Disclaimer – Please see chapter 1.

A/N Thank you so much for the wonderful reviews everyone, I really do appreciate them. This will be the last chapter, sorry but I has to end somewhere. The song 'Unbreakable' by Westlife is what I think is most appropriate for the story's finale, of Sara returning home to Gil. I hope you enjoyed the story and I also hope that you will take the opportunity to go listen to the song if you haven't already heard it. Story not beta'd, so all mistake belong to me. Please R&R Enjoy!

I've got to go home – chapter 5

Hank pulled on the leash eagerly, jolting Sara's arm a little, as Gil commanded for him to stop pulling her "Hank slow down", he said in a serious tone,the dog obeyed but not before giving a disgruntled yap at being prevented from getting to his goal quicker, they were taking in some fresh air after an energetic few hours in bed that morning before sleeping.

It had been a hot day in Vegas, both had the humid and warm evening off together miraculously, their friends were still very much unaware of their developing long term relationship, as they strolled casually along, hand in hand on their walk with Hank to the park without a care in the world at that moment.

Took my hand,
touch my heart,
held me close,
you were always there ,by my side,
night and day,
through it all,
baby come what may,
swept away on a wave of emotion,
oh were caught in the eye of a storm,
and whenever you smile,
i can hardly believe that your mine,
believe that your mine.

An annoying, but brief screeching audio sound abruptly woke Sara from her contented and wonderful dream, she was really getting into it too as she mumble "Damned announcements" under her breath grumpily, rubbing her eyes she looked to the side of her to see in the people in next seats were awake or had been woken like her.

A throat clearing was heard then words "We are on our final approach to McClarran international airport Las Vegas. Could all passengers please return all tables to the upright position, secure all bags in the overhead lockers and fasten your seatbelts please. We should be landing in approximately ten minutes. Thank you" the female voice said then a click was heard signalling the end of the message.

Still remembering parts of her dream Sara pulled her seatbelt into place then relaxed back in her seat closing her eyes for a few more minutes, she wanted to to see the man she loved and adored in her minds eye, even though in just a short time she would be able to get lost in those beautiful pools of blue that were his eyes and always seemed to captivate her.

this love is unbreakable,
its unmistakable,
and each time I look in your eyes,
I know why,
this love is untouchable,
I feel in my heart just cant deny,
each time I look in your eyes ohh baby,
I know why,
this love is unbreakable.

The plane landed smoothly much to Sara's relief, the taking off and landing were not her favourite part of any flight ever. She went through the motions of going through customs, passport control before approaching the luggage carousel waiting for her case.

Her mind was still on Gil thinking about some of the lazy afternoons they had spent together after a hard shift and virtually dropping into bed besides each other, then waking up embraced in each others arms. Most of those days either her or the Gil would initiate a bout of love making, followed some time later by mischievousness, teasing, and merriment brought on by sheer happiness shared by both. This special time, was their time when they felt most relaxed and able to discuss many things in their past, present and the future.

share the laughter,
share the tears,
we both know,
well grow old from here,
cause together,we are strong,
in my arms,thats where you belong,
Ive been touched by the hands of an angel,
I've been blessed by the power of love,
and whenever you smile,
I can hardly believe that your mine.

this love is unbreakable,
its unmistakable,
each time I look in your eyes,
I know why,
this love is untouchable,
I feel in my heart just cant deny,
each time you whisper my name ohh baby
I know why.

Before she knew what was happening, she was broken from her reverie, turned around and enveloped in an brisk, eager hug by Jim Brass as his muffled "It's so good to see you again Cookie" sounded on her shoulder "I've missed you kiddo" he said now clearer, as he pulled back releasing her but holding her upper arms so he could take a good look at her.

"I missed you too Jim. I missed everyone, especially a certain entomologist" she grinned under his perusal.

"You look good, healthy, happy even. That Frisco air must have really agreed with you because you've got colour back in those cheeks, and put back on the few pounds you were losing before you left" Jim said grinning sincerely at her letting go of her finally.

Stepping forward Sara kissed his cheek quickly, then stepped back and smirked at his sudden shyness and embarrassment at receiving the kiss "I just need my case then we can get out of here, okay" she said chuckling as she turned to look again for her luggage.

"I wouldn't get too used to doing that in front of the bugman, we all know how jealous he can get at times" Jim commented as he watched her haul her case from the moving conveyor belt, before grabbing it off her.

Laughing Sara responded to his tease "He know's he's my one and only, and I don't mean anything sexually by it Jim" she said walking outside the terminal linking her arm through his.

Now sat in Jim's ford Taurus on the last leg of her long journey home that had started some time go now, Jim informed her that Catherine had a plan set in motion to make sure Gil would be at home alone for when she arrived, and that he wouldn't be hanging around but just dropping her off outside the house.

