Author's Note: What the--! I'm in the fourth chapter already! :D Yay! I wish I'd finish this now.

Disclaimer: NARUTO © Masashi Kishimoto.

I really hate to say this but…I think Naruto will end up with Hinata, and Sakura with Sasuke. Oh, darn it! Why can't just Sasuke die, then Sakura would stay with Naruto (because for me, right now, NaruSaku is the BEST POSSIBLE pairing), and Hinata would be with Kiba/Shino? If only Yamato hadn't stopped talking, really. (laughs and gets shot)

By the way, I'm NOT an anti-Sasuke. I'm sorry, this might offend some readers, but I like all xSaku pairings, except for the Gai/Lee/Chouji/Jiraiya/Kakuzu/Zetsu/Kisame ones. Like, come on, who would like to see GaiSaku? Oh dear, my brain just collapsed.

And…since it looks like this'd be the last chapter of this story, I better mention my favorite pairings. :D

I like: NaruSaku, SasuSaku, KakaSaku, SaiSaku, NejiSaku, ShikaSaku, ShinoSaku, KibaSaku, KoteSaku, GenSaku, ItaSaku, DeiSaku, SasoSaku, HidanSaku, NagaSaku (or PeinSaku), IruSaku, YamaSaku (or TenzoSaku), GaaSaku, KanSaku (or KankuSaku).

Hyeah, I mentioned everything already. Daaaaaamn.



"Naruto, would you like to go outside?"

What a damn thing to ask.

'DAMNIT, SAKURA!! Are you trying to spoil the moment?! He might hate you!!' Inner Sakura screeched.

'Just…just shut up now!! Please, I need to think.'

'Argh, look at what you did! This is definitely karma!! You treated him like shit before because you thought you were head over heels in love with Sasu-GAY!!'

'He's not gay!! Urgh, really! I don't have time to argue now.'

"Sure," Naruto replied, face still buried in his palms. He could still feel the heat of Sakura's arms around him.

They went outside the house and walked towards the forest. They couldn't look at each other, knowing that they really need to deal with something very important right now.

Chapter 4

- Afraid -

"…I am afraid right now
I don't wanna let you down…



- NaruSaku -

Naruto kept eyeing his feet while walking. Damn it, he was having another battle with Kyuubi in his head.

'Say something!'

'I don't know what to say, damnit. Look! She was too confused that she didn't know what to say, either!'

'So she asked you to get outside instead.'

'Damn right! Uhh, what have I done? I wanna die…'

'NO! Don't die, you idiot! Well, you can die if you want, just get on with the damn business first so I can be provided with an option to transfer into your kid's body.'


'I'm thinking about it right now.'

'I really, REALLY fucking hate you.'

"Uhm… N-Naruto…?" Sakura couldn't organize her thoughts. She too had had started a battle with her inner-self, which only added to the confusion she was having. "If there's anything you wanna say right now, you can tell me…"

Naruto snapped out of his thoughts and turned to face Sakura. What he saw almost gave him a heart attack.

Sakura was blushing heavily. And it really snapped some of his strings.

"…S-Sakura… I…" Naruto stuttered. "Actually, I have something to tell you. I've been meaning to tell you this personally and verbally, but I just couldn't find the right time.

"I've always tried to express it, but I can't seem to find the right way." He tore his gaze away from her. "S-Sakura, I've never been into these kinds of things before, so I may not be as what you think I'd be when I…you know…"

"Naruto." Sakura grabbed his shoulders. She bore her emerald eyes into his aquamarine ones. "Just get to the point already."

"Well, I… I'll get straight to the point now," Naruto's mouth was dry. "I've already waited too long for this. I love you so much, Sakura. So, will you grant this unworthy person the honor to go out with you?"


"Uhh… Sakura…?"

Sakura's arms went limp and dropped to her sides. She couldn't believe her ears.

"Sakura, are… Are you okay? Oh god… I knew I shouldn't have said it so soon!" Naruto was panicking.

However, in Sakura's head…

'Kyaaa!!! Did you hear that? DID YOU HEAR THAT?!'

'OH MY GOD!!! I'm the happiest kunoichi alive! This… Oh god, Inner! I think my heart's going to burst!'

'Then what are you waiting for?! Jump on him!'

'Ah, no! It's still too early for that!'

'Well then, go confess to him right now! He might get the wrong idea!'

