Again with my new story…hmm, I wanted to try out mixing problems, making everything as hard as possible. Maybe to test out whether love can carry all the pain and suffering? Maybe. Does it? You decide after reading :D

Please do not flame (I do not find a reason for it so you better not either). I apologize for the possible misspellings and other errors.


Pairing: Sasuke x Naruto

Summary: First they were strangers, then friends, then something more and…brothers? Why do misunderstandings taint the smallest of hopes? Naruto and Sasuke have to rebuild everything again and again - does the outcome last? SasuNaru, M for SEX

Disclaimer: I have no rights over the characters or what so ever (do not sue me Mr. Kishimoto), I am just loaning them and returning to the rightful owner (Mr. Kishimoto).

I was so happy that the holidays came and I took off immediately and returned home. Mom was looking weird but he still greeted me with a hug and a warm home-made meal. I loved being home; I wanted to forget everything. Mom was a little jumpy and seemed to hide something. I did not say anything, since I was sure he would tell me everything eventually.

The vacation was almost over and I did not even remember Sasuke's face. Okay, I was lying but I was still getting better and positive about the fact that I would kill him after I would get to the campus. Mom did not tell what was bothering him, so I had to ask him. What is it, you are jumpy and look like you are hiding something, I said to him.

Fuck, he said. Naruto, I have something to tell you…I should have told you this a long time ago but I did not have the courage, he mumbled. Then the doorbell rang and I was wondering who the bastard was behind the door interrupting us. Mom opened the door and a tall and good-looking business man walked in with a guy younger than him. I looked closely at the younger guy and immediately recognized his raven hair.

Why was Sasuke here? Did mom got on us? Now I was all panicking. I almost did not recognize him since he had a suit and no make-up. Sasuke's eyes were as wide as mine. There was a perfect silence hanging in the air until mother said that Naruto, this is your biological father and your biological brother. The older man looked at Sasuke and said that the man standing next to me was Sasuke's mother -nowadays father- and I was his little brother. WHAT THE FUCK??

Sasuke's jaw dropped as the realization hit him, you are the man from the picture in Naruto's room, he said his voice quivering. So you know my son already, what a coincidence! Mom smiled awkwardly. Mom? I asked almost pleadingly. Well, I and your father took our own paths a long ago and somehow Naruto stayed with me when your father took Sasuke, he said almost sarcastically. Then I changed and we moved and we never really saw each other after that, he continued sadly.

No shit Sherlock! I would have liked to know if I had a brother and…and that bastard has viol…unh, nothing, I mumbled and somehow all the strength left me and I dropped on to my knees. This is like a crappy soap opera, fuck, I screamed. Sasuke stood in stupor trying to adapt to the situation that he had raped his little brother. This is so fucking twisted.

My mom noticed the bruises and cuts on my wrists since I forgot to hide them because of this shock. Did you try to kill yourself?! He screamed and I just cried on the floor. My father was at loss but said to my mom that he would carry me into my bed. Before he lifted me, I raised my head and shouted at Sasuke that two worlds should never collide. Sasuke just stood there gripping his fists and looked so lost, so lost…

Father carried me with gentle hands and petted my head. My son, he whispered almost inaudibly. I just clung on to him and hoped all this was a nightmare. He tucked me into my bed and said that he hoped me and Sasuke would get along. Then he smiled and left the room. I buried myself into my blanket and cried my eyes out; first Sasuke was a stranger, then my best friend, the something more and now my brother. I had had sex with my brother. I knew it was a crime, he knew it too well - we just did not know that we were making that crime into reality.

Late at night I heard someone knocking on my door. I did not respond to it, I just kept lying in my bed. Naruto, open the door, a familiar voice whispered to me. I did not answer back. I heard Sasuke hands slide on my door and its frames. Suddenly the sounds vanished with him dropping on his knees. I am sorry…he said while sobbing. I…I thought that you cheated on me with someone else, but…the picture…how should I have known? He cried silently.

Can I come in, he asked sadly and I still did not reply. He opened the door just the slightest and basically crawled inside, shutting the door behind him. I kept my eyes closed since I did not want to see his face, I was sure I would forgive everything if I saw. He came close to me and almost laid his hand on my head but decided otherwise. He curled up in a bundle on my floor, sobbing the whole time.

I was so jealous, I wanted to keep you, I am fucking in love with you…my brother, he cried with such desperation that his whole body shook. All this I knew because I watched him with half-lit eyes. Suddenly I noticed that he had started to claw his skin and it was bleeding. I became horrified and I hopped off the bed without thinking. I crabbed him by the wrists with panic in my eyes and he just cried and put his bloody arms around me.

I fucking love you…I cannot live without you…this fucking kills me, he said voice raspy and full of sadness. He had chewed his bottom lip so that it bled and then he kissed me on the forehead. I am sorry, he said and stood up. He went to my window and opened the glass and started to climb. What the fuck are you doing?! I shouted at him but he just smiled at me, if I cannot have you, I do not want to live at all, and then he released his grip of the frame.

