back:


"I AM NOT A PIECE OF SHIT! Don't you DARE say that about me!"


"HE. IS. NOT. A. DUFUS. HE has treated me ten times better than you have. HE made sure I was okay. HE kissed me because we BOTH wanted to… if there is anyone who is a dick, a dufus, a jerk, it's YOU."

Both of their chests were moving up and down rapidly, their eyes glaring at each other, rain pouring down on them, wetting their clothes, thunder shooting down with their screams, faces only centimeters away.

"I hate you," whispered Clair. "I hate you."

She then turned around and ran back to her house. Her face splashed with water drops. Were they tears or raindrops? No one could have found out.

Clair smiled when she saw the text message that Joe had left for her during her class. He had been extra nice to her after the Jake incident and she loved every moment of it. The teachers thought she was doing better and so they let her back in her dancing and guitar classes.

Even though everything turned out right in the end, Clair felt down since her last words for Jake were "I hate you." She didn't mean those, well, she did, but not at the same level that she had made it seem. Jake was still a friend, even if he wasn't that great, he was there for her when others weren't.

That was before Joe cam along,

Her thoughts were immediately interrupted by the familiar face of Hannah, which had just appeared in front of her, shoving a magazine into her face.

"I thought you were dating Joe," She exclaimed. "Or at least you were with him!"

"What are-" But Clair's breath got caught in the middle of a gasp. On the front of the magazine's cover was a picture of her… kissing Jake!

"What the heck!" It was the same scene: rain, thunder, but somehow, Clair and Jake's lips were lip locked together. "This didn't happen."

"Oh really," Said Hannah sarcastically. She pointed at the girl in the picture and said, "SO who is she then?"

Clair rolled her eyes. "Me, but, I didn't kiss him. They must have played with it somehow!" She opened the magazine and frowned when she read the title.

Joe Jonas should watch out, he has some competition.

"Maybe I should, or maybe I should just end this." Clair froze. Her eyes traveled up until they reached Hannah's. Immediately, she knew whom the edgy voice belonged to. Clair quickly turned around and immediately cringed when she saw him.

"I would ask if this was true if it hasn't happened before," he said, pointing to the magazine. His eyes were dull and he was almost whispering. Clair looked around and was glad that no one was there. Classes had already started.

"Joe," she tried to begin, but he didn't take his time in interrupting.

"I don't want to hear it Clair. I thought I could trust you. I let you go with him. Is this how you repay me? By going behind my back and kissing him? I thought you hated-"

"I did-"

"Well, you have a weird way of showing it." Clair felt her heart drop. This was worse than arguing with Jake. Joe was calm, he didn't shout at her, he didn't call her names, he didn't insult her, but for some reason, this hurt her more.

"Joe, please, belie-"

"What, the same usual story? He kissed you first?" He cut in. "No, Clair. I won't fall for that again."

"No, We never even kissed, someone played with this!" Joe shook his head, gave her one last look of disappointment, and turned around, leaving. Clair, feeling shocked that he didn't believe what she said, was frozen in her place, watching his figure disappearing. She turned around to Hannah and muttered, sobbing, "We never kissed… I swear." Then, letting the magazine slip from her hand, she fell to the ground, losing feeling of any strength she had in her knees. Hannah sat down next to her and pulled her into a deep embrace.

"It's all gonna be ok."

Clair shook her head, somehow knowing, that it would not be ok.

"Hand up, Hip thrust, and a kick," Briana's voice rang through the dance lesson as she demonstrated the moves. She turned around to her class and noticed Clair standing way in the back. "When you choreograph any routine, or any kind of dance, you should always make the next move follow the first move. You make them glide together, work together… smoothly. Right Mathews?"

Clair looked up at the mention of her name. She wasn't paying attention, her head was full of ideas on how to convince Joe that the picture was not true. Her eyes were dark, mascara surrounding them like a cloud.

"Right." She muttered, looking back down.

"That's it Mathews. I am sick of you playing around. Go to the Principal's office." Briana's hand shoot up, her index finger pointing to the door, her eyes flashing dangerously.

"Fine," Clair heard herself say before picking up her bag and walking out.