As their street came into her field of vision her smile grew, just a few more minutes honey, god I have so missed you Gilbert Grissom.

Less than five minutes later the car stopped by the curb of their home, Jim got out to go to the trunk and retrieve her case for her, then handed it to her as she rushed around to meet him.

"Thank you Jim I really appreciate this. Would you tell Catherine thanks too and I'll be in touch with all the guys in the next couple of days?" Sara asked as she looked over to her home as she spoke, but obviously eager to get inside to see Gil.

"Your welcome, any time, you know that Sara" Jim Said leaning in the hug her gently, then pulling back to smile at her "Don't keep him waiting any longer" he said as he walked back around to the driver side door.

"I wont" she said quickly fumbling in her trouser pocket for the key then pulling it out and walking briskly up to the front door of their home "Bye Jim" she absently threw over her shoulder as she pushed her key into the lock quickly.

this love is unbreakable,
through fire and flames,
when all this is over,
our love still remains.

When she stepped inside, then dropped her case and bag on the floor just inside the door a loud muffled bark came from the direction of the bedroom, making her smile, she could clearly see no sign of Gil in the living area or kitchen from her vantage point, which meant he was in either the master bedroom, bathroom or their shared office.

Sara could hear Hank was yapping excitedly, followed by whimpering and eager scratching at what she thought might be the bedroom door.

"Hank what's up with you today? You went out not so long ago, you can't need to Pee again" Gil's slightly irritated voice could be heard through the closed door to the bedroom, bathroom and office area of the apartment.

The sound of his voice was like beautiful music to Sara's ears, the way he could change it to different low huskier intimate, or tender understanding and loving tones for her, but then higher more authoritative and professional for work and colleagues.

Gil had obviously not heard her come in the front door, but Hank had, and his trying to alert his alpha male owner to the female house mate of the home finally arriving home was going over misunderstood as him needing to go out to Pee.

Making her way down the couple of steps on the upper living area level down towards the kitchen, she could hear Hanks scratches and barks getting more excited and frantic.

"Hank, stop that!" Gil's voice sounded louder and more commanding than before "I'll take you out in five minutes, just let me get dressed will you" he said irritably.

The scratching and barking stopped immediately, to be replaced with pitiful whining and whimpering.

As Sara made it to the closed door ready to open it she could hear Gil on the other side as she placed her hand on the door knob.

"What was Catherine thinking? Ordering me to go home...Damn, who does she think she is...Has she forgotten who the supervisor is...Hank stop whimpering will you" he said.

Chuckling a little before opening the door, she was almost knocked over by Hanks over exuberance, before being assaulted with the dog trying to lick her face as she bent down to make a fuss of him.

Standing back up slowly now as Hank ran around her legs begging for more attention, her happy brown eyes met the shocked form of a half naked Gilbert Grissom, mouth opening and shutting like a fish, stood adorably frozen in boxer shorts with his shirt half buttoned from the bottom with his hands still on the next button to be done, hair still damp and uncombed from a recent shower.

Sara's wide gap toothed smile broke out over her face at seeing him so dumbfounded and speechless before her.

The smile slowly turning into a cheeky smirk she finally spoke to him "Hello Gilbert, I'm home" Sara said amused.

Giving his head a little shake to regain his thoughts, but not breaking his locked on gaze with her, he couldn't believe the vision before him, of his beautiful and clearly happy fiancé standing there in front of him.

"Saraaaaaaaa" was all he could manage to whisper reverently as he commanded his body into action, stepping towards her and gathering her into an eager and welcomed embrace.

Her arms wrapped around his torso, her two flat palms rubbing the entire expanse of his broad back and shoulders feeling his warmth and softness before coming to rest on his lower back "Ummmmmmm this is nice, I've missed this" she whispered into his neck.

Feeling her warm breath as she spoke, Gil tightened the hug, one arm around her shoulder holding her upper arm, the other creeping under her blouse to feel the smooth warm expanse of her lower back with his open palm "God I've missed you honey...So much" he whispered turning his face towards hers and pulling it back slightly to look at her.

this love is unbreakable,
its unmistakable,
each time I look in your eyes,
I know why,
this love is untouchable,
I feel in my heart just cant deny,
each time you whisper my name ohh baby,
I know why.

cause each time I look in your eyes ohh baby,
I know why,
this love is unbreakable.

A/N There is a GSR music video to the above song that sidle77 kindly put together for me, for a website music videos page on the GSR site I created 'Home of the GSR Addict dot com. I am very sorry for the long delay in posting this last chapter, but with other stories I have been writing, creating new stuff of the site and life in general, I have been very pushed for time to finish this up, so I apologize profusely.

Please take the time to leave me a review of the chapter or the whole story in general, they are always very much appreciated. Please remember this originally started off as one shot single chapter story, that grew because it was requested you the readers.