"Naruto…" Sakura held her head up. Her eyes welled up with tears.

"I'm… I'm sorry, Sakura! If… If you don't want to, it's fine with me!" Naruto bowed down to apologize.

"But," Sakura placed her hands near her face. "You shouldn't be okay with it!"

"Sakura? Really it's—"

"I love you too, Naruto!" Sakura burst her tears out and jump forward to bury her face into his jacket. "Do you know how long I've been waiting to hear those words from you?!"

It took Naruto a second before he wrapped his arms around her petite form. He couldn't believe what he had just heard.

Wait a minute.

Haruno Sakura should never be in love with Uzumaki Naruto.

Uzumaki Naruto is a loser. He can never be Haruno Sakura's boyfriend.

Haruno Sakura never liked Uzumaki Naruto.

Uzumaki Naruto is a jerk. He never did anything right.

Uzumaki Naruto is madly in love with Haruno Sakura.

But, Haruno Sakura is deeply in love with UCHIHA SASUKE.

Naruto was lost again.

'Hey, kit! Damn it! Stop thinking about those useless issues! They don't really matter anymore!'

'What'd you say?'

'SHE confessed to YOU! What's more you'd want to ask for?! Urgh, you know what? I really hate being in your body. You think like an idiot! No, wait, YOU ARE AN IDIOT! Tsk, forget about those kinds of stuff. What matters now is that SHE's reciprocating your feelings, and she always had!'

For a second, Naruto was thankful having the stupid demon fox in his head.

Meanwhile, Sakura was still crying on him. She was so happy that she couldn't speak. She could feel Naruto's heartbeat, and realized that it was somehow synchronized with her own. She looked up to see his beautiful face.


Naruto was just staring blankly in front of him, but tears were leaking down his cheeks. It'd been years; yes, he had been waiting forever. Being new at this kind of stuff, he did the only thing that he could think of.

Sakura was surprised to see that her face was being pulled up, and, without any delay, his lips crashed on hers. For her, it was the best feeling. She had always, yearned for this: to be able to share her first kiss with her true love.

The kiss itself was very simple; just mere touching, but all emotions were being poured out. It was the most amazing thing to happen for the both of them, and before they knew it, the naïve, innocent kiss became rough and passionate.

Naruto had been holding back for the past few years, because he thought Sakura was still in love with Sasuke. But now, they're carving a memory that would last longer than that on a tree bark. Kyuubi was literally smirking in his head, because right there on, the nine-tailed fox would get what he wanted.

They'd been kissing for what seemed like forever, and neither of them wanted to let go just yet, until Naruto heard Sakura elicit a sound he never heard from her before.

"Mnnh… Naruto…"

It was like being shot dead right on the spot.

'Do it already!'

'It's still… Too early for that…' Naruto was holding back again. He knew doing such a thing would hurt her.

'Moaning while kissing could only mean one thing, kit: she likes it.'

Naruto looked at her face while they were kissing, and Kyuubi was right. What he saw made him hot and aroused all over.

Sakura was blushing heavily with her eyes closed. She was enjoying this, and she could sense a spark of guilt on Naruto's lips. She stopped to look at him. She was about to speak when Naruto sealed her lips with his own once again.

When Sakura opened her eyes, they were already in her room, and Naruto was still kissing her passionately. She knew something was coming, so she gripped Naruto's shoulders to stop him.

Their lips finally let go, and Naruto could clearly see what he had done to her once full lips. It was so…sexy. The way her lips became reddened and sore from their kissing was very arousing in a way.

"Sakura…" Naruto was in frenzy. He touched her lips once more.

"Naruto… I… I want to do it with you…" She wrapped her arms around his neck and continued to kiss him.

Kyuubi was right. She wanted it.

'I told you,' Kyuubi was rejoicing in his head. 'Now, do it!'

'I will…' Naruto surrendered. 'But please, don't interfere. I want to do this on my own. I don't want to hear you talk.'

The silence he felt in his head was the answer to his request. He smirked.

"Sakura… Are you sure about this?" Naruto let go of her lips and held her by the waist. Sakura raised her head to look at his face.

His eyes were clouded with lust, but deep inside, Sakura knew there was hesitation.

"I've never been so sure in my entire life," She cupped his face. "I really, really want you, Naruto…"

That was the last straw, and she had just snapped it. Naruto immediately attacked her lips once more, but this time, there was gentleness in every nip. And with every slide and touch of his lips to hers, it seemed as if words were sealed with them, containing promises of love and lasting commitment.