I did not have the time to think; I just ran and stretched my hand. I caught him, thank God, I caught him. Let go, he ordered. If you are going, then I am too, I said sternly although I was not even in my right mind at that point. The hell you are, he said but I jumped anyhow. It only hurts when your eyes are open, I thought to myself and closed my eyes.

I woke up in a hospital room apparently. As I opened my eyes all I could see was the white above. I started to look around and next to me I saw another hospital bed and black hair sticking from underneath the blanket. Sasuke? I asked with a silent and raspy voice. He just mumbled something back. Before I got to ask any other questions like how the hell we were here and what happened, the door opened and the doctor walked in with our parents.

You stupid boys, you could have been killed! Mom shouted so that probably the whole hospital heard. What happened, father asked worry in his voice. I was about to open my mouth but Sasuke beat me to it. I was standing too close to the window and accidentally leaned…Naruto tried to save me but I was too heavy and his grip loosened and he fell, Sasuke said but I knew he was lying. I softened his fall, he continued. My jaw just dropped; he protected me?

It is a miracle you both are still able to walk, the doctor said amazement in his voice. Well, let us leave the brothers to heal, we have things to discuss, he continued talking to our parents, who looked confused. They left the room and silence filled up the space between us. Then I heard a growl from his bed and saw him getting up looking like the devil itself. You little dipshit; what did I say about jumping? He said angrily.

Panic raised its head in me and I started to back down. First I got off of the bed and then I tried to find an escape route. He would surely kick my arse. His arms were in bandages and he rushed right in front of me. Then he raised his bruised hands and pushed me hard against the wall. I closed my eyes since I was sure he was going to punch my lights out. His grip tightened on my shirt, but he did not hit. Instead, he pressed his bruised lips on mine and kissed me roughly and sweetly at the same time.

I let him embrace me; I wanted to remember how he felt against me, how his warm skin heated mine. I could not help the tears that started to roll down my cheeks. He broke the kiss and cupped my face with his palms. He looked at me sadly and brushed the tears away with his thumbs. I love you, I have loved you for a long time now, he said gently.

We are brothers, we are the same blood and flesh, it is not right - it is never right, I sobbed. He smiled faintly and said that first we were strangers, then friends, then something more and now brothers. They are all a phase, which stay and vanish at the same time. I do not want to be your brother, I cried and he chuckled slightly, me neither, he said. I want you to be mine, he said while stroking my cheek. I want to be yours too, why does the world have to be so unfair? I cried more, clinging on to him.

Two days ago you were not my brother, today no paper will prove it otherwise - if this is a sin, I will gladly go to hell in order to keep you, he smiled. Everyday I promise to make up the bad things I have done to you, everyday I promise to love you more, dote on you, he said while giving me little kisses all over my face. I will make you feel so good; you forget that we are of same blood, he shushed to me.

I smiled my eyes closed as he started to undress me then and there. I did not care if anyone came in, I just wanted him to make me his. If we become lovers, we were not brothers anymore. It was unavoidable evolution like monkeys, who grew into human. His lips traced my figure and my whole body trembled under his touch. He unbuttoned my hospital shirt and let it slide on to the linoleum floor. His hands had their own adventure on my skin, exploring every curve and nook on my body.

I unbuttoned his shirt, touched his body with my fingertips. The sound he emitted was like purring. He laid me on the bed and pulled my pants down leaving me all naked. He just watched me carefully and sighed how beautiful I was. He took his own pants off and climbed on top of me. Sasuke kissed my whole body wetting it with his saliva and I kissed and licked his swan-like neck. Our hot breaths made the windows all blurry like the last time but now it was different. My whole body seemed to change, like every cell was taking a new form.

My love, Sasuke whispered and pushed himself inside of me. My passage sucked him in as if he was supposed to be a part of me. I tried to close my eyes but he told me not to, I will be gentle…he whispered. He buried his hands in my hair, stroke me and let his hands wander on my skin again. He started to move in me, back and forth, soothing the pain with kisses that left no room for suffering. He moved his hips rhythmically soon finding my pleasure spot. He fastened his pace and pounded me into the mattress, sweat dancing on our skin.

I love you, I love you, he whispered and I whispered the same back. Suddenly the room felt so small - the walls seemed to close in on us. My heart felt like exploding and I came harshly on to our stomach and the hospital bed. He kissed me like full blast of fire and with a grunt, he came inside of me. His semen filled me up like the little rays of sunshine coursing through me. He rode the last of his orgasm and then halted his movements huffing.

He stayed where he was for awhile just watching me until he flipped out of my hole. He pressed his head to the nook between my neck and shoulder. We nuzzled closer to each other, so close - we wanted to be one. I will get you a ring, he whispered. I laughed back at him and stroke his side with the palm of my hand. I will take the responsibility, he smiled, me too, so we share, I said. We were not brothers anymore. Just then the sky broke down in water droplets - the rain would wash away our sins. You are my greatest sin, he said and I pressed my lips on his.

Our eyelids felt heavy and we both lingered to sleep, completely naked - physically as mentally. It would only hurt if the door was opened, but we intended to keep our eyes closed. There was no world around us, just us, lovers. If there was no world, we were free. It only hurt when your eyes were open; now we only see each other and nothing more, nothing less.