Joe Gray is now a 28 year old bachelor. His older brother Kevin and his younger brother Nick are both married now for over four years. Nick married Miley Stewart aka Hannah Montana. Kevin married one of Miley's best friend Jess. Now he is the only one left of the three Gray Brothers to get marry and each have a family. The only thing missing in his life is a wife who would make the rest of life happy.

Joe's POV

Today was the beginning of my 28th birthday. I was sitting in my bed room reading a magazine. I turned to the next page and saw an ad for the next America's Next Top Model.

I read the ad half way until Nick and Kevin came in. I wasn't so surprised to see them at his house, when they lived so near and they practically see each other, every single day and since they been to concerts and tours together with me for the last I don't know 12 years.

"Hey Joe you ready," Nick exclaimed. "We have a present for you."

I sputtered with excited and nervousness about what the present is. My two brothers carefully walk me out the room, blindfolded and into his bachelor pad living room. They quickly took off my blindfold and Nick was holding a letter right in front of me.

"That's my birthday present, a letter?" I quickly ask my younger brother.

The both of them stood right beside each other smiling. Was this some sort of practical joke? They usually do something to make me mad before I was surprised by my real present. But they haven't done this in somewhat six to eight years.

I knew there was something that was going around lately. "Come on, this isn't a joke right?"

"Nope this is you real birthday present," Kevin replied in a happy way.

Nick walked over with the letter. "Come on just read it before you go all mad on us."

He handed me the letter and told me to read it carefully. I quickly read it carefully and founded it quite interesting.

"You guys got me a stop on the next season." I stared down at the letter saying that I was going to be the next guy to be on 'The Bachelor' show."

I stared in great amazement of what I was actually read in my hands, "this seriously is my present right guys?" I concernedly asked.

"Yep. You're going to be the thirtieth bachelor for the special thirtieth year of 'The Bachelor' man," Nick quickly said out.

Finally something fun that happens since the last few years. I am finally going to find my true love. I just hope that I wouldn't turn out like Brad Womack.

Love was a very important thing to my whole family. I got that my entire life, but family love not true love.

A Few Days Later…

It has been only a week, but I been getting more attention lately since people. I started getting more attention on TV, but not as a Gray Brother, but as Joe Gray. Today was the day I headed to Chicago, to talk to Oprah at Harpo Studio. I was amazed by how Oprah names the studio by changing Oprah backward to Harpo. I wondered if the Gray Brothers should make a record company and call it Sanoj Records. That would be a really good idea.

It was time for the show and walked impressively and girls were clapping wildly. I walked up to the center stage and gave Oprah a nice hug.

"Long times no see Joe," Oprah nicely muttered.

I putted my hand together and gave a warm smile. "Yeah, I guess a few years."

"I see that you're going to be on the next special season of 'The Bachelor'. Is that right Joe?"

I kept on smiling and move a little to comfort me more. "Yes, I'm going to be the thirtieth bachelor, as a 15 years anniversary special."

"Right now there are millions of people wandering out there of what you like in a girl. Care to give some tips to the 25 girls who are going to be dating you." She stated.

People started to move a little from their seat and girls were screaming a lot. When I start to smile again she laughs with me.

"Well I look for someone who smiles with their eyes, has a fun spirit, dresses for herself and not like everyone else who is always turning to impress someone by not being themselves."

She turned back to me after looking at the audience. "Like are there anything like a code that you give to a girl that tells you and the girl you're talking to you that you like her?"

"Actually I do, I give girls that I like a wink, sometimes I make a smile and a playful laugh."

Girls started screaming again and louder by the second. I never would have knew that this was going to get so personal.

"How does a girl know that you're into here?" She continued again.

"I give a lot of hugs when I like a girl. I'm talking longer hugs than I would give my brothers!"

I waited a few seconds before she asked me another question. "I have one more question Joe, what must a girl do to date you?" She exclaimed.

"Well first she must love my brothers, or I'll just walk away, but I now it's not that hard since there lovable and I know girls find every Gray Brothers attractive."

Once more the bunches of girls were screaming my name. Oprah stood up with me and gave me one more. "I hope you find you true love on 'The Bachelor', Joe."

Back At Home…

I started many my bags and headed back to L.A. Even though it took almost six hours because of the sudden storm, everything was still fine with me. I headed back to my house, and when I came back Nick and Kevin carried a list of things I should do and what not to do. This was going to be a long day.