After long moments of kissing, Naruto was the first to pull away. He nuzzled his face to the base of her neck, nipping and licking his way up to her right ear. He whispered something that made Sakura blush five shades darker than her hair.

"Sakura… I want you so badly," Naruto whispered huskily. "After we're done dealing with all of these problems," he gave a quick nip at her earlobe. "Marry me."

"N-Naruto! I—mmph!" Before she could continue, Naruto's lips were with hers once again.

Sakura tried to break free, but Naruto's arms were fastened around her. She placed her hands on both of his cheeks and broke their kiss.

"Naruto…" Sakura gazed at his blue eyes. "Marriage… I'm not…quite ready for it yet."

Naruto looked at her with eyes clouded with lust. "Sakura," he moved his face on her neck. "I'll be damned if we engage in this kind of activity without doing something about the consequences that may come along with it. Besides…"

She suddenly gasped. He had just unzipped her top.

"…it would kill me if I don't make a move now…"

He caught both of her hands and placed them behind her, and slowly, maddeningly slid off her top to her waist.

"…I'm sorry, Sakura… But I…"

He kissed his way down to her chest, and literally ripped her bra off with his teeth. The cold air made her nipples harden. He continued to leave a trail of wet kisses down to her left breast. She shuddered and moaned at the contact.

"…I believe in marriage before sex."

He pushed her down on the bed, and continued to shower her face with kisses. He stopped to stare at her flustered face.

"Let's do it this way," Naruto stared at her with warm eyes. "I've always waited for this moment to come but, Sakura… I can't just do this and violate you without assuring you that I would never leave you. If I managed to wait for you for almost 8 years…Sakura, I can still wait forever, if that's how long it's gonna take."

Sakura was at loss for words. She was about to speak when Naruto pressed his fingers on her sore lips.

"No," he smiled. "I don't wanna pressure you. Take time to think about it. We have all the time in the world."

Sakura grabbed his hand that was on her lips and held it tightly in hers. "N-no!" Her eyes welled up with tears. "How can you possibly think that we have all the time in the world? No, Naruto, we don't! There's the Akatsuki preparing to attack us, and we're the ones who're responsible to drag them out! N-naruto… I… I'm…"

Sakura pulled him and nuzzled her face on his neck. "I'm… The truth is… I was afraid! I don't wanna lose you! The reason why I got angry is because I can't stand seeing the people I love sacrifice their lives for the sake of the villagers. I wanna fight with you, because I can't stand losing you just in case something happens. I just want to be by your side…"

Naruto's eyes went wide as Sakura continued to hug him like there's no tomorrow.

"Naruto…" Sakura broke the silence. "About what you've said earlier… Were you… All this time…?"

"Sakura." His voice was firm. "I will never leave you. I absolutely won't abandon you. To tell you the truth, I've been miserable all these years. I've been waiting for an opportunity like this to come, and I've always been hoping for you to finally realize how I feel for you. And now that you've told me your sentiments about me, you've just made me the happiest man alive, and I'm not gonna let anyone, may it be that blasted Akatsuki, ruin my happiness. I love you, Sakura. I really, really do."

Sakura couldn't stop her tears from falling. She had made the right choice.

"And please, koi," she blushed heavily at the term of endearment. "Please know that I will never let you down. I may have broken a promise once, but I won't do the same mistake again. We will win against those terrorists. Believe me."

Naruto gave her the sweetest kiss she had ever received.

"I promise," Naruto kissed her cheek, "that I will be true to my word," he kissed her near her eyebrows, "and will never do anything to hurt you." And he claimed her lips in yet another tender kiss.

Sakura let her tears fall freely down the sides of her face, and Naruto kissed them away. It was the most perfect romantic moment for Sakura. Sure she had dreamt of this, but it was when she was still a kid, and it wasn't with Naruto. She inwardly regretted having wasted her childhood days on someone who never acknowledged her, let alone looked at her without having faces of disgust and disappointment. She regretted not having her early genin years spent with Naruto.

LOL CLIFFHANGER!! *evil laugh* Blame it on Gintama! Blame it all on Sakata Gintoki! :))

So this won't end with four chapters, after all. XD

By the way, to those who're staying tuned to Safe Ride, it's on hiatus.

I'll be seeing you in a week!