"And don't come back without her." Clair rolled her eyes. She went a few stairs down until she reached Mrs. Joshua's Office. She knocked and entered. Mrs. Joshua looked up from her papers and frowned when she saw Clair. "Ms. Mathews?" Clair frowned herself, not knowing how in hell did the Principal know her name.


"Well I sure didn't expect to see you here… ever!" She said, tangling her hands in a ball and leaning her Jaw on it. She pointed to the seat that was in front of her desk and said, "Please take a seat."

Clair obeyed, finding the Principal interesting. Mrs. Joshua stood up and went to the drawers, taking a brown file out. "Oh yes, yes, yes, yes." She turned back to Clair and sat. "It is you."

Clair was confused. What has she don't that made the Principal smile. She wanted to ask but Mrs. Joshua had already asked a question.

"What brings you here today?"

Clair sighed. "I wasn't paying attention in Ms. Rogers Class."

Mrs. Joshua raised her eyebrow. "You weren't?" Clair shook her head, eying the Principal suspiciously. Mrs. Joshua shook her head. "Then you do not deserve the scholarship."

Clair's head shot up. "What scholarship?"

To her horror, Mrs. Joshua smiled. "A scholarship was given to you by our fellow academy. They loved your speedy progress and you witty mind. They offered a scholarship but I guess you don't want it?"

"No, I want it, of course."

"It's in New York."

Clair stared at Mrs. Joshua, shocked. "You've got to be kidding me," she stuttered. "I- I can't… I mean…"

"You have time to decide if you want it or not Clair. Do not rush things." Clair looked back up at Mrs. Joshua and nodded, closing her mouth.

"You can go now… but if I hear any of this 'not paying attention in classes' again, I will have to turn down the scholarship for you." Mrs. Joshua smiled at Clair, "I need the answer by the end of this weekend."

"Thank you," Clair replied in a very small voice. She took her bag and went out.

That night, Clair slept with anything but ease. Her mind was shooting around with thoughts, questions, and dreams. If she didn't end up with a headache she wouldn't have slept at all, too bad it was four in the morning when that happened. She had slept throughout the afternoon and was only awaken by a very familiar face that was hovering above her.


The girl's face broke into a smile.

"Heya there girlfriend," She slanged, jumping on Clair's bed. Clair laughed.

"No to be rude or something, but what the hell are you doing here?"

Jenny's grin turned to a pity smile. "I thought you might need me. I read what happened on the internet and I thought I'd be here for you… unless you don't want me to."

"No, no, I am glad you're here." Clair sat up and looked gratefully at Jenny. She didn't look that different, only her makeup was a little less. "I just want you to know that it isn't true."

Jenny's head snapped to the side. "Well, it looked pretty damn true."

Clair groaned and stood up, going to the mirror and picking up her brush. "Please don't tell me you don't believe me as well," she said as she ran the brush into her black curls. Jenny stood up and appeared right beside Clair in the mirror.

"It's not that I don't believe you Clair… I don't believe how can you believe him. The picture looked as real as it can get."

"I did not believe him okay. I didn't even go back for him. He swore at us and went, I wasn't gonna let him off the hook easily."

"Joe Jonas swore!" Jenny Exclaimed. Clair turned around, confused.

"No… Jake. Isn't he the one were talking about?" Jenny took a step back. She gave Clair a very uncomfortable look, as though she was reading her.

"Oh my gosh," Jenny suddenly said, placing her hands on her mouth. "You don't know do you?"

"Of course I do. I saw it on the magazine. I swear though, me and Jake did not kiss... at all." Jenny shook her head. She grasped Clair's hand and pulled her to her computer. Jenny sat down and opened a new FireFox window. She typed a website and stood up, letting Clair sit down. Clair looked up at Jenny in confusion. Jenny pointed at the computer screen. Clair looked where she pointed and opened it.

She gasped.


Clair pushed the door for the studio open, letting it crash to whatever that was behind it. The three brothers were standing by some microphones, singing. She spotted him. His mass of raven hair was covered with a red hat that matched his skinny pants.

"Lady, you shouldn't be here." Clair looked at her right, staring right into the security dude's eyes. She gave him the finger. He looked taken back. Inside the recording room, Joe had noticed her. He got out of his chair and ran to her.

