Girls were brushing by me and giggling just like they used to at my old school. Guys were glaring at me for hogging the attention. Again.
Is every high school the same?
No matter how I'm dressed, they treat me the same. They have different faces, but the same words. I wish they'd see past the voice and height.
I'm no damsel in distress but I could really use Prince Charming.
/\\prologue: exchange
"Narita-san?" Someone called, and the pretty blonde turned around to face her sensei.
"Yes, sensei?" She replied, and the new guy blushed slightly at the Glitter of Shojoness(TM) that surrounded the new classmate.
"This is Miura-san. Would you please show him around? He needs to see the locker room. You need to change out of your costume anyway. He just arrived today." Sensei added, looking disinterested.
"Sure...come this way, Miura-san." Narita said with a warm smile and guided the tall brunette towards the locker room.
She had long blonde hair and was wearing a flowing pink dress for their next play. With long eyelashes, perfect skin and a kind smile, she was the image of a perfect girl.
And, as Miura entered the locker room and watched said girl take off her wig and dress, she was a boy. Narita Makoto...was male. And beautiful. The tall exchange student blushed furiously and looked away.
"Miura-san, is something wrong?" Makoto asked, frowning at his new classmate's embarrassment as he put a new shirt on.
"N-nothing." Miura replied. "Nothing at all." Everything was perfectly fine. It wasn't like she was dressed as a guy with short hair and pretending to be a boy--oh wait, she was. Damn.
This was going to be a long two years.
Just a snippet...first WJ fic so we'll see how it pans out. :P Future chapters will be longer--written ultrafast!