"Clair, what are you doing here?" He angrily said.

"You lying piece of scum." Clair watched his expression quickly change to confused. She eyed him, challenging him, waiting for what he had to say back.

"What are you talking about?" he asked, confused. He jerked back, however, when Clair let a loud bark of laugh. She looked insane with her eyes wide open and her hair rustled. Clair saw a glimpse of fear come over him. She calmed down and sharply said, "Don't play dump with me. Don't act like you didn't kiss her."

She felt her heart skip a beat when she saw his eyes shift uncomfortably. Her whole vibe changed. She looked at him, hurt obvious in her eyes. "It's true?" She asked it with so much softness making her think that he didn't hear her. Yet, she was positive he did hear her when he looked back at her, guilt written all over his face. Clair felt a sob escape her lips.

"You gave me a hard time for a kiss that didn't even happen when you…" She paused, wishing that she would wake up from this nightmare. "When you had already kissed my cousin?"

"Clair, I…" He opened his mouth several times and closed it, looking anywhere but her. Clair started shaking her head.

"You made me feel guilty. You made me miserable… when all along you were the one who should feel all this." She looked up at Joe, waiting for his replay. When he didn't give her anything, she turned around.

"No, please Clair… She kissed me." Clair turned around, barely holding back her crystal tears.

"The same usual story? She kissed you first. No, Joe. I won't fall for that." He looked taken back by her quotation of his words. She didn't stop there though but she continued. She wanted to hurt him, just like he did. "I don't want to hear it Joe. I thought I could trust you. I let you in. Is this how you repay me? By going behind my back and kissing Anna? I thought you liked me-"

"I did-"

"Well, you have a weird way of showing it." With that being what she last said, she left. Leaving a confused, flustered, and extremely down Joe behind, just as he did when he left her.

The loud music flared through the dance floor. Clair looked up at the stage that she had sneaked into. She took off her jacket and stood in the middle, drinking all the words, all the rhythms, all the beats, and all the emotion, demonstrating them into a hip-hop dance, throwing punches all over the stage, hip thrusting here and there, kicked the air every now and then, and most of all, letting the tears fall down. Her hair was flying all over, masking her expression. Song after song played and she stayed up, not taking any kind of break.

She didn't know how long it was since she started dancing when she felt a sensation go through her. She felt threatened. Quickly, she turned around to the familiar face that greeted her.

"Man, I really hope one day I can become as good as you," Leann's voice was sweet and calm, her eyes staring in admiration at Clair. "I can see that your dance is derived from emotion."

When Clair didn't say anything back, she add, "I can tell, because that's what I do in my art."

The song stopped and so did the CD that Clair put in.

"What do you want," She didn't want to seem so harsh or rude, but she wasn't in a mood to chat with anyone, yet alone with a girl that she wasn't comfortable with.

However, Leann didn't seem fazed at all, instead she walked next to Clair and smiled. "You should head home, security is gonna patrol in ten minutes around here."

Clair frowned. "How do you know that?"

Leann let a small laugh out and replied, "You're not the only one who find this place comforting."

"What if I want to be caught?"

Another small laugh rang through the stage. "Don't let your feelings make a wrong decision for you."

Clair snorted. "You have no idea what I feel." She went to her jacket and put it on. "You're just some stupid fifteen years old."

"I will know what you are feeling when you tell me," Leann said, rolling her eyes at Clair's second comment. Clair ignored Leann and went off the stage.


Clair looked back, annoyed.

"What?" she asked angrily.

"Don't let anyone stand in the way of what you want." Not letting Clair any time to respond, she smiled and ran backstage.


And down the Reviews go!

but thank you anyways... especially: MyJonasSensesAreTingling3, Erin Morgan, Heartbrake Angel, Future Mrs. NJ, Underdog.Love, briOTHfan07, JoBrosMusicRoxs, jbfan07, and mimix3love

so a little hint: Clair needs an answer to her questions right? and the answer is in chapter 5. its a simple sentence that tells you what Clair is going to do! LOL, i dont think any of you are going to find it! but if you do.. then my hat is off to you!

I am SO excited. this is gonna be my very first finished story!

uhm... so...

REVIEW! and tell me what do you thing of ze chapter! even if you hate it... just tell me!